Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
your so free to call people a? Your the! Using Stew to try and get a point across to try and help your campaign! lol Where is the recording that you said may be recorded? Who give a **** about Stew. Whats the matter he is crying like the rest of you. If he is that good members will keep him right? Just like your board!!! LOL Now that is a Joke you!!!!!

Like I said before Tony, Why would he be crying? he makes plenty of money helping out the membership. Your the one whos always crying, Youve been crying for three years..lol your a joke. BTW, I thought you said you were going to stay off brown cafe untill after the election? lol, I guess with UPS giving you every monday and friday off yoou have plenty of time to campaign and come on here. Your a piece of Garbage Tony
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Well-Known Member
And by the way Tony, its not my board. Im not on the board, Im not campaigning for the board, and I don't support the board. And once again, what does any of that have to do with what you said you were going to do with stew once you get (which will never happen) elected? Nothing.........
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Well-Known Member
Your missing the point !! who the hell cares weather he is an attorney or a comp representative? The point is, who the hell is Tony D to say that to a guy who has been serving members of local 804 for decades. You are the clueless one. The Fact is, Tony has no say who i, you, or anyone choses to represent them for their on the job injury. Thats my choice, its your choice, Its not Tony D's choice, You dont like stew? thats fine, thats your oppinion, I happen to like him, I have used him, I continue to recomend him because hes always done good by me and everyone else in my center. My point was about Tony, not stew you
not missing the point at all..... I have not once slammed the current or former board! I am simply informing YOU, and the rest of the grunts that actually read this how much of a P.O.S. STEW actually is, you deal with him on just 1 case where he actually has to do some work and fight for a member and you watch how fast he tells you, oh, we have no case your screwed! In this new UPS comp cases as well as alleged comp fraud have been and will continue to be a termination point on dishonesty! My case alone proved what a motivated driver, knowing they were in the right and a STRONG lawyer could do......Ups hit me with chumped up charges and lost, then lost multiple appeals and an arbitration. and stew swore it was a loosing case!


Active Member
This guy is still around ? He must really have our security dept in his pockett after all the infractions he commits and has committed. Is he still drinking flavored water on the job and causing the counter line to back up to make believe he has a lot of "work". What a joke. A little windex on those cameras at the counter should work wonders.
If our LP Department applied the same rules for everyone we would not be discussing this for as long as we have been. Going after some employees with gusto and looking the other way with others makes one not trust your department and look upon it with suspicion. Lets get back some integrity Tom C....Ralph friend is gone.
A another great job done by our current executive board this week. Pete the vice president went in to an office with steward in naussa building and came out setting another record . The steward got a 2 month suspension Yup thats right a 60 day suspension for recording soemthing wrong on his diad . That is a great way to watch out for the membership , They can't protect the stewards and they preach Ron Carey . They shoulf take a page out of Ron's book as he would have never let his stewards be in harms way. Also Mark H. in naussa filled a porter bid job and screwed this by-passing the member with the most time for the job. He was confronted by memebrs in the building and he told them to call the hall. When they did call they spoke to Pete and he stated DON'T TELL ME HOW TO RUN THIS LOCAL -- he then stated that SENIORITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FILLING THE JOB .
I ask this when did we loose our seniority for job bids ???? PLEASE pete you scream at every union meeting but i didn't hear you state that YOU GUYS CHANGED THE WAY WE BID ON JOBS IN OUR LOCAL . if you changed this when were you going to tell us AFTER THE ELECTION ??????????? you are violating our contract rights the same way management is which makes you no different .
It is a good thing that Tim is in the top spot and not you. PETE you screwed up once before and had to be REMOVED BY RON CAREY do you remember that ??

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
A another great job done by our current executive board this week. Pete the vice president went in to an office with steward in naussa building and came out setting another record . The steward got a 2 month suspension Yup thats right a 60 day suspension for recording soemthing wrong on his diad . That is a great way to watch out for the membership , They can't protect the stewards and they preach Ron Carey . They shoulf take a page out of Ron's book as he would have never let his stewards be in harms way. Also Mark H. in naussa filled a porter bid job and screwed this by-passing the member with the most time for the job. He was confronted by memebrs in the building and he told them to call the hall. When they did call they spoke to Pete and he stated DON'T TELL ME HOW TO RUN THIS LOCAL -- he then stated that SENIORITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FILLING THE JOB .
I ask this when did we loose our seniority for job bids ???? PLEASE pete you scream at every union meeting but i didn't hear you state that YOU GUYS CHANGED THE WAY WE BID ON JOBS IN OUR LOCAL . if you changed this when were you going to tell us AFTER THE ELECTION ??????????? you are violating our contract rights the same way management is which makes you no different .
It is a good thing that Tim is in the top spot and not you. PETE you screwed up once before and had to be REMOVED BY RON CAREY do you remember that ??

Was it one of the stewards that was fired ??? Someone should ask Tim isn't he supposed to settle issues related to seniority ? I want to hear this answer !!!!!


Well-Known Member
A another great job done by our current executive board this week. Pete the vice president went in to an office with steward in naussa building and came out setting another record . The steward got a 2 month suspension Yup thats right a 60 day suspension for recording soemthing wrong on his diad . That is a great way to watch out for the membership , They can't protect the stewards and they preach Ron Carey . They shoulf take a page out of Ron's book as he would have never let his stewards be in harms way. Also Mark H. in naussa filled a porter bid job and screwed this by-passing the member with the most time for the job. He was confronted by memebrs in the building and he told them to call the hall. When they did call they spoke to Pete and he stated DON'T TELL ME HOW TO RUN THIS LOCAL -- he then stated that SENIORITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FILLING THE JOB .
I ask this when did we loose our seniority for job bids ???? PLEASE pete you scream at every union meeting but i didn't hear you state that YOU GUYS CHANGED THE WAY WE BID ON JOBS IN OUR LOCAL . if you changed this when were you going to tell us AFTER THE ELECTION ??????????? you are violating our contract rights the same way management is which makes you no different .
It is a good thing that Tim is in the top spot and not you. PETE you screwed up once before and had to be REMOVED BY RON CAREY do you remember that ??

Did he say the job was reserved? I also agree seniority on ALL jobs. There are a few people now in jobs that should not have them but were given to them because of injury. The argument is, why should employee A get the job when employee B has the same injury or one that is worse. I would like to hear more to this story.


Well-Known Member
Melville suffered enough. The members voice will get votes from our building.

Nothing against Members Voice, but speak for yourself, not the building you work in. I know quite a few people from that building and its probably split between Timmy and Billy and Tony is not even an option.


Well-Known Member
A another great job done by our current executive board this week. Pete the vice president went in to an office with steward in naussa building and came out setting another record . The steward got a 2 month suspension Yup thats right a 60 day suspension for recording soemthing wrong on his diad . That is a great way to watch out for the membership , They can't protect the stewards and they preach Ron Carey . They shoulf take a page out of Ron's book as he would have never let his stewards be in harms way. Also Mark H. in naussa filled a porter bid job and screwed this by-passing the member with the most time for the job. He was confronted by memebrs in the building and he told them to call the hall. When they did call they spoke to Pete and he stated DON'T TELL ME HOW TO RUN THIS LOCAL -- that ??

I can see Pete saying that which is pretty funny. Are you sure it was 60 days? I never heard of that


Well-Known Member
A another great job done by our current executive board this week. Pete the vice president went in to an office with steward in naussa building and came out setting another record . The steward got a 2 month suspension Yup thats right a 60 day suspension for recording soemthing wrong on his diad . That is a great way to watch out for the membership , They can't protect the stewards and they preach Ron Carey . They shoulf take a page out of Ron's book as he would have never let his stewards be in harms way. Also Mark H. in naussa filled a porter bid job and screwed this by-passing the member with the most time for the job. He was confronted by memebrs in the building and he told them to call the hall. When they did call they spoke to Pete and he stated DON'T TELL ME HOW TO RUN THIS LOCAL -- he then stated that SENIORITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FILLING THE JOB .
I ask this when did we loose our seniority for job bids ???? PLEASE pete you scream at every union meeting but i didn't hear you state that YOU GUYS CHANGED THE WAY WE BID ON JOBS IN OUR LOCAL . if you changed this when were you going to tell us AFTER THE ELECTION ??????????? you are violating our contract rights the same way management is which makes you no different .
It is a good thing that Tim is in the top spot and not you. PETE you screwed up once before and had to be REMOVED BY RON CAREY do you remember that ??

I dont know the specifics but if the driver falsified things he probably would have been walked out. If the 60 day suspension is accurate, it is possible Pete was stopping it from going to arbitration and having the driver out of work for 9 months then having an arbitrator either uphold the discharge or the two sides settling on a long suspension. Again, I dont know all the specifics but we all know Pete as a fighter. He doesnt give the company anything.


Well-Known Member
, They can't protect the stewards and they preach Ron Carey . They shoulf take a page out of Ron's book as he would have never let his stewards be in harms way.??

Did Donaato keep his activist steward Russertt out of "harm's way"?? No, he allowed Liam to be harassed and then suspended numerous times and discharged. And this was not over lying or falsifying records. Liam was harassed, suspended and discharged over PRODUCTION. Donato did not keep his steward safe. He was thrown to the wolves without a fight!!


Well-Known Member
tony d.jpg
tony d.jpg


Well-Known Member
Tony D is crying like a baby because he feels that Billy B is making sure he can't win. Quote from Tony D this morning " Bill got garbage running with him in 43rd st just to take votes away from me "

Members Voice is done..... Billy even has a feeder steward running out of LongIsland to take votes away from Danny B.
