It was a very long meeting. It started about 8am and ran to a little after 1030. Tim layed out the general highlights of the supplement. Mentioned how we are the only local that won 100 FT jobs; the only local that reformed their grievance procedure; the largest pension increase also. He mentioned why the delay in the details: UPS backtracked on the pension numbers...what a surprise. A matter of fact it was finalized yesterday morning. Liam went through the ENTIRE supplemnet changes. Great, loud and informative. Neil then went through the ENTIRE national changes (too much reading...took way too long). That left only 25 minutes for Q and A. Not enough time to answer everyone who was on line to ask a question. Many did but as usual you couldnt hear all the questions/comments because of a) inconsiderate members who choose to have their own conversations and b) a poor sound system.
There was some heated moments during the Q and A. One loud mouthed disrespectful member got up to yell (from his seat)at the E/B over the vote for the E/B 2.25% raises we had earlier voted yes on. He was angry and out of order. Tim told him he was out of order. But he too got disrespectful and angry and told him to shut up...a bit over the top but was nice to see our president show some passion. Apologizes might be necessary.
Though liam really explained the changes inside out some needed it REEXPLAINED i guess. The usual suspects no matter how you explain it to them will never accept the facts. They will continue to see things as the sky is falling.
Folks we have a very strong local supplement. The pension is going up to $4000 by jan 2017(to 3900 in jan of 2013), we are getting 100 new FT jobs, summer vacations will be increased, the lay off language has been fixed for clerks and other full timers, new opportunities to go FT (as a VCD or inside/helper), better langauage on request loads, on sups working to cover bathroom breaks, a floating election day, ability to transfer to ANY building in our local, new and speedier grievance procedure. That is a lot. Its not everything but it is a terrific job well done. They even added the words "just cause" to our supplement, something arbitrators look for when deciding cases and something i was surprised was NEVER IN OUR CONTRACT!!
Other news at the meeting: The 10% automatic increases in retirees H/W is over!! To me that was the big news of the day. The funds have to maintain 5 months of reserves to sustain it. Currently it has 7 months of reserves and will be at 9 months in a year. Another highlight was a steward pushing for us to take our first 70 cent raise and put it towards an even higher pension increase . That got a nice round of applause.
This meeting began with lots of members with lots of questions. Tim, Liam and Neil explained the details point by point. Explained how it affected us, the members. Most left the meeting fulfilled by the attention to details and safeguards in our contract now. Granted more time should have gone to Q and A. But overall lots of info was given and and lots of notes Im sure were taken. To the sky is falling crowd, NOTHING WILL EVER MAKE THEM HAPPY!! They would bitch and moan no matter what!!