Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
I never said that things were perfect. Are they better than under Howie and Tony?? Absolutely!! We have MORE representation now that show up several times a week. A group that does building raids inside and demonstrations outside. Thes guys dont lie to our faces. They stand up there and tell it like it is. Maybe you liked Howie and Tony's theatrics, the sell out contracts, the backroom deals, the ignoring of our inside people and part timers, the bankrupting of our heath and welfare funds, the split raises, etc.

Howie and Donato and Buhlert spent over a decade allowing our once strong union to come apart. They lost touch and were punished soundly by the rank and file. In the 2 and 1/2 yrs Row B has been in charge, certain things have gotten better. Other things that havent changed at all will depend of them fixing our contract. We lost alot of good language over the past 2 awful contracts. Our days on the trucks will not improve until we get language that protects us and our future. Row B walked on stage having to defend this weak, sellout contract. Arbitrators have been ruling against us for years. Better B/As wont fix that. Only a strong contract can!! And we already know what a horrible job Donato and Buhlert and Guarella can do when it comes to negotiating contracts!!
How come I never hear what a great job the current board is doing from any drivers, they all say they suck. No one talks good about this board but you 804brown, is that you Pete!
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Well-Known Member
Who cares.... Did you go to the GMM today? The election is over members voice is done. Billy grab your nuts is done... Tim S is smarter then Tony D and Billy B when it comes to running a campaign.

The part timers will decided who wins this election and they are backing the current board big time.

No Tony D, No Angelo and No John N this was the last chance for them to hit the mic and they did not , none of them did. Quiet as a church mouse.

This was by far the best Local 804 meeting I have been to in the last 15 years. Made me proud to be a Teamster.

Tony D was the joke of the meeting even heard Bill B laughing to another member about the Tony D missing on a milk carton flyer.

Again I'm very sorry that the stewards on members voice got suckered by Tony D , spending they money and burning there OPH's sick days and vacations for that clown....

Members Voice and Bill B will get a good amount of votes BUT THEY CAN'T WIN.....
This current board has until January. Tim, Pete, Jim and the rest you you losers are going to be out of a job!


Well-Known Member
To all five of you that are going to the picnic today, yes you Delong, make sure you visit the KOOL AIDE bar. I still remember when UPS was going to fire your ass, and Billy save your job,you cried like a bitch in that office, and than you back stabbed him.


Well-Known Member
How about Fitzpatrick having a picnic the same day as the board. What is that all about? I thought the board paid Fitzpatrick with our Unions dues for almost a year. I guess Fitzpatrick has had it with them too.


Well-Known Member
How about Fitzpatrick having a picnic the same day as the board. What is that all about? I thought the board paid Fitzpatrick with our Unions dues for almost a year. I guess Fitzpatrick has had it with them too.
I guess once Tim, Jim and O'neil put there feed bags on, nothing will be left. Anyone notice the size of O'neil head. That head is bigger then his gut.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Who wants to make a bet their site will be updated Monday morning on how the picnic went. They certainly are on top of the site these days. I am following it. But too bad they are not on top of saving a job! Heard about another one fired! :sick:


Well-Known Member
How come I never hear what a great job the current board is doing from any drivers, they all say they suck. No one talks good about this board but you 804brown, is that you Pete!

Like I have written before, this current board has a record to defend. I have defended most of that record. Just because Tony's or Bill's pals come on here and bitch and moan doesnt mean there is a groundswell against this board. Members are angry but they are angry at UPS . They dont blame the union. Donato and Buhlert both have a record too. And their type of leadership was rejected by us once so far!! This election will not be a referendum on the current board. The election will be a choice between the current board that is implementing their promises and policies and two slates that are filled with old board members trying to get their old jobs back. Voting against Tim's slate (Members United) means voting for the failed policies of Donato and Buhlert. Voting for Donato and Buhlert means rewarding them for screwing up our Health and Welfare, negotiating weak concessionary contracts, backing Hoffa, making backroom deals behind our backs,etc. They for some reason think we forgot all this: their records!! LOL, like I said before, things arent perfect but a :censored2: load better than under Row A!!


Well-Known Member
How about Fitzpatrick having a picnic the same day as the board. What is that all about? I thought the board paid Fitzpatrick with our Unions dues for almost a year. I guess Fitzpatrick has had it with them too.

There were more than 300 people at the picnic. ANd guess who was also there smart guy?? Fitzpatrick was there. OOPPS. He stayed awhile then went to his center's picnic. Actually Fitzpatrick chose this date before our local chose the date. Hey cafe tough guy, if you werent sitting in front of your computer , you could have come to the UNION picnic and seen all this yourself!!


Well-Known Member
I guess once Tim, Jim and O'neil put there feed bags on, nothing will be left. Anyone notice the size of O'neil head. That head is bigger then his gut.
More clueless blather. For your information Obrien couldnt make it to the picnic. As for the comments on his head, grow up!!While you are at it, wake up!! There is more passion,brains, and commitment in that guy than Donato, Buhlert and Guarella put together!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
There were more than 300 people at the picnic. ANd guess who was also there smart guy?? Fitzpatrick was there. OOPPS. He stayed awhile then went to his center's picnic. Actually Fitzpatrick chose this date before our local chose the date. Hey cafe tough guy, if you werent sitting in front of your computer , you could have come to the UNION picnic and seen all this yourself!!
Dont be to sure I was sitting by my computer ! You have no Idea were I was. If you knew everyting like you claim you do you would realize people use phones today! You also would hear how the members feel about your board.! I have said this before Open your eyes and your ears and stop drinking the Kool aide. You are crying about the same tune! Its getting old...... Let the member's jobs be secure with good job representation which this board is not capable of , so they can have the Health and Welfare!!!!! :grrr:


Well-Known Member
Dont be to sure I was sitting by my computer ! You have no Idea were I was. If you knew everyting like you claim you do you would realize people use phones today! You also would hear how the members feel about your board.! I have said this before Open your eyes and your ears and stop drinking the Kool aide. You are crying about the same tune! Its getting old...... Let the member's jobs be secure with good job representation which this board is not capable of , so they can have the Health and Welfare!!!!! :grrr:
Tony, do you remember how the members told you guys back in 2009 how they were going to vote for you guys?? LOL!! We shook your hands and smiled as you stuck Row A stickers on us. You and Howie and Billy and Angelo all bought how we told you what you wanted to hear. Then we got our ballots and voted you all out. FOR GOOD!! Its over Tony!!


Well-Known Member
So this is on Tony D Web-site did he even read the agreement???? Is he really that DUM????

2. Employee has been reinstated on a "last chance agreement" basis. Any future voilation of falsification of records shall be grounds immediate termination of employment without recourse to the grievance or arbitration procedure, EXCEPT to the extent that there is a genuine dispute whether employee actually violated such policy.

Who do you think will deside if there is a genuine dispute??? AN ARBITRATOR YOU CLOWN.......

PLUS number 4 says

4. This agreement shall not be cited as precedent except in a proceeding to enforce its terms.

That protects our Local..

I CAN NOT BELIEVE THAT TONY D WOULD PUT A MEMBERS PRIVATE DOCUMENT ON HIS WEBSITE, Way to go Tony now let UPS relook at it , you idiot ,, but you only care about yourself.

I know this driver and they were very happy to be given the chance by the company to get their job back. This was offered to the driver by UPS not LOCAL 804. The driver wanted to sign it no matter what because the driver felt they had no choice either sign or wait over a year and take there chance at arbitration PLUS with the WEAK language that our old board OK'd in the contract our members have no rights.

Here is something else that makes me laugh the drivers shop steward is Alfonso C that is running with members voice.

When the driver got there job back HE TOLD EVERYONE IN THE CENTER THAT BECAUSE OF HIM THE DRIVER GOT THERE JOB BACK. Now its on their site...

I myself do not agree with these types of agreements but when members have to wait 15 months to see an arbitrator (thanks to our old board) no medical plus our local is losing most of them and I heard that even the ones that got there jobs back GOT NO BACK PAY.

There has be agreements like this for over 20 years most happen before an arbitration but its the same kind of agreement.


Its up to the members.



Well-Known Member
Hey Acesup804 So this so called LAST CHANCE AGREEMENT is fine with you, lets see, I am just guessing, 30 day suspension is wonderful. How about this, me and you meet at an agreeable parking lot and we smack ourselves around a bit, agreed! Let me know when and were?

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Tony, do you remember how the members told you guys back in 2009 how they were going to vote for you guys?? LOL!! We shook your hands and smiled as you stuck Row A stickers on us. You and Howie and Billy and Angelo all bought how we told you what you wanted to hear. Then we got our ballots and voted you all out. FOR GOOD!! Its over Tony!!
You have come out of the closet.
This is probably the first time you have posted the truth and shows your true character !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Like I have written before, this current board has a record to defend. I have defended most of that record. Just because Tony's or Bill's pals come on here and bitch and moan doesnt mean there is a groundswell against this board. Members are angry but they are angry at UPS . They dont blame the union. Donato and Buhlert both have a record too. And their type of leadership was rejected by us once so far!! This election will not be a referendum on the current board. The election will be a choice between the current board that is implementing their promises and policies and two slates that are filled with old board members trying to get their old jobs back. Voting against Tim's slate (Members United) means voting for the failed policies of Donato and Buhlert. Voting for Donato and Buhlert means rewarding them for screwing up our Health and Welfare, negotiating weak concessionary contracts, backing Hoffa, making backroom deals behind our backs,etc. They for some reason think we forgot all this: their records!! LOL, like I said before, things arent perfect but a :censored2: load better than under Row A!!
What exactly, You keep mentioning health and welfare. Well wake the :censored2: up, that money is to be used on the members and their family. your not to save that money. UPS puts money back into it every year, that is how it works. Now that fat boy and his morons set a precedent on co-pay guess what genius, WE PAY!!!!!!!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Tony, do you remember how the members told you guys back in 2009 how they were going to vote for you guys?? LOL!! We shook your hands and smiled as you stuck Row A stickers on us. You and Howie and Billy and Angelo all bought how we told you what you wanted to hear. Then we got our ballots and voted you all out. FOR GOOD!! Its over Tony!!
I'll be happy to relay the message to Tony! But you can't possibly think people still want your board?:rofl:


Well-Known Member
I never said that things were perfect. Are they better than under Howie and Tony?? Absolutely!! We have MORE representation now that show up several times a week. A group that does building raids inside and demonstrations outside. Thes guys dont lie to our faces. They stand up there and tell it like it is. Maybe you liked Howie and Tony's theatrics, the sell out contracts, the backroom deals, the ignoring of our inside people and part timers, the bankrupting of our heath and welfare funds, the split raises, etc.

Howie and Donato and Buhlert spent over a decade allowing our once strong union to come apart. They lost touch and were punished soundly by the rank and file. In the 2 and 1/2 yrs Row B has been in charge, certain things have gotten better. Other things that havent changed at all will depend of them fixing our contract. We lost alot of good language over the past 2 awful contracts. Our days on the trucks will not improve until we get language that protects us and our future. Row B walked on stage having to defend this weak, sellout contract. Arbitrators have been ruling against us for years. Better B/As wont fix that. Only a strong contract can!! And we already know what a horrible job Donato and Buhlert and Guarella can do when it comes to negotiating contracts!!

1. Absolutely!! We have MORE representation now that show up several times a week.
-Really Where? Have you seen M. Holmes?
How do you expect me to in trust your group (e/b) to fix or get a better contract then we have when Tim S is not even available to fix M. Holmes!?. This is not a game my friend!! Peoples' lives are at stake, and I don't think you guys are up to the task!! UPS is years ahead of you!!
*Anyway, tell me how you guys did with the outside shops contracts...?

2.Bankrupting of our heath and welfare funds.
-You Kidding me, right?
Every time I go to the doctor, it cost me $60 to $100... It was just to be $10 for every visit!!! Anyway, this shows how clueless you are on how to negotiate a contract!! IF we needed more money, we should of just gotten it now under this contract. The unions' priority should always be to take care of the members first!! something that this e/b lacks.
**Don't... again DO NOT mention Bankrupt unless you want me to bring other things to light!!

3.Howie and Donato and Buhlert spent over a decade allowing our once strong union to come apart.
- So what were Tim and Pete doing back then?
Should I refresh your memory?! Well, these two unifiers were always working against the best interest of the local in order to advance their selves' interests, AND THOSE ARE THE FACTS!! Tim... Pete... you should be ashamed of yourselves!! And that is why it makes me sick hearing Tim asking for unity!!

4.defend this weak, sellout contract.
-Have any of you taken the time to read other supplementals across the country?
A lot of the languages you complain about comes from the international portion in which you haven't been invited to... so, explain exactly how you would fix it? Our supplemental is one of the best out there and you know it!! You guys are very incompetent!! This local has more NLRB charges against it in two and a half years than the ten previous years!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Acesup804 So this so called LAST CHANCE AGREEMENT is fine with you, lets see, I am just guessing, 30 day suspension is wonderful. How about this, me and you meet at an agreeable parking lot and we smack ourselves around a bit, agreed! Let me know when and were?

Foster Ave Monday 7:45 Train Station.... bring someone to take you home....


Well-Known Member
1. Absolutely!! We have MORE representation now that show up several times a week.
-Really Where? Have you seen M. Holmes?
How do you expect me to in trust your group (e/b) to fix or get a better contract then we have when Tim S is not even available to fix M. Holmes!?. This is not a game my friend!! Peoples' lives are at stake, and I don't think you guys are up to the task!! UPS is years ahead of you!!
*Anyway, tell me how you guys did with the outside shops contracts...?

Taste of Victory at Corporate Coffee

Members at Corporate Coffee win a new contract that raises wages and protects workers from unfair discipline.

Local 804 members at Corporate Coffee are used to repairing coffee machines for a living. But this Spring, they came together to fix up their contract.
Members stuck together and won a three-year contract that delivered pay increases for every 804 Teamster at the company—and an extra raise for the lowest paid workers.
The contract includes a boot allowance for the first time ever and stronger contract language to protect members from unfair discipline.

"You never win everything, but our new contract is a big step forward.
"We won a boot allowance, raises for the next three years, and pay increases that will help close the wage gap."
Alvin Dunston, Corporate Coffee
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Well-Known Member
New Contract Protects Members Pensions


Local 804 members at Eppendorf Services stuck together and won a strong contract that protects their pension.
Members at Eppendorf Services, Inc. perform the skilled repair of medical laboratory equipment.
When they entered contract talks, pensions were the number one issue. Members at Eppendorf are covered by a separate Pension Fund than members at UPS.
“Our pension fund was in the Red Zone. There are more retirees taking benefits out than money going in. In negotiations, the union did everything to make sure our pensions are protected. Under the new contract, the company has to contribute a lot more on our behalf,” said shop steward Matt Classie.
Members won a 34 percent increase in pension contributions from the company in the first year of their new contract, and a 24 percent increase in the second—enough to maintain members’ benefits.
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