Hmmmm.....Newtothis and Bigd said exactly the same thing......
Could they be related????
(Posted by bigd on 5/15/2013:
Why do we have to wait for sunday when all ups management personal have a copy of the supplemental and we UNION MEMBERS ARE BEING TOLD BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS THAT THE SUPPLEMENTAL ISN'T READY YET? LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES... This eboard better be ready on Sunday!)
Did everyone notice what date it says on the tentative agreement?
5/1/2013 is the date when the tentative agreement was signed.
So I ask why did we have to find out from other sources?
Why did Tim S and his surrogates lie to the entire membership for over two weeks?
We the membership had to force them to tell post the agreement by calling the union hall, by talking to the BA's, by expressing ourselves in this form.
It's really distasteful what they tried to do.
Read my posts, I been pushing this Eboard to publish the tentative agreement for days! Proof? Read the contract it was signed 5/1/2013 and they been telling us that it wasn't finalize! They try to blindside the entire membership until Sunday so the members didn't have time to look it over and ask intelligent questions!
Just got home from GMM great meeting great supplement National not good, maybe OK.
Wednesday May 1, 2013 both the Union(local 804) and UPS signed off on the tentative supplement but yet it wasn't released to the membership until when TWO weeks later. So much for its still being hammered out. You can't hammer out details when you already signed off on it. I'm no lawyer just a hourly slinging packages at UPS