Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Who cares.... Did you go to the GMM today? The election is over members voice is done. Billy grab your nuts is done... Tim S is smarter then Tony D and Billy B when it comes to running a campaign.

The part timers will decided who wins this election and they are backing the current board big time.

No Tony D, No Angelo and No John N this was the last chance for them to hit the mic and they did not , none of them did. Quiet as a church mouse.

This was by far the best Local 804 meeting I have been to in the last 15 years. Made me proud to be a Teamster.

Tony D was the joke of the meeting even heard Bill B laughing to another member about the Tony D missing on a milk carton flyer.

Again I'm very sorry that the stewards on members voice got suckered by Tony D , spending they money and burning there OPH's sick days and vacations for that clown....

Members Voice and Bill B will get a good amount of votes BUT THEY CAN'T WIN.....
Vinny sit on a pitchfork and tell all your lies to yourself. No one even pays attention to you but your one friend.


Well-Known Member
804 kicks asssssssss. We in other locals love your enthusiasm keep this thread alive. You have something a lot of other local unions crave. You care you are involved and you want to succeed. I'm proud to call you my union brothers and sisters. God bless

407, sorry to disagree with you but what you and others might see as enthusiam is more like self destruction here in 804. Several of the posters on this thread have a specific agenda: attack our current E/B with lies and half truths as well as blame our union officials for actions that management does to us!! Now I have no problem with people wanting to challenge any incumbents at election time. But these guys (mostly former board members themselves as well as their puppets) started attacking this new board FROM DAY ONE. They never gave them a chance to fix the stuff the old board left them. They even destroyed harddrives and shredded files and notes before they left office (I will not go into all that they did. If you have been following this soap opera, then you know the story). They conjure up fictional numbers like "500 members fired" in two years. Nonsense!!
Bro, this is not being a healthy local when a very small faction is working JUST TO UNDERMINE OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS with lies and fiction. It would be a healthy and empowered local if the entire membership was active and standing up to management on the shop floor, NOT COMING ON HERE AS A CAFE TOUGH GUY ATTACKING FELLOW UNION PEOPLE!! I understand that there will always be differences, but the time for that is at election time. NOT THEIR ENTIRE 3 YEAR TENURE!!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
407, sorry to disagree with you but what you and others might see as enthusiam is more like self destruction here in 804. Several of the posters on this thread have a specific agenda: attack our current E/B with lies and half truths as well as blame our union officials for actions that management does to us!! Now I have no problem with people wanting to challenge any incumbents at election time. But these guys (mostly former board members themselves as well as their puppets) started attacking this new board FROM DAY ONE. They never gave them a chance to fix the stuff the old board left them. They even destroyed harddrives and shredded files and notes before they left office (I will not go into all that they did. If you have been following this soap opera, then you know the story). They conjure up fictional numbers like "500 members fired" in two years. Nonsense!!
Bro, this is not being a healthy local when a very small faction is working JUST TO UNDERMINE OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS with lies and fiction. It would be a healthy and empowered local if the entire membership was active and standing up to management on the shop floor, NOT COMING ON HERE AS A CAFE TOUGH GUY ATTACKING FELLOW UNION PEOPLE!! I understand that there will always be differences, but the time for that is at election time. NOT THEIR ENTIRE 3 YEAR TENURE!!

Get real Brown the agitator and Reynolds TDU boys have been trashing this Local for alot longer than 3 years and you are right it does nothing for Local 804.
But if you think what these guys have done to this membership is ok you must be one of those that were trashing this Local also.
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Well-Known Member
Tony D is CRYING to every one that will listen. Calling the people that put out the flier against him cowards..... WHAT A JOKE

THE TRUTH HURTS....Tony D can't handle pressure plain and simple... Guess its only OK when you are doing the bashing. Right Tony

NO BALLS .. He's crying on his face book page. Even the people that are supporting Tony D are upset that their pension hasn't gone up in 15 years

Tony D doesn't know what to say doesn't know how to answer the questions.

When you see Tony D at a building ask him....

Why did you wait until after the Dec 2007 hall election to tell the members our pension was friend'ed up even thou you knew 6 months earlier???

Why did you back Hoffa and give him $500 of your own money???

Why did you vote YES to raise our Union dues from 2 to 2 1/2 times the hourly rate???

Why did you not tell the members our medical was going to arbitration??? when you knew before Sept 2009.... I know wait until after the election LOL SORRY YOU LOST..

Why were you willing to give up 25 and out , coffee and give UPS 10 cents of our money???

Why when you got back to Foster you asked stewards to step down??? To help you... LOL they all said NO

Why didn't you go to drivers arbitrations that were fired while you were their BA???




Well-Known Member
Ron Carey's daughter wasn't there to support the E/B. She was there because they named a room after Carey. And when the new E/B gets elected, they are going to name each toilet after the current E/B.


Well-Known Member
Unable to attend the meeting was upset because wanted to see the fireworks from Billy and Tony D. Talk to a friend that went he said the place was packed like he has never seen before. More then half the room was part timers and at least 75% of the room were supporting our E Board. He said that most people were wearing the contract brown teeshirts. He said it was a good meeting and that Tim and Pete sounded very strong and acted like leaders. He also said that you would have no clue that an election was coming up because no one said anything. He said he didn't see Angelo but Billy was there but he never got up.
He said that the theme of the meeting was getting our local to be united and to get behind our board so that we can get a strong contract. Wish I could have been there our old board always cancelled the summer meeting which I always thought was wrong. The number 1 issue I hear people talking about is our pension now we have a board that will fight for us on this issue. Our Board will not sit back and let Hoffa just tell us what to take they will fight. Our old board were nothing more then a bunch of pawns for Hoffa and UPS that only cared about how much money they were making.
Angelo, Tony, Billy, John and Steve these are all people from our old board we the members know what they got us in the last 2 contracts NOTHING our pension has not gone up in 15 years. We must give our current E Board the chance to negotiate this contract and see what they can do for our membership. We all know what the old board did.
Who are you kidding, you never went to a union meeting.


Well-Known Member
Get real Brown the agitator and Reynolds TDU boys have been trashing this Local for alot longer than 3 years and you are right it does nothing for Local 804.
But if you think what these guys have done to this membership is ok you must be one of those that were trashing this Local also.

The agitator and the new E/B NEVER trashed this Local. They criticized an out of touch, over paid E/B who had lost the fire in their large bellies!! They always seemed to want to restore Ron Carey's legacy so we could be proud once again here in Local 804. That criticism OVER TIME lead to formally challenging the old board. As for what the membership thinks, I think you are mistaking an anger we have at UPS management and their policies as an anger at our board. Im very confident my B/A and board has my back. I couldnt say that 3 years ago!!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
The agitator and the new E/B NEVER trashed this Local. They criticized an out of touch, over paid E/B who had lost the fire in their large bellies!! They always seemed to want to restore Ron Carey's legacy so we could be proud once again here in Local 804. That criticism OVER TIME lead to formally challenging the old board. As for what the membership thinks, I think you are mistaking an anger we have at UPS management and their policies as an anger at our board. Im very confident my B/A and board has my back. I couldnt say that 3 years ago!!

I don't know who your B/A was but these guys will throw you under the bus if you don't live up to UPS standards. If you have any doubt read the last chance agreement on the Members Voice site. Unless that document is false.
What you call criticism is what is going on right now with this membership towards the people that are in office now and they are being held to the promises they made.
Do you really want to talk about Large Bellies !!!!!
One thing I want to say is that once before someone came to the UPS buildings telling the part timers they deserved equal pay for equal work!
Anyone reading this would agree.

The group of people were running against Ron Carey and it was Hoffa. And if this current group doesn't get anything they can always blame Hoffa because Pope got crushed.
You are out of touch.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Of The
“Last Chance Agreement”

That The Current Executive Board Is Asking Members To Sign

The current Executive Board is advising members to sign a “Last Chance Agreement”. This is a death sentence, a total violation and a separate agreement of our Local 804 Contract. Once you and your union official sign this document, you are giving up your protection to any union rights. This will allow the company to discharge you and walk you off the job at any given time.

Visit our website to read and see one of the signed documents:


I just copied off of the Facebook page! Go visit they site!!!


Well-Known Member
Of The
“Last Chance Agreement”

That The Current Executive Board Is Asking Members To Sign

The current Executive Board is advising members to sign a “Last Chance Agreement”. This is a death sentence, a total violation and a separate agreement of our Local 804 Contract. Once you and your union official sign this document, you are giving up your protection to any union rights. This will allow the company to discharge you and walk you off the job at any given time

So this is on Tony D Web-site did he even read the agreement???? Is he really that DUM????

2. Employee has been reinstated on a "last chance agreement" basis. Any future voilation of falsification of records shall be grounds immediate termination of employment without recourse to the grievance or arbitration procedure, EXCEPT to the extent that there is a genuine dispute whether employee actually violated such policy.

Who do you think will deside if there is a genuine dispute??? AN ARBITRATOR YOU CLOWN.......

PLUS number 4 says

4. This agreement shall not be cited as precedent except in a proceeding to enforce its terms.

That protects our Local..

I CAN NOT BELIEVE THAT TONY D WOULD PUT A MEMBERS PRIVATE DOCUMENT ON HIS WEBSITE, Way to go Tony now let UPS relook at it , you idiot ,, but you only care about yourself.

I know this driver and they were very happy to be given the chance by the company to get their job back. This was offered to the driver by UPS not LOCAL 804. The driver wanted to sign it no matter what because the driver felt they had no choice either sign or wait over a year and take there chance at arbitration PLUS with the WEAK language that our old board OK'd in the contract our members have no rights.

Here is something else that makes me laugh the drivers shop steward is Alfonso C that is running with members voice.

When the driver got there job back HE TOLD EVERYONE IN THE CENTER THAT BECAUSE OF HIM THE DRIVER GOT THERE JOB BACK. Now its on their site...

I myself do not agree with these types of agreements but when members have to wait 15 months to see an arbitrator (thanks to our old board) no medical plus our local is losing most of them and I heard that even the ones that got there jobs back GOT NO BACK PAY.

There has be agreements like this for over 20 years most happen before an arbitration but its the same kind of agreement.


Its up to the members.


Had enough

Well-Known Member
So this is on Tony D Web-site did he even read the agreement???? Is he really that DUM????

2. Employee has been reinstated on a "last chance agreement" basis. Any future voilation of falsification of records shall be grounds immediate termination of employment without recourse to the grievance or arbitration procedure, EXCEPT to the extent that there is a genuine dispute whether employee actually violated such policy.

Who do you think will deside if there is a genuine dispute??? AN ARBITRATOR YOU CLOWN.......

PLUS number 4 says

4. This agreement shall not be cited as precedent except in a proceeding to enforce its terms.

That protects our Local..

I CAN NOT BELIEVE THAT TONY D WOULD PUT A MEMBERS PRIVATE DOCUMENT ON HIS WEBSITE, Way to go Tony now let UPS relook at it , you idiot ,, but you only care about yourself.

I know this driver and they were very happy to be given the chance by the company to get their job back. This was offered to the driver by UPS not LOCAL 804. The driver wanted to sign it no matter what because the driver felt they had no choice either sign or wait over a year and take there chance sat arbitration PLUS with the WEAK language that our old board OK'd in the contract our members have no rights.

Here is something else that makes me laugh the drivers shop steward is Alfonso C that is running with members voice.

When the driver got there job back HE TOLD EVERYONE IN THE CENTER THAT BECAUSE OF HIM THE DRIVER GOT THERE JOB BACK. Now its on their site...

I myself do not agree with these types of agreements but when members have to wait 15 months to see an arbitrator (thanks to our old board) no medical plus our local is losing most of them and I heard that even the ones that got there jobs back GOT NO BACK PAY.

There has be agreements like this for over 20 years most happen before an arbitration but its the same kind of agreement.


Its up to the members.

Hey, you are the clown

Why dont you read the whole agreement,

number 7 says,
additionally, the employee agrees to the following criteria to maintain her employment.



Well-Known Member
The major problem I have with this agreement between Charleene, Anthony and UPS is that why is she given the opportunity to return to her employment and my other brothers/ friends were never given the shot? (Same exact charges) I would also recommend for Tony to black out her name. It would be the right thing to do.


Well-Known Member
The major problem I have with this agreement between Charleene, Anthony and UPS is that why is she given the opportunity to return to her employment and my other brothers/ friends were never given the shot? (Same exact charges) I would also recommend for Tony to black out her name. It would be the right thing to do.

I agree with you 100% (i won't sign my name) LOL

Same thing happens at arbitrations some get a chance , while others don't , thats not right either.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Aces: You will just have to make another trip under someones desk UPS or 804 your choice.

You talk about Donato
Read from #4 to the end.

7. Aditionally,the employee agrees to the following criteria to maintain her employment. What do you think that means?



Well-Known Member
Aces: You will just have to make another trip under someones desk UPS or 804 your choice.

You talk about Donato
Read from #4 to the end.

7. Aditionally,the employee agrees to the following criteria to maintain her employment. What do you think that means?

Not surprised that you don't understand the meaning but I'll help you.

ADDITIONALLY MEANS ANYTHING UNDER #7 ALSO FALLS UNDER #2 ,,, so the member still has a right to see a arbitrator....


Had enough

Well-Known Member
It is good to have a voice when it matters. What is happing now is that this exsecutive board is misleading part- timers to belive that they can do something for them, when it is clear that they cannot. The international did not invite them to the table for contract talks with the company. The only thing that can save us is for this e-board to be voted out!!! There is still time brothers to get something accomplished next year.
Please read this article.
Local804 ByLaws
Section 3: Neither this Local Union, nor any of its officers, business representatives or employees, has the power to make any contract or agreement or to incur any liability which shall be binding upon the International Union or any of its affiliates other than this Local Union unless the written consent of the governing body or executive officer thereof has first been obtained authorizing such action. Neither this Local Union or any of its officers, representatives or employees has been authorized or empowered to act as an agent of the International Union or any of its affiliated bodies and shall not be deemed an agent for any such body unless expressly authorized in writing by the governing body of such body to act in that capacity.

Just took this off of the 804 cafe!