Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Lets not forget the fLIEr that had shop steward jerry moy's picture on stating how the "2 shop stewards were fired..we lost wages, ot, pension and h/w payments." Well it turns out that they both were paid 40 hrs AND contibutions WERE paid into the h/w as well as their pension!! I bet the "successful and proud (former) local 804 E/B officer" wil not print a retraction of that lie in any fLIEr !! No, he is too busy putting out their glossy mailer with 3 pictures of himself in it as he drones on how he possesses "proven" leadership skills (does negotiating weak contracts count as "proven" leadership??), intelligence (does backing hoffa count as being intelligent), crediblity (can you lie to the membership and still be considered credible??), and knowledge (he sure knew how to run the funds into the ground).
Also can you really call yourself "successful" after getting voting out of office in a landslide 3 years ago?? As for being "proud", I dont think Ron Carey's family was too "proud" when you along with the rest of your disgraced board failed to show up at Ron's wake or funeral or even send flowers!!
Yah sure maybe Ron picked you in 1998, we all did back then. But when you turned your back on Ron in his time of need, during the govt witchhunt, the membership finally turned its back on you and donato and redmond FOR GOOD!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear Leadership Slate wasted money on a place Saturday only 10 people showed up.......LOL

Billy was all upset because members were asking him question that he ducked like Richard Nixon.

Billy almost grabbed his balls because he was very upset that his guys were trying to answer questions but Billy wanted them to stay quiet.

The guys on his slate looked lost and afraid to talk, he even got upset with a female teamster because she was taking notes , Billy went up to her and said "GO AHEAD, GO BACK AND TELL TIM EVERYTHING I DONT CARE"


Had enough

Well-Known Member
And little danny boy (i need a teamster job) Carey?? LOL!! Dan say this to yourself in the mirror:

804 Brown now Dan is not good? When he was backing you he was god! Nice way to talk about the man you idealized son. You and your boys are an embarrassment to our Union. Dan saw how you destroyed his fathers 30 year empire. You destroyed it in 3 years. I feel very sorry for you because you seem to be the only one hold on........

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I don't know who I'm voting for, but it looks to me that Leadership Slate has their stuff together. Look at their flyers, website, videos, etc. Donato's and Tim's campaign are the one's that look like they've been put together in two weeks!

Your kidding right? Bill walked into Frank Site! He is just using Frank because he could not get anyone to go with him. The members voice have been talking to members for over two years. You really think the members don't see that. Actually the members think he has some B@lls (you know the ones he crabbed) Bills site is boring! Nice looking but boring....

The Members voice put their time, energy and devotion into getting to know the men in the last two years (Your meet and greets) Are begging members outside of buildings for a vote....

We were screwed the last three years.......the members are scared to vote for another incompetent slate!


Well-Known Member

Had enough real Teamsters don't bash their brothers! That's why l am liking the leader ship slate more and more.talking to them I realize they are all about the members.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who I'm voting for, but it looks to me that Leadership Slate has their stuff together. Look at their flyers, website, videos, etc. Donato's and Tim's campaign are the one's that look like they've been put together in two weeks!
Yeah ok lets look at some of buhlert's fLIErs. One starts with What does it mean to work PT at UPS? Then it lists all the things management does and doesnt do. Amazing, this guy was our local's VP for years and NOW he finally acknowledges the existance of PART TIMERS!! Earth to "leadership" slate: they voted you guys out and voted Members United in because you IGNORED them!! Now at least their are BAs specifically dealing with part time or inside issues only. With you guys, part time or inside issues was a side issue. There are now BAs who are in those buildings anywhere from 6 pm to 6 am. Hey bill, wasnt it YOUR contract that kept starting wages at $8.50 and made new hires have to wait a full year to get benefits (18 months for family members)?? All that weakened language is from YOUR contract!! Put some of THAT in your fLIErs!!
Actually that language comes from the international not the local but I'm sure you don't know that Dave! Keep writing for Tim, you will be out of office in about 6weeks.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Had enough real Teamsters don't bash their brothers! That's why l am liking the leader ship slate more and more.talking to them I realize they are all about the members.
A Real teamsters don't punch a member that you are suppose to protect in the Face at a stop stewards convention!

A Real teamsters don't crab their b@lls in front of women at a General membership meeting!
(That wants to to president)

You don't change a leopards spots! They have shown their true colors when they get angry!

What do you have to say about that hometeam?


New Member
It amazes me how if you don't vote leadership you are not an educated member, when in fact not voting leadership is the most educated and intelligent decision you could make. Here they are calling their members stupid, (sorry, non educated) that's why they want us to vote slate because in their eyes we are that stupid that we can only check off one box. I'm voting for the best candidate, I know how to check off more than one box and after reading some of these posts I'm convinced that if everyone would vote independently instead of slate we would actually put in office who we want not a slate that are only looking out for themselves. I have inquired about certain candidates in every slate and I have NOT heard any good things about Mark Johnson, Dan Perez, Mike chirachella, Dave triple D (how ghetto can I get) phernell, Sam (do whatever you want) cuevas, Mr as long as I get to be a delegate I'll back whatever slate gives me the position and I'll lie to the members to vote for that slate Zemot. After all the research and inquiries I've concluded that the best slate is the Members Voice slate, they may not be perfect but they don't belittle you by calling you uneducated nor they insult you by letting you get fired and not care cause supposedly they are learning (I don't know about anyone else but I'm not willing to be anybody's learning process). There is a flier with Bill's sneaky slithering tactics roaming around every building and they say it's a 2 pager if so how's about Bill show us the second page? Or is he waiting till after the election like when he was gonna tell us about his secret backstabbing. PLEASE don't let any of these candidates convince you to vote slate if you don't want to. Show the leadership slate that you indeed are educated and not as gullible, ignorant and naive as they think we are!!!! Till the next time I hear some nonsense being spread around.


Well-Known Member

A leader doesn't pick and choose on who he defends! I think that sounds like TONY D.if TONY don't like you he tells you to go friend*$k your self if you don't believe me ask the drivers in his center!!!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
It amazes me how if you don't vote leadership you are not an educated member, when in fact not voting leadership is the most educated and intelligent decision you could make. Here they are calling their members stupid, (sorry, non educated) that's why they want us to vote slate because in their eyes we are that stupid that we can only check off one box. I'm voting for the best candidate, I know how to check off more than one box and after reading some of these posts I'm convinced that if everyone would vote independently instead of slate we would actually put in office who we want not a slate that are only looking out for themselves. I have inquired about certain candidates in every slate and I have NOT heard any good things about Mark Johnson, Dan Perez, Mike chirachella, Dave triple D (how ghetto can I get) phernell, Sam (do whatever you want) cuevas, Mr as long as I get to be a delegate I'll back whatever slate gives me the position and I'll lie to the members to vote for that slate Zemot. After all the research and inquiries I've concluded that the best slate is the Members Voice slate, they may not be perfect but they don't belittle you by calling you uneducated nor they insult you by letting you get fired and not care cause supposedly they are learning (I don't know about anyone else but I'm not willing to be anybody's learning process). There is a flier with Bill's sneaky slithering tactics roaming around every building and they say it's a 2 pager if so how's about Bill show us the second page? Or is he waiting till after the election like when he was gonna tell us about his secret backstabbing. PLEASE don't let any of these candidates convince you to vote slate if you don't want to. Show the leadership slate that you indeed are educated and not as gullible, ignorant and naive as they think we are!!!! Till the next time I hear some nonsense being spread around.

Great post - I even was told by the Leadership slate, that an individual vote is a wasted vote, and it will not be counted. What a bunch of crock. They have already begun to lie to the members, what other bull crap would they say if there ever did get elected. Like I said before, there a bunch of misfits.


Well-Known Member

A had enough if Bill B put his slate together with all the information that he has out in two weeks . Just think what he can do in 3 years. THAT IS WHY I AM VOTING THE LEADER SHIP SLATE!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

A had enough if Bill B put his slate together with all the information that he has out in two weeks . Just think what he can do in 3 years. THAT IS WHY I AM VOTING THE LEADER SHIP SLATE!
You still did not answer me its ok for a man to crab himself at a general membership meeting? Its Ok for a Business Agent to punch a member in the face?



Well-Known Member

Tony just lets members get fired when he don't like. Them . Me mbers know what he is about answer my question you think he should be running for office when he sells out members?????8


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Had enough real Teamsters don't bash their brothers! That's why l am liking the leader ship slate more and more.talking to them I realize they are all about the members.
yeah right get to know George, he is a back door, deal making, out
for himself P.O.S. he has jumped the bandwagon for the 3rd time now.
Tim and the boys got in.....HE KISSED THEIR ASSES and became the official microphone monitor at meetings. they start to show their inexperience and he starts kissing John's ass and using the phrase, ok guys listen....you have to be on your toes our union is very vulnerable and weak right now and not doing a good job BE CAREFUL OUT THERE.....lol
Now he moves on thinking he can get on Tony's unannounced slate......lol they knew his true colors for years! Time to move on.
oh bill has a spot for me, I HAVE TO BE SOMEBODY. Let me jump on a 3rd slate and call it home. for now!
Just like he conveniently keeps changing routes that he bid....oh its unsafe for me blah blah blah!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

yeah right get to know George, he is a back door, deal making, out
for himself P.O.S. he has jumped the bandwagon for the 3rd time now.
Tim and the boys got in.....HE KISSED THEIR ASSES and became the official microphone monitor at meetings. they start to show their inexperience and he starts kissing John's ass and using the phrase, ok guys listen....you have to be on your toes our union is very vulnerable and weak right now and not doing a good job BE CAREFUL OUT THERE.....lol
Now he moves on thinking he can get on Tony's unannounced slate......lol they knew his true colors for years! Time to move on.
oh bill has a spot for me, I HAVE TO BE SOMEBODY. Let me jump on a 3rd slate and call it home. for now!
Just like he conveniently keeps changing routes that he bid....oh its unsafe for me blah blah blah!

You mean Bill unannounced Slate! Happy Thanksgiving Crash!