Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, you do know that Hoffa negotiated your raises, NOT TIM, NOT OUR EXECUTIVE BOARD. I agree with you THATS WHY I VOTED DOWN THE NATIONAL TOO!!

Oh is that right Kenny R that is not what you said about Howie. you went around like a snake telling drivers in your news letter that Howie gave us the raise.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Once again, I will explain this. Currently, CURRENTLY, what do you call a preloader who goes driving when called up from the list?? Well, I would call him a part timer. Wouldn't you?? He is still getting his old benefits,etc (and not making $32/hr but $16 which is less than the tentative $21) until he possibly makes full time book. So tell me what the hell is the difference in having a pre loader work 8 hours as a full time driver to cover for summer vacations??
The only rational answer I heard for why some people don't like the VCD idea is that some of these VCDS will become FT drivers WITH MORE SENIORITY THAN SOME OF THE DRIVERS IN THAT CENTER!! Well at least that is a legitimate fear yet it is a problem that occurs a lot when preloaders go driving and make book UNDER THE CURRENT CONTRACT!! It is truly amazing!!

I would call that the way we all started and given the chance to become a package driver. And in the contract they dont hire or let a part timer go driving for every driver that goes on vacation in the summer. The other thing is called progression the person that becomes a driver will reach top pay. And let me ask you a question since you know so much, how much will that vacation driver be making in 2017 ?????? Just keep spinning it is what you do best.


Well-Known Member
Can someone please enlighten me on my post from last week where I asked why the Vice President of our local threatened a shop steward from the Nassau facility.


Active Member
Time to neg a good supplement but there is no one on this e board who can. Now the truth comes out about how good they are. They are just there for the pay check. And screw everyone else.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
This board did negotiate a good supplement if all the members that are following the lead to nowhere, by the leaders of the past we wind up with nothing as usual.This is a good supplement you have people jumping up and down on here like its a victory that our board is failing,guess what the board fails we all fail.Hopefully we go back and do better with supplement if you have questions about what OUR local is negotiating dont listen to people who have an agenda to help themselves not the members.CALL YOUR LOCAL !! ITS NOT THE ROW A LOCAL, THE ROW B LOCAL , THE ROW C LOCAL OR WHATEVER LETTER YOU WANT TO PUT ON IT ITS OUR LOCAL OUR MEMBERSHIP IT IS OUR CONTRACT LOCAL 804 718-786-5700 GET INFORMED NOT MISLEAD!!


Well-Known Member
Stop assuming! Everybody here wants a good contract! The kind that was promised! The kind that would remind us of Ron Carey! So do not blame the members ever again! Blame the board and the negotiating committee for bringing bs to us! Almost seems like TS wanted us to vote no! So he can get a strike vote. Now that's politics.


Well-Known Member
Tim and co. Had the opportunity to stop the national master agreement by protesting the national that it would cut members health benefits! That can be done under IBT constitution rules. But Tim and co. Choose to play along with mr. Hoffa they even voted yes to approve the master agreement.
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Well-Known Member
Tim and co. Had the opportunity to stop the national master agreement by protesting the national that it would cut members health benefits! That can be done under IBT constructionitution rules. But Tim and co. Choose to play along with mr. Hoffa they even voted yes to approve the master agreement.

You really believe what you type? So then any Local could have stopped it? Why didn't 89? Ever Local was at that 2 man meeting you really believe everyone voted yes? It was not a vote by local, Hoffa forced it in do you think 89 voted yes? They were there. All you are doing is turning this political it's so easy to see getting ready for 2 years from now. Help the members they need everyone's help. Worry about your own political gains later.
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Well-Known Member
Nope wrong again my name isn't Tim! I'm just a concern member looking for honesty from this Eboard. I'm the one who told you all, that Tim and co. Had a signed agreement back may 1 and you were defending him! It took two weeks for Tim to release the tentative agreement to the membership that was 3 days before the general membership meeting. He was trying to blindside the membership we had to force him to release the tentative agreement before the general membership meeting.
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Well-Known Member
Can someone please explain why the local wants names, email addresses and how you voted. Seriously!!! Why are we all gonna be added to "the list".... What's "the list" you ask. Just ask out trusty VP. Pete will tell you what it is just ask him. Come on Pete you know, like when you threatened a Nassau steward a few weeks ago


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight. L804 members rejected this supplement so they can have less summer vacations than what the rest of the country now enjoys? VCD's are some type of problem how???


Well-Known Member
Didn't you guys just win the election? You babies are crying about 2 years from now! Shut up! Win a good contract! And your a show in for next election! That's all you have to do? That will silence the critics! Make us be quiet bye your body of work! Til then! We are gonna wave the flag on every bad move you do! Remember! That what you taught us! Bye doing that to past boards !


Well-Known Member
Heard the steward exercised his 1st amendment right, freedom of speech in regards to the contract and pistol Pete didn't like that. Maybe 804brown can enlighten us further on this


Well-Known Member
Tim and co. Had the opportunity to stop the national master agreement by protesting the national that it would cut members health benefits! That can be done under IBT constitution rules. But Tim and co. Choose to play along with mr. Hoffa they even voted yes to approve the master agreement.

Why do you continue to repeat the same old lie. All the leaders were allowed to look at the TA and then 30 minutes later a "vote" was taken. Sort of like voting in Stalin's days. "ALL for??" then "All against??" The leaders either put their hands up OR THEY SAT ON THEIR HANDS AND DIDNT "VOTE". Do you really think any REAL leader of a local would get a huge amount of information concerning their members future and in a split second "vote" on it?? Im sure the real leaders ABSTAINED (did not put a hand up for either), jumped on the next flight home and went over the TA with the rest of its E/B with a fine tooth comb.
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Well-Known Member
Nope wrong again my name isn't Tim! I'm just a concern member looking for honesty from this Eboard. I'm the one who told you all, that Tim and co. Had a signed agreement back may 1 and you were defending him! It took two weeks for Tim to release the tentative agreement to the membership that was 3 days before the general membership meeting. He was trying to blindside the membership we had to force him to release the tentative agreement before the general membership meeting.
The lies continue. Negotiations were actually finished on the day before the sunday union meeting. That is a fact. As for anyone "blindsided", please. They went over every change to our contract...line by line. ANd no one "forced" anyone to release the TA.


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight. L804 members rejected this supplement so they can have less summer vacations than what the rest of the country now enjoys? VCD's are some type of problem how???
Yes, but my favorite quote by another driver to me was: "We voted against the supplement BECAUSE WE ALWAYS REJECT THE FIRST OFFER!!" Granted, this driver was happy about the increased pension and the possibility of him getting summer vacation now, yet his main rational was because we have voted down WEAK AND CONCESSIONARY supplements in the past!! It makes one want to hit one's own head against the wall!!


Well-Known Member
Didn't you guys just win the election? You babies are crying about 2 years from now! Shut up! Win a good contract! And your a show in for next election! That's all you have to do? That will silence the critics! Make us be quiet bye your body of work! Til then! We are gonna wave the flag on every bad move you do! Remember! That what you taught us! Bye doing that to past boards !

I agree we ALL must hold our leaders feet to the fire. Absolutely!! ANd when they do screw up or don't show up or what have you, it must be highlighted and addressed. However, our board, sent out a survey. We filled out that survey. They addressed our demands and acted on them. they even had some of us, the rank and file, on the committee for advice and oversight. yet this process was undermined by the old guard who used to run our local who began a NO campaign filled with lies and half truths. A campaign whose motto was: Facts don't Matter!!


Well-Known Member
Heard the steward exercised his 1st amendment right, freedom of speech in regards to the contract and pistol Pete didn't like that. Maybe 804brown can enlighten us further on this
Don't know any details except pete yelled at a steward?? Some stewards do need to be yelled at. Some are company kiss asses who never show up to a stewards meeting. Some don't have a clue.
So pete yelled at a steward?? Yawn!!