Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

804 member

Well-Known Member
Was Tim truthful saying "Victory" with the Melville mess up? Bill called Tim out at a general meeting and Tim was speechless. Us the members, had to use our dues to fix that mess. Granted, I want the stewards, who are loyal to our members, to get paid and more but it was far from a victory! Also they now have to work an extra year just to make back that year of lost pension. And one of those stewards are backing Bill, so what does that tell you?

Tim claims he fixed the medical but yet our bills aren't being paid, so our members are being hit with the bills. So who fixed the medical? THE MEMBERS did!!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
The best slate to lead this once powerful union is members voice Donatto may not be perfect but his slate is the best slate overall, Mcgreeny is endorsing him and is coming on board on his slate. With Mcgreeny's experience, pull and clout I feel we could end the gang bang that mgmt has had with each and everyone on this current board. Bill talks a good game but that's all it is, TALK!! It would be nice if he had some diversity on his slate not mostly 43rd st, just because we are not from 43rd st. doesn't mean that we haven't heard about Mark, Mike or Daniels reputation, they have screwed over more members between them than the whole members voice slate combined. Why did Buhler take so long to even come out? This is our UNION and if he really cared he would have announced that he was running earlier, unless he didn't want there to be enough time to dig up his or his weak slates dirty little secrets. That's all for my views today. MEMBERS VOICE 2012!!!!!

bill had his chance to make it right when Donato asked to to run with him, he did not even try to work things out with tony. I know tony aSked him a few times. So how could he try a pull off unity? He also grabbed himself at a meeting! His buddy Steve punched some member in the face! That's unity! He asked frank. Omg. That frank is such a back stabber! hey dave. Did you learn from the jack off? The rest of the board are. Joke! Damn. There will be no way we are gonna go through hell again!

I like the way you took your forum down! To scared to hear what people have to say!


Well-Known Member
bill had his chance to make it right when Donato asked to to run with him, he did not even try to work things out with tony. I know tony aSked him a few times. So how could he try a pull off unity? He also grabbed himself at a meeting! His buddy Steve punched some member in the face! That's unity! He asked frank. Omg. That frank is such a back stabber! hey dave. Did you learn from the jack off? The rest of the board are. Joke! Damn. There will be no way we are gonna go through hell again!

I like the way you took your forum down! To scared to hear what people have to say!

So making it right would mean Bill would run with Tony?


Well-Known Member

Had enough how many times did Tony tell members to go blank them selves!! It's amazing how you find fault with everyone. Tony's slate they are nothing to be proud of!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Had enough how many times did Tony tell members to go blank them selves!! It's amazing how you find fault with everyone. Tony's slate they are nothing to be proud of!!
I have never seen tony crab his balls at a meeting. I also have never seen Tony hit a member or socialize with management! Maybe I find fault because we went through hell for 3 years!


Well-Known Member

Had enough Tony just tells management to put members that he don't like on a 8hour plan! That's the making of a good president lol: !!!


Well-Known Member
LOL the last 7 posts here prove why 804 Members United will win easy.

Billy and Tony will split their votes letting Tim win easy. I will predict that Billy and Tony's slate votes will be more then Tim's.

Yes Billy wants to win but he's making sure if he doesn't Tony has no shot to win.

804 Members United 1200
Members Voice 700
Leadership 600


Had enough

Well-Known Member
My prediction: about 3000 members will vote

MembersUnited 700 votes (even less if part timers realize that are being lied to)
MembersVoice 1500 votes
Leadership 800 votes

Current Executive Board has no support and no chance given who there running against.

MembersVoice been campaigning hard for over 2 years and have met with almost every member in our local showing dedication to rebuild. I've met them all a few times at my building and there the ones who will win.

Leadership just came out of the closet, only are running because of Bill asked them to. I seen them campaigning and they all look like a bunch of misfits. No leaders there at all, just a bunch desperate guys begging for votes when I met them. And to that big chooh, Mike C - I am not voting for you, you came begging to me like a dog looking for a bone - get a life.
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My prediction: about 3000 members will vote

MembersUnited 700 votes
MembersVoice 1400 votes
Leadership 900 votes

Current Executive Board has no support and no chance given who there running against.

MembersVoice been campaigning hard for over 2 years and have met with almost every member in our local showing dedication to rebuild. I've met them all a few times at my building and there the ones who will win.

Leadership just came out of the closet, only are running because of Bill asked them to. I seen them campaigning and they all look like a bunch of misfits. No leaders there at all, just a bunch desperate guys begging for votes when I met them. And to that big chooh, Mike C - I am not voting for you, you came begging to me like a dog looking for a bone - get a life.

I am an ardent supporter for the leadership slate but this arguing between voice & leadership needs to stop, if leadership doesn't win I would have absolutely no problem backing voice 100% . I would hope people backing voice would feel the same way about leadership. We both need to point out how inept & incompetent the Wringly Brothers & Barninum Baily Circus currently in power is instead of each other. As for AcesUp admitting that his slate would win but not carry the majority of the voting membership is absolutely astonishing. He may have come to that conclusion after the nominations meeting by seeing the look of dispair in his boards faces at what little support they had that day. So go ahead AcesUp & try to feel great about urself and ur board knowing u dont think you'll win a mandate vote.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
My prediction: about 3000 members will vote

MembersUnited 700 votes (even less if part timers realize that are being lied to)
MembersVoice 1500 votes
Leadership 800 votes

Current Executive Board has no support and no chance given who there running against.

MembersVoice been campaigning hard for over 2 years and have met with almost every member in our local showing dedication to rebuild. I've met them all a few times at my building and there the ones who will win.

Leadership just came out of the closet, only are running because of Bill asked them to. I seen them campaigning and they all look like a bunch of misfits. No leaders there at all, just a bunch desperate guys begging for votes when I met them. And to that big chooh, Mike C - I am not voting for you, you came begging to me like a dog looking for a bone - get a life.

I agree with your post 100%


Well-Known Member
Was Tim truthful saying "Victory" with the Melville mess up? Bill called Tim out at a general meeting and Tim was speechless. Us the members, had to use our dues to fix that mess. Granted, I want the stewards, who are loyal to our members, to get paid and more but it was far from a victory! Also they now have to work an extra year just to make back that year of lost pension. And one of those stewards are backing Bill, so what does that tell you?

Brother you have been infected by Buhlert's blather. He lied to us all those years. Why would we believe a thing he said now!!
Tim claims he fixed the medical but yet our bills aren't being paid, so our members are being hit with the bills. So who fixed the medical? THE MEMBERS did!!!

Was it not a victory the stewards getting their jobs back?? UPS management being slapped for wrongly firing Jerry and Greg?? It wasnt total victory but it certainly was a VICTORY!!Those suspensions are also being fought by the union in arbitration.

As for "Who fixed the medical?", the answer is clear. Our current e/b fixed the health and welfare funds. If they did not implement the tough changes THAT HAD TO BE MADE, we would have had NO HEALTH AND WELFARE FUNDS!! So you are trying to say that the funds would have magically fixed themselves?? No, a newly elected board came in to office and went to work to fix the problem that was hidden from us the membership for years.
What you might not be aware of is that Redmond/Buhlert/Donato had their own plan for saving the funds too. They never got to implement it because we kicked them out of office. From what Ive read and heard, their plan was much much worse. But the biggest scandal was the fact that they NEVER TOLD US how bad things were and that HARD CHOICES had to be made. It took electing new leaders with integrity and balls to grapple with the problems of our local. Do you really think they got in and said: "Hey lets screw the members the first chance we get. Lets raise co pays and fees big time. That'll help us get re-elected!!" LoL!!

Brother you have been infected by Buhlert's blather. He lied to us all those years. Why would we believe a thing he said now!!


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

I have never seen tony crab his balls at a meeting. I also have never seen Tony hit a member or socialize with management! Maybe I find fault because we went through hell for 3 years!

You never seen him grab his balls because he DOESNT HAVE BALLS TO GRAB!! He was and always will be just a big talker, NOTHING MORE!! Both he and his former buddy Buhlert have past their prime. They had their chance to move this local forward. They failed us in so many ways. They think in three years we would all forget this and blindly jump on their selfish little band wagons.

As for the vote in dec, someone posted Donato's slate would get 1500 votes. LOL!! He will be lucky if he gets half of that!! Buhlert will probably get a little more than Donato.

"804", Are you really serious?? Does anyone seriously think Tim and Members United will only get 700 votes?? Some of you on here are truly delusional. The ballot count on Dec 14th will truly be a wake up call for you all!! Then Donato and Buhlert and Guarella and Nemeth will decide to retire and their subordinates on their slates will begin their unrealistic plot to win in 2015!! LOL!!


Well-Known Member
Was it not a victory the stewards getting their jobs back?? UPS management being slapped for wrongly firing Jerry and Greg?? It wasnt total victory but it certainly was a VICTORY!!Those suspensions are also being fought by the union in arbitration.

Brother you have been infected by Buhlert's blather. He lied to us all those years. Why would we believe a thing he said now!!

Then why are the stewards not backing Tim S and his members united slate? It's gotta tell you something
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Well-Known Member
Last time I checked the 2 stewards are backing the leadership slate. They were at a meeting talking how bad this e/b is. Also heard this weekend that Tim s. fell asleep at an arbitration hearing. Ups management was laughing at him. What a disgrace. Ups has no respect for the current e/b. we need to change that and the only way is to vote the leadership slate. Tony d is to much of a loud mouth. Always talk **** about other members he's a joke.


Well-Known Member
Last time I checked the 2 stewards are backing the leadership slate. They were at a meeting talking how bad this e/b is. Also heard this weekend that Tim s. fell asleep at an arbitration hearing. Ups management was laughing at him. What a disgrace. Ups has no respect for the current e/b. we need to change that and the only way is to vote the leadership slate .

You are correct