Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

Had enough

Well-Known Member
The salaries were taken directly from what Howie submitted to the NYS Dept of Labor file number 031-841, any arguments about his pay should be brought directly to him! HE FILED IT!!!!!! Howie wouldnt fudge numbers now, would he??. What business agent made more money than him????? Howie was on the payroll from local 804 and the international and heard he was actually double dipping, please if your going to post and try to dis credit someone, get some real facts.
Like I said go on the site. And to be honest with you I could give a smile* about Howie and his salary. Go talk to you friend Aces.....


Well-Known Member
Like I said go on the site. And to be honest with you I could give a smile* about Howie and his salary. Go talk to you friend Aces.....

I could care less about a has been also but your post was completely wrong.

Scooby Panda, I seen you on the grievance docket for the next meeting, should be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Breaking news !!!!!!!!!! The entire e board was at the 43rd street building today !!! Reports are they showed up early 4am or so .... Handing out fliers about stoping supervisors from working and reporting all on the job injuries ..... Reports are they stayed until 10 am wow!!!!!! I hope this is a sign of things to come .... Reports are it was tons of late air because they were there ..... Good!!! This company needs their butts kicks more often to put it in mild terms ..... Good job guys come to my barn next ...........also tony d has put together a delgate slate for the convention next year!!! I was a row a supporter but tony . D its over just let go cyrus will get you no where your better off standing alone tony wise up baby !!!! From a friend who loves you ....


Well-Known Member
Good job by the E Board better late then never , keep it up.... Another stupid move by Tony D "stupid is as stupid does" First after losing the election he goes back to Foster and runs for steward ,doesn't care about the members only Tony D and gets crushed.Even DOG said WOW I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Now he's putting together a Delgate Slate for the convention??? Our local has tired for years to vote Hoffa out of office while Howie and the old E board (Tony D was on ) backed Hoffa... What is he going to say now he's against Hoffa???? Howie and the old E board ( which Tony D was on ) never had the balls to fight for better language in our contract. Now Tony D is?????? Howie and the old board (again , Tony D was on ) said this was a fair contract !!!!!!!! "life is like a box of chocolates you never know how many members are listening"Now I know why Anthony C is here , Dave O would never debate Tony D but Anthony knows how to talk and handle himself he'll debate Tony D toe to toe...... like ROW A said "tony wise up baby !!!!" but on the other hand...................................



Well-Known Member
ROW A , Tony D needs to run with Cyrus most of Foster knows he's a bigot , I here that people laugh at him as he walks by (not to his face) Yes Tony I'll vote for you no problem until the ballot comes.

Acesup804 Made my nite very funny ,, but this is why I love being in a union anyone can run. someone said Tony's a drivers helper?????

Had enough Maybe you don't care what he made but they were giving themselves nice raises over the years while we were getting peanuts.


Well-Known Member
New Records: In the last 9 months, 31 part timers has been discharged in Island City for attendance. Row B has done nothing!!! This is a all time Record High. All Row B does is agree with United Parcel.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
LOL! Just keep on doing your fabulous Job Row B. HeHeHeHeHeHe Hey Little midget why are you ratting out all the clerks and car washers? What are you Hungry? If anybody wants to pass the 7 day room maybe you can drop off some cheese for the guys. I think I want to include my buddy :happy2:"acesup":wink2: Night Night!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Breaking news !!!!!!!!!! The entire e board was at the 43rd street building today !!! Reports are they showed up early 4am or so .... Handing out fliers about stoping supervisors from working and reporting all on the job injuries ..... Reports are they stayed until 10 am wow!!!!!! I hope this is a sign of things to come .... Reports are it was tons of late air because they were there ..... Good!!! This company needs their butts kicks more often to put it in mild terms ..... Good job guys come to my barn next ...........also tony d has put together a delgate slate for the convention next year!!! I was a row a supporter but tony . D its over just let go cyrus will get you no where your better off standing alone tony wise up baby !!!! From a friend who loves you ....

Breaking New: Yes they were at 43rd Street giving out flyers. But words was said that they looked like a bunch of MewMew's No one even bothered with them! :wink2:

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Old news but good news: Lets not for get when Row A got back the 4 million and paid all the clerks $43,000 each "Now that was nice." All this board does is take our money and raise us. I am stiill waiiting for something good to happen, anything to happen that will put a least a smile on one of the members face. Not just a bunch of MewMew walking around a building handing out flyers. I can send my 17 year old son to do that for me. Like I said bring in some men. With a half of brain....LOL:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Old news but good news: Lets not for get when Row A got back the 4 million and paid all the clerks $43,000 each "Now that was nice." All this board does is take our money and raise us. I am stiill waiiting for something good to happen, anything to happen that will put a least a smile on one of the members face. Not just a bunch of MewMew walking around a building handing out flyers. I can send my 17 year old son to do that for me. Like I said bring in some men. With a half of brain....LOL:wink2:

Either your memory is horrible or your drunk. Check your numbers, they are way way off. The grievance, from my knowledge, had no more than 15 peoples names on it and dont remember a 4 million dollar ruling.


Well-Known Member
Breaking New: Yes they were at 43rd Street giving out flyers. But words was said that they looked like a bunch of MewMew's No one even bothered with them! :wink2:

had enough ,, just don't hit spell check ,, read it out loud before you post it. breaking new??? flyers ,, are a hockey team ...... but words was said???? got me ,,, I think , you are Tony D........


Well-Known Member
Either your memory is horrible or your drunk. Check your numbers, they are way way off. The grievance, from my knowledge, had no more than 15 peoples names on it and dont remember a 4 million dollar ruling.

dig a little buddy , I actuallly just had this converstaion with some inside guys myself no more than a week ago , IT ABSOLUTELY HAPPENED


Well-Known Member
dig a little buddy , I actuallly just had this converstaion with some inside guys myself no more than a week ago , IT ABSOLUTELY HAPPENED

I know one person that got a check, it was big, but dont think it was 43k. Row a put that on the website when they were running, will look into it.


Well-Known Member
Yes you are right!!!!! The co-payments are going to double along with the Retiree Medical, thanks to this New E-Board....... What ever the company says, they do.....They do not have the Strength to fight back or protect the members!!!!!!:angry:


Well-Known Member
The whole E-Board was at 43rd Street the other day......Supervisors where still working as usual......The E-Board just walked around the building hanging out fliers!!!! WHAT A CIRCUS THIS BOARD IS!!!!:madashell::madashell:


Active Member
rumor that we will be asked to turn the Feb and Aug 2011 raises over to the health and welfare....what a mistake I made, voted for the wrong guys! I hope they straighten this out or elections cant come fast enough


Well-Known Member
Pandemonium at local 804 last nite as the big guy T.S. and Liam try to have a meetig with the drivers at island city. the big guy eat all the food. while pople yell at liam that he didn't know what he was talking about and nothing was getting done. the company is walking all over us:clubbing: