Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
UPS is trying to block you?! You must think that we all have short term memory! You and your buffoons in the hall voted with UPS to increase all H/C premiums! Including the 10% yearly increase. What makes you think that now UPS is gonna vote against that, when at the end of the day they are the only ones saving money!! Fools
Go to local804fund.com and read the letter from the fund manager. This is what this exec board agreed to with the ups trustees in 2010 now they are going to fight for affordable health care. It must be election time !!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The guy was not awarded the job! His B/A told him to kick rocks! Must be a great felling for him to screw over a 20 plus year member!

Speaking of sh%ting members? Is Tim still allowing Chris Williamson to speak to us and put all of us in harms way?


Well-Known Member
Tim's members united web-site says: We have blocked UPS from raising the cost of retiree healthcare. Our opponents' phony numbers assume that members will pay 10% more for their coverage every year. But Union Trustees just made an official motion to block a raise in the cost of retiree healthcare. We have rescued the Health Fund from bankruptcy and are rebuilding the Fund's reserves. As a result, we are able to take steps to lower members' costs, including taking legal action to maintain the cost of retiree healthcare at its current level.


Our brainless e-board voted with the company trustees to raise the retiree coverage 10% each year.


Well-Known Member
I received the same letter as well? the other day I saw a letter from the E/B in a union bulletin board stating that UPS would be handling disability. That of you needed information to notify Ups human resources. What in the h#ll is going on! I thought you would Keep the Member informed! All lies to be elected! Same lives will have you looking for porter jobs soon. So guys don't be shocked if there aren't any premium bid jobs being bid for the rest of the year! Because they will already have been given to themselves.

Yes like what Nemeth did and just like Pete is doing in Nassau. ( 2 car wash jobs and a porter/ clerk job)


Well-Known Member
Tim's members united web-site says: We have blocked UPS from raising the cost of retiree healthcare. Our opponents' phony numbers assume that members will pay 10% more for their coverage every year. But Union Trustees just made an official motion to block a raise in the cost of retiree healthcare. We have rescued the Health Fund from bankruptcy and are rebuilding the Fund's reserves. As a result, we are able to take steps to lower members' costs, including taking legal action to maintain the cost of retiree healthcare at its current level.


Our brainless e-board voted with the company trustees to raise the retiree coverage 10% each year.

Going to have to agree with on this one...


Well-Known Member
Yes like what Nemeth did and just like Pete is doing in Nassau. ( 2 car wash jobs and a porter/ clerk job)

If what your saying is true then thats BS but Pete is a feeder guy he can't hold a inside job for himself. Guess thats just another BS rumor thats not true....... NOTHING NEW....


Well-Known Member
Tim's members united web-site says: We have blocked UPS from raising the cost of retiree healthcare. Our opponents' phony numbers assume that members will pay 10% more for their coverage every year. But Union Trustees just made an official motion to block a raise in the cost of retiree healthcare. We have rescued the Health Fund from bankruptcy and are rebuilding the Fund's reserves. As a result, we are able to take steps to lower members' costs, including taking legal action to maintain the cost of retiree healthcare at its current level.


Our brainless e-board voted with the company trustees to raise the retiree coverage 10% each year.

It's really not that complicated. Let me explain it to you.Yes, the E/B voted to save our funds in 2010. Everyone took a hit in order to save the funds. We had to pay higher co-pays, etc and retirees had to pay more too. They do get about $1200 per month in benefits and the old rate was not keeping up with health care inflation ($200 /month). The rates did go up for retirees. Yes it hurts them more because their monthly pension check doesnt go up every year. But health care inflation in this country is 3 times the rate of inflation. SO a 10% increase every year is about right. However, it wouldnt hurt as much if the old board had not frozen the pension for almost 14 years!!


Well-Known Member
Our brainless e-board voted with the company trustees to raise the retiree coverage 10% each year.

And why did Tim and company have to do that???? O YEA Howie,Anthony,Billy and Tony D ran it down to the ground which forced it to arbitration so in stead of the arbitator ruling on it. They did what was in the best interest of every one.

Like I have said months ago, someone ask Billy and Tony D what were the changes they agreed to make to stop it from going to arbitration????

There was a meeting setup the day after the vote count to stop it from going to arbitration..... BUT guess what they lost so they cancelled the meeting and said FU$K THE MEMBERS LET THE NEW GUYS WORRY ABOUT IT.......


Well-Known Member
If what your saying is true then thats BS but Pete is a feeder guy he can't hold a inside job for himself. Guess thats just another BS rumor thats not true....... NOTHING NEW....

Why wouldn't a feeder guy be able to bid on an inside job? Its done all the time and plenty of feeder guys take jobs inside. Just a fyi....Pete was not in feeders when he went with Ron.


Well-Known Member
WOW Hammer didn't think you were really that clueless..... O wait your backing Billy ,, never mind....NOW I UNDERSTAND

Not sure who I am backing yet but have no problems with Bill and after speaking with Tony, he has come a long way. You just need to open your mind brother. They might not be the greatest but with our options, We need to pick the best person for the position.


Well-Known Member
Aces! You have 34 million of our hard earned money! If your where concerned about the members you could lower the cost! What good is going into a contract with that kind of money. UPS will just knock healthcare off the table like they took or you gave the disability to them! LOSER!


Well-Known Member
Aces! You have 34 million of our hard earned money! If your where concerned about the members you could lower the cost! What good is going into a contract with that kind of money. UPS will just knock healthcare off the table like they took or you gave the disability to them! LOSER!
Really do you think before you type?? In 2007-2008, your boys were negotiating with ups enough money for our funds KNOWING FULL WELL THAT OUR FUNDS WERE BLEEDING BADLY!! They were incapable of negotiating enough money to get us through this present contract!! Yet you want some of those incompetent fools back in the hall to replay history?? Not with MY FUTURE . Its truly amazing. The current E/B fixes the problems THE OLD BOARD CREATED OR IGNORED and now want the membership to trust them ONCE AGAIN?? You guys are truly delusional!!


Well-Known Member
Aces! You have 34 million of our hard earned money! If your where concerned about the members you could lower the cost! What good is going into a contract with that kind of money. UPS will just knock healthcare off the table like they took or you gave the disability to them! LOSER!

What ever money we get for pension and medical will come from the national part of the contract. Just like the last contract when you got a dollar, so it doesn't matter how much we have in our medical. What ever money we get its up to the board on how they divide it. Now less money will have to go towards the medical and more can go towards our pension. If we don't get enough thur the national then we hold out for more thur the supplement.


Well-Known Member
Not sure who I am backing yet but have no problems with Bill and after speaking with Tony, he has come a long way. You just need to open your mind brother. They might not be the greatest but with our options, We need to pick the best person for the position.

You "have no problem" with how they left our local?? You have no problem with how our files and harddrives were "handled"?? You have not problem with the last two contracts which THEY ALL BACKED?? You have no problem with their backing Hoffa and getting us NOTHING for it?? No problem with our currently frozen pension funds?? No problem with how they turned their backs on the membership after the election??

Then my brother, your hammer has turned into a limp noodle!!


Well-Known Member
You "have no problem" with how they left our local?? You have no problem with how our files and harddrives were "handled"?? You have not problem with the last two contracts which THEY ALL BACKED?? You have no problem with their backing Hoffa and getting us NOTHING for it?? No problem with our currently frozen pension funds?? No problem with how they turned their backs on the membership after the election??

Then my brother, your hammer has turned into a limp noodle!!

He had a big problem with everything the old board did until he said he was backing Billy, sounds like he is running with Billy...


Well-Known Member
He had a big problem with everything the old board did until he said he was backing Billy, sounds like he is running with Billy...

The problems I had in the past are nothing compared to some of the nonsense we are dealing with now. I have nothing but respect for Tim and I love him like my blood brother. He is not the "right man" to run this local. Tony and Billy are far from perfect also but I think they both will be better for the position. The members will pick the best person for the position and I will be content to who ever it is. I am most impressed though after spending some time with Angelo, the amount of knowledge that man has.


Well-Known Member
The problems I had in the past are nothing compared to some of the nonsense we are dealing with now. I have nothing but respect for Tim and I love him like my blood brother. He is not the "right man" to run this local. Tony and Billy are far from perfect also but I think they both will be better for the position. The members will pick the best person for the position and I will be content to who ever it is. I am most impressed though after spending some time with Angelo, the amount of knowledge that man has.

Fair response, I don't really know Tim or Bill that well but I do know Tony D and he is garbage. He has done nothing for anyone at Foster since he has been back. Tony asked the stewards to step down, are u kidding me u friend'in cry baby you lost so that's what you do.... Then he doesn't go to arbitrations of drivers that were fired when he was still the BA in Foster , WAY TO LOOK OUT FOR THE MEMBERS TONY....

I'm backing Tim because old board was not honest with the members. They did what I feel was in their best interest not the members of Local 804. Hiding what was going on with our pension and medical because it was more important to them to be re-elected.

The way they dropped Ron Carey and turned there back on him was disgusting. And now Dan Carey is helping Donato? I heard that video and Dan says WE like 10 times?? WE ,,, you were never a teamster , what did Donato promise Dan.. If nothing then lets hear Donato say that Dan wasn't promised a job. Rumor is that Dan is upset because Tim didn't give him a job that comes from his sister. Hey Dan wipe the white stuff from under your nose. Your father was always upset that your sisters were born with the balls in your family and not you.... The truth hurts......

Had enough

Well-Known Member
This E Board has no chance of winning, they are incompetent and a bunch of fools. They are not going to have a say in our Company talks..
We all want them out, all that supported them before now hate them.

Dan Carey 804 MembersVoice - YouTube

check out a video of what the members think of our Board also at:


when Dan was backing row b whatever he said was gospel. Now you want toput him down? He realizes along with many many members that this board has made many false promises. They have destroyed Ron's legacy. This just shows the membership what animals the board truly is along with vinny m. Shame on you!!!!! This is how they treat Ron's son? Ron carey the man they idolized! Sounds like they have sour grapes!
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