Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
If you have been here 25 years ask the 22.3 members if they are happy making less than full time inside members and also why would this executive board create a lower paying package car driver. This is supposed to be a Union. Are these new drivers not going to work as hard as the current drivers? I get your deal with the pension take the money and run. By the way if you have any part time years in those 25 you wont get the new increase anyway. I wonder if they explained that you need 25 full time years to get the new increase.Take the money and run it's over now.


Active Member
Yes!!!!! Your absolutely right. You will not get the new accrual rate of $156.00 which equals to $3,900. The E/B is not telling you with 20yrs of service and the age of 55 you will get the old accrual rate. Put that in your high lights. Tim and co. Another thing why do we have to wait until 2017 to get the $4,000. Give it to us now. Mr UPS!!! What else are you hiding.


Well-Known Member
This Eboard is telling us that they looked around the country in different locals and that is how they came up with part timers working as full time drivers from Memorial Day to Labor Day and October 15 to January 15!!!

My question is, since when does local 804 follow what other locals do??..

We, local804 have always been looked up to. We, local804 have always been an inspiration, admiration for other locals even for the international.

Now this Eboard wants us to follow others? I say no thanks!! We know better and we deserve better!!
You are right. Other locals USED to look up to local 804 when ron carey ran our local. Then the redmond crew took over and made it a laughing stock. Actually other local heads used to laugh behind redmonds back. Anyway, I think after this supplemental other locals WILL attempt to follow what happens in local 804. Our guys got us the largest increase. They did it without touching our raises. They fixed our broken grievance procedure. Got us 100 new FT jobs, etc. They held out and pressured hoffa hall to push for the money needed to get what we needed in local 804. They said this is what our members want and if not we will hold this entire process up.


Well-Known Member
Currently in my building we have 6,7 and 8months inside trainees making book as full time drivers, so I asked my steward why is the company allowing insiders to go full time driving with less than one year on the job?
He said because there are many members on the full time driving list but a lot of part timers don't know how to drive stick shift, they have points on their license, moving violation tickets or suspended licenses in the past year.

So I ask, where is the company going to get drivers to cover vacations if 60 to 70% of part time employees have problems with their licenses or don't know how to drive stick shift? Anyone, anyone?

Ok. I will tell you, THE STREET!!. And what is our brilliant union going to do? File grievances then go in front of an arbitrator? Yeah great!! Does anyone know about OPERATING NEEDS OF THE COMPANY!
Wrong. They can use VCDs from other buildings if need be. But Im sure each building will have enoughpart timers wanting to become a VCD. Why dont you ask some of the part timers about this part of the contract. They really want this to happen. Its just a few sky-is-falling drivers who only see negativity and fear their OT will be taken away. Listen when it hits 95 degrees this summer, you stay out til 9:00!!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Saving UPS $440. a week per vacation driver for how many months ? Plus no money for our pension or 804 Welfare Fund. Yes another 100 lower wage full time inside or helper jobs. How much does that save UPS? I thought your boys were going to make UPS pay. It Looks like our members are paying again, $21.00 for full time package car pay! Idiot ask the AIR DRIVERS what they get paid when they touch ground, that will be out the window for them now! You are a fool get out from under their desk! Where does the $ .15 go.


Well-Known Member
Saving UPS $440. a week per vacation driver for how many months ? Plus no money for our pension or 804 Welfare Fund. Yes another 100 lower wage full time inside or helper jobs. How much does that save UPS? I thought your boys were going to make UPS pay. It Looks like our members are paying again, $21.00 for full time package car pay! Idiot ask the AIR DRIVERS what they get paid when they touch ground, that will be out the window for them now! You are a fool get out from under their desk! Where does the $ .15 go.
Idiot?? Listen when they use PART TIME air drivers, the pension fund get nothing plus they are NOT GUARANTEED 8 HOURS OF WORK. It is a lower rate but HIGHER than if they hire someone off the street in which AGAIN no contributions are made to our funds.
Also the VCDs are to cover for the summer months(3 months). Part timers have ALWAYS been able to work FT during peak, but with NO 8hour guarantee. Now these VCDs will accumulate days during the summer PLUS whatever they work during peak. That will lead to more permanent FT opportunities. Again, go around and ask the part timers if they like this. They might not be happy with the raises they will receive or the health care changes (the national contract), but they are very happy with the new FT opportunities.


Well-Known Member
This Eboard is telling us that they looked around the country in different locals and that is how they came up with part timers working as full time drivers from Memorial Day to Labor Day and October 15 to January 15!!!

My question is, since when does local 804 follow what other locals do??..

We, local804 have always been looked up to. We, local804 have always been an inspiration, admiration for other locals even for the international.

Now this Eboard wants us to follow others? I say no thanks!! We know better and we deserve better!!
You are right. Other locals USED to look up to local 804 when ron carey ran our local. Then the redmond crew took over and made it a laughing stock. Actually other local heads used to laugh behind redmonds back. Anyway, I think after this supplemental other locals WILL attempt to follow what happens in local 804. Our guys got us the largest increase. They did it without touching our raises. They fixed our broken grievance procedure. Got us 100 new FT jobs, etc. They held out and pressured hoffa hall to push for the money needed to get what we needed in local 804. They said this is what our members want and if not we will hold this entire process up.

Laughing stock!!! I would say this current 804 board is a laughing stock to the whole international. 804 E Board backed Sandy Pope against Hoffa...isn't that why 804 for the first time in a long time had no representation for the national contract negotiations


Well-Known Member
Laughing stock!!! I would say this current 804 board is a laughing stock to the whole international. 804 E Board backed Sandy Pope against Hoffa...isn't that why 804 for the first time in a long time had no representation for the national contract negotiations
LOL, exactly. We all proudly voted for sandy. Would have loved to have seen her negotiating for us instead of hoffa/hall. WHat good would being on THAT negotiating team in washington. The fix was in long before. Im glad our guys didnt have anything to do with the latest weak contract coming out of washington. Ask anyone in our local is they are voting YES on the national.You wont find one. Though our supplement will sail through easily.


Active Member
804BROWN.....it appears your the idiot!!!!! why would P/T do ground work for less...why would we go backwards.....also you know UPS wil run with this and use the VCD to their advantage....dont forget, Tim was not invited to the int'l so he says....wonder why? Was his feelings were hurt.....blah blah blah...thanks to Sandy Pope....the grievance procedure needed to be reinforced....oh! thats right the E/B is never around the bldg...they are outside handing out flyers....HELLO...the fights inside,,,,LMAO....LM2 report another 200 less JOBS.....PUT THAT IN YOUR HIGHLIGHTS....TIM

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Idiot?? Listen when they use PART TIME air drivers, the pension fund get nothing plus they are NOT GUARANTEED 8 HOURS OF WORK. It is a lower rate but HIGHER than if they hire someone off the street in which AGAIN no contributions are made to our funds.
Also the VCDs are to cover for the summer months(3 months). Part timers have ALWAYS been able to work FT during peak, but with NO 8hour guarantee. Now these VCDs will accumulate days during the summer PLUS whatever they work during peak. That will lead to more permanent FT opportunities. Again, go around and ask the part timers if they like this. They might not be happy with the raises they will receive or the health care changes (the national contract), but they are very happy with the new FT opportunities.

Like I said talk to the Air drivers and ask them what they get paid when the do ground not $21.00 an hour I did not say there is any money to the pension. The Union protection is that if they are used to do package work they get the drivers pay for the day idiot not $21.00 that your boys negotiated.
You have no idea what you are talking about part timers always being allowed to work full time during peak and also ask the part timers how long it takes to get a 22.3 or driving job some wait 10years and they will have to work another 25 years to get the pension increase that you idiots are bragging about what happened to the reciprocal agreement for part timers and why are they now not be in titled to the 804 pension increase ​maroon(and not the Irish guy).

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
All of these improvements, including the pension improvements, are contingent on ratification of the new supplement. Don’t put our contract gains at risk by listening to rumors. LOCAL 804 HOME PAGE

The fight against contract concessions shows the spirit, creativity and energy of the Teamster rank and file. What happens now is up to the members who are leading the charge.

Hoffa and Hall want to push through the contracts, and for the Vote No rebels to get discouraged, cynical and inactive. They want members on the sidelines at contract time and all the time.

TDU stands for the opposite. We are a national grassroots movement of Teamsters organizing Teamsters.

We can win better contracts, defend our benefits and build a stronger union—but only if we get off the sidelines and work together. Information and organization equal power. TDU

$21.00 HOUR VACATION DRIVERS !!!!!! IN LOCAL 804 ??????


Well-Known Member
So Local 804 powers that be are saying NO for the national?

Yup. I spoke to one of the BA's yesterday, and he told me that they will be urging our entire LOCAL to Vote NO on the National Agreement. I'm glad I got that clarified, because after our General Membership Meeting, I wasn't to sure if the E Board was endorsing or opposing to this piece of crap National Agreement.


Active Member
That's funny, I was talking to my B/A yesterday and he told me also to vote down the supplement!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT HAS THIS E/B DONE TO OUR LOCAL........ ALL IT TOOK WAS 3.5yrs.....IT'S ALL OVER. VOTE NO AND SAVE OUR LOCAL.


Well-Known Member
804 brown! Have a question for You! Can a driver refuse a helper? I keep hearing you can? Which article in the supplement states this! Or am I just suppose to go to the supervisor and tell him I don't want help that day?


Well-Known Member
Brown 804! Another ??? I'm an air driver in am! Supervisor ask me to be a VCD! For the day! I refuse because I want my normal drivers rate of pay! Will I be entitled to driver top pay? Or company puts screws to me and pays me 21 an hour? Also will my pay be 21 for all hours worked on preload! Because it was top pay for day as soon as I did ground before.
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Well-Known Member
Tentative Local Supplement

Potential outcomes to voting yes:

Direct hit to income:
• one VCD hired per driver out on vacation as per supplement could leave VCD drivers with no route if split/cover drivers fill all spots. If that happens what could the company do? Maybe remove work from routes to create splits for the VCD to do. Which can potentially take OT from full time package drivers

• although you may receive your much desired summer vacation, the potential loss in OT will directly impact your income. Making the summer vacation week less desirable.

"Recommended" Pension Increase:
• Upon ratification the pension increase is only a "recommendation", not a guarantee. We cannot vote yes just to hope that this proposal will pass. Hope is not a plan.