Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Had enough real Teamsters don't bash their brothers! That's why l am liking the leader ship slate more and more.talking to them I realize they are all about the members.

They talk the talk but will they walk the walk??? Billy and Steve had a chance to walk the walk but they never did. Billy was a silent vice president who only cared about getting a pay check.

Where was Billy when we needed him to stand up to UPS about the bad language or the bad contracts??? Billy was willing to give up 25 and out , coffee, give back UPS 10 cents of our raise....

Where was Billy when our union dues went from 2 times to 2 and a half times our hourly rate?? HE WAS VOTING YES...

Hometeam im sure your a good teamster but your lost you sit at a meeting listening to Billy B and think he's great. The problem is he was already there and failed us.

When was Billy going to fight for our pension??? 14 years never went up BUT Billy's pension went up every year WHY??? because he had a 2nd pension from the international PLUS Billy had a matching 401K up to $3,500 matched a year. Billy's 401K was doing just fine thanks to our union dues money.

But we all know you have been getting bad advise for years now and lets hope its not to late for you.....



I know I will because my 25 and out is still there for me to enjoy.......


Well-Known Member

In what may be the most pathetic lie of his mud-slinging campaign, Bill Buhlert put out a leaflet with made-up quotes from the two Melville Stewards that UPS fired in retaliation for a union action.

The leaflets put lies in the mouth of the two stewards and has them claim that they lost wages, health and welfare and pension payments.

In fact, Local 804 made sure that these stewards received full-time wages, health and welfare and pension contributions while they were waiting for arbitration.

Local 804 won the arbitration and got the stewards reinstated to their jobs.

http://img-ak.verticalresponse.com/media/0/friend/d/0fdca7e57f/d2ff8f9250/49a7e53228/library/gregfitzpatrick.JPGGreg Fitzpatrick, a steward quoted on the flyer, says the quotes by Buhlert and the leadership slate are not accurate: “I did in fact receive my full-time wages, health and welfare, pension contributions and pension credit,” Fitzpatrick said.

“Teamsters from the Melville building overwhelmingly voted for 804 Members United last time. And we’re voting 804 Members United this time,” said Ken Reiman of the Huntington Center.

“Bill Buhlert and Tony Donato have nothing to offer the members but lies and givebacks. We’re not going back,” Reiman said.

The Health Fund.
Your Retiree Healthcare.
Your Pension.
Your Contract.
The Fight Against UPS Retaliation at Melville.

Is there anything Bill Buhlert won’t lie about?

And if he can’t tell the truth now, how can you trust him to run Local 804?

Vote 804 Members United Slate.


Well-Known Member
You speak about the stewards? What about the other 53 drivers that lost there pension credit, health and welfare and overtime! Why was it so important to pay for the stewards and not all! Or better yet! Why did the board make the stewards more important than the soldiers! Why didn't they pay for everything like they did these stewards? That's the problem! The destruction that is going on in our buildings is much larger than each one of us could imagine! Members are afraid and very pissed off at our current executive board. You speak to inside 804 members and they don't know who there B/A is! We don't even see you now but your scared to show your faces in front of the buildings! I wouldn't blame you! It probably wouldn't be healthy! Wouldn't want you guys to incur new medical bills on your own behalf. So please keep writing and thinking that your doing an awesome job! 3 years means on thing! You have a history and a track record! A record of doing nothing! Failing to save jobs in any classification! Failing to restore jobs where members retired or advanced to other jobs! Most of all failure to tell your members you SUCK!


Well-Known Member

Ace even on Thanksgiving you don't give it a rest that shows how desperate you are!!! Happy Thanksgiving my brother and sisters anjoy the day with your familys .lets not forget the familys that lost their homes God Bless!


Well-Known Member
You speak about the stewards? What about the other 53 drivers that lost there pension credit, health and welfare and overtime! Why was it so important to pay for the stewards and not all! Or better yet! Why did the board make the stewards more important than the soldiers! Why didn't they pay for everything like they did these stewards? That's the problem! The destruction that is going on in our buildings is much larger than each one of us could imagine! Members are afraid and very pissed off at our current executive board. You speak to inside 804 members and they don't know who there B/A is! We don't even see you now but your scared to show your faces in front of the buildings! I wouldn't blame you! It probably wouldn't be healthy! Wouldn't want you guys to incur new medical bills on your own behalf. So please keep writing and thinking that your doing an awesome job! 3 years means on thing! You have a history and a track record! A record of doing nothing! Failing to save jobs in any classification! Failing to restore jobs where members retired or advanced to other jobs! Most of all failure to tell your members you SUCK!

Sounds like your a little pissy. What your guys getting laughed at while campaigning?? I guess the members see through the lies your slate is putting out. But it is too late now. Donato has been campaigning for 2 years and will have third place to show for it. Buhlert jumped in late and most members still dont know who he is. The ones that do know rejected his "leadership" 3 years ago.

As for members being afraid, I dont see it. We come in, we do our routes, we go home. We might fear the old board members once again in charge of our local. Maybe thats what you hear. Or maybe your someone who fears for their job because they screw around out there and fear getting caught!! Or maybe its just another scare tactic lie your slate has been pushing . Again, no one is buying it. Tell me what do you think happens when you hand out THREE flyers at once at the members!! WE CHUCK THEM IN THE TRASH!!

Not sure what building your out of but ive either seen the board members out front or drivers supporting the board handing out flyers at least once a week. As for that ridiculous threat of "incurring new medical bills", grow up!!

And yes they do have a track record and a history. Ive seen the flyers that they put out and they speak about how they fixed the H/W problems and the pension as well as cut there salaries and hire more BAs to patrol our buildings. It hasnt been a perfect 3 years but they have outgrown those green early days. They are now an experienced group of union leaders who tell us the truth and do not sell us out.

What is so funny is that nothing in either buhlert's or donato's flyers EVER speak about THEIR OWN FAILED TRACK RECORD AND HISTORY!! Everything they put out is an attack on the current board. They have NO POSITIVE AGENDA. Three years ago Members United put out a flyer stating their 10 actions they would make when in office. All have been implemented or at least started. They have kept their promises. But Buhlert/Donato have a record THAT THEY FAIL TO TALK ABOUT!! People want to hear how they would make things better : an actual plan. Making up lies about 500 drivers being fired in the past 3 years is not a platform. Accusing the board of screwing up the health fund IS NOT A PLATFORM. Saying that the stewards arbitration was "not a victory" IS NOT A PLATFORM.



Well-Known Member
We will see who you see for soon! Good luck and enjoy your day! I'm sure your not confident about this election but then again Mitt Romney was too!


You speak about the stewards? What about the other 53 drivers that lost there pension credit, health and welfare and overtime! Why was it so important to pay for the stewards and not all! Or better yet! Why did the board make the stewards more important than the soldiers! Why didn't they pay for everything like they did these stewards? That's the problem! The destruction that is going on in our buildings is much larger than each one of us could imagine! Members are afraid and very pissed off at our current executive board. You speak to inside 804 members and they don't know who there B/A is! We don't even see you now but your scared to show your faces in front of the buildings! I wouldn't blame you! It probably wouldn't be healthy! Wouldn't want you guys to incur new medical bills on your own behalf. So please keep writing and thinking that your doing an awesome job! 3 years means on thing! You have a history and a track record! A record of doing nothing! Failing to save jobs in any classification! Failing to restore jobs where members retired or advanced to other jobs! Most of all failure to tell your members you SUCK!

Speaking to an inside part timer who doesn't know who their b/a is is nothing new. I've been here almost 24 years as a full timer, 14 of those as a steward who was very involved and spoke to part timers all the time. I can tell you that even with the old board half the part timers had no clue who their b/a was (or their steward for that matter). A large chunk of them are only here for a paycheck and are not involved or concerend in the slightest about the union, I tried to change that in my building but all I did was give myself headaches from pounding my head against the wall.

As far as the medical goes, even when we had Magnacare if you followed the plan the coverage was good. You need to do your homework and just follow up once in a while. Medical costs will continue to rise regardless of who is in office but let me ask you this.....any reasonable adult knows these costs will go up not down, right? Why did the old board leave our co-pays, prescription costs, etc so low for so long? Why didn't they look to the future and make small increase every 18 months or so to keep up with costs and stay ahead of the problem of rising costs? Co-pays would have risen to $20 regardless but it would have been over the course of a few years.....not the overnight shock we all endured. Just my opinion though......Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Well-Known Member
This E/B is done, the only ones that like them is management, because they go along with what ever management wants. Carey family hate them for what they did to there dads local.there support is very, very little that is why they think because Bill and Tony are running they will be re-elected. As members we can not let that happen.


Well-Known Member
804 brown you must be part of this E/B, who has the time but you guys to post a book response on this web-site. You do nothing at the union hall I guess it gets boring so you go onto brown cafe. Lol


Well-Known Member
This E/B is done, the only ones that like them is management, because they go along with what ever management wants. Carey family hate them for what they did to there dads local.there support is very, very little that is why they think because Bill and Tony are running they will be re-elected. As members we can not let that happen.

Boy are you gonna be surprised on dec 14!! Actually I think management would like to see the old board back in charge. They got over on redmond/buhlert/donato for years. Now tim and members united fight management on all fronts. A case could be made that maybe they should pick their battles instead of fighting them on
As for the Carey family, they are all behind Members United. The only exception is the black sheep Dan. But he seems to have an agenda.The family appreciates how Tim and his crew pushed personally to get the CIty Council to rename a street after Ron Carey. Do you really think the Carey family would back buhlert or donato after they both refused to attend Ron's wake or funeral??
As for your point on "because bill and tony are running they think they will be re-elected", absolutely. The greatest liability of each slate is buhlert, donato, guarella, nemeth and medina. Add to that their failed record when they actually had power. Add Members United fixing the mess they left and it is quite obvious how this election is gonna turnout.


Well-Known Member
Boy are you gonna be surprised on dec 14!! Actually I think management would like to see the old board back in charge. They got over on redmond/buhlert/donato for years. Now tim and members united fight management on all fronts. A case could be made that maybe they should pick their battles instead of fighting them on
As for the Carey family, they are all behind Members United. The only exception is the black sheep Dan. But he seems to have an agenda.The family appreciates how Tim and his crew pushed personally to get the CIty Council to rename a street after Ron Carey. Do you really think the Carey family would back buhlert or donato after they both refused to attend Ron's wake or funeral??
As for your point on "because bill and tony are running they think they will be re-elected", absolutely. The greatest liability of each slate is buhlert, donato, guarella, nemeth and medina. Add to that their failed record when they actually had power. Add Members United fixing the mess they left and it is quite obvious how this election is gonna turnout.
You seem to know a lot about the going on in the hall is that you Tim, nothing to do again. Lol


Well-Known Member
Local 804 Secret Ballot Election

A ballot has been mailed to your home for the election of Local 804 officers and business agents.

This is a secret ballot election. We encourage every member to vote by marking your own ballot.

Be advised that it is illegal to collect ballots. Under Federal Law, no one can mark or mail your ballot for you. Report violations to Teamsters Local 804 at 718-786-5700.

If you do not receive a ballot by Nov. 26, call 1-800-864-1263 to order a replacement ballot. You must call this number on a weekday between 9am and 5pm.

Ballots will be counted on December 15.

This Executive Board is leaving town soon. They will be a day late for the counting.


Well-Known Member
This past Friday Members Voice was out side of Foster with a case of DUM DUM LOLLIPOPS, handing them out to drivers.

Everyone in the building was laughing like crazy. People were yelling get your free lolly, "Tony DUM DUM is handing out DUM DUM'S" "Here's a lolly vote for me, you suckers" "The suckers are handing out suckers" LOL


All of their flyers were in the garbage can in the front of the building. Members voice has no shot. Again Tony D making himself look like an @ss.....

How pathetic, what a clown Tony D is.....DEC 14 will be the last nail in his coffin.......



Well-Known Member
ACES? Any reply? Or are you just going to ignore the problem as you slate buddies do? ANTHONY... I NEED AN ANSWER!

Name is not Anthony, maybe if our old board would have negotiated better language in our supplement contract our members would not have been fired. Donato and Buhlert were to bust trying to give up 25 and out.