Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member

when Dan was backing row b whatever he said was gospel. Now you want toput him down? He realizes along with many many members that this board has made many false promises. They have destroyed Ron's legacy. This just shows the membership what animals the board truly is along with vinny m. Shame on you!!!!! This is how they treat Ron's son? Ron carey the man they idolized! Sounds like they have sour grapes!

I don't know how the board feels but as for me I never liked Dan Carey his father was a great labor leader and the little wet nose never even became a teamster. All he does if kiss people's @ss to get where he wants.

First it was Tim's and when he didn't get a job he went to Fred Gagare and now Donato.

But there is no worse animal then Tony D, I was stand right there when he told Dan Carey he waned to punch him in the face in front of his sisters and I was standing next to Tony when he said 'Ill p/ss on his grave'

I'm so glad that Billy has a slate because this guarantees that Tony D will never be president of Local 804.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member

Fair response, I don't really know Tim or Bill that well but I do know Tony D and he is garbage. He has done nothing for anyone at Foster since he has been back. Tony asked the stewards to step down, are u kidding me u friend'in cry baby you lost so that's what you do.... Then he doesn't go to arbitrations of drivers that were fired when he was still the BA in Foster , WAY TO LOOK OUT FOR THE MEMBERS TONY....

I'm backing Tim because old board was not honest with the members. They did what I feel was in their best interest not the members of Local 804. Hiding what was going on with our pension and medical because it was more important to them to be re-elected.

The way they dropped Ron Carey and turned there back on him was disgusting. And now Dan Carey is helping Donato? I heard that video and Dan says WE like 10 times?? WE ,,, you were never a teamster , what did Donato promise Dan.. If nothing then lets hear Donato say that Dan wasn't promised a job. Rumor is that Dan is upset because Tim didn't give him a job that comes from his sister. Hey Dan wipe the white stuff from under your nose. Your father was always upset that your sisters were born with the balls in your family and not you.... The truth hurts......
You are a real maroon and so is the one who likes your post, crawl back under your managers desk with brown.

Had enough

Well-Known Member

I don't know how the board feels but as for me I never liked Dan Carey his father was a great labor leader and the little wet nose never even became a teamster. All he does if kiss people's @ss to get where he wants.

First it was Tim's and when he didn't get a job he went to Fred Gagare and now Donato.

But there is no worse animal then Tony D, I was stand right there when he told Dan Carey he waned to punch him in the face in front of his sisters and I was standing next to Tony when he said 'Ill p/ss on his grave'

I'm so glad that Billy has a slate because this guarantees that Tony D will never be president of Local 804.

So Vinny tell us what are you going to do when Tony D wins?


Well-Known Member
two things..1, Bill B did not erase his hard drives or files, as a matter of fact, Tim S thanked him at a General membership meeting for leaving his files in order. Dont put Bill in the same Category as Tony. 2, are you saying that Tim and company if they get elected will negotiate more money into out health and welfare and pensions? Id like to here Tim Guarantee he will be able to do that, I think if you ask him yourself he will tell you its unlikely. I have to say I always thought our eboard negotiated the money to be put into our pensions and medical, but the truth is, The National does the negotiating for that. Ask Tim yourself. Stop blaming the ex board when they dont negotiate those funds!


Well-Known Member
If what your saying is true then thats BS but Pete is a feeder guy he can't hold a inside job for himself. Guess thats just another BS rumor thats not true....... NOTHING NEW....

Ask Pete about the 3 vacancies that are in the Nassau bldg. Two were fired and one retired and still not filled. Confirmed this today....


Well-Known Member
You "have no problem" with how they left our local?? You have no problem with how our files and harddrives were "handled"?? You have not problem with the last two contracts which THEY ALL BACKED?? You have no problem with their backing Hoffa and getting us NOTHING for it?? No problem with our currently frozen pension funds?? No problem with how they turned their backs on the membership after the election??

Then my brother, your hammer has turned into a limp noodle!!
two things..1, Bill B did not erase his hard drives or files, as a matter of fact, Tim S thanked him at a General membership meeting for leaving his files in order. Dont put Bill in the same Category as Tony. 2, are you saying that Tim and company if they get elected will negotiate more money into out health and welfare and pensions? Id like to here Tim Guarantee he will be able to do that, I think if you ask him yourself he will tell you its unlikely. I have to say I always thought our eboard negotiated the money to be put into our pensions and medical, but the truth is, The National does the negotiating for that. Ask Tim yourself. Stop blaming the ex board when they dont negotiate those funds!


Well-Known Member
The National does the negotiating for that. Ask Tim yourself. Stop blaming the ex board when they dont negotiate those funds!

Sorry Billy ball washer, 2 things

first don't know if Billy erased his hard drive but I do know that when Tim sent every old board member a letter asking them to come back to the hall and explain what was left behind. They all refused the letter that came from Tim's mouth

second when our old board begged UPS to fix our pension accrual rate the 12 or 18 million was put in thur our supplement agreement

So yes money can go into our medical and pension if you have the balls with our old board never had..

Sorry George you should have asked your management buddies at UPS.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait, 2 and a half months and all the Tony D ball washers will go away......

804 MEMBERS UNITY 3 more years and I will retire in 1 more LOL
The executive board has screwed the retiree's

Today i received a letter from 804 H&W confirming that the cost to retiree contribution will be going up 10% in January of 2013 amd they always close the letter by letting us know that they have the right to charge what ever they feel necessary amd if so can discontinue retiree benefits completely. What the Fxxx is going on.
NICE JOB FATMAN, YOU HAVE TO GO BACK TO WASHING OUT URINALS AND EATING MORE TWINKEES.:sick::panicsmiley::getwell::runcirclsmiley2::nonono:


Well-Known Member
It's relevant that our executive board does not know how to utilize or understand the contract up to this point. the E/B continue to blame everyone else Except themselves for there inabilities to be successful during there 1term.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

I know Frank and
Mema for the person who is writing this crap Frank and Mema are no sell outs they are two guy's that actually fight hard for the members and if u don't believe it ask the members at foster ps the Bill b slate is the best slate running they Will bring back local804 as the greatest local

I took your advice and asked around,
Out East we hear those two guys from Foster only care about themselves, they want to run so they will have more time for there construction business and keep hiring Mexicans to do the hard labor. All of Bill B slate guys are a bunch of C rated stewards, with no loyalty to anyone.

You say you know these guys, Ask them which one of them delivered packages on a truck while on light duty. Taking overtime away from members, and doing favors for management. There supposed to lead by example, yea right.

Word gets around quick out East, Frank has a long rap sheet of kissing up to management, and sometimes acting like management.

Now you still think they are the best slate running, LMFAO
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Well-Known Member
It's relevant that our executive board does not know how to utilize or understand the contract up to this point. the E/B continue to blame everyone else Except themselves for there inabilities to be successful during there 1term.

Its relevant that the Redmond/Magrene/Buhlert/Donato team gave us that wonderful contract we have to abide by. Next time you speak your buddies Buhlert and Donato ask them what is the best part of our contract? Is it the split raises?? Giving ups the right to use gps and telematics to fire us??freezing our pension and eliminating 25 and out for new hires?? Freezing starting pay for part timers at $8.50??That wonderful language where friend/t clerks are only guaranteed 4.5 hours if they are layed off?? Or the fact that we have to get screwed for three days of over 9.5 EVEN AFTER WE ARE ON THE 9.5 LIST??etc

I think our board understands our contract quite well. it just must be very frustrating having to defend the members with such weak language. They have fixed our funds. now it is time to fix our broken contract!!