Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

They came for the prizes and some sloppy joes, other wise they wouldn,t of had as many. The E/B was begging members to show up, handing out fliers.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Like I said earlier, I was there too. I hope other clips are played that show the entire nominations. Anyway membersunited had about 150-170 members in the adjoining room after the meeting for those that actually stayed. Many couldnt hang out.
As for a 2 man race, LOL, you live in a dream world. This election will be MembersUnited: 51%, LeadershipSlate: 30%, Donato's:19%. So maybe you are right. It is a race between Tim's slate and Buhlert's slate. It was fun Tony!!

koolaide for sale koolaide for sale I will give you a glass for free if you vote for me!!!!!

it's over brown.......


Well-Known Member
So who won the iPad? I bet I was a part-timer. They are selling dreams to the part-timers. The international negotiates the part-time wages,pensions and work rules not the local. Get ur facts straight this e/b is done.


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

804 Brown if you thought you had 150 members my question to you is what are you smoking? P.s you had to give out gifts to get anyone to come. You are a joke!!

Fact, there were 170 members in that room. I counted them myself. Anyway, prizes?? They had raffles, saod and pretzels. Yeah we had to be bought with that. Which joke are you supporting: No Ballsl Tony or Grab your Balls Billy?? What a crew!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

They came for the prizes and some sloppy joes, other wise they wouldn,t of had as many. The E/B was begging members to show up, handing out fliers.

Wow, imagine that our executive board wanting to get members to a union meeting. Go to most other locals and they have them during the week at night so that NO ONE SHOWS UP!!Our board expanded the number of meetings from 3 to 4. They encourage people to come and show up and learn stuff and get involved. Much unlike the Redmond/Buhlert/Donato days when dissent was not allowed. When people used to go up to the mic and get booed out so their voice couldnt be heard. where you got disrespected at the mic when they actually let you speak by the board members themselves. Today was the exception when no one was heard. It was a yell and scream fest!! But the room was divided about a third for each slate. No one dominated!!


Well-Known Member
Dave Levine it was nice meeting you today! Hi listen, your ship has sailed maybe Sandy or some other TDU local need you! Fair well wanna be teamster.


Well-Known Member
Now the race is on between Tim VS Billy today showed that Donato is done. He looked lost, forgot his guys names and even almost forgot to nominate Danny M lol

All the slates were boo'd at one time or another but Billy and Tony were boo'd so loud that they had to ask for help to quiet the members.

804 Members United had a rally in the room next door was about 150-200 people they served soda and giant pretzels even had a raffle to get names and numbers. Heard they raised a lot of money from there supporters.

The best was a guy dressed as a football referee and every time someone said Tony or Billy's name he would blow his whistle and throw his yellow flag ... It was hilarious.....


Had enough

Well-Known Member
Now the race is on between Tim VS Billy today showed that Donato is done. He looked lost, forgot his guys names and even almost forgot to nominate Danny M lol

All the slates were boo'd at one time or another but Billy and Tony were boo'd so loud that they had to ask for help to quiet the members.

804 Members United had a rally in the room next door was about 150-200 people they served soda and giant pretzels even had a raffle to get names and numbers. Heard they raised a lot of money from there supporters.

The best was a guy dressed as a football referee and every time someone said Tony or Billy's name he would blow his whistle and throw his yellow flag ... It was hilarious.....

Hey Vinny we missed you on here! Glad to see you are alive and kicking! This way you can kick yourself in the ass when Donato Wins! Brown is Going Down!


Well-Known Member
I loved when he threw the flag ay Buhlert. He stood up, blew his whistle , threw his flag up . He then made the "holding" sign,, pointed to Buhlert and grabbed his balls. LOL!! I almost fell off my seat!!


Well-Known Member

Ace I was sitting in the middle you did not have 150 or200 members supporting you guys. That's funny 804 Brown said you had 150 170 members . Ace and 804 Brown or should I say ANTHONY C .Good try members don't want you guys!!! Lol!


Well-Known Member
Besides the 3 slates Harry Welden a former shop steward out of Foster is running for BA.

Q ? Harry was fired and lost in arbitration. How can he run????


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Ace I was sitting in the middle you did not have 150 or200 members supporting you guys. That's funny 804 Brown said you had 150 170 members . Ace and 804 Brown or should I say ANTHONY C .Good try members don't want you guys!!! Lol!

Glad you were siting with the winning slate the room was packed. The members don't want anyone from the old board....

Karma is a bitch

Be careful what you say
The Leadership slate is the best of three evils. Even with Bill on the slate. Yes he was on the old slate, but the donato slate has more from the old slate and the current en is doing nothing.


Well-Known Member
The Leadership slate is the best of three evils. Even with Bill on the slate. Yes he was on the old slate, but the donato slate has more from the old slate and the current en is doing nothing.

I love it how supporters of Billy will now come on here and say he's not that bad lol

HE WAS OUR OLD VICE PRESIDENT , Billy sat on both the medical and pension boards, what did he do???

Nothing but eat good and go fishing with UPS , he lied to the members by keeping his fat mouth shut.....

big deal Tony has 3 Billy has 2 ,,,,, 1 old board member on a slate is to much....