Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
And off route I would hardly call us a disease. We are hard working dues paying members that just want the truth. Keep your head up your ### and you will be looking for a 2nd job real soon because part timers will be taking the money right out of your families mouths
So instead of filling people's head up with your BS. Shut up and wait for the 19th or when the details come out because have no idea of what your talking about.

Shouldn't have to wait till the 19th to hear the facts. Why not get it earlier so we can all ask questions. Instead lets blind side the membership and then rush thru the meeting as we tell the dues paying members that their out of order


Well-Known Member
Attention local 804 members! Leave the wives and kids at home!!! It's gonna be a meeting to remember! The national contract is out, so there's nothing to speak about on it. A motion should be made to go Directly into review of supplement @ 9am.


Well-Known Member
I sure hope the current board doesn't request strong presence from the Lake Success Police Department for this meeting. Why would this ever be done. It's a shame if someone has to be scared of their own brothers and sisters. Oh wait the meeting isn't in 282's hall this time. I guess you guys will be just have to kick a little to the current county exec when he runs for his support by giving you a presence from the boys in the 5th pct on Sunday the 19th


Well-Known Member
I knew it was a waste to sign up here. You guys are the same people that support people from the old slate during the election. you are not objective or fair you're just a disease. The old board is done get over it. This national contract and our supplement will pass. I'm glad I was still working at the time they got taken down. Tim has been in office for 3 years and has already done way more to help our members then Howie and the old board did in 20.

Very good. You notice the same know nothings coming on here that backed Donato and/or Buhlert. They cant get over TWO elections. And yes some of them are a disease. To them solidarity is a dirty word. Tearing down this board's authority is their goal. Regardless, this new board under Tim has done plenty. They saved and fixed our Health and Welfare Funds (Yes , saved, it would have been broke if nothing was done ). They brought union official salaries down to earth. Added more BA's for better coverage.Stopped go along to get along. Put rank and filers on the negotiating committee. Through this new supplemental, they fixed the grievance procedure, added more FT jobs, added more summer vacations, fixed the clerks lay off problem, and gave us a big fat raise in our pension WITHOUT USING OUR RAISES!! They did in 4 years what Redmond, Buhlert and Donato COULDNT do in 10 years!!You have to admit it is impressive in a short few years.


Well-Known Member
You are correct. Tim has done more. He has let his staff get more members fired then Howie did. And he also tolerates his staff stealing from the membership by not going to their designated buildings for long periods of time.

So do you REALLY think tim "lets his staff get more members fired"?? Did you ever get to see the size of the arbitration docket on or around Jan 2010?? That was one of the special gifts Howie and the boys left Tim and his guys. Now with telematics in every building more members have been fired. Hopefully the new language in the national contract will change that.
As for tolerating "his staff stealing from the membership", that is moronic. These guys show up. They do take vacations too. If you dont see your BA for a while ask your steward where he is or call the hall and report your displeasure. It is your right to do so. What building are you from??


Well-Known Member
You gotta say who! I'm only grading my executive board!! From medical bills, termination, unity and ability to save jobs! Those guys are all retired! Don't attempt to muddy water! They will be graded on this best ever contract!!! That we haven't seen but only heard of


Well-Known Member
I bet my participation in this forum that the language about vacation cover drivers is gonna look like this:

From western pa: I) Vacation Replacement Drivers
The Employer shall have the right to hire vacation replacements. Vacation replacements hired in May, June, July and August shall not gain seniority unless they are worked after September 1. Employees worked after September 1 shall have their time count towards acquisition of seniority as provided for elsewhere in this agreement; however, their seniority dates shall be the first day worked after September 1. If the Employer recalls these employees it must continue to comply with the part-time 6 for 1 ratio as pro- vided for elsewhere in this agreement. Upon agreement of the Local Union, part-time employees may work as full-time vacation replacements under the terms of this provision and still retain their seniority as part-time employees.
The Company may utilize qualified part-time employees to work as part-time employees to cover full-time inside employees while on vacation. Pay will be straight time up to eight (8) hours and then overtime after eight (8).


Well-Known Member
I bet my participation in this forum that the language about vacation cover drivers is gonna look like this:

From western pa: I) Vacation Replacement Drivers
The Employer shall have the right to hire vacation replacements. Vacation replacements hired in May, June, July and August shall not gain seniority unless they are worked after September 1. Employees worked after September 1 shall have their time count towards acquisition of seniority as provided for elsewhere in this agreement; however, their seniority dates shall be the first day worked after September 1. If the Employer recalls these employees it must continue to comply with the part-time 6 for 1 ratio as pro- vided for elsewhere in this agreement. Upon agreement of the Local Union, part-time employees may work as full-time vacation replacements under the terms of this provision and still retain their seniority as part-time employees.
The Company may utilize qualified part-time employees to work as part-time employees to cover full-time inside employees while on vacation. Pay will be straight time up to eight (8) hours and then overtime after eight (8).
Let's see if your a man of your word. I'll bet your not.


Well-Known Member
Off route that is a great reply. Lets see of your a man of your word, I bet your not. Well hold that thought till your boys speak on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
I guarantee you guys if Howie and company negotiated this contract it would of been a lot worse than what we're dealing with now. Just remember what they tried doing last time, eliminate 25 and out and eliminate coffee.

That being said, this still sucks.


Well-Known Member
I bet my participation in this forum that the language about vacation cover drivers is gonna look like this:

From western pa: I) Vacation Replacement Drivers
The Employer shall have the right to hire vacation replacements. Vacation replacements hired in May, June, July and August shall not gain seniority unless they are worked after September 1. Employees worked after September 1 shall have their time count towards acquisition of seniority as provided for elsewhere in this agreement; however, their seniority dates shall be the first day worked after September 1. If the Employer recalls these employees it must continue to comply with the part-time 6 for 1 ratio as pro- vided for elsewhere in this agreement. Upon agreement of the Local Union, part-time employees may work as full-time vacation replacements under the terms of this provision and still retain their seniority as part-time employees.
The Company may utilize qualified part-time employees to work as part-time employees to cover full-time inside employees while on vacation. Pay will be straight time up to eight (8) hours and then overtime after eight (8).

No, the first part deals with people off the street. I think some fo the wording about utilizing pt employees looks more like it.


Well-Known Member
I guarantee you guys if Howie and company negotiated this contract it would of been a lot worse than what we're dealing with now. Just remember what they tried doing last time, eliminate 25 and out and eliminate coffee.

That being said, this still sucks.

Lets see, both donato and buhlert were saying that an increase in our pension was impossible. Both seemed fine with the grievance procedure and the guaranteed 4 1/2 hrs for clerks during reduction of staffing. Both seemed fine with pt air drivers delivering ground and sups covering vacations. Both obviously would have agreed to move us out of local 804's H/W plan since they hated what tim and the board did to the H/W fund. Both would have endorsed Hoffa's national tentative agreement saying it is fair for the times.


Well-Known Member
Our concerns are only toward this supplement! We all should have concerns about the pension increase and give and take as per Tim S stated on the website. It's great if he negotiated an extra $150 million dollars or more to get the pension fund to 80% and 804 members a raise! If he did that the man should put his hat in the ring for washington! To make ups get off the type of money needed to give a raise should be praised, unless! He is gambling with our money! It's called speculating! It's risky and can pay off if market stays strong. The market has been strong since Tim S has been in office. Our investment haven't given us a great return over the past couple of years! Think we had 7% last year! I believe Tim S and the local would need about double that to get raise by Jan 2014.
If we don't I guess company will be more than happy to do what the previous administration was claimed of doing!! Having our benefits reduced again!

So far we have lost!
50k lump sum, I would imagine next thing company will cut with no problem will be and continue to give pension increase while paying the difference if we don't make our 80% or more!

But we would have got our increase that Tim S promised! Now! Just think what that accrual rate will be if you can't work here for 30 years!

Remember this is what ups is been trying to do for years but they know that local 804 will never vote to ratified a contract that includes the elimination of 25 and out! So the ups agree to a pension increase knowing that our pension will still be in critical status at witch point 5 trustees will have to vote to reduce benefits!
2 from ups
2 from local 804
1 from mechanic union
We all know the the mechanic union trustee always sides with the company!!
"This will be a backdoor 25 and out elimination"


Well-Known Member
You gotta say who! I'm only grading my executive board!! From medical bills, termination, unity and ability to save jobs! Those guys are all retired! Don't attempt to muddy water! They will be graded on this best ever contract!!! That we haven't seen but only heard of
Unity there is none. On my medical bills I have some.on terminations not a lot these days on grievances they never get paid or answered for that matter. On present in the building I see both union reps at least once or twice a week one of them is cool the other is Mr. Anthony On this contract I'm worried I will complain on next Sunday like a man front and center.
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Well-Known Member
Our concerns are only toward this supplement! We all should have concerns about the pension increase and give and take as per Tim S stated on the website. It's great if he negotiated an extra $150 million dollars or more to get the pension fund to 80% and 804 members a raise! If he did that the man should put his hat in the ring for washington! To make ups get off the type of money needed to give a raise should be praised, unless! He is gambling with our money! It's called speculating! It's risky and can pay off if market stays strong. The market has been strong since Tim S has been in office. Our investment haven't given us a great return over the past couple of years! Think we had 7% last year! I believe Tim S and the local would need about double that to get raise by Jan 2014.
If we don't I guess company will be more than happy to do what the previous administration was claimed of doing!! Having our benefits reduced again!

So far we have lost!
50k lump sum, I would imagine next thing company will cut with no problem will be and continue to give pension increase while paying the difference if we don't make our 80% or more!

But we would have got our increase that Tim S promised! Now! Just think what that accrual rate will be if you can't work here for 30 years!

Remember this is what ups is been trying to do for years but they know that local 804 will never vote to ratified a contract that includes the elimination of 25 and out! So the ups agree to a pension increase knowing that our pension will still be in critical status at witch point 5 trustees will have to vote to reduce benefits!
2 from ups
2 from local 804
1 from mechanic union
We all know the the mechanic union trustee always sides with the company!!
"This will be a backdoor 25 and out elimination"