Well, theballots have been counted and once again Members United has been victorious. Iknow some negative nellies will say: "Yeah,but a majority did not vote forMU..." True, but a majority also voted against Buhlert and a majorityvoted against Donato. I know at least the Buhlert supporters I spoke to wouldNEVER vote for Donato so Im not too sure how his slate actually affectedanything. I guess if it was just between Tim and Tony some would have went fortim, some for tony and some would not have voted. I think buhlert opened thevoting for those who didnt like either. Who knows??
Anyway Im getting a kick out of some of the comments on here: "we aredoomed!" "There wont be anyone left at ups" LOL!! Not to takeanything away from :"Vote members voice BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!""Our future is depending on you!!" LOL and the world is ending ondecember 21 LOL!!
I bet management was disappointed in the results. I bet they were lookingforward to getting their old lap dogs back in charge again. They are aware thatour current board actually fights for a strong and fair contract. They knewthey could always shovel s#!t at buhlert and donato and like good little lapdogs accept it and sell it to the membership!!
Amazing, buhlert really thought he could just waltz in at the 11th hour andtake the election?? He must have forgotten that the membership have NOTforgotten who he was and what he did to our union when he actually had power!!So it wasn't the 3 way race that made donato and buhlert lose. It was theirfailed record. Their history as "leaders" of our local"doomed" (to borrow a word) their slates. It was the elephant in theroom. They ASSumed that since the membership was angry that they automaticallyBLAMED our E/B!! WRONGO!! They were clueless to the reality which was we arecontent and appreciate the fact that they fixed our health funds and protectedour pensions and told us the truth. Granted, we are not happy with the affectsof the Buhlert/Donato contract that we (including them, lol) had to work under.
They were clueless at how many of us said things ARE worse but didnt blame THISe/b but WERE willing to give them a chance to fix that contract!! More memberssimple trust this board . I trust them 100% to do the right thing. In 3 yearsthe contract will be THEIR baby. They will have to run on that contract or runfrom it!! Im confident they will deliver for us.
As for the idiot who said "this thread wont die", grow up. Theelection is over... AGAIN!! They are not going away. Be a part of making thingsbetter or get out of the way and just shut up!! They were elected in 2009, wonthe delegate race in 2011 and were re-elected. The membership has SPOKEN.Let them lead!! Time to get over it and unify against this company!! Insolidarity, 804 brown!!