Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
lol, you im not even gonna respond to. Your not on my or anyone else's level. Your a scab. A little whiney scab. All you do is bitch and complaint every day about your union brothers. O wait, their not your brothers, or sisters, your a scab. Your the "pos" everything revolves around you!! And yes, i know who you are, and you know who i am. You have zero credibility on here or at the job. Boo hoo, his lollypop is bigger than mine. How come he gets two slices of pizza and i only get one...waaaaaaaa....shut up already!

you know me, be a man, call me! Say it to my face bitc.,,,. " it's NO SECRET, I RESIGNED, " im not worried about getting hit witha violence in the workforce charge, AGAIN...... NOW LETS SEE WHO HIDES BEHIND A SCREEN NAME! each and every one of you know that you made a mistake with george, unless your dangling from his sack! 1 shoppie with 5 alternates lmao


bella amicizia
you know me, be a man, call me! Say it to my face bitc.,,,. " it's NO SECRET, I RESIGNED, " im not worried about getting hit witha violence in the workforce charge, AGAIN...... NOW LETS SEE WHO HIDES BEHIND A SCREEN NAME! each and every one of you know that you made a mistake with george, unless your dangling from his sack! 1 shoppie with 5 alternates lmao
Sir, you were forced out by a heartless, and cruel company that thinks nothing of throwing it's top-notch, cream of the crop employees into the trash.


Well-Known Member
Our Executive board looks and acts lost! They can't function as a group to save there own lives , so forget about ours. It takes a sick minded and weak person to sacrifice there own board members that they sit with for there own gain! Attention Executive Board you have told your buddies secrets about one another! How much you don't like each other? And how you hope members go to other slates! It's a shame! We know it and the company does too! AC you want to be a BA! Act like a man and tell DO you want him GONE! That he's weak! I guess your playing this like a game of survival! I wonder who is plotting on you! Because we all know karma is a ??????

I still don't understand why you guys do your laundry on the brown cafe, You show weakness in your local and the company sees this and takes advantage. If anything do a private message to talk union business..... Just saying


New Member
The best slate to lead this once powerful union is members voice Donatto may not be perfect but his slate is the best slate overall, Mcgreeny is endorsing him and is coming on board on his slate. With Mcgreeny's experience, pull and clout I feel we could end the gang bang that mgmt has had with each and everyone on this current board. Bill talks a good game but that's all it is, TALK!! It would be nice if he had some diversity on his slate not mostly 43rd st, just because we are not from 43rd st. doesn't mean that we haven't heard about Mark, Mike or Daniels reputation, they have screwed over more members between them than the whole members voice slate combined. Why did Buhler take so long to even come out? This is our UNION and if he really cared he would have announced that he was running earlier, unless he didn't want there to be enough time to dig up his or his weak slates dirty little secrets. That's all for my views today. MEMBERS VOICE 2012!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mcgreeny, Mcgreeny LOL is that like a Mcshake or Mcfries LOL

I have always had a lot of respect for Anthony Magrene until I found out that he went up to people running with Buhlert and told them to step down because they are hurting his chances to get back in the hall.

Magrene,Donato or Buhlert.... It doesn't matter they are all the same, they sat on their @ss while our union was financially being destroyed.


Well-Known Member
They can't but they can add him if they win , just like Tim added Liam.

It really just shows how desperate they are.....

Just was handed a update.... Howie is getting a job from Buhlert LOL


Well-Known Member
Mcgreeny, Mcgreeny LOL is that like a Mcshake or Mcfries LOL

I have always had a lot of respect for Anthony Magrene until I found out that he went up to people running with Buhlert and told them to step down because they are hurting his chances to get back in the hall.

Magrene,Donato or Buhlert.... It doesn't matter they are all the same, they sat on their @ss while our union was financially being destroyed.

I too once thought he was a stand up guy. That he told the truth. Then he told us "you can sleep well at night my brothers and sisters, your funds are in great shape"!! Remember he was the Secretary Treasurer in our local when the pension got cut and when our health funds were going broke. Remember magrene coming to the mic and explaining what happened to the funds?? Oh thats right : HE DIDNT!! He as well as Buhlert and Donato sat on their hands and said nothing to US THE MEMBERS!! The only time he spoke of the problems WAS AFTER THE ELECTION on the day that Tim and Pete and Jim went down to the hall for the "transition" . That was when Howie told them "Congratulations, your Health fund is in arbitration!!" A stand up guy would have leveled with the members and not lied to us!! Today Magrene is nothing but a washed up, discredited, has-been, liar who CHOSE his highpaying union job over telling us the truth WHEN IT MATTERED!!

He is another one who had the opportunity to assist the new board during the transition and the first few months in office. But he didnt either. He obviously chose to turn HIS back on the members ("brothers and sisters"). He too was a sore loser. He had the opportunity to be a stand up guy and HE DID NOTHING BUT WALK AWAY FROM THE MESS HE HELPED TO CREATE!!


Well-Known Member
So you rather attack magrene than address the meltdown in the hall? Like C. Williamson or Anthony Cerulli! acting like little high school idiots on my dime? Fighting people and hoping harm on others, what kind of crap is that! Stop trying to muddy the water. Your members are much smarter than that! To blame Magrene for destroying our pension is out of line! You did hear about a stock market crash right!Wall Street selling Main Street a whole bunch of bad goods right! Even today your home isn't worth what it was in 2005 right! I know Magrene put your first diaper on you fat butt! And changed it when it was dirty! But now you wear panties! you where one of his sons. Right Acesup! because A full house beats aces up isn't that true cerulli?

Ps. You where never fit to lead us! Your weak! Leaders wouldn't throw others others into the fire like you did! Be prepare to get back on the truck! Your negative campaign will not work! So tell the boys and Find a new angle! And get those panties out of your cheeks now!!!!


Well-Known Member
So you rather attack magrene than address the meltdown in the hall? Like C. Williamson or Anthony Cerulli! acting like little high school idiots on my dime? Fighting people and hoping harm on others, what kind of crap is that! Stop trying to muddy the water. Your members are much smarter than that! To blame Magrene for destroying our pension is out of line! You did hear about a stock market crash right!Wall Street selling Main Street a whole bunch of bad goods right! Even today your home isn't worth what it was in 2005 right! I know Magrene put your first diaper on you fat butt! And changed it when it was dirty! But now you wear panties! you where one of his sons. Right Acesup! because A full house beats aces up isn't that true cerulli?

Ps. You where never fit to lead us! Your weak! Leaders wouldn't throw others others into the fire like you did! Be prepare to get back on the truck! Your negative campaign will not work! So tell the boys and Find a new angle! And get those panties out of your cheeks now!!!!

To inform you, the stock market was up in 2006 when our pension was cut during the Redmond/Magrene/Buhlert/Donato years. The stock market crashed in late 2008!! As for magrene being a part of the mess that at first allowed our pension to be cut and then froze it for over a decade, it hurts but it is true!!


Well-Known Member
What are you Aces father? I knew when market was good and when it went bad! Your house is still worth less now! So blame whomever you like! But start with Wall Street! Bank of America and Goldman Sachs! Think it was called the Bush years? The market did turn around? My 401k is in great shape! I had over 14% on my returns! I believe that was great for a truck driver and no investment company to instruct me where to put it? So remind me on how great we did on the returns! Was it close to my 14%?


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight, is this all that 804 has to offer?? Really!! How about taking care of the membership, and you all will not have to worry about getting booted out of office... instead, all I see is character assassination on this forum! Management is always on this forum, and there is nothing they don't know about you all!! I myself can say definitely that 3,4,5,6,8 years ago this wasn't happening!! Over 500 fewer full time jobs since this leadership took over, so many good people lost their jobs under this leadership! And that is a fact!! Whatever anyone says, the numbers don't lie!! I'm deeply worried when I think about the fact that you guys are defending us!!


Well-Known Member
Most of the locals that you have touted are in trouble now! Either they are getting there accrual rate cut or a tier system has happened! We are still standing! Tried and tested! So once again! Try another angle, the slander and lies won't work! I keep telling you two the members are to smart to fall for this stuff again!


Well-Known Member
Most of the locals that you have touted are in trouble now! Either they are getting there accrual rate cut or a tier system has happened! We are still standing! Tried and tested! So once again! Try another angle, the slander and lies won't work! I keep telling you two the members are to smart to fall for this stuff again!

Tried and tested! So once again! The old board was willing to give up 25 and out in the last Supplement Agreement. Under our old board our pension lost 185 million before 2010 and by there own people 100 million was do to bad investing. For the last 10 years before 2010 Local 804 returns on investment was one of the worst locals in the country.

You spin it all you want our pension did not go up in 14 years and our old board never cared one bit......


Well-Known Member
Our pension will not go up now either! Unless we have some real return on our investment. There is no small loop holes! And new money is a new contract! Once again! Go bad to your think tank! Find a new angle because your bs game isn't working on us!


Well-Known Member
I saw the same stuff your posting on the other website your paying for! Sooner or later you will find out your slander and lies won't due! Get fitted for some new uniforms and get that DOT card ready! I hoped you could do something positive for the local! But absolutely nothing was done positive! All we did was concede!! Now we know why? Too much in fighting and in the past 3 years! you've shown nothing to us but division to the membership to get another term. The men have watched there brothers and sister lose there jobs due to your inexperience! It's clear fact to us! You tried! You failed! Face those facts!


Well-Known Member
I hear Chris W said those famous word of his, "LETS TAKE THIS OUTSIDE", and got a whole lot of stitches on his head. Im glad to hear he will not be saying those four words anymore. I guess Tim and the boys put Christopher out their to sell some Kool-Aid to the members, but 43rd street wasn't buying any. LOL


Well-Known Member
To blame Magrene for destroying our pension is out of line!!

Never said Magrene destroyed the pension. Magrene,Donato and Buhlert sat on their hands and watched 2 contract come and go. Each time failed to negotiate enough money for the pension and medical.

Cerulli, so this is what you and your e/b been doing for the last 3 year talking shi$ on brown cafe instead of dedicating 100% of your time on trying to find away to turn around this local? Wow!!


Well-Known Member
I hear Chris W said those famous word of his, "LETS TAKE THIS OUTSIDE", and got a whole lot of stitches on his head. Im glad to hear he will not be saying those four words anymore. I guess Tim and the boys put Christopher out their to sell some Kool-Aid to the members, but 43rd street wasn't buying any. LOL

All Chris W. need it to do is not show up to work just like Mark H. He still would have had a job in the union hall!! Mr. Tim S. who are you gonna blame now for this two morons incompetent? And what about Cerulli talking shi¥ about Liam R.? is this the type of unity you lecture us about at general membership?
Unity start at the top!!'
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