Local 804 Secret Ballot Election
A ballot has been mailed to your home for the election of Local 804 officers and business agents.
This is a secret ballot election. We encourage every member to vote by marking your own ballot.
Be advised that it is illegal to collect ballots. Under Federal Law, no one can mark or mail your ballot for you. Report violations to Teamsters Local 804 at 718-786-5700.
If you do not receive a ballot by Nov. 26, call 1-800-864-1263 to order a replacement ballot. You must call this number on a weekday between 9am and 5pm.
Ballots will be counted on December 15.
This Executive Board is leaving town soon. They will be a day late for the counting.
This past Friday Members Voice was out side of Foster with a case of DUM DUM LOLLIPOPS, handing them out to drivers.
Everyone in the building was laughing like crazy. People were yelling get your free lolly, "Tony DUM DUM is handing out DUM DUM'S" "Here's a lolly vote for me, you suckers" "The suckers are handing out suckers" LOL
All of their flyers were in the garbage can in the front of the building. Members voice has no shot. Again Tony D making himself look like an @ss.....
How pathetic, what a clown Tony D is.....DEC 14 will be the last nail in his coffin.......
Where is Tony M. ?
Its all of them!!!!!It's funny that we all know about the rat on their board but they can't figure out who it is.
Yes Tom you are right it's over 804 Members United will win easy... I can here it in your post you will have 3 more years of Tim and company.....If this E/B is re-elected we will surely deserve what we get. More firing, more sixty day suspensions and no representation. Heed my warning UPS will not relent if your not doing there stop count numbers you will be a target! This E/B only cares about themselves, there paycheck, Holmes never shows up for work, they have a rat on there board and they have two on there board who where fired for stealing. They can't stand up to management, they have to many skelton in there collective closet. Vote the leadership slate please don't be fooled again!
Shouldnt he be giving out Blow pops since he once stated how he at times had to ********* as a BA in order to "save" members?? LOL
Had enough;105[/QUOTE said:Members lost there voice with this board, over 500 drivers fired, 100 suspension and over 80 waited for hearings. What voice, they lost theirs!
I am glad to see you admitted he saved members! The current board just lets them get fired!
LOL Big Deal!Showing stickers or shirts of your slate ON BROWNCAFE will not get you votes. Making 2500 phone calls this weekend like Members United did to its supporters will!! The 2 ring circus of buhlert-donato tag team show is over.
Yea I heard it myself. If you want to hear it again go on You Tube!No, I heard it in that taped conversation someone put on hear last year of donato sayin that.
More members lost their jobs under redmond/buhlert/donato due to that weak concessionary contract they all endorsed and negotiated. This new board PUTS MEMBERS FIRST. With the old board is was about PUTTING THEIR OWN JOBS AND BLOATED SALARIES FIRST. The members understand this and we aint going back!!Members lost there voice with this board!lol
You could only hope!Members lost there voice with this board, over 500 drivers fired, 100 suspension and over 80 waited for hearings. What voice, they lost theirs!
Good night Brown I am going to bed!More members lost their jobs under redmond/buhlert/donato due to that weak concessionary contract they all endorsed and negotiated. This new board PUTS MEMBERS FIRST. With the old board is was about PUTTING THEIR OWN JOBS AND BLOATED SALARIES FIRST. The members understand this and we aint going back!!