Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Here's a little reality check: the National TA will pass because it always passes. It will be closer than Hoffa first thought due to the health plan fiasco. As for our local supplement, I think it will be a tight vote. Many part timers are pissed at the national TA (weak wage increase and huge change in health plans) so they will vote no on the supplement too!! Most Full timers will vote yes because of the pension increase and the language fixes. And I have news for you SKy is Falling crew:the lie about "part time drivers" isnt being bought by drivers. If the supplement is voted down it is largely because of part timers who voted no on an issue our local board had no control over. This is why education should come before anything. AN uneducated, pissed off group of members is nothing but an ignorant herd blind to the damage their clueless actions might have!!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Here's a little reality check: the National TA will pass because it always passes. It will be closer than Hoffa first thought due to the health plan fiasco. As for our local supplement, I think it will be a tight vote. Many part timers are pissed at the national TA (weak wage increase and huge change in health plans) so they will vote no on the supplement too!! Most Full timers will vote yes because of the pension increase and the language fixes. And I have news for you SKy is Falling crew:the lie about "part time drivers" isnt being bought by drivers. If the supplement is voted down it is largely because of part timers who voted no on an issue our local board had no control over. This is why education should come before anything. AN uneducated, pissed off group of members is nothing but an ignorant herd blind to the damage their clueless actions might have!!
Well you finally show your true colors and you and your boys as usual are putting the blame on someone else Hoffa
Local 89 did not have a problem standing up for his part timers where is Sylvester's balls, let him put there position on the 804 site.
"-" hole that herd you referred to are Local 804 Members and they are tired of being lied to, your boys made promises they couldn't deliver. Glad you put it in your post all the false promises were bull **** and now you want those members to be happy!
Turn in your 804 card and your TDU card you are a Fraud.


Well-Known Member
Fact, Hoffa and Hall negotiated the national TA. Fact, no one from our local was on the negotiating committee in
Washington. Fact, no one from our local endorsed Hoffa's TA.
As for the clueless herd, well if members vote due to ignorance and laziness, then they are just that...a clueless, mindless herd. The same group that bitches and moans about everything yet NEVER does a thing about anything. The same group that would vote against a supplement that delivers what WE ASKED FOR: pension increase, more full time jobs, better grievance procedure, better language on staff reduction, etc. The same group that believes the liars who ran against our board when they say that the pension increase isnt real!! Ok, so maybe when someone retires on jan 1st of 2014 and gets his $3900 /month the same group of liars will finally be disproved?? Listen just because we couldnt TRUST howie redmond and his crew doesnt mean our E/B cannot be trusted. If it is one thing they do well is tell us the truth. It is not always what we want to hear, but it is the truth.


Well-Known Member
Sell your story the best way you can! Members know your full of it! Part timers and full timers together knew this agreement was trash! Ya some selfish older people where wishing for a raise but that was it! Liam the messiah! I guess not! Only a hard working BA! Nothing more!! FYI nothing will be excepted in this local that has part timers doing drivers job Without same exact pay and benefit!!


Well-Known Member
Well you finally show your true colors and you and your boys as usual are putting the blame on someone else Hoffa
Local 89 did not have a problem standing up for his part timers where is Sylvester's balls, let him put there position on the 804 site.
"-" hole that herd you referred to are Local 804 Members and they are tired of being lied to, your boys made promises they couldn't deliver. Glad you put it in your post all the false promises were bull **** and now you want those members to be happy!
Turn in your 804 card and your TDU card you are a Fraud.

Another clueless post why don't you first learn about Local 89 , guess it was OK to screw there members the last 2 contracts because they us to kiss Hoffa's ass

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Well you finally show your true colors and you and your boys as usual are putting the blame on someone else Hoffa
Local 89 did not have a problem standing up for his part timers where is Sylvester's balls, let him put there position on the 804 site.
"-" hole that herd you referred to are Local 804 Members and they are tired of being lied to, your boys made promises they couldn't deliver. Glad you put it in your post all the false promises were bull **** and now you want those members to be happy!
Turn in your 804 card and your TDU card you are a Fraud.

Another clueless post why don't you first learn about Local 89 , guess it was OK to scr@w there members the last 2 contracts because they us to kiss Hoffa's @ss
The point was Local 89 publicly rejected the national agreement . And I guess the part timers in 804 should be jumping for joy that they are allowed to bust their ass as a temporary package car driver for $11.00 an hour less than their Union brothers and the great medical benefits.
The one that has no clue is you, when is the last time you spoke to a part timer? Do you remember the full time preload if so why would you start that with drivers!


Well-Known Member
Tim S and Jim R and the entire E/B approved the National agreement ! Hoffa and Hall were one step ahead of them by sending out that flier pointing out who agreed. Now they don't want you to know, they are just a bunch of lairs, they turn our local into a RAT SHIP.


Well-Known Member
The point was Local 89 publicly rejected the national agreement . And I guess the part timers in 804 should be jumping for joy that they are allowed to bust their ass as a temporary package car driver for $11.00 an hour less than their Union brothers and the great medical benefits.
The one that has no clue is you, when is the last time you spoke to a part timer? Do you remember the full time preload if so why would you start that with drivers!

Just remember who runs 89 and look who he was backing the last 2 contracts tells a lot. Thats all I'm saying. I've helped many part timers become full time, I even stood on the street with them for 2 weeks that strike wasn't for the full timers.

They can only cover a route that is on vacation so that number can never change. Maybe now drivers will stop going home every day. Funny how ups as been using part timers covering routes for over 5 years getting $15.98 and not making book , preload and local sort part timers , I heard 300-400 a day every day , but hey just keep listening to people I hope its turn down and then the pension increase is off the table doesn't matter to me its only fair that you should wait till 2025 for an increase sounds fair to me.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Just remember who runs 89 and look who he was backing the last 2 contracts tells a lot. Thats all I'm saying. I've helped many part timers become full time, I even stood on the street with them for 2 weeks that strike wasn't for the full timers.

They can only cover a route that is on vacation so that number can never change. Maybe now drivers will stop going home every day. Funny how ups as been using part timers covering routes for over 5 years getting $15.98 and not making book , preload and local sort part timers , I heard 300-400 a day every day , but hey just keep listening to people I hope its turn down and then the pension increase is off the table doesn't matter to me its only fair that you should wait till 2025 for an increase sounds fair to me.

We all were in the street in 1997. The issue is in Local 804 it is whether the full timers stand up against another sell out of the part timers and the beginning of a two tier pay for package drivers.
2013 would just be the beginning and look what they did with the $8.00 an hour part timer . You say you are retired so none of this effects you anyway. You say you are a union man then how do you start a package driver job, doing the exact same work for $11.00 an hour less than you union brother or sister. Just so the driver making $11.00 more gets a $400.00 pension increase per month when they retire?
Well consider this, UPS saves $440.00 per week plus H&W & pension contributions for every vacation driver they put on the road. Now tell me who is really benefiting the part timer?
Do the math and stop trying to make this look like a good deal remember the Fist Full of Dollars and this is recommended by Local 804 Executive Board. Shame on them!!!

Buy Union not Bull ****


Well-Known Member
It was sent out 2or 3 weeks ago by Hoffa/hall notifying every member how there union leaders voted.
Tim S and Jim R voted for this mess, they used the P/T members to push there lies. I wonder how that maroon feels you know the one at the nomination dressed like a football referee. IDIOT!


Well-Known Member
Took a little time to let the dust settle with all this contract sh.... And got a phone call from a buddy in Nassau who proceeded to tell me that our illustrious Vice President threatened a shop steward because the steward had exercised his 1st amendment right of freedom of speech. I'm sure their will be more to come on this. Stay tuned


Well-Known Member
I just got this text; www.local804contract.com is happy to inform you that Local804 supplemental has been VOTED DOWN! "Its time to move forward" We deserve a better contract for all!


Well-Known Member
The members have turned it down so now is the time talk about putting together a better supplement that the members will vote for.
Now is not the time for guy's to say I told u so, talk about putting together a better TA for the members.
Maybe now the members from that website will go to the hall and work together to get you guys a better supplement.
We will continue to see if they hide.


Well-Known Member
No you are absolutely right off routes. Time to team up and man up.

You can't get a medal hiding in a fox hole

Stay tuned 804 members. A better supplement is coming soon to a ballot near you


Well-Known Member
Hey 804 brown I am still here, send me all the PM you want we are going nowhere !!!!!!! Stop you crying this is the beginning of the end for our disgraced eboard. The best contract ever hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Liam the genus hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Hey 804 brown I am still here, send me all the PM you want we are going nowhere !!!!!!! Stop you crying this is the beginning of the end for our disgraced eboard. The best contract ever hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Liam the genus hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

I've heard Howie use that expression before.