The new Local 804 Supplement increases our pensions, creates more full-times jobs and improves a broken grievance procedure. But there’s one thing it doesn’t do.
The Local 804 Supplement does NOT create part-time drivers.
Some members are being told that the new Local 804 Supplement will create part-time package car drivers who will cause layoffs and reduce drivers’ overtime. This is absolutely false.
Here are the facts about Vacation Coverage Drivers.
Vacation Coverage Drivers (VCDs) can not work as part-time drivers. VCD’s get an eight-hour guarantee. That’s eight hours of package delivery work—no part-time driving.
Vacation Coverage Drivers cannot be used to break up routes or reduce overtime. UPS can only use as many VCDs as there are drivers on vacation in a center.
UPS cannot use a Vacation Coverage Driver if a single package car driver or cover driver is on layoff.
Vacation Coverage Drivers can only work between Memorial Day and Labor Day or from Oct. 15 to Jan. 15. If a VCD works one day outside the period, UPS must create a new driver job.
Vacation Coverage Drivers are not a threat to overtime. Every other Teamster local in the country has some version of vacation coverage drivers. There’s no shortage of overtime in these locals, let alone layoffs. In fact, these locals all have issues with 9.5 and excessive overtime. UPS is UPS.
Vacation Coverage Drivers mean more vacation opportunities. VCDs won't take away your overtime—but there’s one thing they will do: get you a better shot at vacation when you want it! Fifteen percent of the drivers in every center will be able to take a vacation between Memorial Day and Labor Day. The contract also guarantees that 10% of every classification in every center will be able to take vacation in any week.
Full-Time Driving Opportunities. Vacation Coverage Drivers give Local 804 members who are part-timers a better way to become a package driver. VCDs will be paid more money than a driver on a training route. And it will be easier for a VCD to qualify as a driver too. VCDs can qualify as drivers during peak season. If a VCD works 50 days in any two coverage periods, he/she is automatically qualified as a package driver. When a spot opens up, they do not have to complete 40 in 70. They are already qualified.
Get the Facts From Your Business Agent or a Bargaining Committee Member
The majority of the Local 804 Bargaining Committee are stewards who have to live and work under the contract. They did not and would not agree to a contract that would introduce part-time drivers or undermine the package driving jobs at the heart of our local.
Through tough negotiations, we won a $4,000 a month pension, 100 new full-time 22.3 jobs, and a new grievance procedure so terminations and suspensions are resolved more quickly and fairly. Now we can hold management accountable at a faster pace.
All of these improvements, including the pension improvements, are contingent on ratification of the new supplement. Don’t put our contract gains at risk by listening to rumors.
If you’ve got questions about Vacation Coverage Drivers or any other aspect of the contract, ask your Business Agent or a member of the Bargaining Committee.
This is a email I got sounds good but time will tell for you guys. Have building meetings and talk about the pro's and con's complaining about it here does nothing let's even see how many people vote to begin with.