Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I actually feel bad for you 804 brown!!!! You see things totally different from the membership!!!! You are a one army man right now for them. We all know Vinny in not a man!!! This is the worst time in the history of Local 804!!!

TDU is poison!!!!

The members are crying out for help!!!
They have to go!!!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
The time is here green jacket man. Come up from the basement and give us all the juice on Tony D that you have. You said right after the nominations you will spill the beans. Then you can go back under your rock in the basement.
He also should have solid written documents! He is not to be trusted! He lies as much as this board! Lies, Lies, Lies


Well-Known Member
I actually feel bad for you 804 brown!!!! You see things totally different from the membership!!!! You are a one army man right now for them. We all know Vinny in not a man!!! This is the worst time in the history of Local 804!!!

TDU is poison!!!!

The members are crying out for help!!!
They have to go!!!!

I'm going to have to agree with him on that. I will respectfully disagree with your post.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Re: Brown

Brown you have to be kidding do you really believe the things you post.
Do you have any idea what R Carey would have done to a BA who accepted a 30 day suspension? Ask any member who had knowledge of what this Union was like. Or would he let a BA get two stewards fired 53 drivers suspended and the Union fined. You believe an answering service is 24/7 look at their videos they said call us we will be in your building not just the stewards they can't stop us. Why would UPS give us more money for a health plan that has reserves, the idea is to use the money to pay benefits not have reserves. Just ask the members that are paying all these new copays that this board agreed to and the high price retirees are paying for their medical so there is a surplus?

They had their chance they did not deliver it is time for them to go they can't do the job.


Well-Known Member
That is the E/B new lie, they are going to raise hourly wage for part timers. One they are not invited to the contract talk, by the way that has never happened before to this local. Two They can not get anymore then the drivers get. Three monetary talk is ALWAYS, ALWAYS done by the IBT.


Well-Known Member
That is the E/B new lie, they are going to raise hourly wage for part timers. One they are not invited to the contract talk, by the way that has never happened before to this local. Two They can not get anymore then the drivers get. Three monetary talk is ALWAYS, ALWAYS done by the IBT.

hall was emphatic at the National 2-man, attended by L804 reps, that raising part time wages was a priority.
So when the board reports that back, somehow they're out of line? That's funny...and if they didn't report back, you'd get on them for that! L804 isn't paying part time wages, UPS is. And L804 will be party to any increase negotiated for pt's. There's no lie anywhere here.
Make up some other garbage but bring better than this if you want a different board.


Well-Known Member
hall was emphatic at the National 2-man, attended by L804 reps, that raising part time wages was a priority.
So when the board reports that back, somehow they're out of line? That's funny...and if they didn't report back, you'd get on them for that! L804 isn't paying part time wages, UPS is. And L804 will be party to any increase negotiated for pt's. There's no lie anywhere here.
Make up some other garbage but bring better than this if you want a different board.

They also said that they were going to stop supervisors from doing union work, and nine other things,so which lie do you want me to believe!


Well-Known Member
They also said that they were going to stop supervisors from doing union work, and nine other things,so which lie do you want me to believe!

Again, they promised to take on supervisors working. Having building raids has stopped some of it. But you cant raid every night or even every week. However the board is getting record numbers of grievances for sups working paid!! Plus Supervisors work in EVERY building in EVERY local in this country. Even under ron carey they worked. So since sups still work, THAT MAKES IT A LIE?? No it makes it a work in progress.
You throw the word "LIE" around. Ok, name me these "lies"!! Not being able to stop every sup fromworking IS NOT A LIE!! They are what 12 men in a 13 building local. WIthout the members and stewards on the front lines who see it directly putting in grievances, this problem will never go away. If the 6800 members put in grievances for violations, THEN THE PROBLEM BECOMES TOO EXPENSIVE FOR MANAGEMENT TO CONTINUE. Only with a union leadership leading the way and doing building raids and an active membership that GIVE A SH%T and actually do something instead of just talking about it, will this problem end!!
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Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

804 Brown bull****!!
Now that adds alot. Once again there's no "lie" here. 804Brown is dead on, sup's are working in EVERY local not just L804. Sup working grievances are up in every area of the operations throughout UPS. I thought Tony and Bill knew that. Makes one wonder what else they don't know. Oh nevermind, we don't have enough time or space to write that.


Well-Known Member
Now that adds alot. Once again there's no "lie" here. 804Brown is dead on, sup's are working in EVERY local not just L804. Sup working grievances are up in every area of the operations throughout UPS. I thought Tony and Bill knew that. Makes one wonder what else they don't know. Oh nevermind, we don't have enough time or space to write that.


Well-Known Member
Now that adds alot. Once again there's no "lie" here. 804Brown is dead on, sup's are working in EVERY local not just L804. Sup working grievances are up in every area of the operations throughout UPS. I thought Tony and Bill knew that. Makes one wonder what else they don't know. Oh nevermind, we don't have enough time or space to write that.

Please tell me where and when the last building raid was??? We are not talking about supervisers working we are talking about broken promises and lies. " We will perform building raids, the supervisors won't know when we're coming but they will know when we're there" Tim S


Well-Known Member
The time is here green jacket man. Come up from the basement and give us all the juice on Tony D that you have. You said right after the nominations you will spill the beans. Then you can go back under your rock in the basement.

I would like to and really had every intention on doing it but now that Billy is in the race it's not smart to do. The stuff I have will cripple him and that would help Billy. It helps Tim more if I stay quiet.

Had enough

Well-Known Member

I would like to and really had every intention on doing it but now that Billy is in the race it's not smart to do. The stuff I have will cripple him and that would help Billy. It helps Tim more if I stay quiet.

Vinny please don't insult our intelligence! You don't have anything on Donato. You would bury him alive if you could! Donato has never done one thing shady and you know it.

I have to say you are pathetic!


Well-Known Member
Please tell me where and when the last building raid was??? We are not talking about supervisers working we are talking about broken promises and lies. " We will perform building raids, the supervisors won't know when we're coming but they will know when we're there" Tim S
lies? I don't think so ... Maybe not as manny as they wanted to have but not a lie.

Now Billy and Tony what they did was worse then lying it was criminal. Holding information from the members , worrying more about getting re-elected then telling the members the truth.