Why are you row B members complaining about this contract, it's what you wanted. You were sold a bunch of lies by Tim S, Pete M, Jim R, Niel O, and the rest of the board. You bought it, now it's to late. We don't have a union anymore. TDU needed this local only when it comes to the IBT elections. This board was used and members lost. If you look at the LM2 files we lost over 1000 members since this E/B has been in office. Make no mistake, over one thousand members. Our Heath benefits are in shambles, most members are in collection. Been to your doctor lately, bring plenty of cash with you,you'll need it. They tell us they save the H/W fund, no they did not, they gave UPS what they wanted members paying more out of pocket something Ron C and Howie R wouldn't give them. In the 1970s we had blue cross B/S. Ron C switched overs to Magnacare, the Cadillac plan. Now it's a savings account just what UPS wanted. Part times got screwed with there health plan, a thousand dollar deductible before the plan kicks in, and they are responsible in any surgery for the first two thousand dollars. Tim S and Jim R told you at the meeting that they had nothing to do with that,it was Hoffa Hall that screwed you. But Tim S and Jim R voted for it, they told Hoffa it was a great plan.