Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Even if your numbers are right and United lost 1475 to 1185 if Leadership didnt run. How do you explain United getting almost half the votes if they suck as bad as you say they do??? What makes you smarter then anyone else?? I voted for Mitt not Obama , I like Obama but I feel this country needed to be run my a business man does not mean I'm right but my choice. Now that Obama won I hope he can do a better job since most people said he needs 4 more years. Just like I hope our current board does a great job with our contract and pension.

Now even the outside shops are waking Shop Stewards off the clock.I hope that they allow this steward the opportunity to work at the hall because it doesn't look like the Fat Cat saved his job!!! Keep hoping your wishes may come true!!!
Does anyone know how many members have been fired in the years that this e/b has been around and how long the arbitration list is and the wait time ?[/QUOTE
Come on Tim S.....president (god help us) elect. You should have this answer on the tips of your pudgy fingertips, or do I have to got right to the UPS Labor dept to find the answer.....You and your clowns are a disgrace to the membership.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how many members have been fired in the years that this e/b has been around and how long the arbitration list is and the wait time ?[/QUOTE
Come on Tim S.....president (god help us) elect. You should have this answer on the tips of your pudgy fingertips, or do I have to got right to the UPS Labor dept to find the answer.....You and your clowns are a disgrace to the membership.

Go to TDU and find out how to look up the LM-2 reports for 2009 and 2011 or (2012 not filed yet) Subtract the number of members. This will give you the difference in the membership. Tell them your local is hiding the numbers of members fired and the number of members waiting for arbitration to get their jobs back. Good luck because this board is TDU supported and they do no wrong!


Hey Hadenough, if you are not a person on Members Voice then be honest and criticize what Tony and his guys did wrong? Voice did not gain any votes from the last election. The truth is that Billy is way smarter then Tony. Billy guys acted professional at the gates they dressed the part they had professional looking literature, they talked about what they were going to do. Billy didn't hand out beer to drivers on there way home after work or flip them a burger. Tony is a buffoon that shoot his load early and he left members saying "thats it , thats all you got" Tony had many weak guys on his slate that did not bring in enough votes. Dwight and Alphonso were very weak trustees, Alphonso and Tony could not even come in second in Foster. Tony make a huge mistake by taking Alphonso he should have promised him the safety job and took someone else out of Foster. Running with John N was a waste of a spot you already had Dwight all Tony had to do was promise John a organizing job to keep him happy. Kevin G and Alex Z another 2 wastes of a spot so many other people in there buildings and the buffoon takes them two??? Like I said if your part of Voice then I understand you not being honest but if your not speak your mind..... Or just keep sucking on DUM-DUM LOLLIPOPS (another great move)


Well-Known Member
Had enough and 804 proud: GET OVER IT!! Donato lost, buhlert lost, MEMBERS UNITED won!! This post election "analysis" is not healthy and is a waste of time. The election is over. The members have spoken. Time to move on and unify for our fight to get a strong contract. The members have given this board a chance to deliver on a strong contract. Do you plan on coming on here and just continue to bash each other?? What good does that do?? At least for the next 2 and 1/2 years cant we all be as one union??

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Had enough and 804 proud: GET OVER IT!! Donato lost, buhlert lost, MEMBERS UNITED won!! This post election "analysis" is not healthy and is a waste of time. The election is over. The members have spoken. Time to move on and unify for our fight to get a strong contract. The members have given this board a chance to deliver on a strong contract. Do you plan on coming on here and just continue to bash each other?? What good does that do?? At least for the next 2 and 1/2 years cant we all be as one union??
Remember your TDU buddy that got elected and quit because it was easier to critize than do the job. He for years gave his opinion by publishing and distributing trash against Local 804 executive board and their decisions. The Agitator remember. Well you better get used to people trashing your dear Members United, the executive board, the decisions of this executive, and of your precious TDU pals. So Brown get used to the crap that your friends started in Local 804 because it isn't going to stop 55% of the Local 804 members didn't vote for them.


True, that will tell you how many people LEFT the local, it won't tell you how many were fired. How many of those lost members were part of the usual part time turnover we see every few years? How many from outside shops? It's not as easy of a number to determine as you might think.

Go to TDU and find out how to look up the LM-2 reports for 2009 and 2011 or (2012 not filed yet) Subtract the number of members. This will give you the difference in the membership. Tell them your local is hiding the numbers of members fired and the number of members waiting for arbitration to get their jobs back. Good luck because this board is TDU supported and they do no wrong!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Hey Hadenough, if you are not a person on Members Voice then be honest and criticize what Tony and his guys did wrong? Voice did not gain any votes from the last election. The truth is that Billy is way smarter then Tony. Billy guys acted professional at the gates they dressed the part they had professional looking literature, they talked about what they were going to do. Billy didn't hand out beer to drivers on there way home after work or flip them a burger. Tony is a buffoon that shoot his load early and he left members saying "thats it , thats all you got" Tony had many weak guys on his slate that did not bring in enough votes. Dwight and Alphonso were very weak trustees, Alphonso and Tony could not even come in second in Foster. Tony make a huge mistake by taking Alphonso he should have promised him the safety job and took someone else out of Foster. Running with John N was a waste of a spot you already had Dwight all Tony had to do was promise John a organizing job to keep him happy. Kevin G and Alex Z another 2 wastes of a spot so many other people in there buildings and the buffoon takes them two??? Like I said if your part of Voice then I understand you not being honest but if your not speak your mind..... Or just keep sucking on DUM-DUM LOLLIPOPS (another great move)

The professional who jerked off at a General Membership meeting? You are either Bill or a fulled by him! He is no leader he only got in on Howies coat tail. He also jumped in on Franks site. But I will tell you he was very good at being a snake! He did some job shoving it up eveyones ass. So I guess he got what he wanted!

So tell me by being a d*ck (that he grabbed) and not being man enough to talk it out with the Members Voice was a good thing? If he cared about the membership he wold have joined forces and made it work! According to Tony he shared a office with him and they got along pretty good.

So tell me now, who is the Dum-DUM? BILL!! Where is he now? NO WHERE Where is the Membership now? Stuck with this *ucking Board!
I even laugh, Tony still won't curse the Red faced bastard!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Had enough and 804 proud: GET OVER IT!! Donato lost, buhlert lost, MEMBERS UNITED won!! This post election "analysis" is not healthy and is a waste of time. The election is over. The members have spoken. Time to move on and unify for our fight to get a strong contract. The members have given this board a chance to deliver on a strong contract. Do you plan on coming on here and just continue to bash each other?? What good does that do?? At least for the next 2 and 1/2 years cant we all be as one union??


Well-Known Member

Local 804 is broken in a million pieces! What UPS wanted for fifty years, they got from this E board in one week control of medical disability and soon our pension. They should take that sign down, home of Ron Carey because Carey today would think he is walking into a UPS building.


Local 804 is broken in a million pieces! What UPS wanted for fifty years, they got from this E board in one week control of medical disability and soon our pension. They should take that sign down, home of Ron Carey because Carey today would think he is walking into a UPS building.



Well-Known Member
Come on 804 brown!!! WAITING !!!!!!

Waiting for what?? Ive discussed this numerous times why the current board had to raise copays, etc. The entire membership knows it now. It gets boring repeating things to some of you.
I get it you dont like TDU. Frankly who cares. Not everyone can be an activist working to make this a better union. Some people have to be the lazy, know nothings that just complain and do absolutely nothing. Some people can just sit in front of their computers and attack our union leaders AND OFFER NOTHING ELSE: no new ideas, no new faces, no platform of reform...ONLY LIES AND ATTACKS. We have a contract to negotiate AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU STILL WANT TO FIGHT YESTERDAYS BATTLES?? It is time to move on. The cuts are done, the copays are done, etc. But you want to criticize TDU?? For what?? They have already written about the cuts and changes in local 804 when they were first implemented. Members like you will NEVER BE HAPPY!! You are nothing but a sore ol crank. Once again the election is over. Get over it. If you have some talent or knowledge about helping the members survive 25 years doing this job, be my guest and offer some positive, useful ideas. Otherwise, this is getting boring. Stop wasting our time!!


Well-Known Member
Remember your TDU buddy that got elected and quit because it was easier to critize than do the job. He for years gave his opinion by publishing and distributing trash against Local 804 executive board and their decisions. The Agitator remember. Well you better get used to people trashing your dear Members United, the executive board, the decisions of this executive, and of your precious TDU pals. So Brown get used to the crap that your friends started in Local 804 because it isn't going to stop 55% of the Local 804 members didn't vote for them.

As for you I guess you need to change your name to : Not what I voted for AGAIN!! And we "better get used to people trashing our Members united..." ??Thats nothing new. Clowns like you have been bashing this board for 3 years now. But the members re-elected Members United not your guys. Case closed!!


Well-Known Member
Waiting for what?? Ive discussed this numerous times why the current board had to raise copays, etc. The entire membership knows it now. It gets boring repeating things to some of you.
I get it you dont like TDU. Frankly who cares. Not everyone can be an activist working to make this a better union. Some people have to be the lazy, know nothings that just complain and do absolutely nothing. Some people can just sit in front of their computers and attack our union leaders AND OFFER NOTHING ELSE: no new ideas, no new faces, no platform of reform...ONLY LIES AND ATTACKS. We have a contract to negotiate AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU STILL WANT TO FIGHT YESTERDAYS BATTLES?? It is time to move on. The cuts are done, the copays are done, etc. But you want to criticize TDU?? For what?? They have already written about the cuts and changes in local 804 when they were first implemented. Members like you will NEVER BE HAPPY!! You are nothing but a sore ol crank. Once again the election is over. Get over it. If you have some talent or knowledge about helping the members survive 25 years doing this job, be my guest and offer some positive, useful ideas. Otherwise, this is getting boring. Stop wasting our time!!

Blaaa Blaaa Blaaaa same BS. When the old board raised copays 5 bucks all you koolaid drinkers went nuts. All this incompetent board did was lie to the membership . They told everyone that after the FIRST election the retiree health was going to be raised and that would be a back door pension decrease. They PROMISED they would take UPS on and make UPS pay the cost. WELL in less tahn 6 months in office UPS got from them what they never could get from RON CAREY. OR THE OLD BOARD. Since this board took office everyones pension has gone down if your in a family retiree plan $410.00 a month. TALK ABOUT ABOUT A BACK DOOR PENSION DECREASE !!!!!! And lets not forget that cost will rise 10% per year. Wake up brown. Say what you want this board did nothing but trash the old board at every turn.