Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Boys and girls, by girls I mean row b'ers. Boss hog and his side kick,boss hog want a be, both voted for the UPS master, both said it was a good contract, both gave Hoffa / Hall their blessings. But they lied to the membership and told us they had nothing to do with the master agreement. Shame on them!

Sylvester - Reynolds and Management Team Up to Sell Contract, sell out part - timers and vote with Hoffa - Hall to accept this contract.



Well-Known Member
fellow package drivers...start reducing your bills. Between the vacation drivers and helpers we will be on 8 hours very soon!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
As usual you done know what your talking about. Let Tim S wash his own balls he is a big boy he may not see them, but that why Liam R is their.


Well-Known Member
My condolences to local 804, it died 3 1/2 years ago. It was murdered by crying Ryan from the Huntington center printing all lies so that he could get his buddies from TDU to control our beloved local. It was sad, they started by letting UPS take control of our medical, doubled seven co-pays $20.00 a pop. Hundreds of members on collection. Over One thousand members walk off the job. They used the P/T members to get elected then stabbed them in the back by giving them the highest medical in UPS history, yes folks they voted for this heart ache placed among our members, they also helped UPS give the highest medical in UPS history to our retired, yes they will grand stand and say we stopped the 10% yearly increases, after our beloved retires medical went from $175.00 a month to over $500.00. It is sad they are not done yet, what else will these villains do.?
Actually Local 804 was on life support 3 1/2 years ago. Redmond and his wrecking crew allowed the Health and Welfare Funds to shrink to almost nothing. Years of neglect and incompetence as well as diverting money from it to secretly "help" the pension fund created a desparate situation when the new board took over. The trustees stated in feb 2010 that if nothing was done to the H/W fund, it would be in the red by June 2011!! Our new board made tough decisions and showed real leadership by making the changes they did. IT SAVED OUR FUNDS. Yes copays went up. And retirees monthly bill went up but in truth they should have gone up years ago slowly over time. Instead the old crew ignored the problems and concentrated on getting re-elected
For your information, our medical is STILL run by both the union and the company. If a few members are "in collection", then they probably didnt stay in the plan or they need to resubmit it to their BA.
You constantly speak about these un named "1000 members walked off" but that is a lie. Members have continued to be fired like they were under redmond and his crew but not even close to 1000 members. Dont forget now EVERY building has telematics, etc. LM2s can be deceiving. They dont take under consideration the fact that UPS did not hire any FTers for the several years, the constant revolving door of PTers, the members who are not on the payrole yet not counted by the union due to miscommunication between management and the hall (hence they do not pay dues either), etc.
Finally, tim and jim did not vote for hoffa's national contract nor did they have anything to do with negotiating it. Tim and co had NOTHING to do with the part timers having to change their medical plans or their raises. A matter of fact more part timers will become FULL TIME under this new local supplement due to tim and his crew. So stop the historical revisionism!!


Well-Known Member
Mr.? You bring up a Great point! HEALTH CARE!!! Where is it! Really!!! That's for sure previous boards used it up on the MEMBERS and there FAMILIES!!! Now! We have members fighting with collections agencies and the hall over bills! The company gives the union over $1200.00 a month per full time employee each month. What is saving it going to do? Take care of us and our families before ups takes another .15 from us!


Well-Known Member
To prevent the attempt to make my post political which 804 brown and in the game will! Keeping Members First will always win public opinion. Do right bye all! Not just your followers.


Well-Known Member
804 brown and in the game!! Explain to us how the $1200.00 plus dollars per member per month on a full time driver doesn't get members better plan! Heavy co pays! explain the 5 plus million on administrations fees Please explain!


Well-Known Member
804 brown and in the game!! Explain to us how the $1200.00 plus dollars per member per month on a full time driver doesn't get members better plan! Heavy co pays! explain the 5 plus million on administrations fees Please explain!
A summary of Local 804's H&W expenses are sent to you on an annual basis. (It's that letter you throw away because you have no understanding of anything in it.) A more detailed explanation of administration fees is also available at the Fund office. Specific questions should be directed to a Fund Trustee or the Plan Administrator (I'm neither), BUT since you've rejoined us on earth after what was a long trip in space I'll give you a few tips. H&W costs have skyrocketed in the last twenty years only easing recently with the implementation of the ACA. If indeed your contribution is only $1200 per month (most Teamster plans are more than $1500 monthly), you're getting more insurance per dollar than most. Take your SPD and see if you can individually purchase a better plan at that price. When the insurance agent quits laughing AT you, not with you, maybe you'll begin to understand (doubtful). Lucky for you, you're in a non-profit Taft Hartley fund that returns all contributed dollars, minus administration costs, to the participants. And even more fortunate you now have responsible leaders making sure that plan is solvent for years to come. Preventing the funds from falling into insolvency IS keeping Members first.


Well-Known Member
804 brown states!!

You constantly speak about these un named "1000 members walked off" but that is a lie. Members have continued to be fired like they were under redmond and his crew but not even close to 1000 members. Dont forget now EVERY building has telematics, etc. LM2s can be deceiving!

Ok great! One possible two people in hall fills out LM2! Sectary Treasurer and book keeper/ account. So blame them for supplying Government with incorrect information for 3 years straight. Otherwise it's know to be fact!! If false and you know it is why don't you change it or as government terms! Revise!!!!!


Well-Known Member
did TS ever apologize to member in person for telling him to shut up during last GM meeting! If TS is telling people to shut up! We can tell him to stop eating. I bet his claims on healthcare get paid.


Well-Known Member
So then our executive board isn't getting anywhere near top dollar compared to the rest of the locals out there? Still no comment on administrations fees! Continue to under estimate! Love it! Why 5 million dollars!! Shouldn't that go to members!!! School us again!! Seems like your taking in same money just sticking cost to members


Well-Known Member
As far as another plan laughing at us about cost! Magnacare !!!!! I really like the idea of taking my 1200.00 out and finding my own insurance? The members should decide not you! Some prick who assumes he's a hot POS!


Well-Known Member
As far as another plan laughing at us about cost! Magnacare !!!!! I really like the idea of taking my 1200.00 out and finding my own insurance? The members should decide not you! Some prick who assumes he's a hot POS!

So have you asked an independent insurance agent what $1200 a month can buy? I didn't think so. I'm not the one deciding who provides H&W, the members decided when the RE-ELECTED Tim and Co.


Well-Known Member
Yes I have! And the plan that TS put in place when he took office cost less than $900 per member! So, you sweetheart do the numbers, about $300 extra per member per month and you will come up with the 5 months in reserved. Keep stigmatizing local804 members as dump and uninformed!


Well-Known Member
Liam R. and this supplemental! i like that TS can't been do that task, anyway Liam yeah great negotiator!? So good that his wife left him and kids don't even talk to him, he can even take care of his family and some how TS expect him to take care of us!! What a joke!!


Well-Known Member
One I have not! And I'm sure your not crazy about our plan too! But you will fall in line like a zombie and agree with the bs! Still wanting YOU to clarify those 5 million dollars in administration fees that we the members are to dumb to understand and through out in the trash! You know! You sound like off spring of TS.


Well-Known Member
Liam R. and this supplemental! i like that TS can't been do that task, anyway Liam yeah great negotiator!? So good that his wife left him and kids don't even talk to him, he can even take care of his family and some how TS expect him to take care of us!! What a joke!!

Bigd you are nothing more then garbage, the supplement is going to pass easy, get over it go away you will never be in the hall.


Whether you agree with or disagree with or like or dislike Liam making comments about his family life is wrong. What happens at home in your private life is just that, private, it has nothing to do with how a person does or doesn't do their job.