Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

804 member

Well-Known Member
Billy and Tony D are liars always were always will be. The point is they both told the membership nothing had to be done to the medical and they lied.

At a GMM the funds lawyer said that a meeting was set up to stop the medical from going to arbitration and it was cancelled.


Now I hear they are campaigning together telling guys to either vote for us not Tim lol


Look at their sites to see some lies by TIM and friends: All of it CAUGHT ON TAPE!

804 member

Well-Known Member
Billy and Tony D are liars always were always will be. The point is they both told the membership nothing had to be done to the medical and they lied.

At a GMM the funds lawyer said that a meeting was set up to stop the medical from going to arbitration and it was cancelled.


Now I hear they are campaigning together telling guys to either vote for us not Tim lol


It will take a landslide or another natural disaster for Tim to win.


Well-Known Member
I read that flyer, I read it from beginning to end. And at the end it says " we can sign off on this WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2ND, 2009." So where is the signed document that they signed off on and agreed to this change??????? Il tell you where it is.....it doesnt exist, because the fact is, they never agreed to anything and if they did, they would have signed it on September 2 ,2009, just like your flier says. Another example of how you guys twist the truth. The truth is, they didnt agree to anything. Show me, Show us the signed document, not some BS fax that comes from the company. Where is the Fax that comes from the union??? once again, there is none because it doesnt exist. Ken, put what you want out there for everyone to see, thats fine. But put the WHOLE truth out, not just the bits and pieces you chose to put out to make your buddies look good.

Sucks being caught red handed doesn't it?? The memo begins: "Bill, Per your request here is what we agreed to today..." Sounds like you guys had "agreed" on something, huh?? As for the "signed document", maybe that was SHREDDED along with countless other union documents no longer in existence. "Leadership"?? I don't think so!! Real leaders would not have allowed official documents and files and grievances to be shredded and hard drives to be "scrubbed". Maybe thats why the membership dumped you guys!! Maybe thats why you wont win this time either!!


Well-Known Member
Sucks being caught red handed doesn't it?? The memo begins: "Bill, Per your request here is what we agreed to today..." Sounds like you guys had "agreed" on something, huh?? As for the "signed document", maybe that was SHREDDED along with countless other union documents no longer in existence. "Leadership"?? I don't think so!! Real leaders would not have allowed official documents and files and grievances to be shredded and hard drives to be "scrubbed". Maybe thats why the membership dumped you guys!! Maybe thats why you wont win this time either!!
You realize how ridiculous you sound? if they signed this so called document, than what they signed would now be in effect and would be our new plan. I guess if it comes from "UPS" it must be true right ken? you really did the membership a big favor quitting and going back to package..Thank you for that


Well-Known Member
You realize how ridiculous you sound? if they signed this so called document, than what they signed would now be in effect and would be our new plan. I guess if it comes from "UPS" it must be true right ken? you really did the membership a big favor quitting and going back to package..Thank you for that

The memo ends with langdon saying he would have "ira put together a document that addresses your timing concern so we can sign off on this wednesday 9/2/09". This was not "our new plan" as you say but a specific part dealing with "retiree changes" only and it seems quite obvious that you and ups agreed on these changes!! A little thing called the election happened, row A lost and the talks with ups ended . No "new plan" because you guys werent around to implement it. This baby is yours. You own it. ANd now finally the entire membership will know this.
Call me whoever you wish, that memo was sent to YOU. This is about you and your actions as VP of our local. This is about not telling the members the truth about the condition of the funds and making secret deals with management, colluding with ups to hold off on implementation until AFTER the election!! "Leadership"??


Well-Known Member
The memo ends with langdon saying he would have "ira put together a document that addresses your timing concern so we can sign off on this wednesday 9/2/09". This was not "our new plan" as you say but a specific part dealing with "retiree changes" only and it seems quite obvious that you and ups agreed on these changes!! A little thing called the election happened, row A lost and the talks with ups ended . No "new plan" because you guys werent around to implement it. This baby is yours. You own it. ANd now finally the entire membership will know this.
Call me whoever you wish, that memo was sent to YOU. This is about you and your actions as VP of our local. This is about not telling the members the truth about the condition of the funds and making secret deals with management, colluding with ups to hold off on implementation until AFTER the election!! "Leadership"??

Like I said Ken, If it was signed off on 9/2/09, when they were in office, it most certainly would have been implemented. They were the trustees right up until december 31, 2009...You have no idea what your talking about, which is why you quit..You dont know how to negotiate a contract, you dont know how to negotiate health and welfare or pensions. Your so called "damaging" flier is nothing but a fax from "UPS". lol, you believe everything you read from ups? sure glad your not in the union hall anymore. theres always two sides Ken, Your only putting out a flier that has one side to it..Why dont you ask bill yourself what the fax means???? you can interpet it anyway you chose. The bottom line is, there was no agreement whatsoever to reduce benefits for retirees or anyone for that matter. If there was an agreement and it was signed like you say on 9/2/09 than thats what our plan would be today!!!!! As usual you distort the truth and twist and interpet it so that it woks best for you..well sorry ken, the rest of 804 isnt as gullible as you think. Stop insulting the members by thinking they are as gullible and ignorant as you!


Well-Known Member
Like I said Ken, If it was signed off on 9/2/09, when they were in office, it most certainly would have been implemented. They were the trustees right up until december 31, 2009...You have no idea what your talking about, which is why you quit..You dont know how to negotiate a contract, you dont know how to negotiate health and welfare or pensions. Your so called "damaging" flier is nothing but a fax from "UPS". lol, you believe everything you read from ups? sure glad your not in the union hall anymore. theres always two sides Ken, Your only putting out a flier that has one side to it..Why dont you ask bill yourself what the fax means???? you can interpet it anyway you chose. The bottom line is, there was no agreement whatsoever to reduce benefits for retirees or anyone for that matter. If there was an agreement and it was signed like you say on 9/2/09 than thats what our plan would be today!!!!! As usual you distort the truth and twist and interpet it so that it woks best for you..well sorry ken, the rest of 804 isnt as gullible as you think. Stop insulting the members by thinking they are as gullible and ignorant as you!

Again the memo said "what we agreed to today". It was you who brought up whether it was signed off on and when. I bet your responding memo to this one WOULD BE ENLIGHTENING. Hey bill, still got it?? Or was that shredded too??


Well-Known Member
Again the memo said "what we agreed to today". It was you who brought up whether it was signed off on and when. I bet your responding memo to this one WOULD BE ENLIGHTENING. Hey bill, still got it?? Or was that shredded too??

Funny how your asking if bill shredded any documents...Im 100% positive that your boy Tim Thanked him at a general membership meeting for not shredding or deleting any documents or hard drives, or members files. Did you forget that meeting Ken? or you just distorting the truth yet again? na, I think your just lying, period...Your so called fax claims that the "agreement"would be signed off on 9/2/2009..I didnt make that up ken, thats what your own flyer says...all I ever said was if the agreement had been signed off on, than that would be our new medical plan right now as we speak. Your the one who put that out there for everyone to read. YOur so damn ignorant you dont even understand what the fax says. It says it will be signed off on 9/2/12, so obviously if it wasnt signed, than there was no agreement. Keep distorting the facts Ken, its all you do, its all you can do. you guys would have bee better off leaving the part out where it says the agreement will be signed on 9/2/12. But you left it there for everyone to see. so now you live with it. bottom line is, there was no and never was any agreement. your owns flyer proves it


Well-Known Member
Funny how your asking if bill shredded any documents...Im 100% positive that your boy Tim Thanked him at a general membership meeting for not shredding or deleting any documents or hard drives, or members files.

If you didnt shred any documents, where is your response to this memo?? Im sure you made copies. I guess alot happened between sept 1 and dec 31. Nothing but this obviously have been found. The evidence must have just disappeared into thin air. You can try to spin this as you wish, a deal was in the works to make hefty cuts in benefits AND YOU GUYS WERE TELLING US ALL IS WELL?? You own this!!


Well-Known Member
Billy said today at Maspeth that he never signed it, not he never knew about it.

The facts are that Billy and Tony knew our medical was in bad shape and keep it a secret just like they did with our pension.

Then they go around telling members there was nothing wrong with our medical when they left. FULL OF SH/T.......

Too bad for the guys running with Billy and Tony now they will be linked with liars for the rest of their days at UPS.

This goes out to Tony D, Billy B, Angelo G, John N and Steve M.....

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Well-Known Member
If you didnt shred any documents, where is your response to this memo?? Im sure you made copies. I guess alot happened between sept 1 and dec 31. Nothing but this obviously have been found. The evidence must have just disappeared into thin air. You can try to spin this as you wish, a deal was in the works to make hefty cuts in benefits AND YOU GUYS WERE TELLING US ALL IS WELL?? You own this!!

If I was bill id be happy to answer that question for you. But sorry to disappoint you. Ive said it once, il say it again. Im not on his slate. But if you really want the answer than ask him yourself. He has meet and greets that dont require an invitation. They are for people you want answers, and people deserve to hear those answers from him. I cant and wont answer for him. Im not even saying that the fax is fake. Im sure its authentic. But just because its authentic doesnt mean its truthful or accurate, but dont take my word for it. Ask bill yourself


Well-Known Member
Hey unityequalsstrength guess it was OK to rip the old board when only Tony's slate was running but now that your running with Billy your singing a different tune....... YOUR A LITTLE JOKE

old post by unityequalsstrength:Having the lowest plan is better than having nothing..Which is exactly what would have happened if Tony and Co were still in office..Ive yet to hear how they were going to fix the medical..Sounds like they weren't going to fix it at all by leaving it up to an arbitrator..Great idea guys

old post by unityequalsstrength: Lets go back to the last contract. When our pension was cut by 40%. Who negotiated the pension to be restored, AFTER local 804 members voted down the SUPPLEMENTAL contract that our board said "ITS A FAIR CONTRACT FOR THESE TIMES?" Well, as you must know since you know it all, the health and welfare and pension go hand and hand. The trusties decide how much of the money goes into the pension and how much goes into the health and welfare. Wake up anc cut the B.S. We are not part of the central states pension and or health and welfare. We at 804 negotiate our pension and our Health and Welfare. And you guys want to run our union? you cant even face the facts and the truth. The old board members did NOT negotiate any extra money to bring our health and welfare up to where it needed to be over the last decade as health care costs were rising.....period

old post by unityequalsstrength: Lets go back to the begining of our current contract. UPS and our trusties voted to cut our pension accrual rate by 40%. We needed money to be put into our pension to get back what we lost,(do to a vote our board blamed on a trustie from local 447). After MEMBERS from 804 voted the contract down, (after tony and company said "its a fair contract for these times") Who negotiated the Money to be put into the pension to restore it??? Local 804 did. Why you ask? Because as with our Health and Welfare, our Pension is also negotiated through our SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. Our health and Welfare and Pension go hand and hand. We are not part of the Central States fund. We Negotiate our own Pension and our own Health and Welfare. WAKE UP! And you guys want to run this union??? You cant evern face and or handle the truth. Our Old board did NOT negotiate any extra money to restore our health and welfare as it was decreasing year after year. They saw it was loosing money and did NOTHING to try and save it. Its not rocket science. When the costs of Healthcare all over the country is rising, you need to get more money to cover those increases.



Well-Known Member
first im bill, now im frankie? lol make up your mind. ive also said i was guilty of drinking tims coolaid at one point...i detoxed after i finally got the truth..sorry your still drinking it...ignorance is bliss


Well-Known Member
first im bill, now im frankie? lol make up your mind. ive also said i was guilty of drinking tims coolaid at one point...i detoxed after i finally got the truth..sorry your still drinking it...ignorance is bliss

What you were saying was the truth nothing more....

old post by unityequalsstrength:Our health and welfare and pension is covered under our Supplemental agreement. Definition= Tony D and Company are the ones who negotiate our Supplemental agreement. They are the ones who did not negotiate more money into the fund over the past two contracts. They are the reason this fund is in bad shape. Tim and company are the reason its finally starting to turn around. Make no mistake about it, this fund has a long way to go before it considered a healthy fund. But your a Jack A** if your going to try and blame the national contract for our health fund being in the shape it is today.


Well-Known Member

Ace you are running with Tim .the members see the truth now Anthony C I know its you .we all know you are full of crap . You have no backing from the members so be a man and stop slandering your Teamsters brothers!!!!!! Because you were a row A supported so its ok for you to flip flop.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Ace you are running with Tim .the members see the truth now Anthony C I know its you .we all know you are full of crap . You have no backing from the members so be a man and stop slandering your Teamsters brothers!!!!!! Because you were a row A supported so its ok for you to flip flop.
Excuse me! You have to think twice before you make statements. Your two buddies Frankie and Dave flip flopped! Frankie was a big A supporter then a united supporter now a leader supported! Frank goes with works for him! Not his members What a joke ! Your buddy Dave turned out to be a back stabber just like frank and jack ! Dave you were telling people just up to four weeks ago vote members voice! Then you hooked up with Frankie and started saying vote for meeee! Dave you can't even imagine what is being said about you! lol. You really lowered your standards! Shame -Shame!

The leadership slate is a joke! Might even be lower then United! I think both slates needs to open their eyes and ears!!



Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

how would the two new boards interpret article 6 Section 4, how
would they do a better job than members united?
If you are talking about article 6 section 4 of the national language that would mean the use of technology against us. Thats a very interesting question you bring up since both "new boards" are lead by former board members who actually ENDORSED that wonderful language when they endorsed that contract years ago!! Again it is good you bring up ANY question of what each slate would actually do if elected back to the hall since for the past 2 years all they say is how much they think our current board "sucks" and how "its never been this bad". All they do is attack the executive board but never have a positive platform of reform of what they would do. So next time they loiter outside your building, ask them your questions and listen to the silence!!

As for "making our local strong again", it just sounds like a hoffa slogan : "restore the power". As though by fixing the health fund and pension fund our current executive board didnt making our local strong?? By ending go along to get along didnt make us stronger?? By having surprise building raids didnt make us stronger?? By having BAs who show up 2-3 times a week didnt make us stronger?? Anyway good questions brother!!