Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
This nastiness Is only making us weak. UPS management sees this and comes down harder on us all. I know members that voted this board in are disappointed. Nothing good came of it, we, all of us, suffered big loses. Just ask the over 500 drivers who lost their jobs, over 350 divers suspended, and the over 80 members waiting for arbitration hearings. now we have up to 60 day suspentions, one year probations. Drivers are getting fired for things we got slaped in the hand for. This got out of hand quick. I know you young drivers loved seeing the big rat displayed in front of the company but that hurt us all. We all need to think this over. Tim S and board can not handle this job. I've been here a long, long time and I have never seen any thing like this. When this board got in I had management laughing at me letting me know your members just helped us out. And you know what, their right. Management were telling drivers to vote row B. This board got in on lies, and now their new one is they are going to rise P/T wages, not going to happen. The money is always, always, always negotiated By the IBT. For the first time in 35 years we are not invited to the table. it's humane nature you don't talk bad about anyone,then ask them for a favor. Pete M now is telling drivers he is going to rise the pension, not going to happen. Why? President Bush changed the rules, companies are not responsible for making sure there is enough money in your pension plan, the members are now. That is right and not one union was at that meeting only companies with pension plan were, and UPS wanted to be able to reduce members that already retired but that failed. You young members I know you want quick fixes, but you have to start someplace . I believe in my heart and sole Billy B is the only one that can fix this. Billy B was hand picked by Ron Carey, Ron gave Billy a lot of lessons on how to deal with this company, NUMBER ONE, "ALWAYS PROTECT THE MEMBERS JOB"! Working at UPS one thing separating us from working and getting fired is a strong union and we lost that. But the good news is Billy is running again, I often wonder why would this man put himself thru this again, all the God awful lies that was said about him. Why would this man come back to driving and hear all the lies said behind his back. Tim S said he stole money from the union health plan, million of dollars he stole but yet Tim S kept the fund adminatrator. It was all lies. BILLY YOU ALWAYS HAD THE MEMBERS BACK, IT'S TIME THE MEMBERS HAVE YOUR BACK!


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Ace you say we should attack ups that part is right so why do you keep on attacking our members? Anthony we know you are in bed with Dan Daley !!!!!!!!!! You're a kiss @ass and no balls!!

What I post I dont consider attacking I call it defending. Tony D and Billy are blaming our health and welfare on Tim when they destroyed it for over ten years.

I answered the first part because you called me Ace. Your second part is BS my name is not Anthony but I guess you don't care but why don't you go up to Anthony C face and tell him yourself. I guess you really don't like him why? did he take something away from you?? maybe you didn't deserve what he took in the first place........


Well-Known Member
This nastiness Is only making us weak. UPS management sees this and comes down harder on us all. I know members that voted this board in are disappointed. Nothing good came of it, we, all of us, suffered big loses. Just ask the over 500 drivers who lost their jobs, over 350 divers suspended, and the over 80 members waiting for arbitration hearings. now we have up to 60 day suspentions, one year probations. Drivers are getting fired for things we got slaped in the hand for. This got out of hand quick. I know you young drivers loved seeing the big rat displayed in front of the company but that hurt us all. We all need to think this over. Tim S and board can not handle this job. I've been here a long, long time and I have never seen any thing like this. When this board got in I had management laughing at me letting me know your members just helped us out. And you know what, their right. Management were telling drivers to vote row B. This board got in on lies, and now their new one is they are going to rise P/T wages, not going to happen. The money is always, always, always negotiated By the IBT. For the first time in 35 years we are not invited to the table. it's humane nature you don't talk bad about anyone,then ask them for a favor. Pete M now is telling drivers he is going to rise the pension, not going to happen. Why? President Bush changed the rules, companies are not responsible for making sure there is enough money in your pension plan, the members are now. That is right and not one union was at that meeting only companies with pension plan were, and UPS wanted to be able to reduce members that already retired but that failed. You young members I know you want quick fixes, but you have to start someplace . I believe in my heart and sole Billy B is the only one that can fix this. Billy B was hand picked by Ron Carey, Ron gave Billy a lot of lessons on how to deal with this company, NUMBER ONE, "ALWAYS PROTECT THE MEMBERS JOB"! Working at UPS one thing separating us from working and getting fired is a strong union and we lost that. But the good news is Billy is running again, I often wonder why would this man put himself thru this again, all the God awful lies that was said about him. Why would this man come back to driving and hear all the lies said behind his back. Tim S said he stole money from the union health plan, million of dollars he stole but yet Tim S kept the fund adminatrator. It was all lies. BILLY YOU ALWAYS HAD THE MEMBERS BACK, IT'S TIME THE MEMBERS HAVE YOUR BACK!
"This nastiness is only making us weak" as you continue the nastiness. LOL!! But not only nastiness but actual lies: 500 drivers fired, etc. Made up lies. You must have a lot of free time on your hands now mr romney!! LOL!!

Actually you remind me of my republican friends and relatives who would email me and tell me everyone they know hates obama and that they are all voting against him this election. LOL!! Its funny because both obama and this board share some things. Both were elected in a "change" election. (Obama in 2008, Tim in 2009). Both were handed a sinking ship. Both were attacked from day one by their opposition. And both have turned around that ship and pointed it in the right direction. Just like bill clinton said about the repubs can be said about the forces of the old board: They handed them a real mess, they didnt clean it up FAST enough, and now that it is fixed they want back in!! NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!

Remember we all know things are not perfect here. But no one promised perfction. They promised us the TRUTH and that is what we have gotten. Do people still get fired under this board?? Yep, just like they got fired under the former board (Buhlert and Donato included). Just like they get fired in every local throughout this country. You have a very narrow and uninformed perspective of what happens everyday. You come on here with an agenda to attack our union officials. You even admit to being afraid of management yourself when you attack a bold union tactic by protesting one's employer with a giant rat!! WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON!!

You continue to state that the new board lies , yet you never tell us what "lies" you are talking about. As for contract issues, this e/b has formed a rank and file contract committe that will be sitting in the room during negotiations. It is comprised of part timers and full timers. Loaders, sorters and clerks as well as drivers and feeders. Many meetings were held the last 6 months to get feedback on what we want in this contract. Our e/b has informed us and mobilized us. It is now up to them AND US to force ups to do the right thing this time..They owe us big time for the profits we have created FOR THEM under the last 2 concessionary contracts. Unions throughout this country have stood up to reactionary governors in ohio and wisconsin and recently helped defeat a reactionary ticket for the presidency. The time has come for a little dignity and respect for all working people. Now with the right people negotiating our next contract it is time for a fair an decent contract right here in Local 804!!


Well-Known Member

ace I know you are ANTHONY I been watching you make mistakes.I have seen you with Daley you have no balls!!! P.S. I have seen you at foster that is why you know foster had eletric!!! Good try you are a fake I am disappointed!! I thought you were stand up person!


Well-Known Member
this nastiness is only making us weak. Ups management sees this and comes down harder on us all. yes billy will kiss there @ss and go fishing with ups to make all better plus he even has a x ups mangement person on his slate so now he has the upper hand... Lol i know members that voted this board in are disappointed. Nothing good came of it, we, all of us, suffered big loses. just keep kiss ups @ss just ask the over 500 drivers who lost their jobs, over 350 divers suspended, and the over 80 members waiting for arbitration hearings. Now we have up to 60 day suspentions, one year probations. Drivers are getting fired for things we got slaped in the hand for. yes because our board is no longer kissing ups @ss not going to ok our sh/t contracts this got out of hand quick. I know you young drivers loved seeing the big rat displayed in front of the company but that hurt us all. We all need to think this over. like i said before tom delay is a ups management person. tim s and board can not handle this job. I've been here a long, long time and i have never seen any thing like this. When this board got in i had management laughing at me letting me know your members just helped us out. And you know what, their right. your just scared management were telling drivers to vote row b. total lie ups hates this board and has said it many times that they want the relationship they had with the old board. this board got in on lies,they got in because our old board destroyed our union and now their new one is they are going to rise p/t wages, not going to happen. The money is always, always, always negotiated by the ibt.lie you can get money thou the supplement the old board did it it fix our pension stop lying for the first time in 35 years we are not invited to the table.sorry that statement is bu//sh/t before for howie and before ronnie was ibt president local 804 was never never asked to the table on when our old board kissed hoffa's @ss. it's humane nature you don't talk bad about anyone,then ask them for a favor. Pete m now is telling drivers he is going to rise the pension, not going to happen. Why? President bush changed the rules, companies are not responsible for making sure there is enough money in your pension plan, the members are now. That is right and not one union was at that meeting only companies with pension plan were, and ups wanted to be able to reduce members that already retired but that failed.another lie companies have nothing to do with our pension , our pension will go up because of money that was saved thou our medical spending and new money coming in. You really are sad.... you young members i know you want quick fixes, but you have to start someplace . I believe in my heart and sole billy b is the only one that can fix this. Billy b was hand picked by ron carey, ron gave billy a lot of lessons on how to deal with this company, number one, "always protect the members job"! yes you maybe right about carey picking billy but billy sold us out for a pay check he sat on his @ss while our union was being destroyed. working at ups one thing separating us from working and getting fired is a strong union and we lost that. But the good news is billy is running again, i often wonder why would this man put himself thru this again, all the god awful lies that was said about him. Why would this man come back to driving and hear all the lies said behind his back.he's coming back because he crys at nite wishing he had the balls to speak up for our members our pension still at 3600 for over 14 years billy did nothing and even worse said nothing. tim s said he stole money from the union health plan, million of dollars he stole but yet tim s kept the fund adminatrator.lie tim never said once that anyone from the old board stoled any money they just never stood up agaisnt ups to demand more money to fix our medical. Billy made $148,000 in 2008 and $150,000 in 2009 plus 2 pensions and i matching 401k matched up to $3500 dollars a year... From our union dues... it was all lies. Billy you always had the members back, it's time the members have your back!

billy you had your chance and you failed the membership once, never again.



Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

ace I know you are ANTHONY I been watching you make mistakes.I have seen you with Daley you have no balls!!! P.S. I have seen you at foster that is why you know foster had eletric!!! Good try you are a fake I am disappointed!! I thought you were stand up person!

I know Foster had power because I worked on Monday and was told it had it on Tuesday. If you don't like Anthony C thats your right even I don't think he's anything great but he's smart, knows what he's doing and cares. Thats why I don't have a problem with him.

Like I have said before, my choice to vote for 804 Members United has nothing to do with Anthony C it has to do with you I trust who I believe in. Who will keep 804 going in the right direction not backwards.

If Anthony C had jumped to Billy or Tony, I wouldn't have voted for them. Anthony C is a lonely BA nothing more or less, he was put at Foster to do a job and I feel he's doing a good job.


804 member

Well-Known Member
Hey Aces, so if you believe Anthony C is good but the rest of the slate isn't, you can't waste your vote for 1 of 12 guys you think is productive. We know that Tim has failed us as well as Dave O, Mark, Dave friend and Pete. These guys are doing a horrible job and lost all support from their own buildings and have no one to blame but themselves. You can tell by the reactions at the meetings of "Mark... who?" Tim should have been smart enough to cut ties with the garbage and complete the slate with better choices. Then maybe we wouldn't notice how bad he is as well!

I am not knocking Anthony C or endorsing him because I dont really know him.


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

I ask again, what has the current E/B accomplished in 3 years?
First, take on sups working...promised to take them on by doing surprise building raids...they do that...but sups will always try to work ...always have always will but at least members are getting their grievances answered sooner by using national grievance panels

Second, tough , fair contract enforcement...that meant ending "go along to get along"...these guys do not hang out with management especially fishing trips!!
Third, protect our benefits...they audited our funds and made needed changes to make sure we had a health and welfare fund for the remainder of this contract...and now their are healthy surpluses....the pension fund is growing ...hopefully an increase will come out of negotiations next year.

Fourth, fight production harassment...they had numerous workshops on how to protect yourself on ojs and harassment and sups working...enforced and encouraged drivers to go on 9.5 list ...lots of drivers getting triple time now

Fifth, round the clock representation...they did increase representation by adding 2 more BAs to cover once neglected shifts...we do have union representation on call...and at least SOMEONE in our union hall is either at the hall or at their building

Sixth, they cut their salaries by $35k per year and used the money to increase the number of BAs

Seventh, fight for more full time jobs....they conducted a local wide audit of number of 22.3 jobs...it has been slow but lately some 22.3 jobs have been created and bidded on

Eighth, they DO keep us informed ...the newsletters ...the parking lots meeting...tha rallies with the rat in the parking lots...the contract campaign....craft meetings...more union meetings

Ninth, they launched teamseter university which pays for members to be sent to conferences and workshops in other cities

Tenth, they truly honored the legacy of ron carey... leadership and scholarhip awards... lobbyed to have a street named after ron in 2010...put his picture back up in the hall

The 10 changes have not been totally fulfilled. Some are a work in progress. Nonetheless, no one said things would be perfect. And they are certainly not. But they work hard for us and they tell us the truth!!

804 Members United Slate!!


Well-Known Member

Anthony good try . I know what you are doing you can't hide that you're ace! I don't dislike you I just don't respect you anymore. You play that nice guy roll to make people like you and I did like you until I realized your a fake you should be embarrassed of what you are doing!!! Even Bill Bibs the D.M. from Manhattan said he controls you Anthony C..how does it feel to be a hoe!!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Anthony good try . I know what you are doing you can't hide that you're ace! I don't dislike you I just don't respect you anymore. You play that nice guy roll to make people like you and I did like you until I realized your a fake you should be embarrassed of what you are doing!!! Even Bill Bibs the D.M. from Manhattan said he controls you Anthony C..how does it feel to be a hoe!!!!

OK what ever be a man and talk to him face to face. I feel bad for a lot of guys at Foster because they listen to the wrong people and get bad advice. Most of them are good hard working people who get played by the wrong people but never realize it. Them before they know it it's to late.


Well-Known Member
Hey Aces, so if you believe Anthony C is good but the rest of the slate isn't, you can't waste your vote for 1 of 12 guys you think is productive. We know that Tim has failed us as well as Dave O, Mark, Dave friend and Pete. These guys are doing a horrible job and lost all support from their own buildings and have no one to blame but themselves. You can tell by the reactions at the meetings of "Mark... who?" Tim should have been smart enough to cut ties with the garbage and complete the slate with better choices. Then maybe we wouldn't notice how bad he is as well!

I am not knocking Anthony C or endorsing him because I dont really know him.

Sorry never said the rest of Tim's slate was bad. If I had to vote for a slate it would be Tim because he doesn't have old board members on it. I respect the fact that our board is being up front and telling the truth. What our old board did was criminal and totally under minded our membership.

Its sad that Billy and Tony want to lie to the members and blame Tim for our co-pays going up when they were going to do the same thing if they won the election.


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Sorry Tom your not my friend or buddy, unlike you I speak the truth I care about my union not friends. If you want to look the other way because Billy is your buddy or because u are running with him thats your choice.

Billy, Tony and anyone else from our old board lied to us the members of Local 804 to keep their jobs and to collect a fat pay check.

Im a Teamster with a voice and a vote.....
Sorry never said the rest of Tim's slate was bad. If I had to vote for a slate it would be Tim because he doesn't have old board members on it. I respect the fact that our board is being up front and telling the truth. What our old board did was criminal and totally under minded our membership.

Its sad that Billy and Tony want to lie to the members and blame Tim for our co-pays going up when they were going to do the same thing if they won the election.

AcesUp u have more posts on this site then anybody else which indicates to me your that ur either a desperate supporter or a desperate candidate on this E/B's slate. If this E/B has done such a wonderful job 4 the past 3 years, WHERE were ur supporters at the nominations meeting? YOUR E/B COULDN'T EVEN BE HEARD NOMINATING EACH OTHER BECAUSE THE CHORUS OF BOOOOO's FROM THE ATTENDING MEMBERS WAS SO LOUD IT WAS DEAFENING, it's no wonder u post more than anyone else. Your head must of been UP ur Aces, AcesUp if u can't acknowledge that ??????????????????

804(RE)MEMBER(ED)S (FOR) (UN)UNIT(ING)ED THIS LOCAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam


Don't know what meeting your were at but Billy and Tony had to ask for help because the members were booing so load they couldn't here themself talk.

Nice to see you have 4 post and a members since Oct 2012, I'm a member since Dec 2006
Re: hometeam

don't know what meeting your were at but billy and tony had to ask for help because the members were booing so load they couldn't here themself talk.

Nice to see you have 4 post and a members since oct 2012, i'm a member since dec 2006

glad 2 see ur counting posts, now start counting your final days in office. It's nothing personel but your inept unquailified e/b failed miserably these 3 past years & the membership knows it and responded accordingly at the nominations meeting. You saw it and heard it & your obviously in denial about it. By the way thats post # 5 for me.

elect the leadership slate



Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

glad 2 see ur counting posts, now start counting your final days in office. It's nothing personel but your inept unquailified e/b failed miserably these 3 past years & the membership knows it and responded accordingly at the nominations meeting. You saw it and heard it & your obviously in denial about it. By the way thats post # 5 for me

It will be up to the members to see with slate wins. Dec 14.....

All I know is when will Billy or Tony going to stop lying and tell us what their plan was to stop our medical from going to arbitration......

I wonder if Billy or Tony even had the balls to tell the guys their running with the truth about the medical.