Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Regardless of who is in office why is it such a easy out to tell dues paying members their out of order and to shut up. No matter if they do or do not support Tim they deserve the right to be able to speak.


The member was out of order trying to incite the crowd. George z will always be a loser he should have stayed in management , will never be a union man


Well-Known Member
Well you see what had happened was!!!!! Well sorry the actuaries said it........ Will the real answer be YES or NO on a pension increase after their meeting


Well-Known Member
Tim did just that!! He told one of our member to shut up!!
Health care fund now needs to keep five months in reserve!
Pension increase isn't a done deal, if that was the case why does the company and Eboard have a scheduled meeting with the actuary on 5/29/2013? Lies and more lies..
There has always been a reserve with our medical. Tim said he has already got a guarantee that all pension trustee's will vote yes, so stop looking for something that isn't they.
Did we really need to be schooled for 2 hours on how to read & interpret our Local supplement by School Master Liam??? Why was the next 50 minutes used to review the National agreement?,....... thats been out for weeks for the membership to review!!! Did this EX board purposely use 2hrs & 50mins of meeting time so they would only have to field 10 minutes of questions from the membership at meetings end????? You can bet they did!!! This is exacly why our members have been clammering for this EX board to release a copy of the Local supplement agreement for weeks!!!!!! We're grown adults capable of reading, making, & understanding National agreements & Local supplements, we shouldn't have been spoken too like 1st grade grammer school students, it was insulting, but you did succeed in limiting the open mic for only 10 minutes.........CONGRATULATIONS


Well-Known Member
It was a very long meeting. It started about 8am and ran to a little after 1030. Tim layed out the general highlights of the supplement. Mentioned how we are the only local that won 100 FT jobs; the only local that reformed their grievance procedure; the largest pension increase also. He mentioned why the delay in the details: UPS backtracked on the pension numbers...what a surprise. A matter of fact it was finalized yesterday morning. Liam went through the ENTIRE supplemnet changes. Great, loud and informative. Neil then went through the ENTIRE national changes (too much reading...took way too long). That left only 25 minutes for Q and A. Not enough time to answer everyone who was on line to ask a question. Many did but as usual you couldnt hear all the questions/comments because of a) inconsiderate members who choose to have their own conversations and b) a poor sound system.
There was some heated moments during the Q and A. One loud mouthed disrespectful member got up to yell (from his seat)at the E/B over the vote for the E/B 2.25% raises we had earlier voted yes on. He was angry and out of order. Tim told him he was out of order. But he too got disrespectful and angry and told him to shut up...a bit over the top but was nice to see our president show some passion. Apologizes might be necessary.

Though liam really explained the changes inside out some needed it REEXPLAINED i guess. The usual suspects no matter how you explain it to them will never accept the facts. They will continue to see things as the sky is falling.

Folks we have a very strong local supplement. The pension is going up to $4000 by jan 2017(to 3900 in jan of 2013), we are getting 100 new FT jobs, summer vacations will be increased, the lay off language has been fixed for clerks and other full timers, new opportunities to go FT (as a VCD or inside/helper), better langauage on request loads, on sups working to cover bathroom breaks, a floating election day, ability to transfer to ANY building in our local, new and speedier grievance procedure. That is a lot. Its not everything but it is a terrific job well done. They even added the words "just cause" to our supplement, something arbitrators look for when deciding cases and something i was surprised was NEVER IN OUR CONTRACT!!
Other news at the meeting: The 10% automatic increases in retirees H/W is over!! To me that was the big news of the day. The funds have to maintain 5 months of reserves to sustain it. Currently it has 7 months of reserves and will be at 9 months in a year. Another highlight was a steward pushing for us to take our first 70 cent raise and put it towards an even higher pension increase . That got a nice round of applause.

This meeting began with lots of members with lots of questions. Tim, Liam and Neil explained the details point by point. Explained how it affected us, the members. Most left the meeting fulfilled by the attention to details and safeguards in our contract now. Granted more time should have gone to Q and A. But overall lots of info was given and and lots of notes Im sure were taken. To the sky is falling crowd, NOTHING WILL EVER MAKE THEM HAPPY!! They would bitch and moan no matter what!!


Well-Known Member
Tim did just that!! He told one of our member to shut up!!
Health care fund now needs to keep five months in reserve!
Pension increase isn't a done deal, if that was the case why does the company and Eboard have a scheduled meeting with the actuary on 5/29/2013? Lies and more lies..
LOL, the sky is falling. You heard what i heard, it was a "scheduled" meeting. They meet several times a year. Lies?? LOL, grow up. Our board, who were elected almost 3 and half years ago to stop the bleeding of our H/W funds, to negotiate a strong contract (with a huge pension increase!!) and fix our broken grievance procedure HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL !! But the losers of the last election want to prevent them from getting a WELL DESERVED raise?? Give me a break. They have not had a raise since Jan 2010. They have asked for a 2.25% increase to their $105,000/year salary. The car allowance brings it to about $115,000. Howie and the boys gave themselves raises up almost $150,000 /year WITHOUT OBJECTION over their time in office. And in those 10 years or so, they negotiated garbage and we had a frozen pension and split raises and back room deals selling out member A to save member B. Those days are gone forever and the board's salaries have been returned to earth and are reasonable. Absolutely they deserve that raise!! Go away!!

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
other news at the meeting: The 10% automatic increases in retirees h/w is over!! To me that was the big news of the day. The funds have to maintain 5 months of reserves to sustain it. Currently it has 7 months of reserves and will be at 9 months in a year.

outstanding news!!!!


Well-Known Member
This general membership meeting was a disgrace!
Tim S was yelling at the membership to shut up!
Tim S also gave his Eboard a raise of 10%!
Tim S only allowed 20 minutes of questions!
We got no answers from this Eboard!
When a member from Melville asked him about that at least 15% schedule vacation per center and that it would create layoffs during jan, feb, mar. because 50% off the drivers would take their vac in a 12 week period!
Tim S didn't know what to say!!
He didn't even know what his own proposal said!!


Well-Known Member
Tim S was yelling at the membership to shut up!

At least tell the true, someone here said the members name was George.

George was screaming at the top of his lungs "let the member speak let the member speak" over and over

Tim said "well maybe if you sit down and shut up he can speak"

At least Howie never told anyone to shut up lol


Well-Known Member
Just to pick apart your statement? Pete has told members to resign, quit! Straight up give up on members. I wonder how long will you continue to compare yourself to Ron Carey or Howie Redmond. You have been in for 3+ years. You seem to have a problem being judged! As long as your an elected official you will be judged on your ideas and actions. When they suck you will here it get use to it! Everyone before got same treatment!! If you think where picking on you? Work harder to win us over!! Until then, you will be judged! You can do a lot better and members will be here to grade you Mr. President.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with 804 brown on our supplemental contract. The proposals that were made will begin the first step of dismantling our union. The attack on the full time driver has begun and our elected officials think there smart enough to dance with the card shark master. I'm very sorry for all locals that has part time drivers delivering ground work, but this should not be a thought in NYC! This is some of what We gave up.

-Election Day? They claim we didn't but when a line goes through language and not under? It's gone.

-22.3 combo helpers? There going to contribute to our pension! The negative! Some drivers will have 2 helpers on there truck. Paid day will be reduced, this is NYC we need those 10-20 hours overtime. The rent is too damn high to get a vacation check each week!
-Vacation picks , no less than 15% can they give us 40% of drivers vacations and work part timers and combo helpers?? The part timers are being pimped bye the union as well. There getting a few bucks more but if they cared about them they would get same salary. It would give me the feeling I wasn't being replaced like most companies are doing to there employees! And yes! Look around, all the huge companies are selling off the young? In our case the part time employee.


Well-Known Member
Just to pick apart your statement? Pete has told members to resign, quit! Straight up give up on members. I wonder how long will you continue to compare yourself to Ron Carey or Howie Redmond. You have been in for 3+ years. You seem to have a problem being judged! As long as your an elected official you will be judged on your ideas and actions. When they suck you will here it get use to it! Everyone before got same treatment!! If you think where picking on you? Work harder to win us over!! Until then, you will be judged! You can do a lot better and members will be here to grade you Mr. President.

Well then I hope Tim reads your post. I don't feel that any President should tell any dues paying member to shut up. I wasn't condoning what he did just reporting what happened. I personally think that he should apologize at the next meeting for his actions.


Well-Known Member
Member6045, you said "our elected officials think there smart enough to dance with the card shark master."

Maybe they are, time will tell. You should know that our old board was afraid of ups because of what they mite do.... You ran with Billy so you understand what I'm saying.


Well-Known Member
Time well tell! Always does! As Tim said today ups is 10-20 years thinking ahead. If we keep looking at what ups is doing to other locals and playing off there mistakes! What makes us think they won't reinvent there game and throw the screws to 804 first for a change.


Well-Known Member
We follow Roberts Rules for the meeting. And you guys should actually read what that means. Whether here or there for their bs 10% a year raise is not the main issue. It's the fact the members control the meeting and the executive board keeps order not the other way which it's been for years. Grow up. Have your own opinion. Nobody pays your bills and mortgage except for you. Whether you like this national and or supplement strap on a pair and vote for what YOU believe is best


Well-Known Member
Tim S was yelling at the membership to shut up!
Tim S also gave his Eboard a raise of 10%!
Tim S only allowed 20 minutes of questions!
We got no answers from this Eboard!
Yes tim yelled at a member, but this member was 1) out of order and 2) not allowing the member at the mic to finish. Tim was telling that out of order member to shut up so that WE ALL COULD HEAR ANOTHER MEMBER SPEAK!! Tim was trying to regain ORDER. On the raises for the E/B, it is NOT 10%. It works out to a little more than 2%. That seems fair.

As for time for Q/A, I agree the time was not enough. It was more like 30 minutes none the less I didnt come to have the entire contract re read to me. Wanted to hear more give and take at the mic. I wanted to see more of the "sky is falling" crew get up and make fools of themselves. Seems the lies and myths they had made up the last few weeks didnt pan out they way they thought. Its amazing what a bunch of facts and the truth will do to a frustrated bunch of cranks!!

And finally,no, we actually got plenty of info and answers from the board. Liam went over everything new in the supplement giving the pluses and the minuses.


Well-Known Member
Well well well what a show today more time shouldn't been given for questions and answers lots of info but Q and A was needed to fully explain some very sharp changes to our current contract language. I will reserve judgment on this contract until June 4 2013 I must do my homework first before I speak on this very important issue.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
The truth of the matter is whether you like this current board or not.This is your local,this is your union.I have been around a long time, this local has never been the same since Ron Carey may he rest in peace was railroaded out of here.What fantastic changes has your previous board made in your life when they were in office for all of those years. ' HAAAAA The sound of crickets in the air!! The pension was forgotten for years, was not even on the menu.What good is our 25 and out if we cant afford to retire,i will agree the current board screwed up the medical after retirement, in my opinion the brothers living on a pension which equals a fixed income should not be subject to raises in there medical.This mistake has been made, move on.Your local is trying to get you a record pension increase.A pension increase that will help you, and help with the raise in your retiree medical if you choose to take it.I guess from years of never getting anything in our contracts people are not used to hearing good news.Nobody is asking anyone to vote yes on something that they feel is going to crush this local as some believe.Read what will be given to you then make your decision.Dont close your eyes, but open your mind!!!