Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Those other slates have no answers.... They know they suck... The only reason they want back in is because they cannot survive going from $140k plus salary- to $60 k- and working in these conditions THEY created. Sorry- but there is no way I'm going backwards. Members United- you have my vote..

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Those other slates have no answers.... They know they suck... The only reason they want back in is because they cannot survive going from $140k plus salary- to $60 k- and working in these conditions THEY created. Sorry- but there is no way I'm going backwards. Members United- you have my vote..
Kool aide for sale Kool aide for sale, Vote for me and I will give you some for free!


Well-Known Member
No thanks. Been there done that. Do you actually think THIS SLATE is going to win?? LOL!! A matter of fact Donato's slate will end up in third place, right behind Buhlert. While you are at it ask donato why he is getting such preferential treatment in being allowed 50 plus days off this year IN ORDER TO CAMPAIGN!! Im also hearing certain other members of this slate were able to get vacation time AFTER Thanksgiving. Hmm, I guess ups is supporting Members' Voice. Here's a good slogan for you guys: Members' Voice, Management's Choice!! Third place winners!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
A lot of campaigning went on this week. I got a chance to see the Board for the first time in a long time. How desperate they looked. Now they wanna come around and asked for a vote, guess what Board, just like you let the members get walked out and abused, now the members will have there chance and get you kicked out of the hall.

Leadership slate looked lost, they just said vote for me when I spoke to them one on one. They only care about themselves.

MembersVoice once again , carry themselves like professionals and have been around for over 2 years showing there dedication and respect.
I even got a call from Dan Carey and a text from the Membersvoice web site. Everyone can listen to Dan's message on the site.


New Member
BEWARE of the leadership slates new LIES!!! The latest LIE is that you must vote the entire slate for your vote to count, are they serious do the actually think that the members are that gullible and naive that they don't know how to vote in a simple election or is it that they know that they might only have 1 or 2 people running that are actually worth your vote, the last election Dan P was telling everyone not to vote the slate but to vote for him now his slate wants you to vote slate. Just one example on how they are going to run the union hall if they get elected, lying and flip flopping on the rules ( i guess the rules apply for what benefits them ). All I can say to all our members is that your VOTE does counts regardless!!! Don't vote slate unless you really believe in the whole slate if you don't believe in the whole slate VOTE independently, pick the member that you believe in no matter what slate they are in. Thats why we are a democratic country. Do not fall for their LIES. My vote goes for whom I feel deserves it and will look out for our members not for themselves. Please vote wisely!!!!

804 member

Well-Known Member
The Members United has been M.I.A for 3 years now so why would anyone expect any different? And now I hear that one of them is in rehab? I am assuming that it is not a rehab for working to hard! Not to make a joke of rehab but I am TIRED of my dues to pay for SALARIES FOR 12 GUYS TO SIT HOME AND WATCH SPORTSCENTER AND EAT CANDY BARS!


Well-Known Member
What's the difference how long you have been out? The members don't owe you anything x recording secretary. Member voice seems to be getting desperate. In a few days members will decide which slate will lead us. Each slate is totally different none are the same. Lets hope everyone does there homework and makes an educated decision. I am voting the Leadership Slate. There forward thinking is years beyond the other two candidates.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
What's the difference how long you have been out? The members don't owe you anything x recording secretary. Member voice seems to be getting desperate. In a few days members will decide which slate will lead us. Each slate is totally different none are the same. Lets hope everyone does there homework and makes an educated decision. I am voting the Leadership Slate. There forward thinking is years beyond the other two candidates.
Wake up! Don't worry they have been doing their homework for the past 2 years! I Repeat myself! You were put together out of desperation in a couple of weeks! That is not what a call a leader! Everyone was telling Bill no!


Well-Known Member
A lot of campaigning went on this week. I got a chance to see the Board for the first time in a long time. How desperate they looked. Now they wanna come around and asked for a vote, guess what Board, just like you let the members get walked out and abused, now the members will have there chance and get you kicked out of the hall.

Leadership slate looked lost, they just said vote for me when I spoke to them one on one. They only care about themselves.

MembersVoice once again , carry themselves like professionals and have been around for over 2 years showing there dedication and respect.
I even got a call from Dan Carey and a text from the Membersvoice web site. Everyone can listen to Dan's message on the site.

Campaigning?? Neither buhlert's nor donato's slates state what they will actually do. All they do is hand out friendliers filled with lies attacking our executive board. Notice how they NEVER talk about their time in the hall?? Its as if it never happened. LOL!! Orwell had a word for stuff like this:"newspeak" !! Where war is peace and night is day. This guy actually thinks we are dumb truck drivers (Ok TD and SM really ARE dumb truck drivers, lol). When members find out who he was and what he did as VP of our union , they understand and will reject him once again along with his relatively weak slate of CANTidates.

As for donato, lol, his campaign is over. How does third place WINNER sound , tony??

And little danny boy (i need a teamster job) carey?? LOL!! Dan say this to yourself in the mirror: "I AM NOT A TEAMSTER. I AM NOT A TEAMSTER. I AM NOT A TEAMSTER." You should be ashamed of yourself. Your father spoke out against redmond and buhlert and donato, etc back in 2006 . A matter of fact he endorsed tim and his slate for delagate to the 2006 teamster convention. Remember that video, Dan?? It was taken right in your old dining room. Remember who pushed the NY City Council to re name a street after your father?? His name is Tim S!! Remember who restored your father's picture to the walls of our union hall?? Tim S did!! Anyway the rest of the carey family is endorsing the Members United Slate.

As for not seeing the board for a while, you know that is not true. If its one thing they do it show up. Yes it is election season so they are out campaigning, absolutely. But remember the ONLY time you saw redmond and the entire old board WAS WHEN THEY WERE CAMPAIGNING!! Big difference.


Well-Known Member
The Members United has been M.I.A for 3 years now so why would anyone expect any different? And now I hear that one of them is in rehab? I am assuming that it is not a rehab for working to hard! Not to make a joke of rehab but I am TIRED of my dues to pay for SALARIES FOR 12 GUYS TO SIT HOME AND WATCH SPORTSCENTER AND EAT CANDY BARS!

More utter lies. My guy is in my building 2 times a week, 3 if he doesnt have an arbitration. They are alot of things but certainly not MIA. You must be thinking of Donato being MIA at work. He has been out over 50 days this year plus his 5 ophs and 6 sick days. Talk about rehab, both buhlert and donato are gonna need it when they read the results in december!! LOL By the way that is another lie. No one in the hall is in rehab !! That is disgusting and it sounds quite desperate too.
As far as candy bars, have you seen the size of buhlert?? Talk about "challenging" Tim, LOL!!


Well-Known Member
An educated member will vote LEADERSHIP!
Educated members vote for new leadership (Members United)in 2009 and will do so again in 2012. An educated member will know their disasterous record while in the hall. An educated member will take their many fLIErs and walk to the trash can and throw them out. An educated member will ask some of the weak CANTidates: why are you running with those failed former board members?? That will certainly not help them in 2015 after buhlert and donato are retired!! LOL!! ANd finally an educated member will NOT reward failure. Running our funds into the ground is not something to brag about. Negotiating and endorsing weak, concessionary contracts is not something to brag about. Going fishing with management is certainly not something to brag about. Backing hoffa, monetarily as well as politically, even though the membership consistently voted against hoffa by 65% numerous times, is also something not to brag about. (I could go on here...)
Point is buhlert and donato will not bring up those oldies but goodies because they are just inconvenient facts!! They might get in the way of their blather!!

Educated members of local 804 ...unite!! Behind Members United!!


Well-Known Member
Wake up! Don't worry they have been doing their homework for the past 2 years! I Repeat myself! You were put together out of desperation in a couple of weeks! That is not what a call a leader! Everyone was telling Bill no!

I don't know who I'm voting for, but it looks to me that Leadership Slate has their stuff together. Look at their flyers, website, videos, etc. Donato's and Tim's campaign are the one's that look like they've been put together in two weeks!


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

804Brown talk to the members you guys are done!!!!!! It is over E/B!!

I speak to my fellow drivers and several pre loaders everyday. They think donato is a joke and on buhlert they 1) dont know of him and 2) dont care he is running!! There arent many people who are voting for membersvoice or leadership. You must be living in a bubble.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Campaigning?? Neither buhlert's nor donato's slates state what they will actually do. All they do is hand out friendliers filled with lies attacking our executive board. Notice how they NEVER talk about their time in the hall?? Its as if it never happened. LOL!! Orwell had a word for stuff like this:"newspeak" !! Where war is peace and night is day. This guy actually thinks we are dumb truck drivers (Ok TD and SM really ARE dumb truck drivers, lol). When members find out who he was and what he did as VP of our union , they understand and will reject him once again along with his relatively weak slate of CANTidates.

As for donato, lol, his campaign is over. How does third place WINNER sound , tony??

And little danny boy (i need a teamster job) carey?? LOL!! Dan say this to yourself in the mirror: "I AM NOT A TEAMSTER. I AM NOT A TEAMSTER. I AM NOT A TEAMSTER." You should be ashamed of yourself. Your father spoke out against redmond and buhlert and donato, etc back in 2006 . A matter of fact he endorsed tim and his slate for delagate to the 2006 teamster convention. Remember that video, Dan?? It was taken right in your old dining room. Remember who pushed the NY City Council to re name a street after your father?? His name is Tim S!! Remember who restored your father's picture to the walls of our union hall?? Tim S did!! Anyway the rest of the carey family is endorsing the Members United Slate. Why dont you call Dan and ask him, his number is on the membersvoice site (516) 630-3932 Block your number if your scared.. lol

As for not seeing the board for a while, you know that is not true. If its one thing they do it show up. Yes it is election season so they are out campaigning, absolutely. But remember the ONLY time you saw redmond and the entire old board WAS WHEN THEY WERE CAMPAIGNING!! Big difference.

Like I said before, Our Board just sat back for 3yrs and let all lot of members get walked off the job. Now it will be our turn to repay you and watch the current board get walked out of the hall will.

No one impressive on the leadership slate, dont see them getting that many votes. I have to go with Membersvoice guys, they have proven to me there dedication to better our local over the last 2 years.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who I'm voting for, but it looks to me that Leadership Slate has their stuff together. Look at their flyers, website, videos, etc. Donato's and Tim's campaign are the one's that look like they've been put together in two weeks!
Yeah ok lets look at some of buhlert's fLIErs. One starts with What does it mean to work PT at UPS? Then it lists all the things management does and doesnt do. Amazing, this guy was our local's VP for years and NOW he finally acknowledges the existance of PART TIMERS!! Earth to "leadership" slate: they voted you guys out and voted Members United in because you IGNORED them!! Now at least their are BAs specifically dealing with part time or inside issues only. With you guys, part time or inside issues was a side issue. There are now BAs who are in those buildings anywhere from 6 pm to 6 am. Hey bill, wasnt it YOUR contract that kept starting wages at $8.50 and made new hires have to wait a full year to get benefits (18 months for family members)?? All that weakened language is from YOUR contract!! Put some of THAT in your fLIErs!!