Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Currently our pension fund is at 66%, so if we just take the increase in contributions towards the pension and health care given by the companies plus a modest 7% yearly return on investments from the market within 36 months We could be looking at have our pension fund level to be about 85% which give us an increase in our pension!
So Mr. Tim S get off your knees (I know it might take you a long time) an stop begging!
Give us back coffee bonus!
Give us back Election Day!
Give us back health care coverage we deserve!
By the way Mr. Tim S when are you going to inform the membership about the arbitrator decision against our health care fund?
Sunday might be a good opportunity for you sir to come clean in front of the membership, after you went down on ups for this monstrosity you so call the best contract ever!

85% lol, u have no clue what your saying, what's going to happen with Obamacare? You really think the market will keep going up?? 66% to 85% that's a joke. Also coffee goes back when the fund hits 80% thanks how it, Didn't loss 1 dime moving election day, stop posting your pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Amazing how you have all the answers. And I'm amazed a retiree would stay so involved. We ask you answer. Are you sure you don't work at the union hall. For a supplement that has yet to be finalized you are Johnny on the spot with the answers. Are you Tim..... Hmmmm don't think so.... How about Pete..... Hmmmm not sure. But whoever you are you are full of insight of a supplement that isn't done yet. Whoever you are thanks for all your help.... And remember to wipe your chin when you come up from underneath the big mans desk


Well-Known Member
Off routes it seems you know a lot for a retiree. My hat is off to you for staying so involved. Can you just clear the air on your "retirement"... By that do you mean collecting a pension for your years of service at ups or do you mean putting a suit and tie on everyday and reporting to the union hall. Because that to could be deemed a retirement job

Sorry buddy collecting a pension in Central Islip, Long Island NY


Well-Known Member
Amazing how you have all the answers. And I'm amazed a retiree would stay so involved. We ask you answer. Are you sure you don't work at the union hall. For a supplement that has yet to be finalized you are Johnny on the spot with the answers. Are you Tim..... Hmmmm don't think so.... How about Pete..... Hmmmm not sure. But whoever you are you are full of insight of a supplement that isn't done yet. Whoever you are thanks for all your help.... And remember to wipe your chin when you come up from underneath the big mans desk

Do u talk to your steward or BA?? There is a TOK on the supplement that's done, they are waiting for the pension agreement to be done. As to why they haven't put it out, that's for Tim to tell us on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Currently our pension fund is at 66%, so if we just take the increase in contributions towards the pension and health care given by the companies plus a modest 7% yearly return on investments from the market within 36 months We could be looking at have our pension fund level to be about 85% which give us an increase in our pension!
So Mr. Tim S get off your knees (I know it might take you a long time) an stop begging!
Give us back coffee bonus!
Give us back Election Day!
Give us back health care coverage we deserve!
By the way Mr. Tim S when are you going to inform the membership about the arbitrator decision against our health care fund?
Sunday might be a good opportunity for you sir to come clean in front of the membership, after you went down on ups for this monstrosity you so call the best contract ever!


Well-Known Member
Please explain what Bulhert and IBT have to do with our 66% funding level! Tim is in a bad position because he wanted to demand an increase! So company opened or Tim himself attempted to play poker! So he offered all these things to company! Tim should carry a large amount of blame! We have had market that should have been friendly to us having over 900 million dollars in it, and only a return of 7%. Baby steps!! Pension protection act got us! The only way out is the right way! On our own


Well-Known Member
Currently our pension fund is at 66%, so if we just take the increase in contributions towards the pension and health care given by the companies plus a modest 7% yearly return on investments from the market within 36 months We could be looking at have our pension fund level to be about 85% which give us an increase in our pension!
So Mr. Tim S get off your knees (I know it might take you a long time) an stop begging!
Give us back coffee bonus!
Give us back Election Day!
Give us back health care coverage we deserve!
By the way Mr. Tim S when are you going to inform the membership about the arbitrator decision against our health care fund?
Sunday might be a good opportunity for you sir to come clean in front of the membership, after you went down on ups for this monstrosity you so call the best contract ever!


Well-Known Member
The reason we have not seen the proposed contract is plain and simple, the pension increase can not be in it (in writing) unless UPS guarantees the funding, I said it before and ill say it again if wall street tanks again the trustees have to act in the best interest of the fund so if the money is not there they have to make tough decisions. So I think they jumped the gun because of inexperience and I don't think UPS will make that guarantee (maybe I'm wrong). Remember before the pension protection act the company was responsible for any unfunded liability. UPS lobbied congress hard to get the Republican backed PENSION PROTECTION ACT passed. But even it they do get it writing any contract that even mentions PART TIME PACKAGE CAR DRIVERS in any form is the beginning of the end. YOU MUST VOTE NO


Well-Known Member
He is 100% right!!
If our pension fund continues to be in critical status below 80% we might lose some or all of the following benefits.

Adjustable benefits
The plan offers the following adjustable benefits which may be REDUCED OR ELIMINATED as part of a future update to the Rehabilitation Plan may adopt:

1). Post retirement death Benefits;
- your family (espouse) will not receive payments after your death.
2). 120 month payment guarantees
- the plan can stop paying after 10 years.
3). Disability benefits ( not yet in pay status );
- the member will have to wait until 55 years of age in order to collect any credited years.
4). Early retirement benefits of retirement-type subsidies, including the 25 year service pension;
5). Benefits payment options other than a qualified joint and survivor annuity;
- we will no longer be able to retire at 25years of service at any age.
6). Recent benefits increase ( i.e., occurring in past 5 years);
- whatever increase we get now can always be taken back at any time!

Those are the steps any Eboard must follow.


Well-Known Member
He is 100% right!!
If our pension fund continues to be in critical status below 80% we might lose some or all of the following benefits.

Adjustable benefits
The plan offers the following adjustable benefits which may be REDUCED OR ELIMINATED as part of a future update to the Rehabilitation Plan may adopt:

1). Post retirement death Benefits;
- your family (espouse) will not receive payments after your death.
2). 120 month payment guarantees
- the plan can stop paying after 10 years.
3). Disability benefits ( not yet in pay status );
- the member will have to wait until 55 years of age in order to collect any credited years.
4). Early retirement benefits of retirement-type subsidies, including the 25 year service pension;
5). Benefits payment options other than a qualified joint and survivor annuity;
- we will no longer be able to retire at 25years of service at any age.
6). Recent benefits increase ( i.e., occurring in past 5 years);
- whatever increase we get now can always be taken back at any time!

Those are the steps any Eboard must follow.

Please make sure you goto the mic and ask your questions, crying about it here does nothing, stand up an speak.


Well-Known Member
Hey one more thing. Does anyone know if Nassau County Police has been requested to make a presence on Sunday like the Lake Success Police was asked at the 2nd general membership meeting of this current executive board. 804brown can you answer that.... I mean what a shame that we have to have a police presence at a FAMILY meeting. After all aren't we all BROTHERS and SISTERS!!! We should be ashamed of ourselves if we have to tie the cops up from real police work just to oversee a FAMILY meeting


Methods Man
Hey one more thing. Does anyone know if Nassau County Police has been requested to make a presence on Sunday like the Lake Success Police was asked at the 2nd general membership meeting of this current executive board. 804brown can you answer that.... I mean what a shame that we have to have a police presence at a FAMILY meeting. After all aren't we all BROTHERS and SISTERS!!! We should be ashamed of ourselves if we have to tie the cops up from real police work just to oversee a FAMILY meeting

I hope not that would be a complete waste of money and much needed resources served best in the community.Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Please explain what Bulhert and IBT have to do with our 66% funding level! Tim is in a bad position because he wanted to demand an increase! So company opened or Tim himself attempted to play poker! So he offered all these things to company! Tim should carry a large amount of blame! We have had market that should have been friendly to us having over 900 million dollars in it, and only a return of 7%. Baby steps!! Pension protection act got us! The only way out is the right way! On our own

Please make sure you hit the mic and ask your question. Explain? nothing to explain they rolled over and let UPS hose us in the last 2 contracts. Bulhert and the IBT didn't fight for enough money. PLAN AND SIMPLE.


Well-Known Member
(Posted by bigd on 5/15/2013:
Why do we have to wait for sunday when all ups management personal have a copy of the supplemental and we UNION MEMBERS ARE BEING TOLD BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS THAT THE SUPPLEMENTAL ISN'T READY YET? LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES... This eboard better be ready on Sunday!)
Did everyone notice what date it says on the tentative agreement?
5/1/2013 is the date when the tentative agreement was signed.
So I ask why did we have to find out from other sources?
Why did Tim S and his surrogates lie to the entire membership for over two weeks?
We the membership had to force them to tell post the agreement by calling the union hall, by talking to the BA's, by expressing ourselves in this form.
It's really distasteful what they tried to do.


Well-Known Member
Yes I agree but they are endorsing it because of the agreed pension increase. That's the heart and soul of the negotiations.

I disagree.. They endorse it IF all the things they had agreed on are actually in the final edition. Two sides could agree to something then move on to the next issue. A few days later you compare notes and all of a sudden one side's notes are not the same as the other side's. I heard something like that happened on the pension numbers. Im still wondering about that now. Im sure if it is not as OUR SIDE had thought, Tim would no longer support that agreement. Yes the pension is key here but some of the language they got for us is good too: the new FT combo jobs, more vacation weeks, better grievance procedure, new kinds of FT jobs, a guarantee of 8 hrs if lay offs, early starts on Mondays, etc.

This is nota supplement to vote down. This is not Howie's ALL CONCESSIONS SUPPLEMENT of 5 years ago. Granted bargaining is GIVE AS WELL AS TAKE. Last time we only GAVE to ups. Now we are getting some things. Some things needed to be fixed like the reduction of staff language...done. More vacation weeks in the summer...done. More opportunites for pters to go ft...done. The slow and unfair grievance procedure is now speedier and more fair to us!! And of course, OUR PENSION WILL FINALLY GO UP!! We have been waiting since 2002 for that to go up. Our board found a way to make it go up. They knew ups had the money and the market has been good lately. The perfect storm!! truthfully, I am very proud of the job they have done for us. They promised big things and they have delivered. Did they get us get everything?? No, but at least we moved forward. Howie and co had us going backwards on some things and staying in place in others. When this supplement passes, our contract and our union and our standard of living will all be better off!!


Well-Known Member
When you blow Tim in the union hall does he rest his Fupa on your head

what an @ hole you are , you change your aviator name to newtothis act like your really trying to find out info when really your one of the guys that ran against Tim or one of there buddy's thats still upset. I didn't vote for Tim but our members picked him so we all should be with him thats a union. Grow up. Goggle the word TEAMSTER BROTHER and have your wife read to you what it means.



Well-Known Member
Ok. I googled it. LOL. Thanks for the insight. ************************************************************************************************************
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Well-Known Member
Reporting each other to the moderator lol, Im not surprised tell me how many union members did you reported to management?. What are we kids running to tell mommy and daddy. We're all men. ****************************************************************************************
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