Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
This is why our membership will re-elect our current board because we need someone with BALLS to negotiate our next contract.

My pension has not gone up in 14 years......

While other Local's are doing real well

Upstate NY 5,700 a month - Washington DC 6,000 a month - New Jersey 3,700 a month - Western states 4,700 a month to name a couple.

Those Local's went thought the same hard economy as we did but they came out OK.





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Well-Known Member
[h=1]Saving Our Health Fund[/h]
[h=2]In the Black After Years of Mismanagement[/h]
Decisive action by Local 804 is rebuilding your union Health Fund and protecting your benefits—after years of mismanagement.
As recently as 2003, our Health Fund had $34.3 million in reserves. The company and former union trustees inherited this strong fund and ran it into the ground.

They recklessly spent down the fund’s reserves. Even worse, they reduced benefit contributions to the Health Fund, secretly diverting millions from the Health Fund into the Pension Fund. On their watch, the Health Fund lost more than $25 million.
The Health Fund is administered by a team of trustees, half named by the company and half named by the union. When members elected new union officers, Local 804 appointed new Union Trustees to the Fund.

But by that time the damage had been done. Actuaries reported that in 2011 the Fund would be more than $4.8 million in the red. By May of this year, the Fund was projected to be more than $13 million in the red.

Former Local 804 Officials Played Politics
Instead of leveling with the members, former Local 804 officials ignored the growing crisis. Then they played politics.
They cut a deal with company trustees to eliminate 25 & Out retiree healthcare at any age. But they put off signing the agreement because they did not want to face the music until after the Local 804 election.

The secret plans to slash benefits were hidden from the membership. Your new 804 leadership team learned about them through Fund meetings and discussions with legal counsel.




DON'T BE FOOLED.........


Well-Known Member
What exactly, You keep mentioning health and welfare. Well wake the :censored2: up, that money is to be used on the members and their family. your not to save that money. UPS puts money back into it every year, that is how it works. Now that fat boy and his morons set a precedent on co-pay guess what genius, WE PAY!!!!!!!!

Facts are facts. When you guys were in control, the H/W Funds were running out of money. It was YOU GUYS who did not negotiate enough money to carry us through this last "fair for the times" contract with UPS. We all get that the money is meant to be spent on the members. But it is the fiduciary responsibility of the E/B to make sure they negotiate correctly with enough foresight to get us safely until the next contract in 2013. From all the evidence, it is a fact that Howie and Tony and Billy and Angelo did not do that. A matter of fact they actually KNEW the funds were in trouble and had a plan, not too different from Tim's plan, to make sure there was enough money to make it to 2013 when new monies would be added. But as we all know, they never had the opportunity to implement it. Something to do with getting voted out of office!! LOL


Well-Known Member
1. Absolutely!! We have MORE representation now that show up several times a week.
-Really Where? Have you seen M. Holmes?
How do you expect me to in trust your group (e/b) to fix or get a better contract then we have when Tim S is not even available to fix M. Holmes!?. This is not a game my friend!! Peoples' lives are at stake, and I don't think you guys are up to the task!! UPS is years ahead of you!!

As for Holmes, all I hear is he is a strong B/A. Rumors are just that :rumors. I do know he gets out to other buildings when they do raids because at one of the union meetings a steward from Melville had an altercation with him. Holmes was following up on a report that the stewards at night were allowing sups to work, etc. So Holmes was actually doing what he is paid to do!!


Well-Known Member
Looks like a few Board supporters are using the old propaganda and tactics to make the board look like they are competent for another term.
Everything they post has been used before in the last election to fool the members. Now we can't be fooled. They will be judged
for there performance as leaders of our Local. They have not lived up to the members expectations as they lead us to believe.
With membership down, record number members walked off the job, very weak representation, and so on just to name a few.
Here's another old propaganda they used in there last election, which the few Board supporters wont post...
I'll be away from brown until the nominations. Till then everyone enjoy the rest of the summer....


Well-Known Member
As for Holmes, all I hear is he is a strong B/A. Rumors are just that :rumors. I do know he gets out to other buildings when they do raids because at one of the union meetings a steward from Melville had an altercation with him. Holmes was following up on a report that the stewards at night were allowing sups to work, etc. So Holmes was actually doing what he is paid to do!!
I want some of what you are taking.


Well-Known Member
Yes you are right awesome. Just as awesome as the 500 members fired since your board has been in office. Just as awesome as the members being sued as much as $60,000 dollars by doctors for bills they can't afford.

Our executive Board is really awesome .
Still peddling those made up numbers??Are those numbers that your buddies in management fed you?? Which side are you on??


Well-Known Member
Looks like a few Board supporters are using the old propaganda and tactics to make the board look like they are competent for another term.
Everything they post has been used before in the last election to fool the members. Now we can't be fooled. They will be judged
for there performance as leaders of our Local. They have not lived up to the members expectations as they lead us to believe.
With membership down, record number members walked off the job, very weak representation, and so on just to name a few.
Here's another old propaganda they used in there last election, which the few Board supporters wont post...
I'll be away from brown until the nominations. Till then everyone enjoy the rest of the summer....
View attachment 7138

Im sorry but what building do you work in?? If you look at those promises they come pretty close to fulfilling them. Remember they have been in 2 1/2 years. It will take more 3 years to turn around what was damaged over the Redmond-Donato-Buhlert years!!

On sups working, more members are putting in grievances and are getting paid than ever before!! Remember no one, not even Ron Carey, can ever truely stop these bastards totally. Not one great leader or 13 members of any E/B. It is the membership standing up together and hitting UPS in the pocket book by filing grievances!! Also the building raids have been helpful and fun to watch. Problem is there are not enough of them.

They HAVE ended go along to get along. You will not find any of this E/B palling around with management like Buhlert and others used to. Thats what happens when "experienced" union officials stay in too long. They forget who is the enemy and they forget who pays their salary!!

On the Funds, they have audited the funds and have reported back to us at every membership meeting as well as their newsletters. We are no longer in the dark about such things. The H/W Fund is currently running surpluses thanks to needed changes our E/B had to make to save our fund!! Plus secret deals are no longer happening in our local. We get the truth.

On fighting production harassment, you cant say they havent been aggressive. Dave O's strong stand in Melville showed this board will go above and beyond for the members. This board has enforced and encouraged members to go on the 9.5 list. Hundreds of drivers have gone on the list and gotten paid triple time!!

On 24 hour representation, they have added two extra B/As to handle PT and inside issues. Yes the ladies who answer the phones leave at 5pm and calls do go to the machine but someone is usually in the office or in a building on-call Mon thru Fri -ALL DAY!! There are board members who come in late in the day and work til early in the next morning. So if you do call the hall late in the day, the machine will forward those messages to the appropriate BA and the night shift BAs can take those forwarded calls if it is an emergency.

They did cut their salaries big time and they stopped the matching 401ks that Howie and the boys gave themselves.

On full time jobs, some 22.3 jobs were created. As for FT driving jobs, UPS policy has been nationally to increase stop counts but do no new hiring (until recently atleast).

On keeping members informed, it is like night and day. We have been informed about both our pension funds as well as our H/W. Regular informative newsletters get sent home. Several craft meetings have been held. Recently they have created contract committees to get the rank and file involved in what we will negotiate about.

On Teamster University, again night and day. Seminars,craft meetings and educational programs FOR ALL, not just the shop stewards!!

Finally this E/B has honored the legacy of Ron Carey. Before Tim and co got in the Hall, there was a picture of Hoffa up on the wall, BUT NOT RON CAREY!! Imagine that. They not only restored Ron's rightful place in Local 804's history (remember the old board whited out the Ron Carey years from 804's magazine and timeline-WHAT A DISGRACE) , but our new board is continuing Ron's legacy (Members First) by being honest and open with us. That has been most apparent with the current contract committee that has been formed from us the rank and file. This board will not recommend any sellout contract that Hoffa puts forward!! This board will not concede an inch in our supplemental. They know how much was lost the last two contracts and they are determined to fight to get that back. Ron Carey fought hard for the rank and file. He put Members First. So does this executive board!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Hey 804 brown, you have one major problem!!!! Try convincing the members who knows how badly your board has lied!!!!! Keep typing instead of doing your job! Try to finish the rest of your term! The only one digging the board are themselves!!!!:please:


Well-Known Member
Something I just posted from The Members Voice site.

For many years leading up to and during the 2009 campaign the current slate made us believe, as they did, that theirelection would strike fear in the hearts of UPS and usher in an era of full adherence to the contract. We were convincedthey would stand up to every challenge posed by UPS and their collective strength, wealth of ideas and bold leadershipwould overcome any obstacles.
But UPS raised no white flag, made no concessions, and have shown contempt and disrespect for our entire local. Yearsof identifying problems yielded neither solutions nor a strategy to counteract the UPS response. Our sources of greatstrength, the CBA and grievance procedure have been neutralized. Here are just a few examples from our building:
Article 3 Countless cut and dry Supervisor Working grievances have been unresolved dating back more than 2 years.Management has completely abandoned any attempt at compliance to this Article.
Article 44 Language that management honored for more than a decade with respect to irregular and overweightshipments was erased putting our members at risk. On just one occasion in three years we had a visit from the 804safety liaison.
Article 40 A FT driver shuttle job was replaced by a 22.3, never rebid nor was a new combo job created as specified bythe contract.
Article 37 This language to guard against intimidation prevented Management from posting “report cards” withdemoralizing information, respected for years, now ignored.
These are the tragic facts. They are undeniable, inexcusable and the reason I could no longer support the board. Themost trivial of concerns have escalated and countless new problems have arisen. Inside and out, full and part-time, themembers work under shocking distress as the daily scrutiny and oppressive intimidation weigh heavily on our minds.Wearewrongwhenwedoourjobsright,andfiredwhenwedoourjobswrong. Wehavewitnessedaonewaystreetwhere management steamrolls over the weak challenges to their power.
The stewards I have come to know well on the Members Voice Slate have shown true compassion for the members andthe competence to defend their rights. Men such as Danny Montalvo and Dwight Philip will bring a fresh perspective toa local desperately needing to change direction. Despite the overwhelming dissatisfaction with this board, their defeatin the upcoming election is not a certainty if all who are frustrated refrain from casting their vote. Sadly, there is onlyone guarantee: If the current board begins a second term, many of us will not be employed to see them finish it.
Joe ForcelliShop Steward
Joe Forcelli has served unopposed as steward for nearly fifteen years. He has a long history of winning big grievances,saving jobs and defending the contract. Joe filed the initial PAS grievance and gave key testimony in the arbitrationthat won members millions of dollars


Well-Known Member
I think that most the posts on here are from delusional points of view for and against the e/b. I do not think they gave us what they promised but do not think they are as bad as some people are making them out to be. 804, do you really think they gave everything they promised 3 years ago at this time? 70 guys at the picnic? Come on.......


Well-Known Member
I think that most the posts on here are from delusional points of view for and against the e/b. I do not think they gave us what they promised but do not think they are as bad as some people are making them out to be. 804, do you really think they gave everything they promised 3 years ago at this time? 70 guys at the picnic? Come on.......

Like I wrote in my post, "they came pretty close to fulfilling them". They have taken on those promises. Have they fixed all the problems?? No, but did anyone think on day one the waters would part and all would be nirvana?? We went from a board that stopped caring to a board that at least tries new ways to approach things. They have not ignored ANY of those promises. Granted, not everyone is complete but at least there has been sincere effort. These guys work some very long hours and do take the time to stand there and explain stuff to you. The old "experienced" guys talked down to us and thought their old way was better. But it wasnt working anymore. Members saw through the nonsense and bravado. If the steward who wrote this letter thinks it was better under Howie and the boys, he is out of his mind or has a :censored2: for Sabatino or Reynolds. This steward says there are unresolved grievances. IF he is so experienced he would know that they have probably been put on the docket for contract arbitration. We all know how long some of these contracts arbs can take.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I think that most the posts on here are from delusional points of view for and against the e/b. I do not think they gave us what they promised but do not think they are as bad as some people are making them out to be. 804, do you really think they gave everything they promised 3 years ago at this time? 70 guys at the picnic? Come on.......[/Q Some of the board members are nice guys, but a far as running a Union Hall and representing us they cannot do the Job. Their track record proved it time and time again! I also said, 70 Kool-aide drinkers......I know there were non supportive members there too...

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Hey 804 brown, you have one major problem!!!! Try convincing the members who knows how badly your board has lied!!!!! Keep typing instead of doing your job! Try to finish the rest of your term! The only one digging the board are themselves!!!!:please:
I do have to add that TDU is one of your best fans. If you loose the Election there is no pay back.
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Well-Known Member
I think that most the posts on here are from delusional points of view for and against the e/b. I do not think they gave us what they promised but do not think they are as bad as some people are making them out to be. 804, do you really think they gave everything they promised 3 years ago at this time? 70 guys at the picnic? Come

Hey IBT are u running with Bill B or just supporting him?

Funny seeing 4 guys from Tony D's slate sitting by themselves , they looked lost , thats what happens when uncle Tony isn't there to tell them what to do.