Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Gotta be honest, with all this drama.... I cant wait until my case is settled in the next few months and I am 100% free and clear of "BIG BROWN'S" bu((S#!+..... I honestly used to enjoy coming to work 8-11 years ago and was proud to tell people that I worked for UPS. What has this craphole become? all I can say is GOOD LUCK in your futures @ the Brown Nation!


Active Member
It is good to have a voice when it matters. What is happing now is that this exsecutive board is misleading part- timers to belive that they can do something for them, when it is clear that they cannot. The international did not invite them to the table for contract talks with the company. The only thing that can save us is for this e-board to be voted out!!! There is still time brothers to get something accomplished next year.
Please read this article.
Local804 ByLaws
Section 3: Neither this Local Union, nor any of its officers, business representatives or employees, has the power to make any contract or agreement or to incur any liability which shall be binding upon the International Union or any of its affiliates other than this Local Union unless the written consent of the governing body or executive officer thereof has first been obtained authorizing such action. Neither this Local Union or any of its officers, representatives or employees has been authorized or empowered to act as an agent of the International Union or any of its affiliated bodies and shall not be deemed an agent for any such body unless expressly authorized in writing by the governing body of such body to act in that capacity.

Just took this off of the 804 cafe!

I wouldn't be taking a lot of the 804 cafe stuff to the bank! Have you considered that Article 19, Setion 3 of the Local 804 Bylaws might just be a mandatory inclusion by the IBT. You should be aware that there are IBT Conventional mandates to Local Union Bylaws, and there are recommended changes to Local Union Bylaws. The current Local 804 Executive Board, as opposed to the Howie Team, brought Local 804 into compliance with the mandated changes and brought the reccomennded changes to a membership vote with the required notification. WOW...Tony D...would you have even known about such a requirement? I gotta' tell ya'...I'm gonna' guess "NO".

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be taking a lot of the 804 cafe stuff to the bank! Have you considered that Article 19, Setion 3 of the Local 804 Bylaws might just be a mandatory inclusion by the IBT. You should be aware that there are IBT Conventional mandates to Local Union Bylaws, and there are recommended changes to Local Union Bylaws. The current Local 804 Executive Board, as opposed to the Howie Team, brought Local 804 into compliance with the mandated changes and brought the reccomennded changes to a membership vote with the required notification. WOW...Tony D...would you have even known about such a requirement? I gotta' tell ya'...I'm gonna' guess "NO".
First of all you and your board are so full of $h*t!!! Stop your lies because nothing is going to make you win again. TDU got you in, but that TDU scum is now making you loose. This is the 1st time in Local 804 history, (being the one of the biggest UPS Local's in the International) was not invited to the national negotations. What a embarressment to our Union. Our International does not want anything to do with you.........:hang:YOU ALL HUNG YOURSELVES!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Tim says he has not been asked as of yet. Doesn't mean at some point he won't be you ballwasher.

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Well-Known Member
This is the 1st time in Local 804 history, (being the one of the biggest UPS Local's in the International) was not invited to the national negotations.

What national negotiations? Nothing is starting on the National level until late September/October. Local 804 will be at the table.


Well-Known Member
What national negotiations? Nothing is starting on the National level until late September/October. Local 804 will be at the table.
Dream on dreamer, you been spending to much time by the kool-aide mix! your precious E/B backed the maroon POPE. The closes you will come to a table is under Tim S.


Well-Known Member
NEWS: I was told by a GOOD source that UPS locals throughout the country were already notified if they were going to be part of the National Negotiating committee. If this is true our local will have no say whatsoever about anything. Good job TDU.


Well-Known Member
The agitator and the new E/B NEVER trashed this Local. They criticized an out of touch, over paid E/B who had lost the fire in their large bellies!! They always seemed to want to restore Ron Carey's legacy so we could be proud once again here in Local 804. That criticism OVER TIME lead to formally challenging the old board. As for what the membership thinks, I think you are mistaking an anger we have at UPS management and their policies as an anger at our board. Im very confident my B/A and board has my back. I couldnt say that 3 years ago!!
Yea! everything is going just fine for you. You run your butt off all day long, don't stop for lunch. Call your supervisor when your done to see if there is anything else you could do for him. Get a great big "THAT A BOY" pat on your back, you wag your tail and go home to Mamma, and can't wait for the next day to start your brown nosing all over again.


Well-Known Member
First of all you and your board are so full of $h*t!!! Stop your lies because nothing is going to make you win again. TDU got you in, but that TDU scum is now making you loose. This is the 1st time in Local 804 history, (being the one of the biggest UPS Local's in the International) was not invited to the national negotations. What a embarressment to our Union. Our International does not want anything to do with you.........:hang:YOU ALL HUNG YOURSELVES!!!!!!
Wrong, it was not TDU that got anybody in. It was over 2400 members who did that by voting out of power an old guard E/B who lost touch with the membership and lied to us about our pension and health funds. All TDU did was provide the membership with facts and numbers that our board never shared with us. TDU is in it for the good of the rank and file while old guard union officials were all for themselves and their high salaries and special perks. TDU didn lie and make up their bloated salaries. It only reported those salaries.
You guys are so obsessed with TDU. As though you all need a convenient scapegoat to blame. Well, look in the mirror and blame yourselves. You guys were in power for a very long time. And in that time Row A (aka Row C) took control of a powerful and respected union that Ron Carey left them and in those 10 years took us backwards.

Im glad TDU is helping our current board. When you have Hoffa in control of the Intl, you are not going to get any truth or information. TDU has been around for a long time. They have many connections in powerful places. Without them our local probably would have bought Howie and Tony's last contract. Instead they provided Tim and co with lots of information with allowed us to vote down that first contract and demand something better.
We are all better off thanks to TDU and we are better off without Donato in power!! Remember TDU stands for Tony Doesnt Understand!!


Well-Known Member
Yea! everything is going just fine for you. You run your butt off all day long, don't stop for lunch. Call your supervisor when your done to see if there is anything else you could do for him. Get a great big "THAT A BOY" pat on your back, you wag your tail and go home to Mamma, and can't wait for the next day to start your brown nosing all over again.

I never said that things were perfect. Are they better than under Howie and Tony?? Absolutely!! We have MORE representation now that show up several times a week. A group that does building raids inside and demonstrations outside. Thes guys dont lie to our faces. They stand up there and tell it like it is. Maybe you liked Howie and Tony's theatrics, the sell out contracts, the backroom deals, the ignoring of our inside people and part timers, the bankrupting of our heath and welfare funds, the split raises, etc.

Howie and Donato and Buhlert spent over a decade allowing our once strong union to come apart. They lost touch and were punished soundly by the rank and file. In the 2 and 1/2 yrs Row B has been in charge, certain things have gotten better. Other things that havent changed at all will depend of them fixing our contract. We lost alot of good language over the past 2 awful contracts. Our days on the trucks will not improve until we get language that protects us and our future. Row B walked on stage having to defend this weak, sellout contract. Arbitrators have been ruling against us for years. Better B/As wont fix that. Only a strong contract can!! And we already know what a horrible job Donato and Buhlert and Guarella can do when it comes to negotiating contracts!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Wrong, it was not TDU that got anybody in. It was over 2400 members who did that by voting out of power an old guard E/B who lost touch with the membership and lied to us about our pension and health funds. All TDU did was provide the membership with facts and numbers that our board never shared with us. TDU is in it for the good of the rank and file while old guard union officials were all for themselves and their high salaries and special perks. TDU didn lie and make up their bloated salaries. It only reported those salaries.
You guys are so obsessed with TDU. As though you all need a convenient scapegoat to blame. Well, look in the mirror and blame yourselves. You guys were in power for a very long time. And in that time Row A (aka Row C) took control of a powerful and respected union that Ron Carey left them and in those 10 years took us backwards.

Im glad TDU is helping our current board. When you have Hoffa in control of the Intl, you are not going to get any truth or information. TDU has been around for a long time. They have many connections in powerful places. Without them our local probably would have bought Howie and Tony's last contract. Instead they provided Tim and co with lots of information with allowed us to vote down that first contract and demand something better.
We are all better off thanks to TDU and we are better off without Donato in power!! Remember TDU stands for Tony Doesnt Understand!!



Well-Known Member
Dream on dreamer, you been spending to much time by the kool-aide mix! your precious E/B backed the maroon POPE. The closes you will come to a table is under Tim S.

Im with you Tom, Just watch this video.

Tim S and Claudette Begin Nominate Sandy Pope - YouTube

And that is why the International Union will never invite them to the table!!
Tim sold 804 by doing that, backing POPE knowing that she had no chance of winning.


Well-Known Member
NEWS: I was told by a GOOD source that UPS locals throughout the country were already notified if they were going to be part of the National Negotiating committee. If this is true our local will have no say whatsoever about anything. Good job TDU.
I'm drinking the kool aid???Your GOOD source knows nothing. Ask your "source" where or when the first meeting is scheduled, when the source(Tony) stumbles, bumbles and gives you more BS, tell Tony to drop out.


Well-Known Member

And that is why the International Union will never invite them to the table!!
Tim sold 804 by doing that, backing POPE knowing that she had no chance of winning.

Looks like Tony D has a new name on BC.

So Tony D feels its better to bend over and take it in the @ss from Hoffa then stand up and fight, nothing new. He is gutless.

NO BALLS.. Just like he said at a GMM "why is our board upsetting ups"

You just keep standing outside the gates handing out pens, business cards never complaining about UPS.

I can't wait to see what the next flyer from MAD 'Members Agaisnt Donato' will say.

Tell Nancy to start filling out your retirement papers since you can't read or write.


Well-Known Member
I must be voice my 2 cents here once again!
1. This comment / question is getting really old and stale fast!
2. What this man or any other union brother or sister does with their money is ABSOLUTELY, NONE OF OUR EFFING BUSINESS!
. Call it a campaign contribution or just good ole fashion payola, NOT OUR CONCERN!
. If you can somehow show us that union money was funneled into Hoffa's hands, well..... that's a different story!


Well-Known Member
I must be voice my 2 cents here once again!
1. This comment / question is getting really old and stale fast!
2. What this man or any other union brother or sister does with their money is ABSOLUTELY, NONE OF OUR EFFING BUSINESS!
. Call it a campaign contribution or just good ole fashion payola, NOT OUR CONCERN!
. If you can somehow show us that union money was funneled into Hoffa's hands, well..... that's a different story!
The problem is Donato is incapable of standing up to anyone. He and Howie and the rest were afraid to take on Hoffa. So they not only donate large funds to Hoffa's campaign but then they sell us out by defending Hoffa's contracts without a fight, without standing up and protesting. And of course when it comes to UPS management, Donato and friends' strategy is to not annoy management with the Fat Cat or demonstrations or building raids because it pisses them off.Too :censored2: bad!! That is not leadership. That is a group of members running scarred of the things a union official is required to do when in office. Tell me what is the Donato Slate slogan: Go Along to Get Along!! LOL, been there, done that.