Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Just heard jack d. from foster ave is going around trying to collect local sorts ballots. Just shows everyone how scared and desperate this E/B is. I guess it finally figured out the the leadership slate is going to win. Anthony c. Is walking around saying they r going to win by a land slid. Best joke I heard all day.

I remember hearing about jack d doing the same thing in 2009 FOR ROW A. Were any charges brought against him back then??


Well-Known Member
Just heard jack d. from foster ave is going around trying to collect local sorts ballots. Just shows everyone how scared and desperate this E/B is. I guess it finally figured out the the leadership slate is going to win. Anthony c. Is walking around saying they r going to win by a land slid. Best joke I heard all day.

Members United will win Foster easy not even close. The drivers don't believe Tony or Billy and what ever part timers do vote are with Members United 100%

Phil aka DOG is backing Leadership Slate wait till Tony D hears that LOL. THE DOG IS GOING TO GET NUETERED LOL.....

I guess we all will find out Dec 14...... I heard Anthony C and Richie the porter have a $1,000 side bet on the results....



Well-Known Member

To all my Local 804 Brothers and Sisters: We have a crucial election coming up and we need to elect Members Voice. These past 3 years have been the worst in my 15 years at UPS. We need to restore 804 back to the way it was before this current slate took over. We cannot allow slanderous accusations by current slate to manipulate us into re-electing them. We cannot allow personal feelings to get in the way of doing the right thing. We cannot believe false promises or the hope of personal gain based on empty promises made by current slate. When casting your vote, it has to be what is best for us. Voting MEMBERS VOICE is the only choice. If anyone does not receive their ballot by this coming Tuesday, call 1(800) 864-1263. I hope and pray we members make the right decision.

LOL Keep trying Had enough because members voice is dead in the water....Island City and Foster want no part of them at all......Island City is about 80% Members United.....


Well-Known Member
AWW someones upset... you need a time out.... 3 MORE YEARS OF TIM AND COMPANY. NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT CRY ALL YOU WANT...............

ALL YOU POST IS LIES...... Bill had his chance and he FAILED the membership. SORRY NO DO OVERS OR MULLIGANS....

Bill is a proven leader?????? WHY DON'T YOU TELL US WHY HE'S A "PROVEN" LEADER........

Classic Movie Line #51 - YouTube


Still waiting................................

804 member

Well-Known Member
Still waitimg for you to say Happy Thanksgiving or Happy Holidays to all the 200+ drivers that were walked off with YOUR current executive board!

BTW, where is Mark? WHO!!!!


Well-Known Member
LOL Keep trying Had enough because members voice is dead in the water....Island City and Foster want no part of them at all......Island City is about 80% Members United.....

Wow, donato cant even win his old buildings!! And they are the members who know him best!!

To the other members of donato's slate who hooked up with donat, guarella and nemeth: WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!! You all should have said "no thanks, Tony we are forming our own slate separate from you guys. You guys would only bring the slate negatives. Plus who would trust YOU now!!" And now look what you have done. You guys just ruined your chances of being a serious candidate in 3 years. You will be forever remembered as the group that ran with donato. Over!!

To the members that hooked up with buhlert: read above paragragh, it applies to you too. The only difference might be since you jumped in so late no one really knows who you are. You might have salvaged a re-run in 2015 WITHOUT THE BAGGAGE OF BUHLERT next time!!

As for Members United, a lot of pressure will be on them to deliver a strong and fair contract for us. Anything less will invite a challenge and there are some good stewards among the 2 challenging slates!!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Wow, donato cant even win his old buildings!! And they are the members who know him best!!

To the other members of donato's slate who hooked up with donat, guarella and nemeth: WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!! You all should have said "no thanks, Tony we are forming our own slate separate from you guys. You guys would only bring the slate negatives. Plus who would trust YOU now!!" And now look what you have done. You guys just ruined your chances of being a serious candidate in 3 years. You will be forever remembered as the group that ran with donato. Over!!

To the members that hooked up with buhlert: read above paragragh, it applies to you too. The only difference might be since you jumped in so late no one really knows who you are. You might have salvaged a re-run in 2015 WITHOUT THE BAGGAGE OF BUHLERT next time!!

As for Members United, a lot of pressure will be on them to deliver a strong and fair contract for us. Anything less will invite a challenge and there are some good stewards among the 2 challenging slates!!

The only guarentee is if these clowns win again the part timers will know that they have been lied to. That this company has no respect for this group and that the company will do what ever they want.

And eventually that even you will realize that just saying that you work for the Devil and telling UPS that they are the Devil is not enough that real Labor Unions actually resolve or do something to solve their Members problems.
For people like yourself you get satisfaction living in the past so my question to you is if and I hope not that your pals get in are they going to get enough money to roll back the co-pays and the retiree benefits to 2009 rates??? Lets see how much extra money they are going to be able to get for 804 Members.

I have a feeling that if they cant get more they will blame it on the other Devil the IBT


Well-Known Member
The only guarentee is if these clowns win again the part timers will know that they have been lied to. That this company has no respect for this group and that the company will do what ever they want.
And eventually that even you will realize that just saying that you work for the Devil and telling UPS that they are the Devil is not enough that real Labor Unions actually resolve or do something to solve their Members problems.
For people like yourself you get satisfaction living in the past so my question to you is if and I hope not that your pals get in are they going to get enough money to roll back the co-pays and the retiree benefits to 2009 rates??? Lets see how much extra money they are going to be able to get for 804 Members.
I have a feeling that if they cant get more they will blame it on the other Devil the IBT

I have to say that i agree with some of your post. Not all

They never promised the part timers anything only to make them feel as they should part of Local 804. Something the old board never cared about. Howie sat on 2 contract committee's PLEASE tell me one thing he got for the part or full timers??????? NOTHING

At least Tim is making them feel like they matter. He is giving them hope and that means a lot to them.

You are right that Tim and Company need to find away to make things better and I rather take my chances with Tim then any one from our old board.

And if they don't them they will be done in 2015.....


New Member
Sent my ballot in today and will hope for the best, I voted Members Voice
I work out of Foster Ave , and it makes me sick to my stomach to have to listen to Dave and Frankie running there mouths like crazy. Dave is totally clueless all he is is Frankie's puppet. All Dave does is laughs and giggles and was happy to be asked to run. All Dave says is our current board is weak, do you even know why you were asked??? Bill was turned down by so many people that you were left because you are a steward for over a 100 guys nothing more. I'm curious did Bill call you up and say 'have Dave I'm putting a slate together and would like to know your views on how to make our union strong? ' Frankie was asked in June to run with Bill but you weren't.... Do you even care??? Every night I have to watch you shaking hands in the building like your somebody its a joke.
I like our BA a lot and wish he was on Members Voice but I had to vote slate so that my vote matters. Dave and Frankie shout up and keep picking up those illegal aliens to work for you guys.


Well-Known Member

Make 804 strong with guy like Frank and Dave they care about their members . THAT IS WHY I AM VOTING FOR THE LEADER SHIP SLATE!


Well-Known Member
I will take Dave m. or frank friend. anyway over the guys in the hall. U really think tony d. is any better than this slate. He only cares about him self was never worried or cared about the members. U say u are tired of listening to them. Y? They tell the truth. Leadership slate all the way. Bill b. has what it takes to get this union back to were it was. Strong and don't afraid to tell ups to go **** them selves not side with them. Ur boy Anthony c. is so far up Dan d. ass its not even funny. Tell driver if u don't want to buy there socks wear pants. Way to go union boy.


Well-Known Member

I hear that Chris W and an alternate steward are doing the samething that Jack D is doing in foster .they are telling the part timers to bring the ballots in and they will take care of it.


Well-Known Member
Sent my ballot in today and will hope for the best, I voted Members Voice
I work out of Foster Ave , and it makes me sick to my stomach to have to listen to Dave and Frankie running there mouths like crazy. Dave is totally clueless all he is is Frankie's puppet. All Dave does is laughs and giggles and was happy to be asked to run. All Dave says is our current board is weak, do you even know why you were asked??? Bill was turned down by so many people that you were left because you are a steward for over a 100 guys nothing more. I'm curious did Bill call you up and say 'have Dave I'm putting a slate together and would like to know your views on how to make our union strong? ' Frankie was asked in June to run with Bill but you weren't.... Do you even care??? Every night I have to watch you shaking hands in the building like your somebody its a joke.
I like our BA a lot and wish he was on Members Voice but I had to vote slate so that my vote matters. Dave and Frankie shout up and keep picking up those illegal aliens to work for you guys.

Fret not my brother from foster. In 2 weeks it will all be over. Tony and frankie and dave and alfonso will all be brooding over the fact that Anthony C will be the BA in foster for another 3 years!! LOL!!

Members United Slate plus about 20 other supporters spent another weekend making 2500 phone calls to its supporters. Seems like most have already voted for Members United already.

I would like to make a pledge here: when this election is over we put this all behind us (as well as this silly thread of hate and misinformation) and get behind the slate that wins in solidarity for a united front against UPS management in the contract negotiations. Any union issues will for now on be discussed at our general membership meetings, not on this forum. As for union politics, that can start up again in 2015!!


Well-Known Member
. Tell driver if u don't want to buy there socks wear pants. Way to go union boy.

socks??? Your talking about sock what a fool you are....

Just what Tony and Bill want, mindless idiots that can't focus on what's most important.

Dec 14.. Will be a great day, Billy and Tony already know they lost.


Well-Known Member
Re: hometeam

Tim only cares about getting votes from the part timers!!

And bill and tony do not?? They never cared or even thought much about the part timers when they were in power for all those years, but NOW their hearts bleed for the part timer?? LOL, They pushed their LAST contract on new part timers which made them wait a full 12 months to get benefits (18 months for family members). Those part timers should remember that before they vote this time. Tim and his slate had nothing to do with that last contract. A matter of fact they have an actual part timer on their negotiating team!! This time part timers will not only be witness to what is going on but THEY WILL ACTUALLY HAVE A SAY!!

Its amazing, Tim is disparaged by you and others for pandering to the part timers for their votes but buhlert didnt pick dave m for the members he might bring to HIS slate?? 3 years ago Members United promised real representation for inside people especially part timers. They now have several BAs dealing with their specific issues. Now they promise them a well deserved raise and better language on seniority and job selection, etc. Also hopefully clerks will remember who allowed the language in our supplemental that stated that clerks get reduced to 4.5 guarantee hours during a job reduction or lay off. (ROW A All The Way!! LOL)