Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
the company is currently using car washers to do pick ups. This car washers in the mount vernon facility
have daily scheduled pick ups. Local 804 is aware of the situation and decided not to get involved. This could be the end of afternoon feeder jobs, the end of job classifications, the end of seniority. Why is 804 leadership so weak????/

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
the company is currently using car washers to do pick ups. This car washers in the mount vernon facility
have daily scheduled pick ups. Local 804 is aware of the situation and decided not to get involved. This could be the end of afternoon feeder jobs, the end of job classifications, the end of seniority. Why is 804 leadership so weak????/

It is cheaper to use a car washer than a feeder driver and this E board is all about saving UPS money $21.00 hour vacation driver in package. TDU got these clowns elected and now they turn their back on them with this sham 804 supplement agreement . Record profits Sylvester no reason to sell out part timers doing package work for $21.00 Ron is spinning in his grave he loved package drivers.


Well-Known Member
Tentative Local Supplement

Potential outcomes to voting yes:

Direct hit to income:
• one VCD hired per driver out on vacation as per supplement could leave VCD drivers with no route if split/cover drivers fill all spots. If that happens what could the company do? Maybe remove work from routes to create splits for the VCD to do. Which can potentially take OT from full time package drivers

• although you may receive your much desired summer vacation, the potential loss in OT will directly impact your income. Making the summer vacation week less desirable.

"Recommended" Pension Increase:
• Upon ratification the pension increase is only a "recommendation", not a guarantee. We cannot vote yes just to hope that this proposal will pass. Hope is not a plan.


Well-Known Member
Who is the BA allowing such garbage to spilled all over our local?? Bet its the same clown that had drivers out east suspended from that walkout!!! They are making us wonder why we are paying union dues for such piss poor representation.


Well-Known Member
Got my ballot in mail today....filled it out while sitting on the "throne"....NO and NO...will be dropping it off tomorrow in mailbox...very simple


Well-Known Member
Tentative Local Supplement

Potential outcomes to voting yes:

Direct hit to income:
• one VCD hired per driver out on vacation as per supplement could leave VCD drivers with no route if split/cover drivers fill all spots. If that happens what could the company do? Maybe remove work from routes to create splits for the VCD to do. Which can potentially take OT from full time package drivers

• although you may receive your much desired summer vacation, the potential loss in OT will directly impact your income. Making the summer vacation week less desirable.

"Recommended" Pension Increase:
• Upon ratification the pension increase is only a "recommendation", not a guarantee. We cannot vote yes just to hope that this proposal will pass. Hope is not a plan.


Well-Known Member
Tentative Local Supplement

Potential outcomes to voting yes:

Direct hit to income:
• one VCD hired per driver out on vacation as per supplement could leave VCD drivers with no route if split/cover drivers fill all spots. If that happens what could the company do? Maybe remove work from routes to create splits for the VCD to do. Which can potentially take OT from full time package drivers

• although you may receive your much desired summer vacation, the potential loss in OT will directly impact your income. Making the summer vacation week less desirable.

"Recommended" Pension Increase:
• Upon ratification the pension increase is only a "recommendation", not a guarantee. We cannot vote yes just to hope that this proposal will pass. Hope is not a plan.

1) No VCD's are "hired" They're already pt's with a new opportunity to earn more money and get a leg up on advancing to a FT job. Protections for FT Pkg drivers are in place under Art 6 Sec 3 sub 10 & 11. # of vacation weeks are known before VCD's are put in place.
2) OT is never guaranteed and a huge problem in most cases, (eg NM 9.5 language)
3) Trustees of the pension plan determine benefit rates. Nothing has changed with those rules. The trustees have determined benefit increases to the offered levels can be accomplished contigent on this TA being accepted.


Well-Known Member
Just to speak on issue of overtime!!! BA are stating that this will not effect overtime. States there is an agreement? Lets hear you spit that out article at us stating our OT won't be taken away as our executive board is doing !!!


Well-Known Member
Trustees of fund- does it still state that trustees can and will go to prison if they don't act in the best interest of the pension fund. So when co-chair recommends a raise! Doesn't mean he's going to give one! He's not going to prison for us!!


Well-Known Member
Tim S and Jim Reynolds both voted yes for the international contract now they are telling you to vote it down. Lol These morons had Liam Russet negotiate the local supplement what a laugh, what did Pete Masterbater do sit on his brains along with boss hog. In the feeder dept Pete was telling all the drivers that he could run this union by himself.lol. And he did, ran it to the ground. This has become a TDU and UPS local, I wonder if blue cross blue shield cover vasoline supplies and umbrellas. Well I hope you row b voters got what you wanted, remember stop counts are going up up up. And you better do them or you will join the other 1000 members that were fired. That's right 1000, check out there LM2 filings for 2007 to 2013 we went from 7200 hundred members to 6200 members.


Well-Known Member
Tim S and Jim Reynolds both voted yes for the international contract now they are telling you to vote it down. Lol These morons had Liam Russet negotiate the local supplement what a laugh, what did Pete Masterbater do sit on his brains along with boss hog. In the feeder dept Pete was telling all the drivers that he could run this union by himself.lol. And he did, ran it to the ground. This has become a TDU and UPS local, I wonder if blue cross blue shield cover vasoline supplies and umbrellas. Well I hope you row b voters got what you wanted, remember stop counts are going up up up. And you better do them or you will join the other 1000 members that were fired. That's right 1000, check out there LM2 filings for 2007 to 2013 we went from 7200 hundred members to 6200 members.

Your posts are as accurate as a Mitt Romney campaign ad, and as worthless. The L804 union officer campaign is over and once again you lost. Go sharpen a pencil if you can handle that difficult task.


Well-Known Member
Inthegame you sir are an idiot!! Remember sir is not about who is in office is about the member first! And Tom is right those number are correct!


Well-Known Member
Inthegame you sir are an idiot!! Remember sir is not about who is in office is about the member first! And Tom is right those number are correct!
Well thanks for the respect by calling me "sir". Not sure I'm liking the "idiot" part too much but I'll live. Now how about you "remember" the members put this group in, not once but twice because they trusted this group, not the previous losers. That trust appears to have been well placed as your supplement addresses and corrects deficencies the replaced board couldn't handle.
LM2 numbers reflect total employment for the year including seasonals. UPS is much leaner today than prior to this boards term. Check other LM2's and you'll see similar declines. Now go watch Leave it To Beaver and learn manners.


Active Member
That Steward Doug from 43st. Will say anything so that Tim can make him a union Rep. I am hearing he jumps on the ban wagon. Wake up and smell the coffee. Tim is using you. The stewards i know in 43st. Keep it real. Just read the supplement, do your research. We deserve at better contract.


Well-Known Member
From Local 804 website
Contract Rumor Report: Get the Facts
By standing united, Local 804 members won our best contract supplement in more than a decade—including better pensions, grievance procedure reform, and cheaper retiree healthcare.

Part-timers won more full-time jobs, combo helper jobs, and higher pay for helper work during peak—$12.75/hour or more than $19/hour overtime rate.

All these improvements and more are only guaranteed if the Local 804 Supplement is approved in the upcoming contract vote.

Some Local 804 members have reported getting misinformation from text messages and a website that is using the Local 804 name and Teamster logo. This is NOT a Local 804 website and the information on the website is untrue.

Every Local 804 member has the right to vote their conscience on the contract. But members do not have the right to twist the facts and play politics with your contract, your pension and your future.

A contract ballot has been mailed to you. Make sure you have the facts before you vote on the Local 804 Supplement.


Yes. Local 804 won the biggest pension increases in the country with no wage diversion. These increases are guaranteed as long as the contract is ratified.

UPS has committed in writing to raise the pension to $3,900 on Jan. 1, 2013 and to $4,000 on Aug. 1, 2017. This is for 30 & Out and 25-at-age-55. The 25 & Out will go up to $3,400 next January and $3,500 on Aug. 1, 2017.

Pension increases are technically voted on by the Pension Fund trustees. That is why, Local 804 negotiated an unprecedented written agreement that spells out the legal intent of the company negotiators and commits the UPS Pension Trustee to support the pension increases after the contract is ratified.


Yes. Local 804 would not implement a pension increase if the Fund could not afford it.

Local 804 had the actuaries for the Pension Fund do a study. The actuarial study found  that the pension can be increased to $4,000 and the Pension Fund will stay on track out of the Red Zone and into the Green Zone.


Absolutely not. Some members are being told that the new Local 804 Supplement will create part-time package car drivers who will cause layoffs and reduce drivers’ overtime. This is absolutely false. Vacation Coverage Drivers cannot work part-time; they will not reduce overtime; and VCDs cannot be used while any driver is laid off. Click here to get the facts.


Local 804 has won an end to the 10 percent annual increase in retiree healthcare costs. In fact, retiree healthcare costs are being lowered by 10 percent and will be kept at these reduced rates going forward.


The Election Day holiday has been converted into a floating holiday. The floating holiday is paid the same as Election Day but it can be scheduled like an OPH and does not have to be used on Election Day. If you want to work Election Day and get paid 8 hours holiday pay for the day plus double time, you still can.

The floating holiday can be taken at any time from  Jan. 16 to Thanksgiving. You can either take the day off with pay or work the day and get paid 8 hours holiday pay for the day plus double time.

Local 804 members won the best supplement in the country. Cast an informed vote and protect the contract and pension improvements we've won.

Important Notice on UPS Contract Ballot
Some Local 804 members have been mailed a ballot packet with a return envelope that says "UPS Freight" on the front. Rest assured that this return ballot can still be used and your ballot will be properly counted.

The ballot mailing was conducted by the International Union and they are addressing the problem. Your return envelope can be used and your ballot will be counted.

Every envelope contains a unique identification code that allows the Independent Election Supervisor to make sure the ballot is counted with the other votes on the UPS national tentative agreement and the Local 804 Supplement.

Observers and the Election Supervisor will be able to clearly see that they are being sorted and counted with the proper Agreement.

There is no need to request a replacement ballot. Please return the ballot in the envelope that was in your packet and it will be counted.

Click here to see the official notice from the International.


Well-Known Member
Breaking News!!!! Rumor Report now out from teamsterslocal804.... Extra extra read all about it!!! Anytime someone challenges them they call it a "Rumor".... You make the call is the executive board telling facts or fiction.... Go to www.local804contract.com to find THE FACTS... No salesman here, just concerned members


Well-Known Member
Maggot definition A Maggot is the larva of a fly (order Diptera); it is applied in particular to the larvae of Brachyceran flies, such as houseflies, cheese flies, and blowflies aka EBoard