1/1/ 2013 - Retiree Med. $ 635.00 per month 1/1/2017 - Retiree Med. $ 929.69 That is a difference of 295.00 more per month. So that means our pension raise over the next 4 years is really only $ 105.00. Hahahahaha Oh by the way where is the arbitration decision on the retiree health care cost.
300 over 12 months =3600 dollars pension increase each year . I have few details but the details I'm hearing I don't like. Election day is gone for the most part ? part timers delivering ground but not making book. I'm so upset right now.
Timothy you have taken care of yourself and others like you with the time and age to retire-- but did you stop once and think about the majority of us who must stay and deal with this contract you and Liam are trying to ram down our throats.
I'm hearing now that we are also gonna have seasonal drivers covering summer vacation in feeder department.
Seasonal drivers for feeder runs ? We already have a list of 10 on super Q here ? They are gong to take the work from the super Q drivers who don't have feeder seniority? Hell during peak season we have shiny wheels take our loads, and now they want seasonal to take our work away from super Q drivers? That along with the other issues means a NO vote for me..Now I have heard it all... Way to go HALL !I'm hearing now that we are also gonna have seasonal drivers covering summer vacation in feeder department.
Seasonal drivers for feeder runs ? We already have a list of 10 on super Q here ? They are gong to take the work from the super Q drivers who don't have feeder seniority? Hell during peak season we have shiny wheels take our loads, and now they want seasonal to take our work away from super Q drivers? That along with the other issues means a NO vote for me..Now I have heard it all... Way to go HALL !
Hoffa and Hall are showing us the international tentative agreement.
Where is local 804 supplemental
Tim/Pete?. After all you have said of how great this contract is!! Why you all don't want to show it?
Call the union hall (718) 786-5700 and ask for a copy.
This will open a big ugly can of worms if UPS gets this language.. They will then transition over to using part time cover drivers on a permanent basis, and these drivers will never gain seniority, never get enough credit hours for the full time pension plan, therefore UPS will be using part time drivers filling positions that were once full time positions.. Saving a ton of cash by not having to pay them for a pension for full time, since they will most likely never get enough credit hours for a full time pension..I feel this is what UPS has had up their sleeves for sometime... Part timers really need to attend the meeting at Union hall when contract details are discussed.. Don"t be blinded by the pay raise,,that is just a diversion from the ugly language that will bite ya in the ass when your not looking..Can you explain why executive board wants to allow part time cover drivers??? I'm sure part timers want real full time jobs also not something thrown together. One week there full time, next week there not! We are moving backwards here I'm voting no! Leave my full time job and its hours alone.
Can you explain why executive board wants to allow part time cover drivers??? I'm sure part timers want real full time jobs also not something thrown together. One week there full time, next week there not! We are moving backwards here I'm voting no! Leave my full time job and its hours alone.
I'm a retired 804 member, 2 years retired. Very Happy.. If it's true that you guys now will be getting $3900 Jan 2014 and $4000 Jan 2017 that's a great job by the current E Board. William Buhlert and Anthony Donato told everyone that there was no way in hell that our pension could go up. I guess that's why it didn't go up in 15 years.