Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member

These new guys have done nothing and waited to the last minute to do or say anything and they were asked to join Members Voice from the beginning and if there were any differences of opinion they had over two years to work it out for the Members sake and they didn't. If they screw up this election by splitting the vote they should be ashamed of themselves.

I think it is safe to say that Bill had every intention of forming a slate the second they were voted out 3 years ago. Tony and Bill have different agendas and water does not mix well with water. I happen to like a little of all three boards running and wish them all the best.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

The truth is 2 steward did get fired. And it was 53 members that served a 3 day suspension! The 2 steward got their job back after an arbitrator gave it back . The arbitrator ruled if this ever happens again the members will be discharged.

You really are a funny dude! What did you just wake up and smell the coffee? :bloodshot:

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
I think it is safe to say that Bill had every intention of forming a slate the second they were voted out 3 years ago. Tony and Bill have different agendas and water does not mix well with water. I happen to like a little of all three boards running and wish them all the best.

I think you are confused, the only agenda is the Members of Local 804. The way the election usually turns out is that members vote for a slate so you are not going to end up with a little of each. I will not comment on what you wanted to say. If their intention was to run they needed to fix that 3 years ago not screw it up now!


Well-Known Member

I would like to and really had every intention on doing it but now that Billy is in the race it's not smart to do. The stuff I have will cripple him and that would help Billy. It helps Tim more if I stay quiet.
Vinny you don't know what the heLL you are saying most of the time! Stop your lies. Take your medication and go back downstairs!


Well-Known Member
WOW was looking at Billy's slate and was asking around about these guys bottom of the barrel is an under statement.....

Brian M , heard he's a good guy don't know why he's running with these clowns.

Jon G , heard he couldn't even win as steward in Nassau, he's a better man and father because of Billy , give me a break

Mikey C , LOL long time sargent of arms , never a steward until this year heard it was close vote, another lets make a deal guy.

Steve M , LOL Billy's son , I heard Tony D said you can run with us but not Steve, he's totally useless.

Danny P , Here's a guy that was running with Tim S untill Howie offered more money , smart choice. biggest deal maker in 43rd ( next to Angelo )

Frankie friend aka Coffee Pots aka the little midget back in the days if Tony D stopped short Frankies head would be in his @ss , here's a guy that when clerks put up fliers from brown cafe making fun of him, Frankie went to LP and cried like a little baby and asked LP to put a camera in the room. Great stand up union guy....

Mark J , steward from 43rd another deal maker kisses the DM Al friend @ss

Dave M , after Billy was turned down by 15 guys he asks Frankie to talk to Dave. He doesnt even know why he's running but is happy to be there, hey Dave do you even know the people your running with?? Do you care?? but I know the truth his long time buddy Tony D picked Alfonso C over him thats why he said yes.

Last but not least, George Z aka use to be a supervisor for UPS helped fire union members. Again after about 15 people turned down Billy this is who he asked????? A EX UPS MANAGEMENT PERSON...

The truth is between Tony and Billy slate these are not the best people to help the members these are the best people to get votes for Tony and Billy to get back in the hall nothing more.

why does Tony D take Alfonso C when Phil C aka DOG over 30 years and is 10X more knowledgeable then him???? VOTES BABY VOTES

Tony D hates Rockys guts but Rocky can get Votes.

804 Members United isn't great either not by a long shot BUT they are putting the members first and telling us the truth these guys came into the hall with a destroyed pension and medical and now they are both on the right track. For the first time since Ron Carey members are a big part in the up coming contract. We will all know whats going on and not left in the dark like the last 2 contracts.




Well-Known Member
WOW was looking at Billy's slate and was asking around about these guys bottom of the barrel is an under statement.....

Brian M , heard he's a good guy don't know why he's running with these clowns.

Jon G , heard he couldn't even win as steward in Nassau, he's a better man and father because of Billy , give me a break

Mikey C , LOL long time sargent of arms , never a steward until this year heard it was close vote, another lets make a deal guy.

Steve M , LOL Billy's son , I heard Tony D said you can run with us but not Steve, he's totally useless.

Danny P , Here's a guy that was running with Tim S untill Howie offered more money , smart choice. biggest deal maker in 43rd ( next to Angelo )

Frankie friend aka Coffee Pots aka the little midget back in the days if Tony D stopped short Frankies head would be in his @ss , here's a guy that when clerks put up fliers from brown cafe making fun of him, Frankie went to LP and cried like a little baby and asked LP to put a camera in the room. Great stand up union guy....

Mark J , steward from 43rd another deal maker kisses the DM Al friend @ss

Dave M , after Billy was turned down by 15 guys he asks Frankie to talk to Dave. He doesnt even know why he's running but is happy to be there, hey Dave do you even know the people your running with?? Do you care?? but I know the truth his long time buddy Tony D picked Alfonso C over him thats why he said yes.

Last but not least, George Z aka use to be a supervisor for UPS helped fire union members. Again after about 15 people turned down Billy this is who he asked????? A EX UPS MANAGEMENT PERSON...
What a P.O.S. this guy is, he had his hand in multiple members being delivered to management and his buddy ralph from L.P. on a silver platter, cut deals more than once for T.A.W. work for himself, injuries that occurred off the job, found multiple excuses to bail out of routes that he bid on when he was bored with them. GEORGE LOOKS OUT FOR GEORGE! never in my life have I met such a wanna bee he truly just needs to BE SOMEBODY in a position of power! BE CAREFUL GUYS!
The truth is between Tony and Billy slate these are not the best people to help the members these are the best people to get votes for Tony and Billy to get back in the hall nothing more.

why does Tony D take Alfonso C when Phil C aka DOG over 30 years and is 10X more knowledgeable then him???? VOTES BABY VOTES

Tony D hates Rockys guts but Rocky can get Votes.

804 Members United isn't great either not by a long shot BUT they are putting the members first and telling us the truth these guys came into the hall with a destroyed pension and medical and now they are both on the right track. For the first time since Ron Carey members are a big part in the up coming contract. We will all know whats going on and not left in the dark like the last 2 contracts.



I think it is safe to say that Bill had every intention of forming a slate the second they were voted out 3 years ago. Tony and Bill have different agendas and water does not mix well with water. I happen to like a little of all three boards running and wish them all the best.
IM certain water and water mix well, I think you kinda meant water and oil don't mix well!


Well-Known Member
You have problems with Bill? You have problems with Tony? But Tim is trying and it's okay! Tim has had a chance to sit in The seat and make executive decisions for the membership. Some may have liked his decisions but not all!!! I believe Tim has a new respect for the thrown? He didn't think it would be that difficult! Running a hall? Maintaining order of his executive board? Dismissals of employees? Pension, healthcare and being there for the members! He has shown us one thing! You Can Not teach knowledge or common sense. Our Victories are failures that all members need to be aware of from the work stoppage in Melville. We were put on notice that Any further work action will be a cause of termination! That's from an arbitrator. Respect! I don't believe anyone of members that take a paycheck from local 804 has any Respect for the members of 804 if they did they don't act like or maybe they will now, Since its election time. Bye far the membership is unhappy with current board and there accomplishments and there inability to progress us forward. Like everyone else Tim is my President and I have watched him closely and his board. I will have my say in November and i will be supporting the leadership slate!
does anybody really believe that the previous e/b members appointed and groomed by ron carey all of a sudden went rogue and forgot all the ethics and values that carey instilled in them and in us too? and then to accuse them of suddenly becoming reckless opportunists looking to become wealthy power brokers at the expense of the membership, shame on you! yeah u can show the video of carey being dissapointed that the old e/b endorsed hoffa in the last election, It was POLITICS, it gave us seats on the IBT negotiations commitee, and yeah when they came back with that ridiculous contract through no fault of their own they KNEW we would vote it down, they had to endorse it or be vulnerable to hoffas revenge, ITS POLITICS. look where endorsing Sandy no hope Pope got us, no voice at the table this contract negotiation, ITS POLITICS. the present e/b beats their chests over the present state of our health fund, yeah its improving because they shifted the onus for funding it onto the backs of the membership, it was a dream come true for UPS Inc. And as for the pension fund? Ever hear about this thing they call the STOCK MARKET & investment brokers? where the market was 10 years ago and the level its at NOW, of course the fund is in better shape now DUH! Is anyone more afraid of losing their job now as opposed to 3 years ago? I think they are. The smartest most proggresive LEADER we had on the old e/b was & still is Bill Buhlert (a carey appointee). I'm supporting the LEADERSHIP SLATE to save this local from this present e/b's inexperience and downright ineptitude of steering us over a cliff & playing right into UPS's hands


Well-Known Member
does anybody really believe that the previous e/b members appointed and groomed by ron carey all of a sudden went rogue and forgot all the ethics and values that carey instilled in them and in us too? and then to accuse them of suddenly becoming reckless opportunists looking to become wealthy power brokers at the expense of the membership, shame on you.YES that is what they did 100% yeah u can show the video of carey being dissapointed that the old e/b endorsed hoffa in the last election,Ron knew they sold out the membership for there own personal gain.It was POLITICS, it gave us seats on the IBT negotiations commitee,And that seat did what for our local ? Nothing at all and yeah when they came back with that ridiculous contract through no fault of their own they KNEW we would vote it down.so when Tony and Billy wanted us to give up 25 and out, coffee and give back 10 cents it was all there plan what a clown.they had to endorse it or be vulnerable to hoffas revenge,what revenge is that? you are so clueless. ITS POLITICS. look where endorsing Sandy no hope Pope got us, no voice at the table this contract negotiation, A seat that you said was meanless earlier. ITS POLITICS. the present e/b beats their chests over the present state of our health fund, yeah its improving because they shifted the onus for funding it onto the backs of the membership, it was a dream come true for UPS Inc. NO its not a dream come true for ups its a nitemare now we dont have to beg for ups to fix anything like the old board did. And as for the pension fund? Ever hear about this thing they call the STOCK MARKET & investment brokers? where the market was 10 years ago and the level its at NOW, of course the fund is in better shape now DUH! ​DUH our pension has NOT gone up in 14 years but other locals have gone way up. Is anyone more afraid of losing their job now as opposed to 3 years ago? I think they are. YES thanks to our old board for not fighting for better language when they had a chance. The smartest most proggresive LEADER we had on the old e/b was & still is Bill Buhlert (a carey appointee). I like when people say Billy is a good leader why? what has he done but grabbed his balls and back every thing Howie ever said hes a joke. I'm supporting the LEADERSHIP SLATE to save this local from this present e/b's inexperience and downright ineptitude of steering us over a cliff & playing right into UPS's hands

Billy has no chance , 804 Members United..... Lets not go back


Well-Known Member
To faithfully serve our members, to skillfully protect and secure our members rights with honesty and integrety; to confidently enforce our contract and to always have a strong foundation. To ensure the confidence in our members and their families that their benifits will always be protected, as well as, to always give our members the respect, support and cooperation they are entitled to from their leaders. Most importantly, to ensure our members they can rely on us to safely lead our union into the future, as well as, to successfully secure the future of our members and their families.

Hey Billy just because you look older and sicker doesn't mean we forgot you were our old Vice President.

You failed the membership while you were in office now you think it will be different??? Our pension did not go up in 14 years under your watch, our medicals reserve was paying out 2-5 million a year for almost 10 years.


WHERE WERE YOU WHEN WE NEEDED YOU???? When were you going to stand up and act like a leader and tell us the last 2 contracts su@ked???? You didn't you sat on your fat @ss.....


Hey Billy you like telling people you were hand picked by Ronnie, RONNIE ALWAYS TOLD US :censored2: HOFFA.....

Billy is as yellow as his signs, always kisses UPS @ss, HAVE ANY MORE FISHING TRIP STORIES......

HEY BILLY OUR MEMBERSHIP VOTED AGAISNT HOFFA 8 to 1 and you want to back him?????



Had enough

Well-Known Member
Why not wait at least a week till we start the trash talking? People have lost their homes
I heard a few of our brothers and sisters lost cars and homes and suffered a lot of damage! There are a lot of places that are collecting and have drop offs! Lets put our time and energy into lending a helping hand! As For myself I get sick watching the news and I am thankful my family and home is safe and sound!


Well-Known Member
i heard a few of our brothers and sisters lost cars and homes and suffered a lot of damage! There are a lot of places that are collecting and have drop offs! Lets put our time and energy into lending a helping hand! As for myself i get sick watching the news and i am thankful my family and home is safe and sound!

thank god !!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member

Ace you are amazing some of our Teamster brothers and sisters are homeless and all you can do is talk crap!! My heart goes out to of the families in this time of need. May god bless you all !!


Well-Known Member
True that was bad timing.... but not crap...

I was lucky that my house was OK and didn't lose power. I drove to a bad area the storm hit and gave a family my portable generator to use. It really feels good to help someone in need I hope everyone does what they can.
