Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Active Member
Hey tim! Hypothetically speaking, if this supplement is ratified, is it not so? That ten years from now( when your long gone and we are left cleaning your mess)there will be more part-timers doing more full-time work with less full- time pkg jobs, less wages, and possibly less contributions into the pension fund. this is exactly what ups wants!!!! First p/t doing our work for less wages! Then no pension contribution, giving up election day, giving back $0.15 totaling ($18 million),b/a siding the faith of a member job a long ups. This tdu grievance panel is a death sentence, ultimately taking control of our pension, mission accomplished!!!!!!! All in 3.6 months on your watch,,,,,,,, no thanks!!!!! I urge all to vote no!!!!!


Well-Known Member
These guys are morons and so are you. You are to stupid you know you we're sold a bunch of B/S. so as for me , suffer, you and your roll B knuckles head could join the other 1000 members that are looking for a job. LOL


Well-Known Member
We are concerned about this contract! Big Anthony is telling everyone to vote yes for the supplement but vote down the national.


Well-Known Member
Wow, so much nonsense on here. It is amazing how cynical some in our local have become. Members are so used to our leaders lying to us or not caring about our needs that we become blind when our E/B delivers for us on a strong contract and actually tells us the truth!!I guess it is expected for some to be cynical and untrusting of the new guys. I mean after years of redmond and co lying to us and not caring about our needs and basically out of touch with the membership, I guess we all stopped trusting our leaders and ASSUMED THE WORST...and our cynacism grew. We had ron carey for decades standing tall, taking on brown and telling us the truth. Well, the guys in charge now are Ron's legacy. Remember they took a 35K salary cut to do this job. We gave them the responsiblity to turn things around. In return in a short 3 and 1/2 years they stopped the H/W funds from bleeding, used the extra savings to hire more BAs, ended go along to get along and backroom deals and delivered a strong supplement.

Unlike past supplements under redmond, buhlert and donato which only gave concessions, this new supplement gets us some good stuff. THIS IS NOT A SUPPLEMENT TO VOTE DOWN!! This is not a contract full of concessions like before. This supplement gets us a well-deserved pension increase (without touching our raises too!!), at least 100 new Full time jobs, an improved grievance procedure which weakens management's hand, more summer vacation for the younger guys, etc. Remember redmond's last supplement they negotiated?? Remember the 25 and out and coffee gone for new hires?? Remember the old language that NEVER got fixed that left clerks being cut to 4.5 hrs when lay offs occurred??

Tim S and Liam Russertt and the rest of them knew UPS had the $$ to increase our pensions. They fought to make sure it was part of this supplement. They had well informed people like Liam and Chris Williamson, both experts in drivers and inside issues as well as the rank and file people who were able to rebut on the spot all the nonsense ups spewed at the negotiating table. They werent old guard out of touch union officials making backroom deals with our futures! This was hard working union officials DOING THERE JOBS WE HIRED THEM TO DO!!

But to the SKY IS FALLING crew, this is not enough. They are so pissed at Tim for succeeding. For fulfilling their bargain of producing a strong supplement!! We re-elected them and they delivered big time. Yet the old guard few were hoping and banking on a weak concessionary supplement so they could run around and say: I told you so and begin to run against them in 2015!! Well that scenario didnt happen did it. Our board came through. It was their first major contract and THEY NAILED IT!! We told them in person and in those long surveys what we wanted: increase our pensions, more FT jobs, stop the harassment and higher part time wages. Our local delivered some of that and the national addressed some.

Still there are some who will never be happy. They are the ones who always complain yet never fill out a grievance form (probably wouldnt know what one looks like) or attend a General Membership Meeting. But reasonable people will vote YES on the supplement and NO on the national. They know that our E/B worked their asses off on this supplement: the long hours, the travelling, the endless research and contact with other locals , the offers, the counter offers, debating if they accept X it might turn into Y. Reasonable members know that Hoffa is a sell out. We assume that in Local 804. Yet we will vote NO on the national contract and hope that the rest of the country follows suit.
But what we got here in local 804 is a WIN!! Reasonable members are not greedy. Turning down this supplement would be a mindless and senseless action. It would mean the OLD GUARD HAD WON!! (They only want to see our board look weak and defeated...nothing else!!) So be smart, be reasonable. Vote YES on the Local 804 supplement and NO on the NMA!!


Well-Known Member
804brown, You are sneaky, coward and a funny! Just like Tim S., Pete M. and the rest of this eboard!
Why going behind the scenes to do your dirty work? MAN UP!

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Well-Known Member
Fyi, look at 804brown postings, times and different forums!
Now tell us that you are one of us? How much does Tim S pays you to sell his bs!
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Well-Known Member
Hey tim! Hypothetically speaking, if this supplement is ratified, is it not so? That ten years from now( when your long gone and we are left cleaning your mess)there will be more part-timers doing more full-time work with less full- time pkg jobs, less wages, and possibly less contributions into the pension fund. this is exactly what ups wants!!!! First p/t doing our work for less wages! Then no pension contribution, giving up election day, giving back $0.15 totaling ($18 million),b/a siding the faith of a member job a long ups. This tdu grievance panel is a death sentence, ultimately taking control of our pension, mission accomplished!!!!!!! All in 3.6 months on your watch,,,,,,,, no thanks!!!!! I urge all to vote no!!!!!

Ten years from now??? You have NO idea what will happen in 10 years.

Its very easy VOTE NO, if the supplement is turned down then ups will take the pension off the table and the international will say its a fair supplement and force 804 to take it with NO AGREED PENSION INCREASE.......

You guys have all the answers......

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Ten years from now??? You have NO idea what will happen in 10 years.

Its very easy VOTE NO, if the supplement is turned down then ups will take the pension off the table and the international will say its a fair supplement and force 804 to take it with NO AGREED PENSION INCREASE.......

You guys have all the answers......
You are a real wussy You must have been one of those pukes that was afraid to be on the street in 97. Send them back to the table like last contract get rid of the $21.00 package driver get the coffee back for the members that don't get it get the .15 back.

Stand up don't be fooled


Well-Known Member
Not at all I was in the street a lot of times but remember we had Carey in 97 now it's Hoffa that hates our Local. The international has every right to step in and pass a locals supplement if THEY feel it's fair. You guys have to pray the national gets turned down because if that passes and the supplement doesn't you guys are screw@d.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Not at all I was in the street a lot of times but remember we had Carey in 97 now it's Hoffa that hates our Local. The international has every right to step in and pass a locals supplement if THEY feel it's fair. You guys have to pray the national gets turned down because if that passes and the supplement doesn't you guys are screw@d.


not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Not at all I was in the street a lot of times but remember we had Carey in 97 now it's Hoffa that hates our Local. The international has every right to step in and pass a locals supplement if THEY feel it's fair. You guys have to pray the national gets turned down because if that passes and the supplement doesn't you guys are screw@d.
You said you were in the street a lot of times, well you tell me that Carey would agree to or recommend a $21.00 package driver, let UPS keep $.15 of 804 money and be scared to turn down this crap. Remember last best and final offer! You are as much of a fraud as the executive board.


Well-Known Member
You said you were in the street a lot of times, well you tell me that Carey would agree to or recommend a $21.00 package driver, let UPS keep $.15 of 804 money and be scared to turn down this crap. Remember last best and final offer! You are as much of a fraud as the executive board.

Stop with the BS of what Carey would have done at one time part timers and full timers made the same rate of pay an hour, ask Carey what happen to that...
You call me a fraud you live in fantasy land, last best and final offer was the national. You and all the other trolls saying vote no but have no idea what can happen if you do. You say stuff like ' make them go back to the table' ' fight for more' 804 supplement is better then any other supplement in the country without the pension increase. You think for one second Hoffa won't tell us to pound salt? He only cares about making ups happy and getting the contract out for a vote. unfortunately this was the supplement that was agreed to and 804 only got the pension increase because ups wanted to settle early. So again if the national passes NO ONE in Washington or Atlanta will give a sh/t about 804.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Stop with the BS of what Carey would have done at one time part timers and full timers made the same rate of pay an hour, ask Carey what happen to that...
You call me a fraud you live in fantasy land, last best and final offer was the national. You and all the other trolls saying vote no but have no idea what can happen if you do. You say stuff like ' make them go back to the table' ' fight for more' 804 supplement is better then any other supplement in the country without the pension increase. You think for one second Hoffa won't tell us to pound salt? He only cares about making ups happy and getting the contract out for a vote. unfortunately this was the supplement that was agreed to and 804 only got the pension increase because ups wanted to settle early. So again if the national passes NO ONE in Washington or Atlanta will give a sh/t about 804.
The National Agreement is what Happened to the rate of pay, they sold out the Part Timers. Long before he was General President. Tell me beside 97 when a National didn't pass When McCarthy was president he told members to turn it down and it still passed.
You have a selective memory Sylvester and the boys were bragging how they forced Redmond back to the table and saved the 25 and out. Now maybe we can force them back to get rid of the $21.00 an hour package driver ($11.00 difference)
I don't think the National Agreement has passed in 804 since Carey.


Well-Known Member
The National Agreement is what Happened to the rate of pay, they sold out the Part Timers. Long before he was General President. Tell me beside 97 when a National didn't pass When McCarthy was president he told members to turn it down and it still passed.
You have a selective memory Sylvester and the boys were bragging how they forced Redmond back to the table and saved the 25 and out. Now maybe we can force them back to get rid of the $21.00 an hour package driver ($11.00 difference)
I don't think the National Agreement has passed in 804 since Carey.
Any driver off the street would be getting alot less than $21/hr. Again, this is a way to get us more summer vacations as well as allow for more FT opportunities. Its kinda simple. Numerous other locals use a similar system. Ask them if they call it "part time drivers" or if they dont get any OT!!
Yes sylvester and his crew forced redmond back to the table, etc but they did it with a huge NO campaign against a total concessionary contract. You might not like just one part of this contract but it certainly is not concessionary and worthy of rejection. Just admit defeat and move on!!


Well-Known Member
Other locals use vcd drivers but there is also a 7-10 yr wait to go full time. All this is going to do is let ups not hire any more full time drivers. Who is going to contribute to the pension plan when everyone is PT?


Well-Known Member
The National Agreement is what Happened to the rate of pay, they sold out the Part Timers. Long before he was General President. Tell me beside 97 when a National didn't pass When McCarthy was president he told members to turn it down and it still passed.
You have a selective memory Sylvester and the boys were bragging how they forced Redmond back to the table and saved the 25 and out. Now maybe we can force them back to get rid of the $21.00 an hour package driver ($11.00 difference)
I don't think the National Agreement has passed in 804 since Carey.

Nice post, but there is that word MAYBE, it's a huge chance to take, don't think it's worth it for you guys.


Well-Known Member
Other locals use vcd drivers but there is also a 7-10 yr wait to go full time. All this is going to do is let ups not hire any more full time drivers. Who is going to contribute to the pension plan when everyone is PT?

Hundreds of drivers go home every day passing up a chance to work. They can only work when drivers are on vacation, no way that everyone will be p/t. Drivers on vacation contribute to the pension. Stop crying.


Well-Known Member
Off routes!! Yes drivers that are on vacation get a 40 hour credit? So what! Shouldn't some one who does same job get equal pay and benefits!!! Also how many VCD can we have working?? Isn't it as many drivers that will be off during week! Tentative states only a minimum! Not a max and the number is 15% so trouble will be brewing.


Well-Known Member
So off routes! It seems like your saying is VCD are less than drivers! And they have 1/4 of a full time job opportunity yearly!! Just cover my vacations during the summer and take the work I don't want during peak! But don't take my tips! I'm full time!!!. May you should switch pay with him while your on vacation? Since hehe or she is sweating there butts for to convenience YOU.
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