Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Can anyone explain why in the letter of agreement signed by chris langan on 5/17/2013. Also in the supplement agreement page 9. 3(c) on each august 1 of the contract, fifteen cents ($0.15) of the available one dollar ($1.00) shall be retained by the company to be applied towards the cost of paragraph 1).

As an extra protection, UPS must increase its contributions to the Health Fund by up to 15¢ an hour if that money is needed to prevent healthcare cuts or increases in the cost of retiree healthcare. I sure wish Redmond and co had done something like this.


Active Member
First why is the extra protection, not mention in the supplement or in the letter of agreement. If ups is so concern about an possibly future cuts in the h/w, why didn't ups just give us the extra ($0.15). But instead it will be retained by the company to be applied towards the costs of paragraph1. Two. Teamsters local 804(union) and united parcel service inc. (ups) agree to the following as a replacement for the letter of agreement on december 3, 2007. so actually we didn't get ($1.00) in the h/w because ups will retain that ($0.15). Also what will happen to that monies if the h/w reserves stay above five months, and the ($0.15) that ups will retain adding up to $18 million over five years of the future contract if its passes, does the e/b have a letter of agreement stating ups will give the local back this monies? Also what does redman and co. Have to do with this contract. This is tim's and co. Contract. There is no point fingers this time. also no matter how you look at it, it's 7 months of part-timers doing full-time work. That's p/t america. We are giving up to much for a $300 pension increase. I urge a vote no! Pass it on! Vote no!


Well-Known Member
hey unbelievable maybe you need to speak with your shop steward or business agent, lucky for me my old shop steward was part of the negotiating committee, the 15¢ will come out of the $2.75 we get. Our fund is at 6 months reserve and is projected to be at 10 months in two years, all off this without the 15¢ but our board was smart enough to put a safety net in writing YES ITS IN WRITING to get the 15¢ back if we ever hit 5 months. Also I was told that as long as the fund has 5 months in reserve any improvements 804 wants to make to the fund will not be blocked by ups unless those changes will drop the plan under 5 months reserve. That is the most important thing making sure ups can't block 804 from making the plan better. The negotiating committe did a hell of a job. Something Howard and company could never do. You cry about VCD jobs and what MITE happen or what it May lead to. When Howard was willing to give up 25 and out to fix our medicail and pension.


Well-Known Member
You are right this is the new board/s contract. Dont know why .15 cent is withheld the way it is. Anyway, it is actually 6 months not 7 (june july august plus oct 15 through jan 15...6 months).


Well-Known Member
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! My fingers hurt! Continue putting it to there @sses! They just sent out an email because of members like you! Trying to sell this junk!! Btw? They also endorsed the master freight agreement!! Yup! Came in the mail Friday!!! If you didn't explain why your names are on the news letter!!! OMG. Double talkers!! Didn't somebody call them used car salesmen a week ago on BC?? Lmfao


Well-Known Member
The new Local 804 Supplement increases our pensions, creates more full-times jobs and improves a broken grievance procedure. But there’s one thing it doesn’t do.
The Local 804 Supplement does NOT create part-time drivers.
Some members are being told that the new Local 804 Supplement will create part-time package car drivers who will cause layoffs and reduce drivers’ overtime. This is absolutely false.
Here are the facts about Vacation Coverage Drivers.
Vacation Coverage Drivers (VCDs) can not work as part-time drivers. VCD’s get an eight-hour guarantee. That’s eight hours of package delivery work—no part-time driving. 
Vacation Coverage Drivers cannot be used to break up routes or reduce overtime. UPS can only use as many VCDs as there are drivers on vacation in a center.
UPS cannot use a Vacation Coverage Driver if a single package car driver or cover driver is on layoff.
Vacation Coverage Drivers can only work between Memorial Day and Labor Day or from Oct. 15 to Jan. 15.  If a VCD works one day outside the period, UPS must create a new driver job. 
Vacation Coverage Drivers are not a threat to overtime. Every other Teamster local in the country has some version of vacation coverage drivers. There’s no shortage of overtime in these locals, let alone layoffs. In fact, these locals all have issues with 9.5 and excessive overtime. UPS is UPS.
Vacation Coverage Drivers mean more vacation opportunities.  VCDs won't take away your overtime—but there’s one thing they will do: get you a better shot at vacation when you want it!  Fifteen percent of the drivers in every center will be able to take a vacation between Memorial Day and Labor Day. The contract also guarantees that 10% of every classification in every center will be able to take vacation in any week.
Full-Time Driving Opportunities.  Vacation Coverage Drivers give Local 804 members who are part-timers a better way to become a package driver. VCDs will be paid more money than a driver on a training route. And it will be easier for a VCD to qualify as a driver too. VCDs can qualify as drivers during peak season.  If a VCD works 50 days in any two coverage periods, he/she is automatically qualified as a package driver. When a spot opens up, they do not have to complete 40 in 70. They are already qualified.
Get the Facts From Your Business Agent or a Bargaining Committee Member
The majority of the Local 804 Bargaining Committee are stewards who have to live and work under the contract. They did not and would not agree to a contract that would introduce part-time drivers or undermine the package driving jobs at the heart of our local.
Through tough negotiations, we won a $4,000 a month pension, 100 new full-time 22.3 jobs, and a new grievance procedure so terminations and suspensions are resolved more quickly and fairly. Now we can hold management accountable at a faster pace. 
All of these improvements, including the pension improvements, are contingent on ratification of the new supplement. Don’t put our contract gains at risk by listening to rumors.
If you’ve got questions about Vacation Coverage Drivers or any other aspect of the contract, ask your Business Agent or a member of the Bargaining Committee.

This is a email I got sounds good but time will tell for you guys. Have building meetings and talk about the pro's and con's complaining about it here does nothing let's even see how many people vote to begin with.
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Well-Known Member
This Eboard is telling us that they looked around the country in different locals and that is how they came up with part timers working as full time drivers from Memorial Day to Labor Day and October 15 to January 15!!!

My question is, since when does local 804 follow what other locals do??..

We, local804 have always been looked up to. We, local804 have always been an inspiration, admiration for other locals even for the international.

Now this Eboard wants us to follow others? I say no thanks!! We know better and we deserve better!!

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Maybe if we followed what some of the other locals were doing in the past instead of drinking the kool aid that we were being served by previous administration,our local just might be in better shape than it is now.No pension increases, medical in dire straits ohh and lets not forget our wonderful annuity that is not worth a crap.This is a good supplement anyone who thinks different WAKE UP AND SMELL THE PENSION!!!!! For all who do not like your current board i am not happy with alot of things i see myself as far as the way discipline is handled and the screw up with retiree medical,business agents missing in action but wake up this is a good supplement.Post Ron Carey what positive has this local really done for anybody. THINK ABOUT it !!!


Well-Known Member
Currently in my building we have 6,7 and 8months inside trainees making book as full time drivers, so I asked my steward why is the company allowing insiders to go full time driving with less than one year on the job?
He said because there are many members on the full time driving list but a lot of part timers don't know how to drive stick shift, they have points on their license, moving violation tickets or suspended licenses in the past year.

So I ask, where is the company going to get drivers to cover vacations if 60 to 70% of part time employees have problems with their licenses or don't know how to drive stick shift? Anyone, anyone?

Ok. I will tell you, THE STREET!!. And what is our brilliant union going to do? File grievances then go in front of an arbitrator? Yeah great!! Does anyone know about OPERATING NEEDS OF THE COMPANY!
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Active Member
Hey offroutespay///// first of all what $2.75 are you talking about.....we got $3.90 in wages over five years and a dollar into pension and h/w...of that $1.00...($0.15) is being retained....so again my question is why is UPS retaining that ($0.15)...UPS is not giving us back ($0.15) offroutespay...stop listening to the steward or B/S and do your own research.... if that was so it would be ($1.15) into the pension and H/W, they (UPS) are taking ($0.15) back.......thats what i am asking...do not believe everything someone tells you including your once so call steward who was on the contract team....Did you ask him why he is not a steward any longer....maybe false promises by Tim and co..And they burst his bubble so he stepped down or is that he realized this contract had to many give backs....and he wanted no part of it!!!!!! no one is saying they did not work hard on this contract or put a lot of time and effort into this contract...please convince me why i should vote yes....just because they worked hard is not a good reason for me to recommend a yes vote to this contract....and who is to say i am a steward or not, that has no relevance.....one other thing why should i talk to my steward or B/A word.......when i can think for myself......what i am saying is i want answers to questions....and one thing for sure is that this contract has to much give backs!!!!!!!all for $300 increase in the pension and so we can have more vacation time. Centers are over 4-6 drivers every day...yes i am repeating myself, again. The other thing is the PART-TIMERS will only be prequalify.....and thats all they will be.....they will not be guaranteed a friend/T package job....If you know UPS all they do is LIE,CHEAT,STEAL.....SO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE B/S WE ARE GETTING.....VOTE NO! VOTE NO!


Well-Known Member
The new Local 804 Supplement increases our pensions, creates more full-times jobs and improves a broken grievance procedure. But there’s one thing it doesn’t do.

The Local 804 Supplement does NOT create part-time drivers.

Some members are being told that the new Local 804 Supplement will create part-time package car drivers who will cause layoffs and reduce drivers’ overtime. This is absolutely false.

Here are the facts about Vacation Coverage Drivers.

Vacation Coverage Drivers (VCDs) can not work as part-time drivers. VCD’s get an eight-hour guarantee. That’s eight hours of package delivery work—no part-time driving.

Vacation Coverage Drivers cannot be used to break up routes or reduce overtime. UPS can only use as many VCDs as there are drivers on vacation in a center.

UPS cannot use a Vacation Coverage Driver if a single package car driver or cover driver is on layoff.

Vacation Coverage Drivers can only work between Memorial Day and Labor Day or from Oct. 15 to Jan. 15. If a VCD works one day outside the period, UPS must create a new driver job.

Vacation Coverage Drivers are not a threat to overtime. Every other Teamster local in the country has some version of vacation coverage drivers. There’s no shortage of overtime in these locals, let alone layoffs. In fact, these locals all have issues with 9.5 and excessive overtime. UPS is UPS.

Vacation Coverage Drivers mean more vacation opportunities. VCDs won't take away your overtime—but there’s one thing they will do: get you a better shot at vacation when you want it! Fifteen percent of the drivers in every center will be able to take a vacation between Memorial Day and Labor Day. The contract also guarantees that 10% of every classification in every center will be able to take vacation in any week.

Full-Time Driving Opportunities. Vacation Coverage Drivers give Local 804 members who are part-timers a better way to become a package driver. VCDs will be paid more money than a driver on a training route. And it will be easier for a VCD to qualify as a driver too. VCDs can qualify as drivers during peak season. If a VCD works 50 days in any two coverage periods, he/she is automatically qualified as a package driver. When a spot opens up, they do not have to complete 40 in 70. They are already qualified.

Get the Facts From Your Business Agent or a Bargaining Committee Member

The majority of the Local 804 Bargaining Committee are stewards who have to live and work under the contract. They did not and would not agree to a contract that would introduce part-time drivers or undermine the package driving jobs at the heart of our local.

Through tough negotiations, we won a $4,000 a month pension, 100 new full-time 22.3 jobs, and a new grievance procedure so terminations and suspensions are resolved more quickly and fairly. Now we can hold management accountable at a faster pace.

All of these improvements, including the pension improvements, are contingent on ratification of the new supplement. Don’t put our contract gains at risk by listening to rumors.

If you’ve got questions about Vacation Coverage Drivers or any other aspect of the contract, ask your Business Agent or a member of the Bargaining Committee.

This is a email I got sounds good but time will tell for you guys. Have building meetings and talk about the pro's and con's complaining about it here does nothing let's even see how many people vote to begin with.


Well-Known Member
hey offroutespay///// first of all what $2.75 are you talking about.....we got $3.90 in wages over five years and a dollar into pension and h/w...of that $1.00...($0.15) is being retained....so again my question is why is ups retaining that ($0.15)...ups is not giving us back ($0.15) offroutespay...stop listening to the steward or b/s and do your own research.... If that was so it would be ($1.15) into the pension and h/w, they (ups) are taking ($0.15) back.......thats what i am asking...do not believe everything someone tells you including your once so call steward who was on the contract team....did you ask him why he is not a steward any longer....maybe false promises by tim and co..and they burst his bubble so he stepped down or is that he realized this contract had to many give backs....and he wanted no part of it!!!!!! No one is saying they did not work hard on this contract or put a lot of time and effort into this contract...please convince me why i should vote yes....just because they worked hard is not a good reason for me to recommend a yes vote to this contract....and who is to say i am a steward or not, that has no relevance.....one other thing why should i talk to my steward or b/a word.......when i can think for myself......what i am saying is i want answers to questions....and one thing for sure is that this contract has to much give backs!!!!!!!all for $300 increase in the pension and so we can have more vacation time. Centers are over 4-6 drivers every day...yes i am repeating myself, again. The other thing is the part-timers will only be prequalify.....and thats all they will be.....they will not be guaranteed a friend/t package job....if you know ups all they do is lie,cheat,steal.....so wake up and smell the b/s we are getting.....vote no! Vote no!
bill.b was and is a great man did you have the pleasure of knowing him?

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
This is like an episode of Doomsday Preppers.Give me a break, i have been here over twenty five years,it does not get better than this.Anyone who has any common sense dont listen to the gloom and doom patrol on here.This is a good supplement VOTE YES or we will wind up with nothing as always.


Well-Known Member
Currently in my building we have 6,7 and 8months inside trainees making book as full time drivers, so I asked my steward why is the company allowing insiders to go full time driving with less than one year on the job?
He said because there are many members on the full time driving list but a lot of part timers don't know how to drive stick shift, they have points on their license, moving violation tickets or suspended licenses in the past year.

So I ask, where is the company going to get drivers to cover vacations if 60 to 70% of part time employees have problems with their licenses or don't know how to drive stick shift? Anyone, anyone?

Ok. I will tell you, THE STREET!!. And what is our brilliant union going to do? File grievances then go in front of an arbitrator? Yeah great!! Does anyone know about OPERATING NEEDS OF THE COMPANY!



Active Member
It's not that we are spending to much time on retiree medical 1013, it's ($0.15) totaling $18 million that the company will retain over five years....And no one knows why!!!! that's $18 million as a local that we should control, an possibly use toward future contributions to support this $300 increase and future pension increases.....if there is not enough members paying into the pension, three years from now... Its more than likely that the accrual rate for active members will be cut!,,,,, we do not want to give control of the pension to UPS....if that's so, then we matters well give them the keys to the HALL!!!!!!!! 5 years or 25 years is insignificant, what we all should be concern with is the future and betterment of the members and local 804!!!!! VOTE NO!!!! VOTE NO!!!! VOTE NO!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Making Lemonade Out of a Lemon: Don't get stuck with a lemon, a car that simply cannot reasonably be fixed. Car dealers will often do just about anything to get you to walk off the lot with this dud of a car, so make sure you've done your research and know what kind of cars to avoid before you go shopping. This local contract is far from lemonade. 804 members do your research and ask yourself is this truly the best thing that could be brought back to the members!!!


Well-Known Member
The Local 804 Supplement does NOT create part-time drivers.

Some members are being told that the new Local 804 Supplement will create part-time package car drivers who will cause layoffs and reduce drivers’ overtime. This is absolutely false.

WRONG...Just this week gone...A route was cut on Monday...Air driver took out some of the ground work. Full time driver grieved it and was denied grievance pay due to the fact air driver was paid ground rate. The same thing will happen August 1st if this contract passes...UPS will cut routes..split up work to non-full time drivers...pay them time only...We will grieve I...the difference being this time they can say "Its in the Contract"...Vote NO...UPS will abuse all language related to any non-full time drivers


Active Member
Your right fedupups, this company doesn't respect this contract, especially the E/B what makes us believe they going to respect this contract if you guys vote this in. The only way they will respect us as a local, we must vote this contract down. P/T doing friend/T work for $21hr is a disrespect to the part- timers. Pay the P/T what they deserve an that's drivers pay $32 plus an hour. Have ups make contributions on behalf of those P/T member and give us back all P/Timers so that we can have more members paying into the pension fund.