Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Heard the steward exercised his 1st amendment right, freedom of speech in regards to the contract and pistol Pete didn't like that. Maybe 804brown can enlighten us further on this
Don't know any details except pete yelled at a steward?? Some stewards do need to be yelled at. Some are company kiss asses who never show up to a stewards meeting. Some don't have a clue.
So pete yelled at a steward?? Yawn!!

Thanks for the clarification .... I knew you would have the info...

And you say some stewards don't have a clue!! Well I could agree because when they follow the leadership of our executive board what do you expect

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Don't know any details except pete yelled at a steward?? Some stewards do need to be yelled at. Some are company kiss asses who never show up to a stewards meeting. Some don't have a clue.
So pete yelled at a steward?? Yawn!!

Now it is the stewards fault and he probably deserved to be yelled at. You have no idea what happened but you the e-board kiss ass are on here spinning your crap. Maybe the steward told Pete to his face what 62% of the members were thinking and should be commended for being a MAN. But you and your boys can't deal with the truth you just want go along get along stewards and members no bad publicity for TDU.


Well-Known Member
Heard the steward exercised his 1st amendment right, freedom of speech in regards to the contract and pistol Pete didn't like that. Maybe 804brown can enlighten us further on this
Don't know any details except pete yelled at a steward?? Some stewards do need to be yelled at. Some are company kiss asses who never show up to a stewards meeting. Some don't have a clue.
So pete yelled at a steward?? Yawn!!

804brown just curious on your post:

I said we heard the steward got threatened, you said you have no details except Pete yelled at a steward

Well threatening and yelling are not even close, so since you have NO details which one is it?

And as far as certain stewards not going to meetings which I'm not sure if its the case for this specific steward, what is the difference when you have business agents not going to the buildings they are assigned for days, weeks or months etc.

And you wonder why people don't have a clue.... It's because they leaned it from watching you!!!!!

Mr President oh Mr President.... Tim.... Put the Cookie down and start taking control of the union on which you were elected to do so. And that starts with you policing your e board members.

1. Tim you need to get a suit, not the members only sport jackets you wear
2. Liam needs a haircut. I mean seriously he looks like a unmade bed, and this is the all might saving grace of this local. God give us strength
3. Can someone get Mark Holmes a 5 hour energy shot. It's embarrassing how much he sleeps

Remember right out of Chris W mouth "if your not part of the solution, your part of the problem".... So open your eyes and you get a clue

News flash since you don't have a clue THE SUPPLEMENT SUCKED that's why it got voted down!!!!

Oh and that's right it's not Howie and co's fault as you continuously try to divert the attention off yourselves.

So please use another line already you used car salesman (yawn)
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Well-Known Member
Big D you asked me to post this again.

Local 804 Makes UPS Deliver

This was on Make UPS deliver on May 24 2013
That’s what happened last time. The national contract passed with 65 percent of the vote. But it was rejected in numerous locals where TDUers and other reformers got active—including in New York Local 804 where members rejected their supplement by a three-to-one vote.(62% in 2013)
By voting no, Local 804 members saved 25-and-out pensions.(Two tiered package driver pay and other concessions. 2013) They kept organizing and took back their union in the next local election.(The reformers will stay active and take back their Local) And they just negotiated the best supplement in the country.(Rejected by 62% of the rank and file that voted in 2013)

There is no bad publicity for TDU backed locals they just keep spinning their stories.
You can't fool the Members all the time !!!!!

Yes they can, they fool you all the time!


Well-Known Member
What I don't like about this contract. Opening the door for part time drivers, two tier pay. Two free periods, $0.15 cents of our raise going to UPS. No guarantee on pension raise. Losing Election Day, this E/B not protecting P/T medical by voting with Hoffa-Hall. Not fixing retired members medical, they pay the highest medical in local 804 history. Not fixing active members medical, members have the worst medical and pay the most out of pocket co-pay in local 804 history. We also have the highest number of members walked off the job and fired in local 804 history and they wanted to firer us faster with their new grievance procedure.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Who is yelling at who,what Tim wears to work, Liam needs a haircut.At the end of the day who gives a**** !! Any member who has any common sense wants and deserves a good supplement from whoever is going to get it for us.Time to grow up and cut the bull* flash this is one of the best supplements we have ever seen.Myself and alot of other people that did not support this slate are smart enough to realize that they are doing the right thing and have brought us a good supplement.All the name calling, insults and negativity toward OUR LOCAL are just baby games,time to man up and get what we deserve.You trusted the previous slate for years and what did they do for us.Its time to trust this slate and move on.


Well-Known Member
Nope wrong again my name isn't Tim! I'm just a concern member looking for honesty from this Eboard. I'm the one who told you all, that Tim and co. Had a signed agreement back may 1 and you were defending him! It took two weeks for Tim to release the tentative agreement to the membership that was 3 days before the general membership meeting. He was trying to blindside the membership we had to force him to release the tentative agreement before the general membership meeting.

See even now you don't know what's going on. Tim didn't release the TA because the company would not sign off for the pension increase for 25 @ 55, 30 & 25 where signed off. The company was playing games he made sure members that hit 25,26,27,28,29 and we're 55 yrs old got the increase. They was no blindside just negotiation. The 2 week delay didn't help Tim it hurt him. 2 less weeks to explain the supplement. You guys forget when everyone took the contract surveys it's top 4 things we're pension, 8 hour clerk car wash guaranteed, arbitration, full time jobs. So what did they get 400 dollar pension increase, clerks, car wash jobs guaranteed 8 hours, new arbitration, guaranteed 200 new full time jobs... Wow that greats can't believe it..... And the membership turns it down unbelievable,, you guys have people out there from the old board that will lie and cheat to get back in the hall. 804 members need to wake up......


Well-Known Member
local 282 guys said they hated him and gave a list of reasons! 282 Told Ron Carey to remove him? RC did immediately as per the members of 282! Pete don't change!


Well-Known Member
Stop with the ABC garbage! The current executive board Started this! The boards feelings are hurt And egos are shattered. The executive board has done nothing but act Like conservative republicans and make the members spend more at doctors office and in collections! Let's be real? An overwhelming portion of the present board has not held a stewards position for many years if not ever! So how do you expect them to go an negotiate for us when there not us to negotiating for there perspective union members! They have no experience!! None! You where never close enough to Ron Carey to learn anything from The greatest labor leader of all time. They need help but the way you lied to get the union hall! You can't ask for help! You can't even tell members you need help! Even though that would save us! No matter! Truth will come out sooner or later.

teamster 804

Well-Known Member
Just like the truth came out about our last board that we trusted so much.Medical in better shape than it ever was PERIOD ! If changes were made by the board that we all trusted for so many years and had so much experience per say maybe such drastic changes would not have had to be made to the MEMBERS medical.The last board post Ron Carey never increased our pension these guys are putting out a tremendous pension increase, pretty good for as you quote a bunch of guys who have no experience and a majority of them were not even stewards.Move on this is the current leadership like them or not,the members wanted change they are getting it.Experience is learned then earned current board moving right along and its only there second term!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Attitude reflects Leadership..today's society does not condone behavior of this nature for leaders in the USA. People in high profile positions from congress, IRS to coaches have been fired or resigned for such behavior from the people who pay there salaries! Why are we not outraged? Because it wasn't you? It could have been! Any injustice is wrong no matter where it happens!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mr Sylvester remember this words, "is all about the members" instead you and your group are asking the membership to explain their vote. So you can't tell them to shut up! Or bully them and harass them?
The membership voted against you vision for this local by 2 to 1.
On that survey no one asked for VCDs, an hour flex start time Or giving up Election Day for what it is etc..
The members gave you a big NO.
Mr Tim S you are not listening! It's time for a due over! We don't want your agreement!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Just like the truth came out about our last board that we trusted so much.Medical in better shape than it ever was PERIOD ! If changes were made by the board that we all trusted for so many years and had so much experience per say maybe such drastic changes would not have had to be made to the MEMBERS medical.The last board post Ron Carey never increased our pension these guys are putting out a tremendous pension increase, pretty good for as you quote a bunch of guys who have no experience and a majority of them were not even stewards.Move on this is the current leadership like them or not,the members wanted change they are getting it.Experience is learned then earned current board moving right along and its only there second term!!!!!!!!

First how many members were in collections or having their medical bills not paid? They used the money for what it was intended give the best medical coverage possible, the fund was not broke and who knows what would have happened if they stayed in office.
UPS took their pants down with VCD pay, $.15 stays in UPS pocket, flex start times , extended free period and summer free period. What ever this supplement cost UPS they made that back with the concessions this board gave them. It was a sweetheart DEAL!!


Well-Known Member
First how many members were in collections or having their medical bills not paid? They used the money for what it was intended give the best medical coverage possible, the fund was not broke and who knows what would have happened if they stayed in office.
UPS took their pants down with VCD pay, $.15 stays in UPS pocket, flex start times , extended free period and summer free period. What ever this supplement cost UPS they made that back with the concessions this board gave them. It was a sweetheart DEAL!!

Yea but that money didn't last it went from 33 million down to 7 in ten years Howard and company destroyed our medical and put us all in harms way.
Took there pants down with VCD are u crazy? THEY CAN ONLY COVER VACATIONS. How is that losing jobs it can't stop with your BS, it doesn't affect the drivers at all, someone needs to be on vacation for a VCD to work. You cry about peak going to Jan 15 for the last 5 years Christmas helpers have been used for 2 weeks after peak.
And you don't even know what your talking about when it comes to the 15 cents, you guys were losing 1.75 Tim had to make sure that many stayed because the medical if do so well it was a no brainer to give up the 15 as long as we got the pension increase and stop the 10 % for the retiree plus the hall now would have had control of the retiree medical and could make improvements as long as the reserve stayed over 5 months plus if it did drop down then the 15 cents would come back, this was a great supplement for you guys hands down. Getting ups to agree to the pension increase is worth everything. Your pension won't go up until 2025. The fact is Tim is our president he felt this was a good supplement and the members should have backed him. But you guys are lost. You want to talk about the company saving money how about adding up what ups has saved from new hire not getting coffee or now 40 in 70 to make book that ten times worse then any thing in this supplement. This was a great supplement , still waiting for any of you clown to point out a better one....


Well-Known Member
First how many members were in collections or having their medical bills not paid? They used the money for what it was intended give the best medical coverage possible, the fund was not broke and who knows what would have happened if they stayed in office.
UPS took their pants down with VCD pay, $.15 stays in UPS pocket, flex start times , extended free period and summer free period. What ever this supplement cost UPS they made that back with the concessions this board gave them. It was a sweetheart DEAL!!

You said the fund wasn't broke? 33 million down to 7, and they filled for arbitration, Howard was told by his own lawyers the fund will be broke unless you make changes and that bastard keep it a secret until after the election then told Tim his first day in, Howards plan was the same co-pay increase plus loss 25 and out. So stop with the bs know what your talking about before you post here.....


Well-Known Member
Mr Sylvester remember this words "is all about the member" instead you and your group are asking the membership to explain their vote. So you can't tell them to shut up! Or bully them and harass them?
The membership voted against you vision for this local by 2 to 1.
On that survey no one asked for VCDs, an hour flex start time, Or giving up Election Day for what it is etc..
The members gave you a big NO.


Well-Known Member
Can you believe the Vice President of local 804 got so upset that he threatened the shopsteward with harm!!! Where does it say in the bylaws that a executive board member can tell another member that! Quote!


teamster 804

Well-Known Member
If being selfish means I get a 300 to 400 dollar pension increase for myself and the rest of my union brothers who also deserve this bump.So be it .I am now selfish 804 definitely not foolish 804.If you want to bad mouth the local vote no on this supplement ,that's your rite bro.But as far as I am concerned I will convince as many people with any common sense that this supplement is the answer.Whether you are here 2yrs or 30 years if your pension is not straight you are not getting out of this dump.