Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member

This should be on the teamster804 site, VP Pete could teach this since he is a master at it

Pistol Pete aka bs artist


Well-Known Member

Yes. Local 804 won the biggest pension increases in the country with no wage diversion. These increases are guaranteed as long as the contract is ratified.

UPS has committed in writing to raise the pension to $3,900 on Jan. 1, 2013 and to $4,000 on Aug. 1, 2017. This is for 30 & Out and 25-at-age-55. The 25 & Out will go up to $3,400 next January and $3,500 on Aug. 1, 2017.

Pension increases are technically voted on by the Pension Fund trustees. That is why, Local 804 negotiated an unprecedented written agreement that spells out the legal intent of the company negotiators and commits the UPS Pension Trustee to support the pension increases after the contract is ratified.

To be honest hoping you guys turn down the 804 supplement and watch you cry like babies when UPS takes the pension off the table.

Had enough

Well-Known Member

Yes. Local 804 won the biggest pension increases in the country with no wage diversion. These increases are guaranteed as long as the contract is ratified..

Why must the contract be ratified to get a pension increase, why cant we negotiate a better contract with a pension increase, in unity there is strength, why cant we get better. Our board is holding this Pension increase as there wild card over hour heads to pass this contract to benefit the company only. Our Eboard is selling out all the members. UPS wants this to through and our Eboard is kissing there A@@ as always.


not what i voted for

Well-Known Member

Yes. Local 804 won the biggest pension increases in the country with no wage diversion. These increases are guaranteed as long as the contract is ratified.

UPS has committed in writing to raise the pension to $3,900 on Jan. 1, 2013 and to $4,000 on Aug. 1, 2017. This is for 30 & Out and 25-at-age-55. The 25 & Out will go up to $3,400 next January and $3,500 on Aug. 1, 2017.

Pension increases are technically voted on by the Pension Fund trustees. That is why, Local 804 negotiated an unprecedented written agreement that spells out the legal intent of the company negotiators and commits the UPS Pension Trustee to support the pension increases after the contract is ratified.

To be honest hoping you guys turn down the 804 supplement and watch you cry like babies when UPS takes the pension off the table.

Are you Redmond ?
The quote is that he would recommend to the UPS trustees to agree with the increase and to reverse the charge that they as a Board took for the 2008 loses be rescinded so that they can make said improvements. More B--- S---. Why didn't Sylvester and boys have the attorney present to explain why they would have to reverse a previous decision for loses but I guess she can explain that after these clowns get thrown out someday.

if the money is there to raise the pension than why is it such a big deal. Isn't that what the trustees are supposed to do for us it is our money.

Where is the jerk that used to stand up and ask all the questions about the finances there are a lot of questions that need to be answered and we are just being told to accept the contract.
Hey Brown no answer on the $21.00 package car driver. Turn in your TDU card because TDU isn't buying this crap from UPS.


teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Anyone notice its the same five guys on here jumping up and down how bad this supplement is.Ok you five all vote no!! All the rest of us will vote it in and live happily ever after.The election is over guys you lost get over it.


Well-Known Member

The executive board is unanimously endorsing Local 804's tentative agreement to vote yes on the Local 804 supplement, based on a recommendation from the Co-Chair of the board of trustees. The Co-Chair would recommend a meeting to vote on the increases after the contract gets ratified.

Pension increases are technically voted on by the Pension Fund trustees. That is why, Local 804 negotiated an unprecedented written agreement that spells out the legal intent of the company negotiators and commits the UPS Pension Trustee to support the pension increases after the contract is ratified. Meeting was held yesterday and all * pension trustees vote yes on the increase as long as it gets ratified

Why is the company holding back $.15 cents from the one dollar per hour, per member we should have received from the international portion negotiated monies? that $.15 equals to over $5,778,240 dollars over five years!. "With that money we could eliminate medical copayments for everyone!"

Because the medical is doing so well thats why UPS wants to take back 15 cents but if it ever starts to fall to only 5 months reserve the 15 cents is put back. There is NO way in the word that 15 cents would stop you guys from paying co-pay thats an out right LIE, If it was that easy the 15 cents would have come from any raise. Why don't the people that made this site put their name on it???? because it was made by people that ran against your board who will continue to do what ever it takes to get in the hall. LIE LIE and LIE again

If the pension is truly going up to $3,900 dollars per month, why do we need part time drivers covering vacations for 6 months out of the year with no book acquisition? With the amount of members retiring, that by itself will create more opportunity for part timers to become full time package drivers and low seniority drivers will have the opportunity for summer vacations! "the Company doesn't care about drivers having vacations in the summer, all they care about is us doing more for less pay and this executive board is agreeing with them."

Because the only way to get UPS to agree to the pension increase was to give them VCD, if not there is no way any arbitrator would allow a pension increase that not 100% funded all it takes is UPS side to say its not in the best interest to have it go up, even if all the numbers point to it being strong going forward. Again people that ran against your board stirring the pot.... TOTAL BS

If part time air drivers refused to become a "VACATION COVER DRIVER," will they continue to receive driver top pay when they deliver ground? If they refused to work at a lower rate of pay, would they still have the opportunity to deliver ground?
YES because if they CAN driving a package car they will get drivers rate. PLUS now cases will go in from of an arbitrator in 3 months not 5 years to be heard.If only the package car drivers are going to have a minimum of 15% more vacations in the summer and the part timers are going to cover, does it mean the part timers are going to have fewer vacation slots in the summer?

NO because picking vacations will still stay at 10% same as they have been for years, that 10% is of the amount of members. NOTHING WILL CHANGE just more BS

Again why are the only people crying about the 804 supplement the people that ran against your board.

All this website talks about what MAY or MITE happen the risks in our pension have not change in 50 years they are the same risk that go out every year when we the members get our annual report. This site talk about losing 25 and out? Howard and the old board tired to give it away, TWICE , but Tim and this board saved it for YOU , No one knows what can happen in the world we live in. What can happen to wall street its always a risk just like in 2008 when the market took a nose dive and it affected ALL PENSIONS not just 804. Don't believe the BS from that website, 400 dollar pension increase is the most important thing for you and your family don't loss it on what MAY or MITE happen..........


Well-Known Member
Are you Redmond ?
The quote is that he would recommend to the UPS trustees to agree with the increase and to reverse the charge that they as a Board took for the 2008 loses be rescinded so that they can make said improvements. More B--- S---. Why didn't Sylvester and boys have the attorney present to explain why they would have to reverse a previous decision for loses but I guess she can explain that after these clowns get thrown out someday.

if the money is there to raise the pension than why is it such a big deal. Isn't that what the trustees are supposed to do for us it is our money.

Where is the jerk that used to stand up and ask all the questions about the finances there are a lot of questions that need to be answered and we are just being told to accept the contract.
Hey Brown no answer on the $21.00 package car driver. Turn in your TDU card because TDU isn't buying this crap from UPS.

Yes and they ALL voted YES yesterday, as long as it ratified. It doesn't matter if the money is there or not it matters if an arbitrator will OK an increase if the pension board is dead locked 4 to 4 and past pension arbitrations show that unless a pension is 100% funded not 80% arbitrators will SAY NO. Arbitrators don't care about trends or actuary reports. The reason our pension has always gone up at 80% is because the UPS trustee allowed it BUT they didn't have to. I understand your concerns but as long as both the Union and Company actuarys gave your fund the thumbs up for the future take the increase and run.


Well-Known Member
Anyone notice its the same five guys on here jumping up and down how bad this supplement is.Ok you five all vote no!! All the rest of us will vote it in and live happily ever after.The election is over guys you lost get over it.

Hey captain obvious its the same 5 guys posting. I don't see anyone else posting except for the usuals


Well-Known Member
Anyone notice its the same five guys on here jumping up and down how bad this supplement is.Ok you five all vote no!! All the rest of us will vote it in and live happily ever after.The election is over guys you lost get over it.

Hey teamster do you notice it's the same 3 guys on here trying to tell us how good it is.... Freedom of speech brother!!!! You know it well that's why you also get the liberty to run your mouth on here...

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Hey teamster do you notice it's the same 3 guys on here trying to tell us how good it is.... Freedom of speech brother!!!! You know it well that's why you also get the liberty to run your mouth on here...
You are right and I understand about posting my opinion but there are many more 804 members that read what is on this site and don't post.

I did not like not feeling like I was part of 804 and not being told the truth by Redmond.
So I voted for change, I thought what was being said would make a difference in 804 and that the members would have a voice once again.

It didn't take long for the promises to start to be broken, 24/7,supervisors working, and making UPS respect 804 members. I am not going to list all that I'm not happy with. It turned out that it is not what I voted for.

So now it's Sylvester is telling us what a great deal he got for us and to vote yes or we are not getting a pension increase (sound familiar) and it is no longer make UPS pay they have the money to it is give and take.

In my opinion it doesn't matter if it is Hoffa, Hall,Redmond,or Sylvester they all tell you what you want to hear and also how hard they work. Well let them get behind the wheel of a package car, jump into unload trailers, load 5 package cars or jump up on the sort isle and then they can say they are working hard and I will believe them. And they will remember who puts the bread on the table for UPS.

You notice that I didn't include riding around the building on the Zamboni telling everyone how bad 804 had become and how he would restore the power to the members.

I do remember a quote by a man who in my opinion was the only president 804 ever had. Is that you can't fool the members and I sure hope that is true. Now it is time for us to speak!

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Hey off routes pay thanks for clarifying that for the logical people here on this site.Whether you are on the board off the board i could care less you are giving valid information.Whether some people on here like this board or not they have negotiated a great supplement.Get over it like i said before the election is over.You trusted the last board to negotiate your past contracts.What did they really do for us think about it.Does everyone remember how our buddy's in the hall try to sell us down the river the last supplement they negotiated.We all voted it down after they jumped up and down like a cheerleader for Hoffa asking us to push it through.That got voted down and they got voted out.Its over, the members spoke Donato got beat Buelhert got beat.I dont know how you all live your life but i dont go backwards in life i go forward.This supplement is good and will pass so we can move forward.


Active Member
So we as a local are willing to give the keys to the hall for an increase in the pension. Ups has their hands around our throat for years, as long as our pension is in the red zone ups will continue to choke this local. Wake up, ups wants to keep it in the red zone so that they can control us and ultimately take control of this pension an that's the end of 804. That's what it's all about. Vote no. Save the fiture of this local


Well-Known Member
Hey off routes pay thanks for clarifying that for the logical people here on this site.Whether you are on the board off the board i could care less you are giving valid information.Whether some people on here like this board or not they have negotiated a great supplement.Get over it like i said before the election is over.You trusted the last board to negotiate your past contracts.What did they really do for us think about it.Does everyone remember how our buddy's in the hall try to sell us down the river the last supplement they negotiated.We all voted it down after they jumped up and down like a cheerleader for Hoffa asking us to push it through.That got voted down and they got voted out.Its over, the members spoke Donato got beat Buelhert got beat.I dont know how you all live your life but i dont go backwards in life i go forward.This supplement is good and will pass so we can move forward.

You keeping on bringing up the election so I think it is you that needs to move on and lets keep on the topic at hand. It is very easy to defeat someone, but very hard to win someone. So lets move off the topic you continue to side step to and address our concerns are with this local supplement.

Yes it clear we are not fans of this current executive board. As it is clear you were not fans of the past. And I'm sure you voiced your opinion when Howie and company was in office so remember as they say " keep on criticizing, insulting and judging other people. Someday, someone will do the same to you."

VOTE NO on the Local 804 Supplement!!!!!


Active Member
Tim said at the last general meeting ups thinks ten years ahead, so why, would this local not do the same. Don't sale us short. We deserve a better contract.


Well-Known Member
Tim can't think for himself, they sold you a pack of lies. I feel sorry for you young package drivers, you were sold out for 300 dollars. As for me I am voting yes, and I will take my retirement and never look back. That is if we do get that money.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
You keeping on bringing up the election so I think it is you that needs to move on and lets keep on the topic at hand. It is very easy to defeat someone, but very hard to win someone. So lets move off the topic you continue to side step to and address our concerns are with this local supplement.

Yes it clear we are not fans of this current executive board. As it is clear you were not fans of the past. And I'm sure you voiced your opinion when Howie and company was in office so remember as they say " keep on criticizing, insulting and judging other people. Someday, someone will do the same to you."

VOTE NO on the Local 804 Supplement!!!!!

I never left the topic on hand nor did i criticize,insult or judge anybody.I tell it like it is.If thats too much for some too handle sorry.This is a good supplement from a crew of guys that might not be liked by all.That does not make it a bad supplement.My point is we havent gotten nothing this good since Ron Carey god rest his soul.This is a good supplement i will be voting YES and will encourage anyone who listens to reason to do the same.If this supplement goes in the garbage be prepared to get nothing as far as the pension goes.You trusted your local in the past and got nothing for it.If some of you have a problem with this supplement or dont understand something about it pick up the phone and call the hall this is our local, Its time to trust this administration and get behind them for your good and our good as a local.As far as you commenting that it is clear that i was no fan of the past you are wrong yes i did support them, up until they tried to to shaft us with the last contract they negotiated.Obviously i wasnt the only fan that jumped ship.Thats why they are no longer there.


Active Member
I never left the topic on hand nor did i criticize,insult or judge anybody.I tell it like it is.If thats too much for some too handle sorry.This is a good supplement from a crew of guys that might not be liked by all.That does not make it a bad supplement.My point is we havent gotten nothing this good since Ron Carey god rest his soul.This is a good supplement i will be voting YES and will encourage anyone who listens to reason to do the same.If this supplement goes in the garbage be prepared to get nothing as far as the pension goes.You trusted your local in the past and got nothing for it.If some of you have a problem with this supplement or dont understand something about it pick up the phone and call the hall this is our local, Its time to trust this administration and get behind them for your good and our good as a local.As far as you commenting that it is clear that i was no fan of the past you are wrong yes i did support them, up until they tried to to shaft us with the last contract they negotiated.Obviously i wasnt the only fan that jumped ship.Thats why they are no longer there.


Active Member
Hey teamster 804, if your a real teamster don't just vote yes for a pension increase, cause you or the next guy wants to take the money and run. Then your only thinking for your self. Then that's the wrong reason to vote yes. Think about the future of this local. We deserve better. And yes we need a pension increase, but at what cost...we are giving up way to much. Forget the politics. Election are over, long over, Tim and co. Won far an square. But if we vote this contract in, Then we are all done! And this local will be over......just what ups wants in two contracts from now, is to gain control of the pension!!!!!! I urge you to reconsider your vote and if you have good intentions you will think about the betterment of all members an future members.......that's what it's about. The local!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just remember that there are junior drivers watching what you, the 8% "members with 25 to 30 year of service" of this local will do! You, the 8%, are going to benefit with $300 more in your pocket monthly if this monstrosity of tentative agreement gets ratified. "Alleged signed agreement" letter, far from it, read it again its only a proposal. The document doesn't even have a company letterhead.
Just know that our pension is guaranteed for only 10 years! So, me and my generation, in 10 or 15 years from now, should stop paying for your retirement. from now on we are going to be the ones in the union hall making the decisions in what to do about our pension and I guess we will be looking back at this time in our locals history! It would only be fair that since you sold us out now we could than just make the decision of not paying you after your 10 year is done, so we can collect ours

Think! VOTE NO!