Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Why are you row B members complaining about this contract, it's what you wanted. You were sold a bunch of lies by Tim S, Pete M, Jim R, Niel O, and the rest of the board. You bought it, now it's to late. We don't have a union anymore. TDU needed this local only when it comes to the IBT elections. This board was used and members lost. If you look at the LM2 files we lost over 1000 members since this E/B has been in office. Make no mistake, over one thousand members. Our Heath benefits are in shambles, most members are in collection. Been to your doctor lately, bring plenty of cash with you,you'll need it. They tell us they save the H/W fund, no they did not, they gave UPS what they wanted members paying more out of pocket something Ron C and Howie R wouldn't give them. In the 1970s we had blue cross B/S. Ron C switched overs to Magnacare, the Cadillac plan. Now it's a savings account just what UPS wanted. Part times got screwed with there health plan, a thousand dollar deductible before the plan kicks in, and they are responsible in any surgery for the first two thousand dollars. Tim S and Jim R told you at the meeting that they had nothing to do with that,it was Hoffa Hall that screwed you. But Tim S and Jim R voted for it, they told Hoffa it was a great plan.


Well-Known Member
Why are you row B members complaining about this contract, it's what you wanted. You were sold a bunch of lies by Tim S, Pete M, Jim R, Niel O, and the rest of the board. You bought it, now it's to late. We don't have a union anymore. TDU needed this local only when it comes to the IBT elections. This board was used and members lost. If you look at the LM2 files we lost over 1000 members since this E/B has been in office. Make no mistake, over one thousand members. Our Heath benefits are in shambles, most members are in collection. Been to your doctor lately, bring plenty of cash with you,you'll need it. They tell us they save the H/W fund, no they did not, they gave UPS what they wanted members paying more out of pocket something Ron C and Howie R wouldn't give them. In the 1970s we had blue cross B/S. Ron C switched overs to Magnacare, the Cadillac plan. Now it's a savings account just what UPS wanted. Part times got screwed with there health plan, a thousand dollar deductible before the plan kicks in, and they are responsible in any surgery for the first two thousand dollars. Tim S and Jim R told you at the meeting that they had nothing to do with that,it was Hoffa Hall that screwed you. But Tim S and Jim R voted for it, they told Hoffa it was a great plan.
Not many facts here, but what can one expect from Donato supporters. CS H&W Enhanced plan is a $50 deductible, not $1000. Max out of pocket is $1000. And no one pays a penny if one doesn't seek service, which is the historic case in UPS PT world.


Well-Known Member
Since when does 804 give its people away? We won't take them in our healthcare! But we would love to control there pension? You talk out your rear blowhole! Seems like a pattern of treating part timers like 2nd class citizens. You keep running after that bone, its gonna lead you down a dark alley. Ups would live nothing more than part time america!


Well-Known Member
Since when does 804 give its people away? We won't take them in our healthcare! But we would love to control there pension? You talk out your rear blowhole! Seems like a pattern of treating part timers like 2nd class citizens. You keep running after that bone, its gonna lead you down a dark alley. Ups would live nothing more than part time america!
L804 didn't "give" any pt away. Get your facts straight. UPS and the IBT negotiated ALL pt's into the CS plan. The west and L177 get a few months to try to find better and they won't. L804 petitioned Hall for the same opportunity (to move them into L804 H&W) but wore the wrong vests in Vegas and politics took over. Here's a clue Tony supporter, the PT's will have no problem in the CS plan as it's nearly identical to what they already have.
You won't get any more support from this change in your next failed attempt to get in union office because L804 members win with Tim!


Well-Known Member
Since when does 804 give its people away? We won't take them in our healthcare! But we would love to control there pension? You talk out your rear blowhole! Seems like a pattern of treating part timers like 2nd class citizens. You keep running after that bone, its gonna lead you down a dark alley. Ups would live nothing more than part time america!
L804 didn't "give" any pt away. Get your facts straight. UPS and the IBT negotiated ALL pt's into the CS plan. The west and L177 get a few months to try to find better and they won't. L804 petitioned Hall for the same opportunity (to move them into L804 H&W) but wore the wrong vests in Vegas and politics took over. Here's a clue Tony supporter, the PT's will have no problem in the CS plan as it's nearly identical to what they already have.
You won't get any more support from this change in your next failed attempt to get in union office because L804 members win with Tim!

Win with Tim!!! Very catchy... Is that the next shirt...


Well-Known Member
Remember in the game..... United we stand divided we beg!!!! I think that's right out of "win with Tim's mouth".... Maybe if they wore the "right" vests in Las Vegas all of our members would of been done right by. After all FT/PT MEMBERS TOGETHER!!!


Well-Known Member
Dumb! Dumb! You didn't take them! Hoffa gains nothing bye taking part timers like us! Should have went into our healthcare! Not even gonna read the rest of your post!


Well-Known Member
Why are you row B members complaining about this contract, it's what you wanted. You were sold a bunch of lies by Tim S, Pete M, Jim R, Niel O, and the rest of the board. You bought it, now it's to late. We don't have a union anymore. TDU needed this local only when it comes to the IBT elections. This board was used and members lost. If you look at the LM2 files we lost over 1000 members since this E/B has been in office. Make no mistake, over one thousand members. Our Heath benefits are in shambles, most members are in collection. Been to your doctor lately, bring plenty of cash with you,you'll need it. They tell us they save the H/W fund, no they did not, they gave UPS what they wanted members paying more out of pocket something Ron C and Howie R wouldn't give them. In the 1970s we had blue cross B/S. Ron C switched overs to Magnacare, the Cadillac plan. Now it's a savings account just what UPS wanted. Part times got screwed with there health plan, a thousand dollar deductible before the plan kicks in, and they are responsible in any surgery for the first two thousand dollars. Tim S and Jim R told you at the meeting that they had nothing to do with that,it was Hoffa Hall that screwed you. But Tim S and Jim R voted for it, they told Hoffa it was a great plan.
The sky is falling!! Health fund was heading into deficit but the board took us out of magnacare (it was not a cadillac plan by the way...a matter of fact it sucked).Now our funds have 5 months of reserves and the 10% yearly increases on retirees is gone!! "We dont have a union anymore!" LOL,the sky is falling!!If certain members are in collections might be because they went outside THE PLAN. Maybe if they went to a few union meetings or read their mailings from the union, they would know to stay in the plan and wouldnt have these bills. These days when we need a doctor or a service the wife calls the health fund people (the website is horrible) and they send us to the right doctors.
As for the part timers, i think even you would know that hoffa and hall negotiates for the parttimers health care. Why would you say that tim and jom VOTED for anything!! There was no vote. All the local heads were in a room and asked who was for and against. Many local heads ABSTAINED. ALso a lie: "they told hoffa it was a great plan". That is fiction. Stop lying to the part timers, they already know hoffa is responsible for their plight. A matter of fact tim has said he would like to get them into our funds.


Well-Known Member
804 brown...the reason the medical fund has reserves is because they don't pay the medical bills....the fund doesn't pay for emergency surgery in a life or death situation...apparently if an anesthesiologist is out of network while u or family member is having emergency surgery they wont cover it...ask the hundreds...,yes hundreds of our Union brothers and sisters who have outstanding medical bills that are in collections...or didn't u listen to 3 or 4 comments directed to our board at our last meeting...and yes I voted for this slate...shame on me


Well-Known Member
804brown, you are a funny. please tell us what type of medical coverage does Tim s. gives you since you are not a 804 union member? I been tracking you down sir, you participate on hundreds of forums on brown cafe and you seen to know everything about every local TDU supports. No one listens to what you have to say,


Well-Known Member
804brown, you are a funny. please tell us what type of medical coverage does Tim s. gives you since you are not a 804 union member? I been tracking you down sir, you participate on hundreds of forums on brown cafe and you seen to know everything about every local TDU supports. No one listens to what you have to say,

What would make you think i am not a member of local 804?? Because I participate in other threads?? Because I like to engage in politics and union issues?? Is that all you got?? LOL, you're a joke. WHy are you so obsessed with who I am?? I probably do the same thing you do only I dont post on here during work hours.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
What would make you think i am not a member of local 804?? Because I participate in other threads?? Because I like to engage in politics and union issues?? Is that all you got?? LOL, you're a joke. WHy are you so obsessed with who I am?? I probably do the same thing you do only I dont post on here during work hours.
How about a $21.00 an hour Vacation Package Car Driver do you think that is a Union issue creating two wages for the same work. Don't you believe that the part timers deserve the same wage for the same work. Maybe you should ask the Queen Pope if she agrees with that.That thinking is how part timers wound up making $8.00 for the same work!


Well-Known Member
Thought I told you your reign of bs was over!

So when the L804 Rider passes are you finally going to STFU? I mean how many times do you need to eat Donato poop before you decide it isn't so tasty?

Speaking of eating. Your test results came in and as suspected the stuff pumped from your stomach was Tim's load. It must of been as you say "tasty" because they had to pump so much out it filled a 2liter bottle up. But beware the bills will now pile up because that emergency room visit is gonna cost you.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of eating. Your test results came in and as suspected the stuff pumped from your stomach was Tim's load. It must of been as you say "tasty" because they had to pump so much out it filled a 2liter bottle up. But beware the bills will now pile up because that emergency room visit is gonna cost you.
Another in your long list of meaningless posts...


Well-Known Member
Speaking of eating. Your test results came in and as suspected the stuff pumped from your stomach was Tim's load. It must of been as you say "tasty" because they had to pump so much out it filled a 2liter bottle up. But beware the bills will now pile up because that emergency room visit is gonna cost you.
Another in your long list of meaningless posts...

Oh that's right yours are so informative


Well-Known Member
Ask yourself the same question if it doesn't pass! Female cow!!! I think that's your new name since you continue to eat, Sleep and talk Bull SH!!!


Well-Known Member
Boys and girls, by girls I mean row b'ers. Boss hog and his side kick,boss hog want a be, both voted for the UPS master, both said it was a good contract, both gave Hoffa / Hall their blessings. But they lied to the membership and told us they had nothing to do with the master agreement. Shame on them!
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Well-Known Member
My condolences to local 804, it died 3 1/2 years ago. It was murdered by crying Ryan from the Huntington center printing all lies so that he could get his buddies from TDU to control our beloved local. It was sad, they started by letting UPS take control of our medical, doubled seven co-pays $20.00 a pop. Hundreds of members on collection. Over One thousand members walk off the job. They used the P/T members to get elected then stabbed them in the back by giving them the highest medical in UPS history, yes folks they voted for this heart ache placed among our members, they also helped UPS give the highest medical in UPS history to our retired, yes they will grand stand and say we stopped the 10% yearly increases, after our beloved retires medical went from $175.00 a month to over $500.00. It is sad they are not done yet, what else will these villains do.?