Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Word is that the members voice slate is supported 100 percent in Forster, Maspeth and all of long island. No b@ll bill must be be crabbing his b@lls now!


Well-Known Member
Word around 43rd is 3 from members voice and 2 from the current board. It's going to get interesting.

I dont see anyone on the current board leaving. That sounds made up to me. Current board ran against Buhlert. He was VP under Howie. He was involved with the Pension problems as well as bankrupting our H/W Funds. Lets not forget his involvement and endorsing of the last two concessionary contracts. His hands are just as dirty as Donato's. Difference is Buhlert has a brain and Donato doesnt.
I agree it is going to be interesting as a 3 way race. Buhlert will take from Donato but Buhlert might take those who might not like Tim and think Donato is a fool!!


Well-Known Member
I could pretty much bet that the board that is in office now, will not run exactly as it is now. I could deal with Bill as pres and I can deal with Tim. There is no way in hell I could deal with Tony. I wouldnt put too much of the blame for some of the problems you listed on Bills back brown. Vp is 3rd from the top and he only gets one vote on the h/w and we have no idea what he wanted. He will no doubt take the hate Tim votes away from Tony.


Well-Known Member
Word is that the members voice slate is supported 100 percent in Forster, Maspeth and all of long island. No b@ll bill must be be crabbing his b@lls now!

WOW you are clueless , I know for a fact that all the part timers in Foster and Maspeth HATE Tony D. At least 60-65% of all full timers in Foster will not vote for Tony D.

And the more that Anthony C talks about pensions from other locals the more full timers want nothing to do with Tony D

Say Tony keep handing out pens and cards you clown. The best is when you talk about all of your experience in the hall....Lol .. We all see how that helped our pension....

No one in Foster believes or trusts Tony D.


Well-Known Member
I could pretty much bet that the board that is in office now, will not run exactly as it is now. I could deal with Bill as pres and I can deal with Tim. There is no way in hell I could deal with Tony. I wouldnt put too much of the blame for some of the problems you listed on Bills back brown. Vp is 3rd from the top and he only gets one vote on the h/w and we have no idea what he wanted. He will no doubt take the hate Tim votes away from Tony.

Hammer, I disagree with you on Buhlert's complicity. You are right he was #3 in Howie's administration. He wanted to be re-elected like the rest of them .If he disagreed so much with Howie, he had plenty of opportunity to say so to the membership. If there was any split within Row A, why didnt he stand up and refuse to go along with Howie's policies?? He, like his dumber brother Donato,either didnt have the balls to stand up or he believed what Howie did was right!! Either way that is not real leadership. That is go along to get along on your own slate just like he had a go along to get along relationship with management. Can you say Jim Kirk??

Also, just like Pete is #3 on this board, he is complicit with everything this board does too for better or for worse. It is a team effort. I dont believe in picking and choosing individuals from this slate or that slate. This isnt fantasy baseball. This is reality. You cant have people from opposite positions thrown together and forced to work in the same office and board. That would lead to constant infighting and obstruction and the membership would suffer.


Well-Known Member
I find it hard to believe that members of local 804 would think that this administration knows or has shown anything to us worth another term! Maybe we should ask the members that have been dismissed, disconnected and abandoned bye our executive board!


Well-Known Member
I find it hard to believe that members of local 804 would think that this administration knows or has shown anything to us worth another term! Maybe we should ask the members that have been dismissed, disconnected and abandoned bye our executive board!

My pension has not gone up in 14 years my medical was destroyed. The old board lied to us all the time while we got split raises and bullshi/ contracts that they told us was fair for the times there salaries went from $124,000 to $167,000 2 pensions and a matching 401k

Our old board never took Art 7 sec 3 cases to the panel to be paid because it would of made UPS look bad and was to much work for them.

Our old board was willing to give of 25 and out coffee and give back 10 cents of our money to UPS.


Upstate NY UPS full timers get 5700 pension

13 western states UPS full timers get 4700 pension

Washington DC UPS full timers get 6000

They went though the same bad times we did 14 years ago our pension was 3600 now 14 years later its still 3600....... THEY HAD NO IDEA WHAT THEY WERE DOING......

but I'm sure they shock your hand and made you fell special..... BALLWASHER

Do I think Tim and the rest of this board are great no but I want them to negotiate our next contract not Tony D or Bill B... ONLY in office 2 1/2 years and our local is going in the right direction. AND THEY TELL US THE TRUTH.....



Well-Known Member
Excuse me! Ball washer? Wow you are tough! Almost think you are a thug? I'm sure you want none of me or anyone else due to the fact your fat and washed up like Larry Holmes! As for other pensions! Everyone in 804 gets the same when they get there retirement! Most of these other locals have different accrual rates! Ya stubby! Tiers!!! So they have guys that are getting larger payments not all! It's called unity! So if you really cared about your fellow brother you would know some members! Present and unborn bore the brunt! So thank your past board for standing up! And not taking a lower accrual rate than the locals you speak of which did!!


Well-Known Member
Excuse me! Ball washer? Wow you are tough! Almost think you are a thug? I'm sure you want none of me or anyone else due to the fact your fat and washed up like Larry Holmes! As for other pensions! Everyone in 804 gets the same when they get there retirement! Most of these other locals have different accrual rates! Ya stubby! Tiers!!! So they have guys that are getting larger payments not all! It's called unity! So if you really cared about your fellow brother you would know some members! Present and unborn bore the brunt! So thank your past board for standing up! And not taking a lower accrual rate than the locals you speak of which did!!

thank your past board??? LOL for what not standing up to Hoffa and saying we won't back these last 2 contracts because there is not enough money going to our medical and pension.

thank your past board??? for waiting untill they got re-elected to tell us our accrual rate was cut by almost 40 dollars

thank your past board??? for not telling us our medical was going to arbitration....

I'm not a thug, I working for over 25 years and watched UPS make money every year and also watched our old board turn there back on Ronnie and kiss Hoffa butt and not fight for us.


Well-Known Member
thank your past board??? LOL for what not standing up to Hoffa and saying we won't back these last 2 contracts because there is not enough money going to our medical and pension.

thank your past board??? for waiting untill they got re-elected to tell us our accrual rate was cut by almost 40 dollars

thank your past board??? for not telling us our medical was going to arbitration....

I'm not a thug, I working for over 25 years and watched UPS make money every year and also watched our old board turn there back on Ronnie and kiss Hoffa butt and not fight for us.
Your not a thug. You are a mental patient. You are also a
[h=1]Perpetual liar.[/h]


Well-Known Member
I'm not 100% sure thats what they did with the accrual rate but if so great! It stayed the same for all of our members, no tiers! Our current board buys everything the company states like a hot stock from a insider trading tip. Let's analyze it again if present board had been in what you call not telling the truth!
1. Accrual rate drops bye what did you say 40.00?
2. Several years ago they would have made us pay more for co-pays, x-rays, blood work, emergency room visits and out of network cost!
3. Arbitration would have been the best fit! As You state this company has always made money! I believe an arbitrator would have been able to understand the rising cost of healthcare! Now! We going into negotiating with a surpluses ? Real smart!
4. They would have cut our $50.000 lump sum along with some of key retirement things that they have already cut.
5. No one in this local is in love with Hoffa! It's common sense that we understand this! Our local lost a lot power bye backing Pope! I never understood why a person would think? And our local would back! A person that doesn't represent 2000 members! A local that's almost bankrupt and think she could run and oversea 1 million people? I believe you guys should have used Tim there instead! Just bad idea after bad idea. That wouldn't have worked either but made much better sense!


Well-Known Member
I'm not 100% sure thats what they did with the accrual rate but if so great! It stayed the same for all of our members, no tiers! Our current board buys everything the company states like a hot stock from a insider trading tip. Let's analyze it again if present board had been in what you call not telling the truth!
1. Accrual rate drops bye what did you say 40.00?
2. Several years ago they would have made us pay more for co-pays, x-rays, blood work, emergency room visits and out of network cost!
3. Arbitration would have been the best fit! As You state this company has always made money! I believe an arbitrator would have been able to understand the rising cost of healthcare! Now! We going into negotiating with a surpluses ? Real smart!
4. They would have cut our $50.000 lump sum along with some of key retirement things that they have already cut.
5. No one in this local is in love with Hoffa! It's common sense that we understand this! Our local lost a lot power bye backing Pope! I never understood why a person would think? And our local would back! A person that doesn't represent 2000 members! A local that's almost bankrupt and think she could run and oversea 1 million people? I believe you guys should have used Tim there instead! Just bad idea after bad idea. That wouldn't have worked either but made much better sense!

to answer #3 No way would the arbitrator would have been the best fit. An arbitrator doesnt put a bandaid on a issue he would have fixed it that is why the funds lawyers told the old board don't let this go to arbitration and they were going to settle on the medical the day after the vote count..... OR did you not go to the general membership meeting when the lawyer from our fund was there and explained it all and Bill B and Tony D sat like chruch mice. PLUS how our old board wanted to fix the medical was worse then what Tim and company did.

to answer #4 you have no have no idea what would have happen that is why the lawyer said in her 25 years ALL PLANS THAT GO IN FRONT OF A ARBITRATOR THE RESULTS ARE NEVER NOT GOOD FOR THE UNION MEMBERS.

to answer #5 Our membership has never backed Hoffa so why should our board kiss his @ss. I guess you liked the last 2 contracts since you were an old board member you have no choice but to like them. Sandy Pope was a friend of Local 804 that is why Tim and Company backed her. 804 members were tired of Hoffa rolling over to weak contracts and our old board going along with him. Hoffa's back ground is as a company lawyer he was never even a Teamster all he has is his Fathers name not his HEART. Just like there was no reason to vote yes to raise our union dues from 2 to 2 1/2 times the hourly rate but Tony D and Bill B VOTED YES...




Well-Known Member
Remember the arbitrator COULD have decided to end ALL coverage of the RETIREES!! Could have found that the monthly deficits equalled what the funds pay out every month to retirees and dropped them!! Redmond and Buhlert obviously didnt think through their decision or just didnt give a :censored2:!!

Anyway just read in the 804 newsletter that our Trustees have made a motion to stop any increases in the cost of retiree medical coverage which means the cost of retiree healthcare will be frozen at the current level!! That is welcome news. That is what a surplus can do for you!!


Well-Known Member
I find it hard to believe that members of local 804 would think that this administration knows or has shown anything to us worth another term! Maybe we should ask the members that have been dismissed, disconnected and abandoned bye our executive board!

Like I wrote earlier, this is not a referendum on the current board. As "bad" as a few might think things are, there would be a real possiblity of getting Donato or Buhlert in charge of this local. They were part of what was wrong with our local and unions in general (out of touch and overpaid). Their "experience" when in power gave us 2 weak contracts that effects our quality of life on the job: language that favors management and undermines our rights. Both currently are suffering from their own handiwork.

Again, it is not about a yes or a no about the current board. A vote against Tim's slate means either a union lead by Donato or Buhlert. That is failed leadership of the past. They couldnt get the job done all those years. Why would it be any different now?? At least Tim's group have come a long way in 2 1/2 years. They are now more experienced especially heading into contract talks with management. There is no way our local will EVER trust Donato or Buhlert again


Well-Known Member
I don't get where Bill or Tony had Anything to do with the National language. Bill and Tony only have input on supplemental language and we have one of the better supplemental in the country. Fact! Not one ups local was able to avoid the technology language we received! So tell us again how it's the old boards fault???


Well-Known Member
I don't get where Bill or Tony had Anything to do with the National language. Bill and Tony only have input on supplemental language and we have one of the better supplemental in the country. Fact! Not one ups local was able to avoid the technology language we received! So tell us again how it's the old boards fault???

Allowing the language in our supplement agreement to be changed that made it easy for ups to get rid of 500 air drivers also not protecting our clerks and carwash members that only get 4 1/2 when the company says there's not enough work



Well-Known Member
My pension has not gone up in 14 years my medical was destroyed. The old board lied to us all the time while we got split raises and bullshi/ contracts that they told us was fair for the times there salaries went from $124,000 to $167,000 2 pensions and a matching 401k

Our old board never took Art 7 sec 3 cases to the panel to be paid because it would of made UPS look bad and was to much work for them.

Our old board was willing to give of 25 and out coffee and give back 10 cents of our money to UPS.


Upstate NY UPS full timers get 5700 pension

13 western states UPS full timers get 4700 pension

Washington DC UPS full timers get 6000

They went though the same bad times we did 14 years ago our pension was 3600 now 14 years later its still 3600....... THEY HAD NO IDEA WHAT THEY WERE DOING......

but I'm sure they shock your hand and made you fell special..... BALLWASHER

Do I think Tim and the rest of this board are great no but I want them to negotiate our next contract not Tony D or Bill B... ONLY in office 2 1/2 years and our local is going in the right direction. AND THEY TELL US THE TRUTH.....

Wow!! For having 25 years of service you haven't paid attention closely enough our pension did go up in 14 years. Now when it comes to the salary this E-Board is making more money than the last E-Board that is a fact! They spend $6,839,117 on 2011 more than $1,800,000 from the last year that Howie was in. That speaks to all the benefits this E-Board is hiding Salary, car allowing, 401k, Annuity ETC..
You need to read and re-read those other supplemental pensions that you mention above!! On many of those supplementals, a member has to work 35 years to collect!!
I know members with less time, with more sense and more knowledge than you!!


Well-Known Member
I don't get where Bill or Tony had Anything to do with the National language. Bill and Tony only have input on supplemental language and we have one of the better supplemental in the country. Fact! Not one ups local was able to avoid the technology language we received! So tell us again how it's the old boards fault???

What you "dont get" is that their president Redmond was on the National Negotiating team picked by Hoffa himself!! Also what you "dont get" is that Bill AND Tony endorsed that National Contract with that language in it. Real leaders lead. Real leaders stand up AGAINST weak language, AGAINST concessions. They stand up FOR the members and do NOT sit on the podium and NOT speak up to oppose sell out contracts.

I remember Tim getting up there at the mic standing up to the entire board telling them how wrong it was. I also remember Pete and Neil and Liam stepping up at the mic to oppose that last contract. They stood up against the old board and stood up for the membership. Someone had to. Then we all by a huge margin VOTED DOWN the Redmond/Buhlert/Donato SUPPLEMENTAL Contract. That was the moment Row A lost their election!! That was the moment the membership lost faith and trust in the old board.

We are back to contract talks. Old names like Buhlert and Donato and Guarella think they themselves are so worthy of negotiating our contract again?? So we are supposed to reward weakness and incompetency?? NEVER AGAIN!!


Well-Known Member
Remember the arbitrator COULD have decided to end ALL coverage of the RETIREES!! Could have found that the monthly deficits equalled what the funds pay out every month to retirees and dropped them!! Redmond and Buhlert obviously didnt think through their decision or just didnt give a :censored2:!!

Anyway just read in the 804 newsletter that our Trustees have made a motion to stop any increases in the cost of retiree medical coverage which means the cost of retiree healthcare will be frozen at the current level!! That is welcome news. That is what a surplus can do for you!!

Trustees made a motion to stop more increases? Really?! Increases that your E-Board voted, with the company, to put them in place to begin with! Yeah great news! A Retired member is now paying over $550 a month for medical coverage that's essentially a pension reduction! Great job! lets see if the company votes with you again to stop those increases!