Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


bella amicizia
It is also abhorrent how UPS MAKES its employees permanently injured!!

I'm still temporary. Thank God. One of these days, I will be in that category. There is no way around it. The 9 inch slice from the middle of the back of my head that goes halfway down my back only hints at the issue. the 15 or so drywall screws(exact words used) and the 5 inch metal brace visible in my x-rays tells more of the story. Of course, the 5-6 drywall screws on the front of my neck and the 2 inch piece of metal on the front side of my neck tells another story.


Well-Known Member
And we believe their lawyer! Go drink some more koolaide or maybe your just scared because your on the board! I keep on saying this. Open your eyes and listen with your ear............ The members are done with this board......... They realize they made a mistake voting for you!!!!!!!!

He is OUR lawyer dope!! He works on behalf of the membership!! As for thinking Im a board member?? Nope wrong again. And my eyes and ears have been open for some time now. I felt the momentum change for Howie and the boys in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. They kept from us the Pension/Health Fund switch-a-roo in 2006. They negotiated and endorsed a weak, giveback contract. They didnt tell us our Health Fund was bleeding and would be millions in the red by June 2011. The deal making and selling us out behind closed doors with management they got too close and buddy-buddy with. Yep, my eyes were absolutely opened. And members said "Its time for a change!" Well, Im certainly not seeing or hearing that these days. Im hearing that members are grateful for cleaning up the mess your boys left this local. We only wish the Redmond/Buhlert/Donato group didnt leave us with such a terrible contract to work under. And our HOPE is that Tim and his group have the integrity and intelligence to bargain on our behalf for a strong and fair contract. If not, then what happened to Howie and the boys in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 can happen to Tim and company!!


Well-Known Member
Skilled Work, Without the Worker - New York Times

Inside a spartan garage in an industrial neighborhood in Palo Alto, Calif., a robot armed with electronic “eyes” and a small scoop and suction cups repeatedly picks up boxes and drops them onto a conveyor belt.

Such robots will put automation within range of companies like Federal Express and United Parcel Service that now employ tens of thousands of workers doing such tasks.

The start-up behind the robot, Industrial Perception Inc., is the first spinoff of Willow Garage, an ambitious robotics research firm based in Menlo Park, Calif. The first customer is likely to be a company that now employs thousands of workers to load and unload its trucks. The workers can move one box every six seconds on average. But each box can weigh more than 130 pounds, so the workers tire easily and sometimes hurt their backs.

Read more: Brown Cafe - UPS News for UPSers


Well-Known Member
This, coming from a guy who Told Stew G, a highly respected comp lawyer, that when he,(Tony D) gets elected, That the members were no longer going to use Stew as our Lawyer for Comp injuries, all because Stew didnt step away and turn his back on local 804 when Tony got voted out of office. But thats Tony being Tony. First he asks all of the shop stewards to step down,(which they didnt) than he expects the lawyer to turn his back on us, (which he didnt). Tony has done nothing for this membership, he is all for himself. Go ahead Tony, lets see you deny that you said that to Stew G. I was there, and so were several other people. Who knows, Maybe there is a recording of it. ;)


Well-Known Member
And we believe their lawyer! Go drink some more koolaide or maybe your just scared because your on the board! I keep on saying this. Open your eyes and listen with your ear............ The members are done with this board......... They realize they made a mistake voting for you!!!!!!!!
This, coming from a guy who Told Stew G, a highly respected comp lawyer, that when he,(Tony D) gets elected, That the members were no longer going to use Stew as our Lawyer for Comp injuries, all because Stew didnt step away and turn his back on local 804 when Tony got voted out of office. But thats Tony being Tony. First he asks all of the shop stewards to step down,(which they didnt) than he expects the lawyer to turn his back on us, (which he didnt). Tony has done nothing for this membership, he is all for himself. Go ahead Tony, lets see you deny that you said that to Stew G. I was there, and so were several other people. Who knows, Maybe there is a recording of it. ;)
Tony has always been out for #1 >>>>>> HIMSELF <<<<<<. Has anyone seen Phony Tony lately at a building ???????????? I hear that Tony is real upset with all the fliers and stickers floating around the building's about him. There is even a posting on his website about it . It sounded like he was crying on the keyboard . Guess he doesn't get it that when you spit up in the air it comes back down in your FACE Tony. If you and your buddy that you are running with in foster didn't put out those fliers about Anthony C. you wouldn't be having this problem. So stop crying about it and MAN UP !!!!!! >>>>>>>O' CRY ME A RIVER >>>>>>>>>>>

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Tony has always been out for #1 >>>>>> HIMSELF <<<<<<. Has anyone seen Phony Tony lately at a building ???????????? I hear that Tony is real upset with all the fliers and stickers floating around the building's about him. There is even a posting on his website about it . It sounded like he was crying on the keyboard . Guess he doesn't get it that when you spit up in the air it comes back down in your FACE Tony. If you and your buddy that you are running with in foster didn't put out those fliers about Anthony C. you wouldn't be having this problem. So stop crying about it and MAN UP !!!!!! >>>>>>>O' CRY ME A RIVER >>>>>>>>>>>
Vinny. You stop the crying!


Well-Known Member
Yeah those robots must be a blast at the annual Christmas party!!
In the '50s Ford was experimenting with robots on the assembly line. UAW leader Walter Reuther was touring the plant with a Ford exec who joked, "How are you going to get those robots to pay union dues?" Reuther responded with "how are you going to sell Fords to those robots?"


Well-Known Member
In the '50s Ford was experimenting with robots on the assembly line. UAW leader Walter Reuther was touring the plant with a Ford exec who joked, "How are you going to get those robots to pay union dues?" Reuther responded with "how are you going to sell Fords to those robots?"

Thats why Hoffa is full of sh/t. We are losing clerk jobs all over this country do to UPS technology he should have got language to protect those jobs.

Just like our old board was to stupid to realize that UPS was trying to get rid of air drivers and allowed UPS to change the morning break language that was in our Supplemental Agreement. Opening the door for UPS to get rid of 500 part time air driver jobs.



Well-Known Member
It sounds to me the only one crying is Stew!!!!!!
Oh really Tony? whats he crying about? He gets to wear his suit every day while he represents local 804 members out on comp. You probably put your suit on to take your garbage to the curb. Its killing you that hes still wearing his suit for us, and your not. Your Pathetic, hang it up allready. your done


Well-Known Member
This, coming from a guy who Told Stew G, a highly respected comp lawyer, that when he,(Tony D) gets elected, That the members were no longer going to use Stew as our Lawyer for Comp injuries, all because Stew didnt step away and turn his back on local 804 when Tony got voted out of office. But thats Tony being Tony. First he asks all of the shop stewards to step down,(which they didnt) than he expects the lawyer to turn his back on us, (which he didnt). Tony has done nothing for this membership, he is all for himself. Go ahead Tony, lets see you deny that you said that to Stew G. I was there, and so were several other people. Who knows, Maybe there is a recording of it. ;)
not only is STEW "NOT A LAWYER" he is only a legal rep, BUT HE STINKS! I used to swear by the guy until I learned the truth about him!

It sounds to me the only one crying is Stew!!!!!!
EXACTLY!, MY CASE ALONE HAS COST STEW'S FIRM AT LEAST 10 -15 (last count) New cases, employee's out of Brush ave alone! That have learned how useless he is! Stew G. is a kiss ass! he was AFRAID TO FIGHT MY CASE!

Oh really Tony? whats he crying about? He gets to wear his suit every day while he represents local 804 members out on comp. You probably put your suit on to take your garbage to the curb. Its killing you that hes still wearing his suit for us, and your not. Your Pathetic, hang it up already. your done

SUIT'S lmao he dresses like a bum!, Stew cuts soooo many back door deals on comp cases it's absurd! DO YOU KNOW THAT HE USED TO BE EMPLOYED BY LIBERTY MUTUAL?
Stew may have very well had 800 cases on his desk at any given time, but......lol his time has passed! anyone with a brain has moved on
Thats why Hoffa is full of sh/t. We are losing clerk jobs all over this country do to UPS technology he should have got language to protect those jobs.

Just like our old board was to stupid to realize that UPS was trying to get rid of air drivers and allowed UPS to change the morning break language that was in our Supplemental Agreement. Opening the door for UPS to get rid of 500 part time air driver jobs.

Sounds like if it were up to you we would still be writing post cards by hand or using chalk on a chalkboard. I suppose you do not use technology , such as a iPhone,iPad,iPod etc etc. You fool, ask any driver if they want to go back to sheets instead of a diad ! Things change and you have to adapt to change to stay viable. UPS should get those automated toilet bowl cleaners in so Tim has nothing to go back to when that TDU kiss butt loses.
Union brothers, CARL R. IS A SC>>b@G P.O.S Who throws members at L.P. to save his own alcoholic ass! he's the 1 drinking at the customer counter, he's the 1 that attemted to have L.P. throw me out of the building, yes attempted.. he is a BALL LESS, SPINELESS SKULL! HIS OWN WIFE KNOWS HE'S A P.O.S. AS SHE CAUGHT HIM BANGING AN OMS YEARS BACK! I GOT YOUR NUMBER CARL! BE MAN ENOUGH TO SAY THINGS TO MY FACE WHEN YOU SEE ME! Boy the list and rant could go on and on with the humps in that building..... 2 shoppie's that throw their union brothers under a bus as often as they can....... looking @ why did you have to get me started?
This guy is still around ? He must really have our security dept in his pockett after all the infractions he commits and has committed. Is he still drinking flavored water on the job and causing the counter line to back up to make believe he has a lot of "work". What a joke. A little windex on those cameras at the counter should work wonders.


Well-Known Member
not only is STEW "NOT A LAWYER" he is only a legal rep, BUT HE STINKS! I used to swear by the guy until I learned the truth about him!

EXACTLY!, MY CASE ALONE HAS COST STEW'S FIRM AT LEAST 10 -15 (last count) New cases, employee's out of Brush ave alone! That have learned how useless he is! Stew G. is a kiss ass! he was AFRAID TO FIGHT MY CASE!


SUIT'S lmao he dresses like a bum!, Stew cuts soooo many back door deals on comp cases it's absurd! DO YOU KNOW THAT HE USED TO BE EMPLOYED BY LIBERTY MUTUAL?
Stew may have very well had 800 cases on his desk at any given time, but......lol his time has passed! anyone with a brain has moved on
Your missing the point !! who the hell cares weather he is an attorney or a comp representative? The point is, who the hell is Tony D to say that to a guy who has been serving members of local 804 for decades. You are the clueless one. The Fact is, Tony has no say who i, you, or anyone choses to represent them for their on the job injury. Thats my choice, its your choice, Its not Tony D's choice, You dont like stew? thats fine, thats your oppinion, I happen to like him, I have used him, I continue to recomend him because hes always done good by me and everyone else in my center. My point was about Tony, not stew you
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Well-Known Member
Your missing the point!! who the hell cares weather he is an attorney or a comp representative? The point is, who the hell is Tony D to say that to a guy who has been serving members of local 804 for decades. You are the clueless one. The Fact is, Tony has no say who i, you, or anyone choses to represent them for their on the job injury. Thats my choice, its your choice, Its not Tony D's choice, You dont like stew? thats fine, thats your oppinion, I happen to like him, I have used him, I continue to recomend him because hes always done good by me and everyone else in my center. My point was about Tony, not stew you

Excellent point. Once again, it is not in Donato's power (that sounds so funny ...as though he will he ever have that power again...lol) to force someone to use ANY comp representative. Once again it is Donato playing the tough guy. Its Donato feeling Stew abandoned him personally in still working with Local 804 members and the union officials who beat his ass into the ground the last election. You see Stew had an obligation to continue to defend and help the members. He has integrity. Donato on the other hand does not. He cares only about himself. He lost the election and his whole world ended. This entire campaign sort of makes him feel important again. But it is all for naught. I think deep down even he knows that. He knows it is over!!
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Had enough

Well-Known Member
Your missing the point!! who the hell cares weather he is an attorney or a comp representative? The point is, who the hell is Tony D to say that to a guy who has been serving members of local 804 for decades. You are the clueless one. The Fact is, Tony has no say who i, you, or anyone choses to represent them for their on the job injury. Thats my choice, its your choice, Its not Tony D's choice, You dont like stew? thats fine, thats your oppinion, I happen to like him, I have used I continue to recomend him because hes always done good by me and everyone else in my center. My point was about Tony, not stew you
your so free to call people a ? Your the ! Using Stew to try and get a point across to try and help your campaign! lol Where is the recording that you said may be recorded? Who give a **** about Stew. Whats the matter he is crying like the rest of you. If he is that good members will keep him right? Just like your board!!! LOL Now that is a Joke you!!!!!


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