Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Oh and we wont go away. REMEMBER IT'S THE MEMBERSHIPS JOB TO MAKE SURE THE E-BOARD DOES THEIR JOB. Ohh and by the way where are all the contract updates. Quote me on this: the part timers will get nothing and this eboard will blame it on Hoffa and Hall. They have been making all sorts of promises to the part timers and they cant do a thing for them. And where is the arbitration ruling about the retiree health care 10% increase Ohhhh again no up dates.


Well-Known Member
Blaaa Blaaa Blaaaa same BS. When the old board raised copays 5 bucks all you koolaid drinkers went nuts. All this incompetent board did was lie to the membership . They told everyone that after the FIRST election the retiree health was going to be raised and that would be a back door pension decrease. They PROMISED they would take UPS on and make UPS pay the cost. WELL in less tahn 6 months in office UPS got from them what they never could get from RON CAREY. OR THE OLD BOARD. Since this board took office everyones pension has gone down if your in a family retiree plan $410.00 a month. TALK ABOUT ABOUT A BACK DOOR PENSION DECREASE !!!!!! And lets not forget that cost will rise 10% per year. Wake up brown. Say what you want this board did nothing but trash the old board at every turn.

First off, this board HAS NEVER LIED to the membership!! NEVER!! They had to make difficult decisions in order to make our health fund fiscally healthy again. Something your boys FAILED to address or even TELL US ABOUT!! The did "promise" to take on UPS and they have but never said ups would pay the cost. That is because ups is not obligated to make up for any short falls. Wish it were that easy. But the problems of our funds were complicated and needed to be agreed to by both sides. The actuaries stated that the funds would be in the red by june of 2011 IF NOTHING IS DONE. But tim and the nother union trustees decided TO DO SOMETHING. Unlike howie and buhlert and donato who lied to us that all was well meanwhile OUR FUNDS WERE IN ARBITRATION. So the old board put such an important decision in the hands of one person who could have ruled that THE RETIREES COST THE FUNDS SO MUCH THAT WE CANT AFFORD TO COVER THEM ANYMORE!! That was a distinct possibility. Tim and our board immediately took our funds out of arbitration !! Did co pays go up and other fees as well as retirees monthly bills?? Yes, but there was no alternative.

Maybe you live in a bubble and dont understand how health care in this country costs a helluva lot of money. Blame the real culprits here. Redmond/Buhlert/Donato who DID NOT negotiate enough money to cover the length of the contract. Blame the greedy pharmaceutical industry or the greedy insurance companies or the greedy hospital groups!! Again i understand that retirees monthly fee of $200 for their family was way too low for years. Your boys SHOULD have incrementally raised them over the years. Remember they get about $1200/month in benefits yet now pay about $500/month. That is still a pretty good bargain. You ask retirees in other locals or even other jobs and they pay way more every month. On the pension side, yes it cuts into one's monthly paycheck. But that's another reason the old board failed. They failed to raise our pension in those years so the natural increase in health costs OF COURSE LESSENS OUR PENSION CHECKS. That is the obvious!!

As for this board trashing the old board, well guess what : redmond and co were in power for a very long time and had nothing positive to show for it (with the exception of their bank accounts). They didnt get bashed. They got challenged. And when all you can run on is your "experience" and "leadership", you get beat. Again, they didnt get trashed on forums like this anonymous forum. They went to union meetings and challenged them face to face. They mobilized the membership to defeat the contract that the redmond slate negotiated and endorsed. They had petition drives to change our by laws, etc. That is not trashing the board. That is challenging the old board. Its amazing how you continue to defend the redmond years as though it was something to brag about. You are very alone. No one wants that crew back in charge EVER AGAIN. You are no "agitator". You are a defender of the old guard, nothing more!!


Well-Known Member
Oh and we wont go away. REMEMBER IT'S THE MEMBERSHIPS JOB TO MAKE SURE THE E-BOARD DOES THEIR JOB. Ohh and by the way where are all the contract updates. Quote me on this: the part timers will get nothing and this eboard will blame it on Hoffa and Hall. They have been making all sorts of promises to the part timers and they cant do a thing for them. And where is the arbitration ruling about the retiree health care 10% increase Ohhhh again no up dates.

They are doing their jobs!! That is why they were re-elected!!

On the contract updates, they said that they speak with ups again in february.

On the arbitration ruling on the funds, they are waiting for the arbitration ruling.

You can quote me: part-timers will get a raise, better language on seniority, and more full-time jobs created for them. Hoffa will get some credit and Tim will get some credit.


Well-Known Member
Sir, the cost IS $635.00 up $ 410.00 per month. They did what they said the old board was going to do. BACK DOOR PENSION CUT. Yes and when the old board started to adjust the copays they were attacked by the current board. And yes they would not KILL the retiree on a fixed income or slash the medical benifits they way this board did. OH BUT ITS OK FOR YOUR BOYS TO WORK TOGETHER WITH UPS TO FIX A PROBLEM BUT WHEN HOFFA DOES IT HE IS SELL OUT. And if the part timers do get something TIM will have nothing to do with it. ALL PART TIME LANGUAGE IS DONE AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL. Oh and our board was not invited. And you bet your ass im no agitator I dont agitate or start trouble. I TELL IT LIKE IT IS. My job / the members job to to make sure the eboard does their job.


Well-Known Member
Well with all of the BULL crap being posted on this thread I think its time to finally post some good news. This will be my last month working @ UPS and my papers are in. 2/22 will be my last working day, then my vacations are used up along with the few oph/sick days I have left. 15 more working day and I AM OUTTA HERE.


Well-Known Member
Well with all of the BULL crap being posted on this thread I think its time to finally post some good news. This will be my last month working @ UPS and my papers are in. 2/22 will be my last working day, then my vacations are used up along with the few oph/sick days I have left. 15 more working day and I AM OUTTA HERE.
Congrats and may you enjoy a long and healthy retirement.


Well-Known Member
Well with all of the BULL crap being posted on this thread I think its time to finally post some good news. This will be my last month working @ UPS and my papers are in. 2/22 will be my last working day, then my vacations are used up along with the few oph/sick days I have left. 15 more working day and I AM OUTTA HERE.

Congratulations man.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Well with all of the BULL crap being posted on this thread I think its time to finally post some good news. This will be my last month working @ UPS and my papers are in. 2/22 will be my last working day, then my vacations are used up along with the few oph/sick days I have left. 15 more working day and I AM OUTTA HERE.
congrats to you! I am still stuck with these idiots! Well good luck with $625 a month medical bill. God only know how bad it will suck for me by the time I am out! They are worse now then ever before!



Well-Known Member
Where is the arbitration award on the retiree health care cost ?????

This is the update posted on the our web site in early January, we still have not heard anything.

Local 804 is continuing the fight to maintain affordable retiree healthcare.

The Company Trustees on the Health Fund want to hike the cost of retiree healthcare by 10 percent in January. Local 804 took the issue to arbitration. Now we’re awaiting the arbitrator’s decision.

The Union Trustees’ position is that the cost of retiree healthcare does not need to be increased.

“The Fund can afford to keep retiree healthcare costs the same and it's the right thing to do,” said Tim S. “It’s time to reward the members and retirees who built this fund and saved it from bankruptcy.”

The cost of retiree healthcare is set by a vote of the Trustees on the Health Fund. Company Trustees control half of the votes.

With the issue deadlocked, an arbitrator will now make the final decision.


Well-Known Member
This is the update posted on the our web site in early January, we still have not heard anything

Local 804 is continuing the fight to maintain affordable retiree healthcare.

The Company Trustees on the Health Fund want to hike the cost of retiree healthcare by 10 percent in January. Local 804 took the issue to arbitration. Now we’re awaiting the arbitrator’s decision.

The Union Trustees’ position is that the cost of retiree healthcare does not need to be increased.

“The Fund can afford to keep retiree healthcare costs the same and it's the right thing to do,” said Tim S. “It’s time to reward the members and retirees who built this fund and saved it from bankruptcy.”

The cost of retiree healthcare is set by a vote of the Trustees on the Health Fund. Company Trustees control half of the votes.

With the issue deadlocked, an arbitrator will now make the final decision.

WHY did they agree to the 10% yearly increase in the first place ?


Well-Known Member
This message is for local 804 e board remember you promised us more fulltime jobs . Stand strong by your promiseU.P.S. should be ashamed. Mr.Casey is flipping in his grave. Casey family please wake up and take your father's dream back before its too late for the big brown machine.


Well-Known Member

i hope we get a pension raise, if not every Jan. after we retire we will pay 10% more for our retiree Med cov. A friend retired 3 years ago paying 225 a month he now pays 635. Next Jan. it goes to 700. GREAT JOb E bOARD.


Well-Known Member
i hope we get a pension raise, if not every Jan. after we retire we will pay 10% more for our retiree Med cov. A friend retired 3 years ago paying 225 a month he now pays 635. Next Jan. it goes to 700. GREAT JOb E bOARD.
L804's pension plan took funding relief under the terms(requirements) of the PPA, because of the sad shape the plan was in under the Redmond years. Your plan is ineligible from raising benefits and continue under "relief". Opting out of "relief" would further reduce funding status which could lower your status (yellow to red) causing possible benefit cuts across the board. Nothing the present group can do will reverse the failures of the past plan trustees, except wait for favorable market returns and NOT foolishly try to raise bennys.
Looks like Tony will have to wait for a benefit increase. Good riddance.


Well-Known Member
L804's pension plan took funding relief under the terms(requirements) of the PPA, because of the sad shape the plan was in under the Redmond years. Your plan is ineligible from raising benefits and continue under "relief". Opting out of "relief" would further reduce funding status which could lower your status (yellow to red) causing possible benefit cuts across the board. Nothing the present group can do will reverse the failures of the past plan trustees, except wait for favorable market returns and NOT foolishly try to raise bennys.
Looks like Tony will have to wait for a benefit increase. Good riddance.

What the hell are talking about? They are at negotiations. No more pointing the finger. The market is at a all time high the current eboard told us they will not settle without a pension raise and they have done nothing at negotiations for our med plan, Ohhhhhh I forgot the member and retiree is paying for the shortfall. The med plan this eboard agreed to with the company is the worst ever. Remember the plan we use to have !!!!!! This board made a lot of promises about how they would make the company pay for everything. NOw is the time ,lets see what they are made out off


Well-Known Member
What the hell are talking about? They are at negotiations. No more pointing the finger. The market is at a all time high the current eboard told us they will not settle without a pension raise and they have done nothing at negotiations for our med plan, Ohhhhhh I forgot the member and retiree is paying for the shortfall. The med plan this eboard agreed to with the company is the worst ever. Remember the plan we use to have !!!!!! This board made a lot of promises about how they would make the company pay for everything. NOw is the time ,lets see what they are made out off
Sorry to confuse you with facts. You're looking for a bump now. The agreement this board is working under was negotiated by the former board. They may negotiate future dollars and bump down the line but not now. Has your fund recovered all the losses from '08? No, under funding relief they have to spread out those losses for 10 years. What about the credit balance and future growing obligations? Pesky facts again.
Foolish leaders give benefit increases politically without safeguarding the future security of their funds. You don't have foolish leaders anymore.