Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Not true sir. Just want the facts presented to us so we can make our own decisions on how good it is or isn't. The members don't deserve to hear it for the 1st time at the general membership meeting. There should be no secrets since it pertains to all of our livelihoods.


Well-Known Member
There is a reason the words "used-car salesman" conjure up an image of a greasy, no-good trickster. While this isn't necessarily a fair stereotype — some salespeople are just decent hardworking people — it is a stereotype for a reason: It's true more often than not. When buying a used car, it can be hard to separate the facts from the sales pitch. Here are a few tricks of the trade to watch out for the next time you are in the market for a used car.


Well-Known Member
Lowballing: This is an exasperating technique used by salespeople to wear you down. A salesperson will give you an absurdly low quote for a car, then encourage you to shop around to see if you can find a better price. Buyers will visit with many other dealers — which of course won't be able to match the low price — and will spend hours shopping around before returning to the original dealer. The salesperson then has to confirm the price with their manager, who undoubtedly will say that they can't sell it for that little. This process can be repeated several times until you're so exhausted, you'll just pay what they're asking to be done with the whole ordeal.


Well-Known Member
"Free" Extras: By throwing in extras, the salesperson is hoping to help stall negotiations. After all, if you're getting more thrown in, you're going to be much less likely to ask for a considerably lower price. The problem is, even with loads of "free" extras, you will likely end up paying more than what a car is worth, and that's just what the salesperson wants.


Well-Known Member
So if you agree! Work on small fixes! Messing with the package car driver is a losing ticket! one of the main money makers for the company and they union! Allowing them to play with it is dangerous!! Also! For years drivers haven't had summer vacations! We all went through it! It's a right of passage! You wanna fix something! Get more vacation weeks for us in early years!
1-5 years 3 weeks vacation
5-10 years 4weeks vacation
10-15 years 5 weeks
15- 20 years 6 weeks
20-25 years 7 weeks
We are all working harder and giving the ultimate sacrifice! Give us time with our family's!


Well-Known Member
So if you agree! Work on small fixes! Messing with the package car driver is a losing ticket! one of the main money makers for the company and they union! Allowing them to play with it is dangerous!! Also! For years drivers haven't had summer vacations! We all went through it! It's a right of passage! You wanna fix something! Get more vacation weeks for us in early years!
1-5 years 3 weeks vacation
5-10 years 4weeks vacation
10-15 years 5 weeks
15- 20 years 6 weeks
20-25 years 7 weeks
We are all working harder and giving the ultimate sacrifice! Give us time with our family's!

Increasing the number of vacation weeks will not fix the problem----vacation selection needs to be changed. The selection process should be done in 3 or more rounds----Round 1---everyone choose two weeks----Round 2----everyone with vacation time still left chooses up to two weeks-----Round 3----everyone with vacation time left chooses up to two weeks----Round 4-----everyone who still has vacation time left to be selected needs to think about retiring. Just sayin'.


Well-Known Member
Upstate in theory your idea is great. I myself am a big fan of your plan. But in reality out job is seniority born and raised. And we all started out at the bottom and worked our way up on the list. Not getting a vacation you wanted because of your seniority is part of the job. We all knew that going in. Yes our current executive board is attempting to make some adjustments in what appears to be in the best interests of the membership. But in the past 3 years they have been notorious for Leaving Out the Details: Sometimes it isn't so much that a salesperson will lie to you directly but that he or she will simply forget to mention some key details that might drive you away from the deal. Of course, you'll find out eventually, but by then it will be too late. Make sure to ask plenty of questions up front to make sure you're really getting a bargain and not just getting fleeced. This is just another reason why they will all have jobs after their terms are done. USED cars for all... Like they say for used cars "show us the facts, the car facts" and that's all the members of local 804 want is THE FACTS


Well-Known Member
You are a cynic. A car salesman just want s to make money. Our ELECTED reps work for us. If they fail and lie, they are voted out. A lie will always find its way out. The details will be coming Im sure this week. They will be explained at the union meeting. Have an open mind bro!!


Well-Known Member
I have a question if someone can help me out. How can a pension increase happen if the pension fund is currently in critical status. As I said I'm new to this so I'm just looking for answers


Well-Known Member
804brown I do have a open mind. And as you stated our elected reps work for us. That's questionable. Certain buildings haven't seen there reps in months. So as you say "work for us"..... Ups doesn't tolerate us for not doing our job. Could you imagine not showing up for days or months to work. Would you really have a job. Some of our current E Board should be writing refund checks to the members for theft of service


Well-Known Member
I have a question if someone can help me out. How can a pension increase happen if the pension fund is currently in critical status. As I said I'm new to this so I'm just looking for answers
Because its new money going into the fund. Local 177 New Jersey there pension went up to $4100 they are also in the critical zone but they put 30 cents from there raises to make that happen. If we put 30 cents our pension would go to $4200 in Jan 2014.. but putting raises in to the pension or medical is very risky and never stops.


Well-Known Member
The new grievance procedure.... Fantastic. Put the member directly in front of the firing squad instead of you guys actually doing what you have been elected to do and get paid heavily for and that's REPRESENT the members

The only thing so far that I actually like, is the new grievance procedure. The company sometimes is aware that they're likely to lose a particular arbitration case, but would still pursue it, and have the employee sit at home for a year, waiting just to told by an arbitrator, that he/she is allowed to go back to work with no back pay. With this new grievance procedure, it makes the the company think twice about arbitrating every and anything. It also eliminates the company being spiteful to a particular employee.


Well-Known Member
We have sent a lot of cases to arbitration in the past 3 years. Most of them were sent at 804's request. Does anyone have any numbers on how many we won? We have lost more members in the past 3 years then ever before


Well-Known Member
Currently when an air driver delivers ground for 40/70 they become full timers just like that!
Under your plan the wouldn't happen!
Your solution creates more problems:
More litigation!
More full time jobs gone!
More abuse by the company!
More part timers harass to perform ground work!
Less pension contributions!
Less OT!
Less full time jobs!!

The only one winning here is the company!!
You are gonna have to go back to the table and don't even think about giving up my full time job!


Well-Known Member
currently when an air driver delivers ground for 40/70 they become full timers just like that!
Under your plan the wouldn't happen!
Your solution creates more problems:
More litigation!
More full time jobs gone!
More abuse by the company!
More part timers harass to perform ground work!
Less pension contributions!
Less ot!
Less full time jobs!!

The only one winning here is the company!!
You are gonna have to go back to the table and don't even think about giving up my full time job!

vote no for the 804 supplement


Well-Known Member
vote no for the 804 supplement
I knew it was a waste to sign up here. You guys are the same people that support people from the old slate during the election. you are not objective or fair you're just a disease. The old board is done get over it. This national contract and our supplement will pass. I'm glad I was still working at the time they got taken down. Tim has been in office for 3 years and has already done way more to help our members then Howie and the old board did in 20.


Well-Known Member
You are correct. Tim has done more. He has let his staff get more members fired then Howie did. And he also tolerates his staff stealing from the membership by not going to their designated buildings for long periods of time.


Well-Known Member
And off route I would hardly call us a disease. We are hard working dues paying members that just want the truth. Keep your head up your ### and you will be looking for a 2nd job real soon because part timers will be taking the money right out of your families mouths


Well-Known Member
And off route I would hardly call us a disease. We are hard working dues paying members that just want the truth. Keep your head up your ### and you will be looking for a 2nd job real soon because part timers will be taking the money right out of your families mouths
So instead of filling people's head up with your BS. Shut up and wait for the 19th or when the details come out because have no idea of what your talking about.