Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
I've heard Howie use that expression before.

Get over Howie we need a contract that is good for ALL the members. And let them live up to making UPS respect 804 Members and making UPS pay with their record profits. No $11.00 pay cuts and support the part timers. It wasn't a good supplement for all members!


Well-Known Member
Get over Howie we need a contract that is good for ALL the members. And let them live up to making UPS respect 804 Members and making UPS pay with their record profits. No $11.00 pay cuts and support the part timers. It wasn't a good supplement for all members!
Actually, our supplement was good for all members. Drivers got a pension increase and more summer vacation. Clerks are now guaranteed 8 hrs if laid off. Our part timers get new opportunities to go full time including as a preload/helper and as a full time after serving 50 days as a VCD. All would have a more expedited grievance procedure, etc.
As for the "$11/hr pay cut"?? As of right now, they have NO opportunity to drive full time in the summer and earn FT credit. As of now management covers vacations new hires(at $16/hr and no benefits) or on car sups(for free). In other words, the status quo was NOT WORKING for us. You will say let them pay these VCDs $32/hr, right?? But why would ups pay someone $32/hr (plus benefits) when the status quo has them paying a lot less. So sorry young guys, that possibility of picking summer vacation NEXT year is out the door. That preloader who was also used as a helper a few times a week in Maspeth will now continue to be exploited by management for only $16/hr instead of the new FT job at $27/hr. Instead of being able to use your triple time election day on any day you might need it MORE(like a week before you go on vacation) , now it is JUST on that one day. etc.


Well-Known Member
Actually, our supplement was good for all members. Drivers got a pension increase and more summer vacation. Clerks are now guaranteed 8 hrs if laid off. Our part timers get new opportunities to go full time including as a preload/helper and as a full time after serving 50 days as a VCD. All would have a more expedited grievance procedure, etc.
As for the "$11/hr pay cut"?? As of right now, they have NO opportunity to drive full time in the summer and earn FT credit. As of now management covers vacations new hires(at $16/hr and no benefits) or on car sups(for free). In other words, the status quo was NOT WORKING for us. You will say let them pay these VCDs $32/hr, right?? But why would ups pay someone $32/hr (plus benefits) when the status quo has them paying a lot less. So sorry young guys, that possibility of picking summer vacation NEXT year is out the door. That preloader who was also used as a helper a few times a week in Maspeth will now continue to be exploited by management for only $16/hr instead of the new FT job at $27/hr. Instead of being able to use your triple time election day on any day you might need it MORE(like a week before you go on vacation) , now it is JUST on that one day. etc.

STOTP crying you sound like a baby GROW UP. The membership soundly voted this contract down, and your claim it was the part timers does not hold any water. NO ONE in my center liked this contract or likes this e board. BROWN THIS supplement like the national was filled with surface eye candy, BUT the membership of 804 is smart and looked beyond the surface and seen this supplement for what it really is GARBAGE. Your boys failed and failed big time. This was there first time NEGOTIATIING and they were blown out of the water. Once your leadership tries to sell you on a contract and claims it to be the best ever (START PACKING YOUR BAGS) your done. OH AND A REMINDER "I AM GOING NO WHERE"

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Good job boys and girls supplement down the toilet,maybe if we are lucky now we will get to keep exactly what we have now nothing more nothing less.Remember that awesome supplement our last board that we trusted so much tried to shove down our throats.We needed to vote that piece of garbage out and we did thankfully.So what did we get "Absolutely nothing" thats what we got,we got to keep exacly what we have.So be prepared for a repeat of your last supplement.We finally got a supplement that was going to give us something instead of nothing.RA RA RA !!!! Go for something better.The members spoke and the members wind up with nothing once again.


Well-Known Member
STOTP crying you sound like a baby GROW UP. The membership soundly voted this contract down, and your claim it was the part timers does not hold any water. NO ONE in my center liked this contract or likes this e board. BROWN THIS supplement like the national was filled with surface eye candy, BUT the membership of 804 is smart and looked beyond the surface and seen this supplement for what it really is GARBAGE. Your boys failed and failed big time. This was there first time NEGOTIATIING and they were blown out of the water. Once your leadership tries to sell you on a contract and claims it to be the best ever (START PACKING YOUR BAGS) your done. OH AND A REMINDER "I AM GOING NO WHERE"
Not crying, just illustrating the weak contracts we had in the past and a much improved one this time. You and other haters have wanted our local to fail JUST TO SEE THEM FAIL. you all had no concern for the membership. It was all about trying to embarrass this new board and not allow them to succeed. Like I said before, the election is over. It was time to put all that behind us yet to the haters, it never ended. This board was not allowed to succeed so the haters had to pull out all the stops and lie to the members about what was in it and who was responsible for the part time health care changes. They had to take advantage of the members distrust of Hoffa and try to attach our new board to Hoffa. Congratulations!! You succeeded in turning down a strong supplement. So you feel like you accomplished something?? Listen in 2007, we accomplished something: we turned down a concessionary supplement (Redmond/buhlert/donato's baby)that GAVE AWAY 25 AND OUT!! That was worth turning down.
LOL, no one in your center liked this contract or this board...YET THEY WON RE ELECTION NOT TOO LONG AGO BECAUSE THEY MEMBERSHIP TRUSTED THEM TO NEGOTIATE A STRONG SUPPLEMENT. And they did just that. You describe it as "garbage" and "eye candy"?? Name another local that increased their pension by $400 or got a guarantee of 100 new full time jobs. That's garbage??
As for the board "failing", the only thing they failed to do was rebut all the lies and misinformation put out by clowns like yourself. Clowns whose ONLY intention was to hurt the board. Our board put out a survey. We took the survey. They delivered on our demands. Then they turn it down?? Sounds like the membership is very confused (NO on which one??)or not sure what they want or are so cynical that they would listen to a small group of E/B haters and old guard members selling fiction. Our E/B failed to realize they actually had to SELL their supplement. I guess they assumed when you give the members what they actually want and demanded, it was a no brainer!! WRONG!! A few board members were at my building ONCE in the parking lot answering questions. ONCE!! There was no formal GET OUT THE VOTE campaign. A negative narrative developed early from rumors and that is when the contract went down. Im all for getting as much as we can get from UPS but to call our supplement ''GARBAGE" is ridiculous!!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
After hauling in almost $4.5 billion in profits last year, UPS management has reaped another windfall: contract givebacks. - See more at: Teamster Power Sidelined | Teamsters for a Democratic Union

The Local 804 Executive Board and Rank-and-File Bargaining Committee unanimously support a Yes Vote on the Local 804 Supplement.


They have to go they Failed the members. We need a new committee. They claim to be TDU but they are a Fraud !!!!
You too 804 brown


Well-Known Member
Not crying, just illustrating the weak contracts we had in the past and a much improved one this time. You and other haters have wanted our local to fail JUST TO SEE THEM FAIL. you all had no concern for the membership. It was all about trying to embarrass this new board and not allow them to succeed. Like I said before, the election is over. It was time to put all that behind us yet to the haters, it never ended. This board was not allowed to succeed so the haters had to pull out all the stops and lie to the members about what was in it and who was responsible for the part time health care changes. They had to take advantage of the members distrust of Hoffa and try to attach our new board to Hoffa. Congratulations!! You succeeded in turning down a strong supplement. So you feel like you accomplished something?? Listen in 2007, we accomplished something: we turned down a concessionary supplement (Redmond/buhlert/donato's baby)that GAVE AWAY 25 AND OUT!! That was worth turning down.
LOL, no one in your center liked this contract or this board...YET THEY WON RE ELECTION NOT TOO LONG AGO BECAUSE THEY MEMBERSHIP TRUSTED THEM TO NEGOTIATE A STRONG SUPPLEMENT. And they did just that. You describe it as "garbage" and "eye candy"?? Name another local that increased their pension by $400 or got a guarantee of 100 new full time jobs. That's garbage??
As for the board "failing", the only thing they failed to do was rebut all the lies and misinformation put out by clowns like yourself. Clowns whose ONLY intention was to hurt the board. Our board put out a survey. We took the survey. They delivered on our demands. Then they turn it down?? Sounds like the membership is very confused (NO on which one??)or not sure what they want or are so cynical that they would listen to a small group of E/B haters and old guard members selling fiction. Our E/B failed to realize they actually had to SELL their supplement. I guess they assumed when you give the members what they actually want and demanded, it was a no brainer!! WRONG!! A few board members were at my building ONCE in the parking lot answering questions. ONCE!! There was no formal GET OUT THE VOTE campaign. A negative narrative developed early from rumors and that is when the contract went down. Im all for getting as much as we can get from UPS but to call our supplement ''GARBAGE" is ridiculous!!

THEY WON RE-ELECTION because it was a three way race. The members have had it with that board and YOU. How many years do you have? I cant believe how ignorant you are endorsing that supplement. Part time drivers, call them what you want, UPS would have stuck them right up this *********. THEY ARE DONE !!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
As you look for reasons why it failed! First! Dry your eyes and realize your out of touch with your membership! ps! The blame game is so old! Find a new angle! Maybe try global climate change.


Active Member
This E/B has failed us, the member have spoken out......Now this E/B sends an email text, wanting to know how each member voted....instead of asking what can we do to come up with a better contract...They want to know why you voted yes or no.....what a joke!!!!!! AGAIN,,,,they blame the haters,(Howie, Tony, Bill) the old board....how they supposedly gave away 25 & out...which we still have.....But yet for $300 increase in the pension, this E/B was willing to give away the keys to the hall, as well as open the door for part-time America......wake up this is it......Tim and co..CAN NOT POINT ANY FINGERS....


Well-Known Member
After hauling in almost $4.5 billion in profits last year, UPS management has reaped another windfall: contract givebacks. - See more at: Teamster Power Sidelined | Teamsters for a Democratic Union

The Local 804 Executive Board and Rank-and-File Bargaining Committee unanimously support a Yes Vote on the Local 804 Supplement.


They have to go they Failed the members. We need a new committee. They claim to be TDU but they are a Fraud !!!!
You too 804 brown

Well well word on the street is the National will pass so now where is your leverage 804

Weather u like the supplement or not please point out a better one. Any one


Well-Known Member
After hauling in almost $4.5 billion in profits last year, UPS management has reaped another windfall: contract givebacks. - See more at: Teamster Power Sidelined | Teamsters for a Democratic Union

The Local 804 Executive Board and Rank-and-File Bargaining Committee unanimously support a Yes Vote on the Local 804 Supplement.


They have to go they Failed the members. We need a new committee. They claim to be TDU but they are a Fraud !!!!
You too 804 brown
not one active brain cell amongst them. What is Alex doing in that picture, I guess Tim let him out from under his desk for a photo . This is what you get when you vote without thinking it through. Mutans with no clue, and you voted twice to give them a pay raise, what the friend$&k. Who ever voted for these morons and still support them. I hope you get the whammy curse. With the national passing with the yes vote from Tim S and the entire E/B . Members are left up sh$ts creek without a paddle. Thank you E/B and their followers.
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Well-Known Member
they won re-election because it was a three way race. The members have had it with that board and you. How many years do you have? I cant believe how ignorant you are endorsing that supplement. Part time drivers, call them what you want, ups would have stuck them right up this *********. They are done !!!!!!!!!
and so are the members!

804 member

Well-Known Member
not one active brain cell amongst them. What is Alex doing in that picture, I guess Tim let him out from under his desk for a photo . This is what you get when you vote without thinking it through. Mutans with no clue, and you voted twice to give them a pay raise, what the friend$&k. Who ever voted for these morons and still support them. I hope you get the whammy curse. With the national passing with the yes vote from Tim S and the entire E/B . Members are left up sh$ts creek without a paddle. Thank you E/B and their followers.

Who voted for the pay increase for the EBoard? I heard a few yaaahhhhs but 10 times more Noooooooo's! Tim heard what he wanted to hear and the raise was given weather the masses allowed it or not!

804Brown - stop blaming the past... You and your guys had full reign on the NEW contract and still couldn't stop the give backs. take some respolsibility!


Well-Known Member
Well well word on the street is the National will pass so now where is your leverage 804

Weather u like the supplement or not please point out a better one. Any one

I hear you off routes. These haters and old guard members have no clue. Just say no is ALL THEY HAVE. We have a very cynical membership who are easily manipulated by rumors. They don't realize who is behind those rumors. Anyway, now things will get interesting. Board needs to regroup. They got outflanked by their political enemies (the ones who used to run this local...into the ground). I will say it again: they negotiated a strong supplement but allowed the other side (row a types, the E/B haters,etc)to set the NO narrative before their was any final agreement between the 2 sides. Instead of being ON THE OFFENSE with what they negotiated, they were BACK ON THEIR HEALS in a defensive mode with no real GET OUT THE VOTE campaign.


Well-Known Member
i hear you off routes. These haters and old guard members have no clue. Just say no is all they have. We have a very cynical membership who are easily manipulated by rumors. They don't realize who is behind those rumors. Anyway, now things will get interesting. Board needs to regroup. They got outflanked by their political enemies (the ones who used to run this local...into the ground). I will say it again: They negotiated a strong supplement but allowed the other side (row a types, the e/b haters,etc)to set the no narrative before their was any final agreement between the 2 sides. Instead of being on the offense with what they negotiated, they were back on their heals in a defensive mode with no real get out the vote campaign.

when was the last time you where drug tested, because you must be on crack!