Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Tim S was the one who took our local to the lowest point 4 years ago with his ambition of getting into the union hall at any cost, so until Tim S. and his gang act appropriately to the position they hold I don't want to hear anyone crying mercy now!


Well-Known Member
804brown, off routes and in the game. It's clear we're not gonna agree. But can you guys be men. We should all be able to take criticism. I've never seen a bigger bunch of babies when it comes to being criticized. If its not your way you run and report posts to a moderator. Remind me to make sure your on our side during the next war. NOT!!! You'll hide in the back of the trenches crying for your momma. Remember you can't get a medal hiding in a foxhole!!!!! So take the criticism like men and stop being cowards. And can someone please ask Mark Holmes to stay awake at the next union meeting. I mean very embarrassing for him to have the members watch him sleep while up on the stage.
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Well-Known Member
804brown, off routes and in the game. It's clear we're not gonna agree. But can you guys be men. We should all be able to take criticism. I've never seen a bigger bunch of babies when it comes to being criticized. If its not your way you run and report posts to a moderator. Remind me to make sure your on our side during the next war. NOT!!! You'll hide in the back of the trenches crying for your momma. Remember you can't get a medal hiding in a foxhole!!!!! So take the criticism like men and stop being cowards. And can someone please ask Mark Holmes to stay awake at the next union meeting. I mean very embarrassing for him to have the members watch him sleep while up on the stage.
Even when you're trying hard to be clever you fail. FYI junior, I've never neg repped or reported a post to anyone. It's much more fun reading your weak replies.


Well-Known Member
Their you go again telling the same lies, members are not going to believe them anymore. Hoffa sent out a flier telling all members how there locals voted and their it was, Tim S and Jim R names voting yes. But they lied to us all and said they didn't. Those fliers will be posted in Suffolk, Melville , and Nassau today, go look at it, have someone read it to you. Oh and I see from your lies that you posted the LM2 are deceiving, I guess you looked it up and saw one thousand members short,lol Tim S had to file that with his fat Little fingers. Next time your sitting on his lap ask him to tell you the story have he screwed the retires and the friend/T and the P/T members by giving them the worst medical in local 804 history. The worst representation in local 804 history. Oh and ask the over one thousand fired what they think.


Well-Known Member
804brown, off routes and in the game. It's clear we're not gonna agree. But can you guys be men. We should all be able to take criticism. I've never seen a bigger bunch of babies when it comes to being criticized. If its not your way you run and report posts to a moderator. Remind me to make sure your on our side during the next war. NOT!!! You'll hide in the back of the trenches crying for your momma. Remember you can't get a medal hiding in a foxhole!!!!! So take the criticism like men and stop being cowards. And can someone please ask Mark Holmes to stay awake at the next union meeting. I mean very embarrassing for him to have the members watch him sleep while up on the stage.
Even when you're trying hard to be clever you fail. FYI junior, I've never neg repped or reported a post to anyone. It's much more fun reading your weak replies.

The only thing weak is this local and thats thanks to guys like you and TS. Your 3 for $100 karako suits clearly don't make you a man


Well-Known Member
Liam R. and this supplemental! i like that TS can't been do that task, anyway Liam yeah great negotiator!? So good that his wife left him and kids don't even talk to him, he can even take care of his family and some how TS expect him to take care of us!! What a joke!!
Liam has been married for about 2 years now and they have no children. "Bigd", you are pond scum!!


Well-Known Member
Whether you agree with or disagree with or like or dislike Liam making comments about his family life is wrong. What happens at home in your private life is just that, private, it has nothing to do with how a person does or doesn't do their job.

Absolutely. These lowlifes come on here anonymously and post lies and personal attacks!! They have no clue about how hard our board worked to get this supplement done. They have no clue officials like Liam work from 7 in the morning til 10 at night. They spread lies saying that tim and jim "voted" for Hoffa's contract. They actually believe a politican like hoffa who sent out flyers with all the names of the union officials who ATTENDED and spun it as though they actually VOTED for the TA. Fact is we heard it at our union meeting a few weeks ago. Our board stated: WE DO NOT ENDORSE THIS NATIONAL CONTRACT!!


Well-Known Member
Liam has been married for about 2 years now and they have no children. "Bigd", you are pond scum!!
I think you're denigrating pond scum by putting "Bigd" in their company. Liam R is one of the brightest lights in the Teamster nation, and L804 is fortunate to have him, thanks to the foresight of the real leader Tim S.


Well-Known Member
Your entitled to your own opinion? Like everyone else here posting but to say Liam Is the man? Didn't he get fired for an ojs! Ya I know Donato did it! Okay! So that means everyone else who lost there job a BA did that too! So! With that theory, there's a lot of blood on boards members hands too! Due to arbitrations.


Well-Known Member
Stop trying to preach like Ted baker! It sounds very similar to current board members stating previous board endorsed contract! Difference is they knew if they went against Hoffa it would cause major problems for members! Current board didn't care! Just wanted to show that you had balls. Bye showing them! Did it help our local one bit? If you played ball maybe you would have been invited and helped the country out on the national. I see you guys have a true problem with being judged! Comes with the job!!


Well-Known Member
I think you're denigrating pond scum by putting "Bigd" in their company. Liam R is one of the brightest lights in the Teamster nation, and L804 is fortunate to have him, thanks to the foresight of the real leader Tim S.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I have heard it all now !!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Talking about Liam, we all know it was donato who took him to an arbitrator but at least he worked until the day of his arbitration! If it weren't for Liam's display of arrogance at the arbitration hearing, he would still have a job! UPS has been walking members out for noncardinal infractions for 3 1/2 years!

Now this Eboard is selling Liam like a messiah Lols, even to the point that a few BA's are floating the idea of Liam being put as president when Tim & Pete retire lmao!! That would make him an illegitimate president!!


Well-Known Member
804...u have your head up your ass..there are more than a few people in collections and the majority aren't because they were negligent but because they had emergency procedures that had to be done(not elective)...and when it comes to life and death...yes 804 LIFE and DEATH...these bills should all be covered because that's why we do this job...NOT because of the great working conditions(tongue in cheek)...but because of the benefits we are suppose to have...if we don't have the benefits whats the point...forget for one second who is the hand up your ass pulling your strings but think of an individual whose kid has been rushed to the hospital for surgery...your only concern should be for your child because u bust your ass 50 hrs a week and you know all your medical will be covered..and you speak of BA's helping all they do is feed u a bunch of garbage and walk away...trust me I know I've been there..so forget your blinded allegiance for one second and call a spade a spade..


Well-Known Member
Your entitled to your own opinion? Like everyone else here posting but to say Liam Is the man? Didn't he get fired for an ojs! Ya I know Donato did it! Okay! So that means everyone else who lost there job a BA did that too! So! With that theory, there's a lot of blood on boards members hands too! Due to arbitrations.

Liam got fired several times FOR PRODUCTION while Donato was his BA. A strong and agressive defense could have got Liam his job back. But Donato and management both hated and feared Liam. It must be a coincidence that they all celebrated when the arbitrator ruled against Liam. This was a huge PRODUCTION case and Donato decides to use a new lawyer WHO NEVER TRIED A CASE LIKE THIS BEFORE?? Great call Tony!! Donato didnt even testify during the arbitration!! Ah, but isnt it ironic that Tony is no longer around and Liam is part of the leadership of our local. "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice"!! (MLK)


Well-Known Member
Talking about Liam, we all know it was donato who took him to an arbitrator but at least he worked until the day of his arbitration! If it weren't for Liam's display of arrogance at the arbitration hearing, he would still have a job! UPS has been walking members out for noncardinal infractions for 3 1/2 years!

Now this Eboard is selling Liam like a messiah Lols, even to the point that a few BA's are floating the idea of Liam being put as president when Tim & Pete retire lmao!! That would make him an illegitimate president!!

Liam's mistake was putting his trust in a person like Tony Donato!!When it all settled in the end, Tony the great showman couldnt deliver. The great deal maker couldnt (OR IS IT WOULDNT) get Liam back. Now not just local 804, but the entire nation has this awful production precedent for every local to deal with. Thanks Tony. That arbitration IS YOUR LEGACY!!

Do you think before you post?? Liam was fired for a NONCARDINAL INFRACTIONand that was 5 yrs ago!!

When Tim retires one day, Liam would be a great president. He is intelligent, passionate and dedicated to this local.