Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Bigd, either you were totally against the E board or people are giving you bad information. The biggest thing that I can help you with is that our pension fund has 3 Union trustees and 3 company trustees the mechanic trustee is long gone.
Just made a phone call and Bigd maybe correct from what I was told. Sorry, guess we will find out Sunday
To view the supplement goto package car union.com

Just curious why would our supplement be placed on a package center website from the Suffolk building and not on our official local 804 website. I mean on our 804 website it clearly says details are being worked out and it would be posted when finalized. So if its not on our official local 804 site is it legit?


Well-Known Member
Just curious why would our supplement be placed on a package center website from the Suffolk building and not on our official local 804 website. I mean on our 804 website it clearly says details are being worked out and it would be posted when finalized. So if its not on our official local 804 site is it legit?

Looks like a rank and filer on the negotiating committee posted parts of the supplement THAT THEY ARE STILL FINALIZING so what you might be looking at might not be what we vote on. Again, why are members saying how they will vote on it WITHOUT ACTUALLY SEEING THE ENTIRE SUPPLEMENT!! Cool your jets !!


Well-Known Member
Just curious why would our supplement be placed on a package center website from the Suffolk building and not on our official local 804 website. I mean on our 804 website it clearly says details are being worked out and it would be posted when finalized. So if its not on our official local 804 site is it legit?

Looks like a rank and filer on the negotiating committee posted parts of the supplement THAT THEY ARE STILL FINALIZING so what you might be looking at might not be what we vote on. Again, why are members saying how they will vote on it WITHOUT ACTUALLY SEEING THE ENTIRE SUPPLEMENT!! Cool your jets !!

804brown don't you see that as a major problem. That's terrific if a member posted something that might or might not be what were voting on. Was this done just to get the brothers and sisters all fired up.


Well-Known Member
804brown don't you see that as a major problem. That's terrific if a member posted something that might or might not be what were voting on. Was this done just to get the brothers and sisters all fired up.

Not sure why it was posted. Not sure why it was allowed at this point. Maybe the member wanted us to get a glimpse of the process and what was agreed to or almost agreed to. I guess the reason it isnt on 804's website is because some parts are not finalized. Im sure all questions will be answered on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Nj Local 177 reached a tentative agreement with ups about at the same time as our local! Local 177 tentative agreement was posted in their website for about 12 days already. That shows leadership and transparency!! I'm calling on Tim S to stop trying to blindside the membership and post the details on local 804 supplemental!
This is ridiculous how come a union leader of one of the biggest teamsters local can tell its membership that he got us the biggest pension increase and a few days later tell us that they are still working on the contract?


Well-Known Member
No need to call him off routes. I'm sure the conversation would go like this if he did

We have reached a tentative agreement on a new Local 804 contract that includes record pension increases, more full-time jobs and a better grievance procedure among other improvements.

I want to personally thank Local 804 members, stewards and the Contract Action Team. Your unity and support gave us the leverage we needed to make UPS increase its offer and put a contract on the table that we can recommend to the membership.

Under the contract, the pension will increase to $3,900/month on January 1 and reach $4,000/month in 2017. This is the biggest pension increase of any contract in Local 804 history.

The contract also provides for the largest number of full-time 22.3 jobs in Local 804 history and will create a minimum of 100 new full-time jobs in our local.

We have also won a better grievance procedure that will give members' swifter justice. Management will no longer be able to abuse the system and leave members with a termination hanging over their heads for a year or more while they wait for arbitration. Suspension and discharge cases will be decided in a month or two.

Disciplinary cases will be heard before a panel of representatives from Local 804 and representatives from the company. If the union and company deadlock on a case, an arbitrator will issue a decision right then and there.

The tentative agreement also includes more vacation scheduling, especially in the summer months, stronger rights for feeder drivers to overtime and extra work during peak, increased guaranteed hours for laid off and displaced members, and other improvements.

Every agreement includes give and take. Members will be able to review all changes to the contract before the ratification vote. A special General Membership Meeting to review the contract will be held on Sunday, May 19. This meeting will start at 9:00 a.m.

We have a lot to celebrate. With a $4,000/month pension and a record pension increase, we have come a long way since the pension cuts and attacks on 25 & Out in our last contract.

On behalf of the entire Bargaining Committee, I want to thank Local 804 members for your support from the contract survey through the contract actions this week and everything in between.

United we win! And together we have won contract improvements that are the envy of UPS Teamsters across the country.


Well-Known Member
Nj Local 177 reached a tentative agreement with ups about at the same time as our local! Local 177 tentative agreement was posted in their website for about 12 days already. That shows leadership and transparency!! I'm calling on Tim S to stop trying to blindside the membership and post the details on local 804 supplemental!
This is ridiculous how come a union leader of one of the biggest teamsters local can tell its membership that he got us the biggest pension increase and a few days later tell us that they are still working on the contract?

"Blindsided"?? By who?? No one is getting blindsided here. 177 's agreement was different than ours especially on the pension increase. They diverted some of their wages to get an increase. We did not. COntracts are difficult things. Rushing to put something not confirmed is NOT LEADERSHIP!! Waiting to make sure everything IS RIGHT AND THERE ARE NO LOOPHOLES is showing leadership. Remember we will have to live with the language in this contract for 5 years. No one wants surprises down the road that NO ONE saw in May 2013!! So when it is made public and reviewed at the union meeting, all questions will be answered. Then ballots will eventually go out and we will vote on it by around June 20th or so. Plenty of time to go over the fine print. Stop causing UNNECEESSARY division!!


Well-Known Member
I bet we all show up at the meeting on Sunday and this Eboard will say to us that the contract is 80% or 90% finalized and that they cant talk or have a discussion about those part that still being negotiated, so they don't get railroad it by the membership and we don't have enough time to review it!

The ballots are going to get mailed by the end of the month and we are supposed to vote on in without an open dialog?


Well-Known Member
Mr. Tim S have you learn anything yet? You sir when out prematurely and told the membership the we were getting the biggest pension increase in our locals history, now the company is crucifying you for it. You are giving up more more to the company in order to protect your initial statement. But is never too late I still have faith on the membership of local804 to vote down this bad contract!

smart girl

Well-Known Member
804 you rock! This thread has the largest viewing I have ever seen. We at 384 have our meeting Sat. We are not recommending this and another point the power for a lot the local had some control over has also been taken away.
Our eboard has been very active and we went from 2 on 9.5 to 26. It is your local demand info


Well-Known Member
804 you rock! This thread has the largest viewing I have ever seen. We at 384 have our meeting Sat. We are not recommending this and another point the power for a lot the local had some control over has also been taken away.
Our eboard has been very active and we went from 2 on 9.5 to 26. It is your local demand info

Yeah for a while this thread was like a soap opera. Everyone was tuning in to see who would say what to who. We still have a small faction of Old Guard still around who like to cause division. This contract is this new board's first contract since they were elected in dec 2009. It looks good: large increase in our pension from 3600 to 4000, 100 new FT jobs, better redcution of staff language, new opportunities for pters to go driving, more summer vacations. Everything we asked for in the survey they put out last year!!
We too have stressed that everyone should get on the 9.5 list. In my center there are a few loops in which every driver is on 9.5. Works out great.


Well-Known Member
I bet we all show up at the meeting on Sunday and this Eboard will say to us that the contract is 80% or 90% finalized and that they cant talk or have a discussion about those part that still being negotiated, so they don't get railroad it by the membership and we don't have enough time to review it!

The ballots are going to get mailed by the end of the month and we are supposed to vote on in without an open dialog?

Wrong. It has already been announced that our meeting will start at 8am so that we will have like 3 hours or so to ask questions and have them answered by our board. This supplement WILL be done in time for the meeting.


Well-Known Member
804Brown Are you serious!!! Open your eyes. If the package car union site is correct this supplement is everything but good!!!

1. Cut your E-board controlled strings and think for yourself
2. Big Apple Circus called they have a opening for you. They heard you were a expert at swallowing swords they want you
3. Yes your lab results came back. And as suspected the stuff that was pumped from your stomach was load. About 3liters of the E boards finest
Bad news is you owe a few more $20 co pays for all the tests. Cash is preferred for payment

You must push a broom or be retired. Because anyone in package can tell you we've lost more routes over the years because of corporate America's more with less theory. Routes have been crushed because stops per car keep going up

Now you want to implement part time helpers. Great idea. There go some more routes. Crush here, crush there and boom there goes overtime. Some will say overtime wont go anywhere. Yeah right. Ups will open the flood gates and helpers will be all over keeping the paid day down

Vacation Coverage Drivers another outstanding idea. We want to really take care of the part timers by expecting them to do the same job we do for $10 less a hour. Yeah we support the part timers like a 34c bra on a women who should be wearing a 36fff.....

Like I said if the package car union website is correct with the tentative supplement he posted get prepared to be saying "ding fries are done" with all the spare time you will have. Because the full time job we have all broke our ass for will be a thing of the past sooner then you think.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. It has already been announced that our meeting will start at 8am so that we will have like 3 hours or so to ask questions and have them answered by our board. This supplement WILL be done in time for the meeting.
You have to be a board member because you know to much info you seem to know everything. Tim is this you :dissapointed: in the other post you gave a date June 20 now how in the heck who any body else know that info I'm curious! And If you are a board member you should be ashamed of your self. I'm just worried about our future I don't expect ups to have my best interest in mind when negotiating a contract but my union leadership I do expect that. I hope if we tell you on the 19th of May we don't like this contract that you will go back to the table before wasting time sending it out for a vote. A vote should be held at Sundays meeting to see if the contract in place proceeds forward.