Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

804 member

Well-Known Member
When will the EBoard live in today, not in the past????? Stop blaming everyone like a child and accept that they had full control and make the current TA and messed it up and that is why almost 2/3 of all members voted a big fat (TIM SIZED) NO!


Well-Known Member
Omg! This Eboard wants to put this local in harms way, what they are now trying to do is suicidal! We are gonna need all you guys help to fix this mess.
Stay tuned for more info.
its starting to get very old hearing how this EB & their dwindling ardent supporters seem to know whats best for us despite the majority of its membership dis-agreeing with them. I guess ur just going to have to keep insulting us by calling us stupid, naive, & just not capable of determining what ACTUALLY IS BEST FOR US !!! (like telling members to shut up & sit down, at GM meetings). if u have any chance at all of salvaging this supplement u might want to start acting a little more conciliatory towards ur MEMBERSHIP !!!, considering #1- u didn't win the election by a majority vote ( u won by default ) & #2- the majority of ur membership voted down your supplement, so maybe, just maybe, u should start LISTENING to ur membership & start implementing some fresh new ideas that do not include any VCD drivers (pretty clear to me this is a problem issue ). if drivers want more summer vacation opportunity make them come to work EVERY DAY instead of taking NO PAY R.D.O.'s during summer months, THAT would force MNGMNT to open more vacations slots !!!!! & maybe, just maybe 25 & out really ISN'T in the best interest of sustaining our pension fund ????????? or is it ???????? lots of questions need to be asked & answered in a more constructive way then demeaning the membership

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Big D you asked me to post this again.

Local 804 Makes UPS Deliver

This was on Make UPS deliver on May 24 2013
That’s what happened last time. The national contract passed with 65 percent of the vote. But it was rejected in numerous locals where TDUers and other reformers got active—including in New York Local 804 where members rejected their supplement by a three-to-one vote.(62% in 2013)
By voting no, Local 804 members saved 25-and-out pensions.(Two tiered package driver pay and other concessions. 2013) They kept organizing and took back their union in the next local election.(The reformers will stay active and take back their Local) And they just negotiated the best supplement in the country.(Rejected by 62% of the rank and file that voted in 2013)

There is no bad publicity for TDU backed locals they just keep spinning their stories.
You can't fool the Members all the time !!!!!


teamster 804

Well-Known Member
The members spoke,not happy with supplement.The members also spoke last election nobody is interested with a slate that had a member from the old board.Neither one of the two slates could win doesnt that say something,the members dont want anything to do with either one of you.Wanting current board to fail is not getting you nowhere and is getting the membership nowhere.Enough with the bull,the membership needs a good supplement for once whether its these guys or whoever i am tired of getting absolutely nothing from this company and this union.Enough with the bashing we need to get behind the board one way or another to get a good supplement passed.I am sure most of the posters on this site are senior men tell me you are not tired of this union going to the well every contract and getting us nothing,this company has been making record breaking profits our whole career all we get is to hold on to what we already have.Enough already, we deserve a good contract from this local we deserve a good contract out of this company that treats us like garbage 5 days a week.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed that current board base supporters dropped bye 200 people in past 6months!! On that current trend you might not have 250 supporters at next election if you don't start listening and bring us a brand new TA! Everything is off the table! Start new! Last warning or be ousted!! FYI! We will say NO again! Which you know would be the end for you :(


Well-Known Member
not what i voted for;1158296]After hauling in almost $4.5 billion in profits last year, UPS management has reaped another windfall: contract givebacks. - See more at: Teamster Power Sidelined | Teamsters for a Democratic Union

The Local 804 Executive Board and Rank-and-File Bargaining Committee unanimously support a Yes Vote on the Local 804 Supplement.


They have to go they Failed the members. We need a new committee. They claim to be TDU but they are a Fraud !!!!
You too 804 brown

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
You are 100% correct the members who earn the profits for UPS deserve a good contract. And make no mistake who said it was the biggest pension increase ever and that Local 804 delivered the best supplement in the country. Also how bad it was in the past and how great a job they were going to do.
You are forgetting that the majority of the members of Local 804 did not vote for this board and 62% did not accept their best supplement .

Now this board has to get behind the members. Their approach of give and take wound up just giving.


Well-Known Member
Teamsters have had enough! If UPS wants out of healthcare make some serious raise offers and add a catch up raise for part timers. That might get supplements to pass! Raises like $1.10, $1.10, $1.10, $1.20, $1.20 no split raisees, and add $1.00 "catch up raise for part timers"


Well-Known Member
not what i voted for;1158296]After hauling in almost $4.5 billion in profits last year, UPS management has reaped another windfall: contract givebacks. - See more at: Teamster Power Sidelined | Teamsters for a Democratic Union

The Local 804 Executive Board and Rank-and-File Bargaining Committee unanimously support a Yes Vote on the Local 804 Supplement.


They have to go they Failed the members. We need a new committee. They claim to be TDU but they are a Fraud !!!!
You too 804 brown

Well it's good to see what the executive board members look like since most of them clearly don't show up in person..

Off routes was it you that said this supplement would pass

Ahahahahaha I guess you were WRONG


Well-Known Member
Today I talked to a lot of drivers about why they voted NO on the supplement. Everyone said basically the same answer: "This is local 804. We always vote down the first offer." When I asked part timers why they voted the supplement down, they said "because of the health care changes...we are getting screwed...at least you guys got a pension increase...until we get some respect the rest of you will suffer". I understand his pain but in truth the national actually increased his pension by a few hundred dollars. He was just so pissed about the health care changes that he never noticed. Also he didn't care that the supplement allowed for 100 new ft jobs (he has been asking for years).
Im getting a feeling the NO vote was directed at the national contract. That most wanted to throw a wrench in the process and see what happens. Some drivers even spoke about making UPS sweat as it gets closer to August!! None of them even heard of that little vote NO website. 14 other locals vote down their supplements too. I guess they figured they couldn't stop the national from passing so lets vote our supplement down and see what happens!! I see the reasoning behind that. Just a shame because our supplement had some really good things in it. Lets see what happens!!


Well-Known Member
Teamsters have had enough! If UPS wants out of healthcare make some serious raise offers and add a catch up raise for part timers. That might get supplements to pass! Raises like $1.10, $1.10, $1.10, $1.20, $1.20 no split raisees, and add $1.00 "catch up raise for part timers"

Hey buddy, you do know that Hoffa negotiated your raises, NOT TIM, NOT OUR EXECUTIVE BOARD. I agree with you THATS WHY I VOTED DOWN THE NATIONAL TOO!!


Well-Known Member
You are 100% correct the members who earn the profits for UPS deserve a good contract. And make no mistake who said it was the biggest pension increase ever and that Local 804 delivered the best supplement in the country. Also how bad it was in the past and how great a job they were going to do.
You are forgetting that the majority of the members of Local 804 did not vote for this board and 62% did not accept their best supplement .

Now this board has to get behind the members. Their approach of give and take wound up just giving.

Again, you are making this a political thing. The members are not blaming our board. They blame UPS. They blame Hoffa. They actually like most of what's in the supplement. After intense explaining, most understand the changes. They end up saying "anyway this is ups's first offer!! friend them!!" They sort of don't understand how negotiations work . UPS' first offer was back in September of last year. Ok back to the table.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Again, you are making this a political thing. The members are not blaming our board. They blame UPS. They blame Hoffa. They actually like most of what's in the supplement. After intense explaining, most understand the changes. They end up saying "anyway this is ups's first offer!! friend them!!" They sort of don't understand how negotiations work . UPS' first offer was back in September of last year. Ok back to the table.

I didn't make it political read the all the propaganda and remarks that were made about the past and how bright the future would be . I and other members will never agree to an $11.00 pay cut for package car work, I and probably you had to wait for our turn at a summer vacation I am not selling out a part timer so he makes less money.
That is something Hoffa is not giving UPS 804 would be , if we agree to it .


Well-Known Member
For the next supplement to pass or to have a chance of passing...the Vacation Drivers needs to be done and dusted...I understand the Election Day issue...personally would still like to have it due to the fact it could be a (FU Ups day)...though a $900 day is hard to pass up regardless...A pension increase that will 100% go up regardless of fund status (not sure how that is achieved when fund is still in red zone)..but to me the most important is Vacation drivers have to be taken off the table...


Well-Known Member
I didn't make it political read the all the propaganda and remarks that were made about the past and how bright the future would be . I and other members will never agree to an $11.00 pay cut for package car work, I and probably you had to wait for our turn at a summer vacation I am not selling out a part timer so he makes less money.
That is something Hoffa is not giving UPS 804 would be , if we agree to it .

Once again, I will explain this. Currently, CURRENTLY, what do you call a preloader who goes driving when called up from the list?? Well, I would call him a part timer. Wouldn't you?? He is still getting his old benefits,etc (and not making $32/hr but $16 which is less than the tentative $21) until he possibly makes full time book. So tell me what the hell is the difference in having a pre loader work 8 hours as a full time driver to cover for summer vacations??
The only rational answer I heard for why some people don't like the VCD idea is that some of these VCDS will become FT drivers WITH MORE SENIORITY THAN SOME OF THE DRIVERS IN THAT CENTER!! Well at least that is a legitimate fear yet it is a problem that occurs a lot when preloaders go driving and make book UNDER THE CURRENT CONTRACT!! It is truly amazing!!