Where were you, i waited till 9pm. I am guessing you wet your pants and had to go home at 6pm to change?Foster Ave Monday 7:45 Train Station.... bring someone to take you home....
Where were you, i waited till 9pm. I am guessing you wet your pants and had to go home at 6pm to change?Foster Ave Monday 7:45 Train Station.... bring someone to take you home....
I see you replenished your KOOL-AIDE intake at the picnic, row B has this new product for guys like you always on the run, intravenous KOOL-AIDE packs.More clueless blather. For your information Obrien couldnt make it to the picnic. As for the comments on his head, grow up!!While you are at it, wake up!! There is more passion,brains, and commitment in that guy than Donato, Buhlert and Guarella put together!!
Where were you, i waited till 9pm. I am guessing you wet your pants and had to go home at 6pm to change?
Good for Bill Aces, I hope you Are you are the one to shake his hand if he wins? I know I would not!Trusted me I was there.
Thats it, members voice is official done..... Bill B is running with a slate ,, Do you hear that crying???? Thats Tony D crying on Nancy's shoulder....
Billy will take a lot of votes from members voice..........
Tim's Slate wins easy..... LOL cry all you want ballwashers its OVER..... THANK YOU BILLY........
in most elections of this type, Unions, Organizations ect...... the 3rd party or in this case slate unfortunately splits votes in a BAD way! Incumbents tend to hold positions " GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOULS, OR ACTUALLY , YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS!
AND as I said at the last election , maybe if it wasn't a slate vote and there were individual votes some could or could have stayed on board!
Good for Bill Aces, I hope you Are you are the one to shake his hand if he wins? I know I would not!
I think Aces will respect anyone who holds the spot in the hall no matter who it is. Well maybe not Tony, but Aces is a good union man like the rest of you.
You are very correct. We will just have to wait and see what happens in November. Two guys were suppost to leave members voice if Billy put a slate together. Lets see if they hold true to their word.
Tony, Billy and Angelo were being indicted two years ago! We are still waiting!!!! KEEP WRITING VINNY!Word around 43rd is 3 from members voice and 2 from the current board. It's going to get interesting.
You make no sense hammer. Why should Tony step down if you think Bill will get half the votes. Bill is not liked to much in Long Island. I have gotten to know Tony and the rest of the slate and they are very much liked. Tony does not remind me of someone who would step down. We have been through so much at our building I dont think anyone would trust Bill too.Tony, Please do the right thing for our local. Bill will take half of your votes easily. Please step down and I will see if we can get you a job painting the walls at the hall. I promise.
You are asking the wrong person to step down. Donato didn't wait 2yrs 8 months to take on Sylvester. Promise Bill a job holding -alls at the hall. He might be interested .Tony, Please do the right thing for our local. Bill will take half of your votes easily. Please step down and I will see if we can get you a job painting the walls at the hall. I promise.
.HOLY CRAP, I totally forgot about that comment, weren't we told it's carved in stone?Tony, Billy and Angelo were being indicted two years ago! We are still waiting!!!! KEEP WRITING VINNY!
I have said it multiple times John N, is one of the most stand up Union brothers that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing as well as a stand up individual in life... and I have been around the block more than the average Joe, Ive seen, done, been accused of and outright beat tons of B.S. with that said im glad that some of you have finally stopped bashing the entire slate!No sense? Bill will easily get half of TONYS votes. You don't have to like him as long as he does his job. Tony is well liked? Lol. I have no problem with anybody running with him. Are you still walking on eggshells?