the tentative 804 supplement is on
Wow great supplement by our e board also this is from Scotts website he is a steward and was part of the negotiating committee...
Last week we reached a tentative agreement on the 804 supplement. The satisfaction and pride that this brought was incredible.
Last summer we began meeting and strategizing. We surveyed the entire local to ensure that we found what was most important to the members. In November we started negotiating. After months of talks we were still nowhere near our goals, but we stood firm and finally UPS gave us what we needed for an agreement.
This contract has improvements in every facet of the operation and I am very proud of the work we've done. Including rank & file members on the negotiating committee had a tremendous impact ,Tim S and Pete Mastrandrea had a brilliant plan, and inserting Liam Russertt as lead negotiator was nothing short of genius. He took classes, poured over books, and had all the right questions and answers for UPS. Liam put in many 18 and 20 hour days and his skill and determination is evident in the way that the agreement is crafted. Everything in it is well thought out and there are gains and protections layered throughout the proposals.
We will be having a center or building meeting this week and Sunday 5/19 is the general membership meeting. Before fielding blind questions, I wanted you all to have a chance to read the tentative agreement. There are too many people with agendas trying to turn our contract into a political tool. There is so much discussion about the contract, but many of these detractors have forgotten to read page 70 and 71. I understand that supporting a strong contract would make it difficult to run in 2 1/2 years, but attacking it sight unseen is arrogant, silly, and reckless.
Early in the process, we reached tentative agreements on a few issues that are not included in the comprehensive package proposal that I'm posting here. We put in language for emergency closings (in cases of emergency, blizzards, hurricanes, etc.). We went from 2 to 3 training routes per center to address the company's concern over the larger centers of today. We also strengthened supervisor working language by removing some of their loopholes. The last thing missing is the pension information because the accountants and actuaries are still finalizing the details, but the increases are as follows: January 1st, 2014 the 25 year pension goes to $3400/month and the 30 years or 55 age pension goes to $3900. August 1st, 2017 the 25 year pension goes up to $3500 monthly and the 30 year/55 age pension goes to $4000. The fund cannot support an increase for those members that have not garnered at least 25 years of contributions, so a member retiring at age 55 with less than 25 years of service will remain at the current accrual rate of $144 for each year of service.
Educate yourself by reading the agreement and any questions or comments will be addressed at our center/building meeting or at next week's general membership meeting.
Thank you for your continued support while I was away at these negotiations, I really appreciate it.