Had enough
Well-Known Member
Keep TDU scum out of our Local!!!!!!

Amazing how some of you clowns just makeup and then come on here and proclaim it the truth. Fact is Dan Campbell was NOT brought in to be a BA. Dan has lots of experience in numerous Locals around this country including Local 705. He was brought to the Hall recently only to brief our E/B on contract negotiations with UPS (Im sure he back home as we speak). I believe he was instrumental in the 1997 contract as well as some earlier ones under Ron Carey. And by the way, he is NO radical. Yes, he is a member of TDU, but he was voted out of 705 because he was not radical enough. Nevertheless, his expertise is always welcomed here in Local 804. The last two contracts with Howie and Donato and Buhlert were weak and concessionary. They were lost without Ron Carey. Way out of their league!!
Talk about lacking Comprehension, The only credibility Dan has is that this guy has been run out of every local he has been in.
saginaw booted him
chicago booted him
and dont forgot Dan Campbell was kicked out of Texas also.
Members voted him out of office when he was the principal officer for him representing the company. 705 is finished with Dan Campbell.
TDU and Tim found another way to funnel our local 804 funds into the pockets of TDU.
Yes, he is a member of TDU, but he was voted out of 705 because he was not radical enough. Nevertheless, his expertise is always welcomed here in Local 804
I guess I left out the word Local after TDU.
I remember Ron Carey. I also remember that he didn't put any of these clowns in Local 804.
804 Brown, If he was brought to the local only to brief our e/b on the contract negotiations, what is his connection to the negotiating committee? I think Dan is a pretty knowledgeable guy as per UPS but what can he possibly tell Tim that he doesn't already know?
UPS management has already started telling drivers to VOTE row B. they love TIM, PETE, NIEL and the rest of the slate. They did that the last election. They didn't want Howie or Bill. You see, row A followed the contract by the letter. That is why row B voters hated them, they could not work out deals with management. So lets back track a bit. Row B slate said that Howie and Bill stole money from the health fund and that $10.00 co-pay was to much. So now we have multiple co-pays @ $20.00 each. Just what UPS management wanted all along, Howie and Bill would not do that. The money in the fund is to be used on the members and their families. You don't save the money. Every year UPS has to put 30 million dollars into the fund. Now that row B did what UPS wanted their will be less that UPS has to contribute. Row B claims they added more money into the fund, yes , from the members pockets. We were screwed by our own union. FOR CHRIST SAKES WAKE UP!!!!
Hey, ACESUP804. Make sure you visit the KOOL-AIDE line when you go to the picnic on August 4th!
Talk about lacking Comprehension, The only credibility Dan has is that this guy has been run out of every local he has been in.
saginaw booted him
chicago booted him
and dont forgot Dan Campbell was kicked out of Texas also.
Members voted him out of office when he was the principal officer for him representing the company. 705 is finished with Dan Campbell.
TDU and Tim found another way to funnel our local 804 funds into the pockets of TDU.
Tony is no match for Ken?
Word has it that Tim awakened Kenny R. ( ex business agent tdu puke who quit because he couldn't take the pressure ) Tim has him going from building to building Trashing Phony Tony . Kenny is also handing out fliers Bashing Phony Tony BECAUSE OF THE FLIERS THAT PHONY TONY HAS BEEN HANDING OUT ABOUT ANTHONY C. Tim has a great idea as Phony Tony is no match for Kenny R.
Has anyone seen Phony Tony at any buildings ??????????
hey, 804brown why don't you take a break and come out from under tim s. Deck for a while so that i could enlighten you with the truth. Remember 10 changes we'll make to build a better local 804. #1 take on supervisors working, if you come to a union meeting you would know that tim s. Said they can not stop them,local 804, they gave up. #2 tough, fair contract enforcement, building raids was a joke, i've never seen them, and no one else has, that was just an additive they put in your kool-aide. #3 fight production harassment, drivers like you are cutting their lunch and running off two or three hundred stops a day, then there dragged into the office to explain why they were at a stop for two minutes. #4 my favorite, round the clock 24/7 union representation i quote, ups is a 24 hour operation. Local 804 will be too. Another additive in your kool-aide, drink up 804 brown! #5 cut excessive officer salaries. What a con job, all they did was not post the $1,500.00 car allowance they get every month and guess what, they are over row a salaries. One thing is different, row a earn it. Row b is stealing it. #6 fight for more full time jobs. Not a one did they get, remember they came to fight ups that is what you wanted the blow up rat for $8,000.00, they could saved money and paraded auz, but i regress. But they did manage to get over 500 drivers fired. #7 keep members informed, this is also beautiful, never told us that the $50,000.00 up front payment for retirement was gone, something they voted on. 53 drivers in the melville building were suspended three days each which we pay for out of 804 treasury , also ten months for the shop stewards. And a fine to ups for lose of revenue, we still don't know the amount on that, i hear it's in the hundred of thousands? #8 launch the 804 teamster university, i thing this could have been something good. Row a had this only they did not call it a university. They came to the drivers in their centers and took them out to a near-by restaurant, and explained that the driver set the standard on that route, not ups, stand your ground, we all did it. The problem i see with row b, is they have pete m,neil o and tim s running it. Pete would be under management dest handing out cigars to ups and kissing and giving them gifts. Neil would work out deals with ups and tim would show up for work and ask to go home all the time.#9 honor the legacy of ron carey. Great, but the destroyed his legacy, local 804 is a laughing stock thru out teamster unions,we became the clowns,and you 804brown are there puppet. The carey family is so upset with this e/b they realized they were used. #10 protect our benefits: Audit the funds and report to the membership. First let me say this. Row b said that howie and bill stole money from the health fund and they were going to have a full investigation and the guilty party will be sent to jail, when that did not happen they said row a e/b misappropriated the funds. Can someone please tell me why tom l is still working as the fund manager? Something smells fishy, is that you 804brown! The money in the fund is to be used not saved, the row a e/b had to cope with medical retirement and the working members of local 804, they had two members children born with heart defects which costs are very high, cancer, heart attacks, that is what it's used for and they made sure ups always put money into the fund. Row b e/b answer was let the members pay and we are. In closing i wish to add, on june 12, 2011 the e/b called the police on the members, why because they were getting rowdy the previous general membership meeting. They have a rat which testified on behalf of ups management and got the 35 year teamster, a vietnam veteran fired, ups took the rat for lunch and this e/b has him on their side, you tell me, is that what ron carey would have on his board. Row b is doing what management wants that is why they want them to stay, ups is firing on all eight cylinders .