Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Your local is 100% correct---your wife's injury was the result of an auto accident and would be covered by your auto insurance medical coverage, much the same as an injury in your home would be covered by your homeowner's policy.


Well-Known Member
Bad coverage is everywhere. My pals mom had hip surgery- they denied her physical therapy?...she broke it again,,guess what? They approved physical therapy... The system is SO broken

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I can understand the hall not covering some thing because it workers comp but not this lol so did you go thur no-fault, think it would be covered.

Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/forum/f39/...itator-2-a-325420/index647.html#ixzz29JaHUbri
Yes, tried that. They basically laughed and said thats not covered by them. After telling the local this fact they said that was still not good enough. They are now requesting all sorts of documentation to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, I guess, that my auto insurer said NO.
I don't think its auto insurance because the car was not moving. I had a piece of medal sticking out of my car I had to get stitches when I walked into it and my health insurance covered it!


Well-Known Member
No problem, my wife was putting a bag in the rear of her Hyundai santa fe when the piston holding the door up failed and the door came crashing down on her head. It made a 3 inch gash. I went to my local walk-in medical facility but being this was at night they were closed. I then took her to the emergency room of South Nassau hospital. They treated her and put 5 staples in her head. The local is refusing to pay even 1 cent of my over $5500.00 bills because they are using the ridiculous excuse that this was an auto accident and should go thru my auto insurance. I think that's enough detail and all will get my message here that the local board will twist and turn all incidents to get out of paying the MEMBERS bills. They seem to forget we pay their salaries and they are supposed to be working for us. I don't hide behind an anonymous screen name. Everyone knows my nick name. If you want to discuss it in more detail or if you can help me get my bills paid please come over to the Marine Park center and we will chat.

Very Very unfortunate situation, but 100% no fault in the eyes of an insurance carrier, yet the local should pay and back charge your carrier and if unsuccessful back charge you.


Well-Known Member
I am getting bills from my doctor dating back to 2010. When I called the doctors office I was told that the union is bemanding back payment, they said they made a mistake by paying those bills. Before I went for the surgery I was assured by Tom L that all will be paid for, now he tells me things changed, blue cross blue shield will not cover that.


Well-Known Member

How long does the appeal process take? I gueas the members bills will have to go to collection in the mean time it will hurt their credit!! Good job E/B.


Well-Known Member
I see that the local agitator is passing out lies again about our fellow brothers. We work with this guy and know he is not capable of writing this garbage on his own! TDU writes these lies and ken passes it out. Ken refuses to tell us the truth on why he abandon his members and left us Melville guys for dead! WE will remember in November. 53 drivers 3 days suspension! 2 stewards off the job for a year!!! I hope someone spills coffee all over you!


Well-Known Member
I see that the local agitator is passing out lies again about our fellow brothers. We work with this guy and know he is not capable of writing this garbage on his own! TDU writes these lies and ken passes it out. Ken refuses to tell us the truth on why he abandon his members and left us Melville guys for dead! WE will remember in November. 53 drivers 3 days suspension! 2 stewards off the job for a year!!! I hope someone spills coffee all over you!



Well-Known Member
Section 7: Oath of Obligation

Every new member shall sign the following oath of obligation:

Fellow worker, you will now take an obligation that will bind you to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and this Local Union, and that will in no way conflict with your religious belief or your duties as a citizen:

I, the undersigned, pledge my honor to faithfully observe the Constitution and the laws of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and the By-Laws of this Local Union,

I pledge that I will comply with all the rules and regulations for the government of the International Union and this Local Union,

I will faithfully perform all the duties assigned to me to the best of my ability and skill,

I will conduct myself at all times in a manner as not to bring reproach upon my Union,

I shall take an affirmative part in the business and activities of the Union and accept and discharge my responsibilities during any authorized strike or lockout,

I pledge not to divulge to non-members the private business of this Union, unless authorized to reveal the same,

I will never knowingly harm a fellow member,


Well-Known Member
I Hope Tony or Bill brings Ken up on charges for slandering of there names! I believe anybody handing out things of this nature should face the same fate banishment!


Well-Known Member
while we are on the subject of Bylaws.

Section 8

  1. B. To be eligible for election to any office in this Local Union, a member must be in continuous good standing in this Local Union and actively employed at the craft within the jurisdiction of this Local Union for a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months prior to the month of nomination for said office, and must be eligible to hold office if elected.

    Can someone tell me how Liam And Chris S are
    eligible to run for office? What craft are they actively employed at?


Well-Known Member
I Hope Tony or Bill brings Ken up on charges for slandering of there names! I believe anybody handing out things of this nature should face the same fate banishment!

"On charges of slandering of their names"?? LOL, it cant be slander if it's true!! Tony and Bill are where they are today BECAUSE of their own actions and inactions. These two characters SLANDERED all of us. Just look at their record. Just look at who they were pals with. Speak about charges each of the former board members could easily have been brought of on charges of dereliction of duty for what they did after they lost the election!!


Well-Known Member
while we are on the subject of Bylaws.

Section 8

  1. B. To be eligible for election to any office in this Local Union, a member must be in continuous good standing in this Local Union and actively employed at the craft within the jurisdiction of this Local Union for a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months prior to the month of nomination for said office, and must be eligible to hold office if elected.

    Can someone tell me how Liam And Chris S are
    eligible to run for office? What craft are they actively employed at?

Obviously the election supervisor thought Chris was eligible in 2009, right?? He has paid his dues the past 34 months too Im sure. No problem there. As for Liam Im sure he paid his dues after he was discharged (thanks Tony, great job) in Jan 2009, no problem there either. Their "craft" is TRUSTEE for Chris and Business Agent for Liam. Any other silly questions Mr Bylawsreader!!


Well-Known Member
Obviously the election supervisor thought Chris was eligible in 2009, right?? He has paid his dues the past 34 months too Im sure. No problem there. As for Liam Im sure he paid his dues after he was discharged (thanks Tony, great job) in Jan 2009, no problem there either. Their "craft" is TRUSTEE for Chris and Business Agent for Liam. Any other silly questions Mr Bylawsreader!!

Silly question? Well Ken, As a matter of fact I do. you say their "craft is a Trustee and a Business agent? really? so what contract do they work under? who negotiates their contract? Read what the Bylaws say..They have to be "actively employed at the craft WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THIS LOCAL." JUST BECAUSE THEY PAY THEIR DUES DOESNT MAKE THEM PART OF ANY CRAFT! TIMS CRAFT IS A UPS PORTER, YOUR CRAFT IS A UPS DRVER. WHAT IS LIAMS CRAFT? WHAT IS CHRIS S'S CRAFT? THEY DONT HAVE ONE. PERIOD. And as far is the Election supervisor goes, any violation in the election process has to be protested within 48 hours of the violation. So I guess back in 2009 nobody protested it. Lets see what happens this year after the nominations ;)
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Well-Known Member
Local and IBT by laws speak of being Members in the Craft! So I will assume there arbitrations where heard after elections. The definition of craft is:

1. an art, trade, or occupation requiring special skill, especially manual skill: the craft of a mason.

They are Not in the craft and should not be able to run!! You should bring it up to IBT.