Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member

You are brainwashed.the members have been going to the same doctors for years.now they get bills that the E/B does not pay. Ask the members how many went to collection?


Well-Known Member
Five u years ago I had to go on disability. I called the union, told them what happened, the union sent out disability forms for me to fill out. I had my surgery, took me 15 weeks to recover. I received over $300.00 a week till I came back to work. I hope no one has to go onto disability today. I was injured at home recently, was out of work called the union, they informed me they do not handle that anymore UPS does, they gave me the phone number for Human resource at UPS. I called UPS HRSE, they told me they handle all the paper work and they will decide if I will receive any money, which by the way is $130.00 a week now.

Don't forget the lump sum, either way, you are correct.


Well-Known Member
Anthony! Oh I mean Aces? Sorry why don't you ask the guys who you represent feel about you!!! Not your fans but the guys that you act like they don't exist? The ones you give the fake hello to etc! You have work to do! Your not that slick! Card player

LOL Again call me who you like, I myself like Anthony C but he's not the reason I'm voting to re-elect our board. If he went to Billy's slate I wouldn't vote for Billy.

I'm voting for Tim & Company because I want to see my pension go up. Its been 14 years player..... 14 years.... and to get better language in our contract. NO ONE FROM OUR OLD BOARD WILL EVER GET BACK IN THE HALL. THE MEMBERS WON'T ALLOW IT....

By no means do I think Tim & Company are doing a great job BUT they are honest and up front about what ever is going on not like our old board. And they have the union finances going in the right direction.

I bet your a guy trying to help his buddy get in the hall nothing more.



Well-Known Member
Pete said there is a very good possibility there will be an increase. A loop hole is what he called it. I don't buy it.

Nothing to buy just the truth, I heard Pete talking about the pension last week and he was very clear.

We can not have a pension increase while we are in the protective zone until we are 80% funded UNLESS there is new money coming in to our fund and that new money will come in though the contract. Pete said that because the medical is doing well they can put less money in it and more into the pension. Right now 65 cents goes to the medical and 35 cents goes to the pension from the dollar from UPS. Now the medical only needs 45 or 50 cents so with the extra money going towards the pension plus what ever is negotiated, we can see a pension increase by the 2nd or 3rd year of this new contract.

Finally something we never heard from Bill Buhlert or Tony Donato ....... A PLAN, A VISION a way for our pension to go up.


What makes anyone really think Billy or Tony knew what they were doing?.... Because they were in the hall..... LOL




Well-Known Member
Nothing to buy just the truth, I heard Pete talking about the pension last week and he was very clear.

We can not have a pension increase while we are in the protective zone until we are 80% funded UNLESS there is new money coming in to our fund and that new money will come in though the contract. Pete said that because the medical is doing well they can put less money in it and more into the pension. Right now 65 cents goes to the medical and 35 cents goes to the pension from the dollar from UPS. Now the medical only needs 45 or 50 cents so with the extra money going towards the pension plus what ever is negotiated, we can see a pension increase by the 2nd or 3rd year of this new contract.


Hold on there Nelly.... that is in no way, shape or form the way Pete was implying the pension would go up. That is the reiterated solution after he was schooled for getting heat for his original comments. Of course the fund has to be 80%(by law) and it must show an upward monthly increase to even be considered. The statement about new money needed to be added is a no brainer and a total face palm of an answer. I like most the members united guys but where has Jim been hiding and Pete is just full if hot air.


Well-Known Member
I attended the leadership slate meeting on Sunday and I left very impressed. The entire slate looked sharp and professional. I left the meeting knowing who should be our local President moving forward! Bill is definitely President material and a breath of fresh air compared to Tim. Bill spoke to the members and opened the floor for questions. The man stood and answered all question posed to him and didn't run. This is a leader! Gentlemen there is no other choice!



Is it time to go home yet

We can not have a pension increase while we are in the protective zone until we are 80% funded UNLESS there is new money coming in to our fund and that new money will come in though the contract. Pete said that because the medical is doing well they can put less money in it and more into the pension. Right now 65 cents goes to the medical and 35 cents goes to the pension from the dollar from UPS. Now the medical only needs 45 or 50 cents so with the extra money going towards the pension plus what ever is negotiated, we can see a pension increase by the 2nd or 3rd year of this new contract.


How about they leave the medical money how it is and start paying everyones medical bills and stop with all the excuses for not paying them. As for the comment"FINALLY A EXECUTIVE BOARD THAT CARES ABOUT THE MEMBERS AND NOT ONLY THEMSELVES." How many of them have to run circles to get their medical bills paid?


Well-Known Member
UPS is putting more money in the pension fund now you would think. That idea will not work! Members united just started the first leg of us paying for our own health care!


Well-Known Member
This E/B has done everything UPS wants and more. Having drivers pay more into their medical, not paying their medical bills. Blue cross blue shield is the worst plan their is. We went from the cadillac plan to this crap. And they don't pay the bills, doctors are dropping out. Retires are paying over $500.00 a month for worst medical than we have, it is a disgrace. Now the E/B wants to take UPS to court after they sign this agreement. Tim S. and his E/B should be tarred and feathered and run out of town. They destroyed Ron Carey's local. VOTE THEM OUT!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
This E/B has done everything UPS wants and more. Having drivers pay more into their medical, not paying their medical bills. Blue cross blue shield is the worst plan their is. We went from the cadillac plan to this crap. And they don't pay the bills, doctors are dropping out. Retires are paying over $500.00 a month for worst medical than we have, it is a disgrace. Now the E/B wants to take UPS to court after they sign this agreement. Tim S. and his E/B should be tarred and feathered and run out of town. They destroyed Ron Carey's local. VOTE THEM OUT!!!!!

Tom Duh lay, If you knew what you were talking about you would have known that our fund was going broke. By june 2011 it would have been in the red by millions. That means your boys (Redmond, Buhlert, Donato) did not negotiate enough monies to get us through their last contract...first failure!! They take funds from the health fund to help the pension funds....second failure!! Finally during their LAST election in 2009, they refuse to tell us the true state of our funds...third failure!! They even had a secret plan with UPS to make some of the same cuts and increase in copays as this current board made!! And now he hear the hypocrits attacking our E/B about the increases, etc. By the way magnacare was a joke. And it was NO CADILLAC plan. Think about it: do you know anyone who pays only $5 copays anymore?? It was unsustainable. But then again that is part of a bigger problem with our health care system nationally: greedy and wasteful private insurance companies.
Yes, the retirees had to take a hit too. We all did why should they be exempt?? They are a huge part of the expenses (ages 55-65)of the funds outlays. They were getting $1200 per month in benefits but paying only $225/month. It hurts and it might be abit unfair BUT IT HAD TO BE DONE TO PREVENT THE FUNDS FROM GOING BANKRUPT. Now as we have seen our E/B has created large surpluses that give the trustees (both management and union) the ability to halt the "planned" increases in january. By the way that $500 is only for retirees with who still have young kids other wise it is about $300/month or $400 if married.
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Well-Known Member
********* The Contract is renegotiated at the end of the old contract. What your******* E/B did was what UPS wanted all along, pass the cost onto the members by eleven co-pays, crappy medical plan, denying claims, dropping doctors from the plan. Having you go to their butcher doctors. Maybe you don't care who checks your wife your kids or your boyfriend, but the rest of us do.*****************************************
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Well-Known Member
********* The Contract is renegotiated at the end of the old contract. What your******* E/B did was what UPS wanted all along, pass the cost onto the members by eleven co-pays, crappy medical plan, denying claims, dropping doctors from the plan. Having you go to their butcher doctors. Maybe you don't care who checks your wife your kids or your boyfriend, but the rest of us do.*****************************************

So with your naive logic UPS was going to add extra money OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF THEIR HEART?? LOL...fool. Contract wasnt "renegotiated". The trustees of the funds meet every month I think to judge how the funds are doing. Both sides saw how unsustainable it was getting (redmond boys knew this too but said nothing until AFTER the election...nice). Oh and remember when redmond/buhlert/donato raised co pays back in 2006 or 2007?? That too was done at a trustees meeting NOT during contract negotiations!!

As for the "butcher doctors" well they are basically the same doctors as magnacare. Only difference is empire blue cross blue shield is accepted OUTSIDE NY unlike magnacare. So that if you take your family to florida on vacation you dont have to go outside the network if your kid gets sick or hurt. Do you understand now DUH lay??

As for the stupid comments, GROW UP!!


Well-Known Member
Tom Duh lay, If you knew what you were talking about you would have known that our fund was going broke. By june 2011 it would have been in the red by millions. That means your boys (Redmond, Buhlert, Donato) did not negotiate enough monies to get us through their last contract...first failure!! They take funds from the health fund to help the pension funds....second failure!! Finally during their LAST election in 2009, they refuse to tell us the true state of our funds...third failure!! They even had a secret plan with UPS to make some of the same cuts and increase in copays as this current board made!! And now he hear the hypocrits attacking our E/B about the increases, etc. By the way magnacare was a joke. And it was NO CADILLAC plan. Think about it: do you know anyone who pays only $5 copays anymore?? It was unsustainable. But then again that is part of a bigger problem with our health care system nationally: greedy and wasteful private insurance companies.
Yes, the retirees had to take a hit too. We all did why should they be exempt?? They are a huge part of the expenses (ages 55-65)of the funds outlays. They were getting $1200 per month in benefits but paying only $225/month. It hurts and it might be abit unfair BUT IT HAD TO BE DONE TO PREVENT THE FUNDS FROM GOING BANKRUPT. Now as we have seen our E/B has created large surpluses that give the trustees (both management and union) the ability to halt the "planned" increases in january. By the way that $500 is only for retirees with who still have young kids other wise it is about $300/month or $400 if married.
I see you don't know what your talking about. No sense in texting you. too much kool-aide in the veins.


Well-Known Member
At the end of the contract you have no medical, it has to be renegotiated. You have NO! contract! LOL *!
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Well-Known Member
So with your naive logic UPS was going to add extra money OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF THEIR HEART?? LOL...fool. Contract wasnt "renegotiated". The trustees of the funds meet every month I think to judge how the funds are doing. Both sides saw how unsustainable it was getting (redmond boys knew this too but said nothing until AFTER the election...nice). Oh and remember when redmond/buhlert/donato raised co pays back in 2006 or 2007?? That too was done at a trustees meeting NOT during contract negotiations!!

As for the "butcher doctors" well they are basically the same doctors as magnacare. Only difference is empire blue cross blue shield is accepted OUTSIDE NY unlike magnacare. So that if you take your family to florida on vacation you dont have to go outside the network if your kid gets sick or hurt. Do you understand now DUH lay??

As for the stupid comments, GROW UP!!
When the contact expires you have NO CONTRACT! It has to be renegotiated. What don't you understand. STOP TAKING KOOL-AIDE!!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Hey King whatever, sorry to burst your bubble but I am not Tony! You don't know who I am as much as I don't know who you are! But I will tell you Tony and the Members voice Slate are out and about right now! I am hearing only positive things for them and not too much for the other two slates. Members are done with the EB and I heard Bills meeting was a turn off .......Not to many members like the fact that he is so close to management....(I heard he goes fishing with his management buddy) but to hear he has them in his Bridal party....Ugh! Very upsetting to a lot......

By the way Tony still talks good about Bill! I don't know why!!!!
